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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1919)
Dt Moore's Non-Leakable iirYouRDRuGsToRE Mill 1 Fountain I Pens 111 t i III nil i mil 1 O'KANi: HU1LDINO dH Our Vtttalon Drftnirnt it Compltle D In llveiy DtUil. j YOUR DRUGSTORE I'tn'i-'i iiknd miliums, nnm, ormoon, tiiurb6ay, fkhuuaiiy i, ieio ii -mammm i iii po . Mri, Lloyd Itobortn, Mrs. Dobson, Mr, and MrH. Irvltuc Smith, MIhh (lliulyii Hmlth iimri'lilllp Dobiioii. u now nmtortinunt jutl rouulv(I. 1'iIcon $2.50 to $5.00 Just Remember Magill & Erskine i ,, , (From Monday's Daily,) ' It, L. Noul ami J, CI. IlollH of Fort Hock aru In Dm city, Lolnud CiiKuy of Prlnovlllo npont Uio'wook-ond In Ilund, Mrn, Myrtlo Fry of Hodmond In visiting In Doiid today, 'MrH, M, II, JJorton wan a Week-end yjsjtor In Hodmond. J. 0, Wllfion of Hlntom In spending tlio tiny lu Dond looking uftur busl uoflfl mnltorn, Tlioru -will bo n meeting of the Library club tomorrow ufturnoou nt 3 o'clock ut tlio lllirury. Mr. nnd Mra, C, 8. Hudson re turned to JJoml from u trip to I'ort land thin morning. Corporal Chorion Kotzmun re colvod hln dlschargo from Camp LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wednesday's Daily.) V. Schroder of Itolynt In visiting In Iloud, 1 i. Mr.' iiml Mm. If, 1C. Jlrookn enmo In from I'ortlaud thin morning. J, L. Dlnck of Hampton In trunn acting bunluiNHt lu tlio city today. A f tttl'Mtl In I ItllMltlfLttti lfltl" In th n city today from hln homo lu I'nlnluy. I Mm. Alum (loudy and Mrn, P. M Clirliuiiuit of Hllvor Lnko nro spend ing tlio day lu Ilund. Mm. W. C. Illrdsull linn returned to Iloud uftur n vlnll of sovoral weeks In I'ortlaud. . Millard Triplet!, who linn boon visiting hero for tlio punt week, leaven tonight on hln return to hln homo In Springfield. Mm. J. A. Hodges, Mrn. Ocorgo Hodman nnd Loin Hodmnu of Cul- vii r arrived In Ifend hint night mid . iiiiIii.IhIhu mJAi. IaiImu " HIU UIHUIIIIHft UTil IUUU;, Word wan received horo today of Tlio mnrrlugo of J. L. Heiidornou of Ilend to Minn Violet Whllton of Col tit, WitnhliiKton, lu rortlnnd, Mr, nnd Mrn. Hendernoii Intend to muku their homo In Portland. (From Tucndny'n Dally.) Peggy A. Hogan of Metollun In visiting frlendn in liend. L. M. llochtel was' In the city today from hln homo in I'rluevllle, - II. L. Cutumlngs of Culver In spending tlio day In llend. (1 rover (I. (Jerking of Tumalo vlnlted In Ilend hint nltjlit. ' F. II. Axtoll In lu from Fall Itlver today. Jured Mooro wan lu tlio city lanl night to uttond tlio Irvfn 8. CoLb lecture. Mrn, Hoflcoo "Howard wan In town lanl ovenlnx from Denctiuten to at tend the Cobb lecture. Percy niackntono arrived In Iloud last night from Hold nnd In roniulu Iiik over todny, Among tlionu from Prlnovlllo at tending tlio Cobb lecturo hint night woro Dr. nnd Mrn. J. 11. Rosenborg uud sou Winter, Arthur Michel, Lieut, Hoi Powoll, Vcrno Hnrplinm, Harry Stearns. The following woro horo lanl night from Hodmond to uttond tho Irvln Cobb lecturo: Mr, nnd Mrn, Shlnglor, Mrn. Win, Wolln, Mr. nnd Fort Snle by Owl PlmnnHcy Our Stock is Going With a Rush, but there are yet Hundreds of Bargains left You Can SAVE MONEY with us Our Prices are Lower than any where ill town and we are sell ing at a price that will aston ish you. Yon cannot af ford to stay away and pay two or three times as much for wearing ap parel, when you can buy here at one-half to one forth the price you pay elsewhere. OUU LINE OP SHOES is practically untouched although we huve sold ninny pairs since we opened. Men's,- $5.00 and down Boys' - $3.50 Ladies' -$5.00 Z' Misses'-$5.00 r' Child's - $3.00 ,g Pollock's Dry Goods & Clothing Sather's Old Stand J Monde, Md,, and' linn returned td llend, f Mr. nnd Mrn, Ji'soiom' Frnalor Jiavo returned to tholr homo after npend IiiK Hovornl wookn vIhIHdk In Ilay mond, WtiRliIngtoli, A, A. Ollmoro of Ilond linn traded hln 80-ncro Irrigated ranch near Do nchuton for orano land In Texan, Ho will remain In the Jitney IjuhIiicbh lu Dond until noxt fall, when ho will Join hln imrontn, who nro IIvIiik near hln now property. In In (Krom finturdny'n Dally.' N. V. McCoyn of Prlnovlllo In tho city today on bunlnenn. Con Ilronn, Alfalfa nhoepman; In tho city today on bunlucnn. Harry Manlon hn accepted a pool Hon nt tho iMunnholmor ntoro, ' Mrn, Uohcoo Howard nnd chlldrpn nro In .Ilund today from Donchuton. M. 11. Hortou returned to IloUd lnnt night from n nhort bunlncnn trip to Portland. Mrn, Ida MoWllllamn nnd dnugli tor of Mndran npont lnnt nlKht In' Dond, Frank "Hufner nnd A. E. Terry of Alfalfa nro npcndlng tho day In Iloud on business. H. H. fltearnn and C. D. Stcarnn of Prlnovlllo were vlnltorn In Dond Inst night. A. C Powell linn contracted to build n flvo-'room . modern brick bungalow In Hlvor Torraco for H. P. Mlutor. Mrn. Stella Hunklnn arrived from Soattlo thin mornliiR to vlnlt her motficr, Mrn. Youckum, nnd her nln ter, Mrn. W. C. McCulntou. Mm. Fred Hlco and her non Fred erick and .Mr. and Mrn. Jnred Moore of Hcdmond woreln Ilend lant nlcht to attend tho library club bcnofll.' H. Cato, formerly In tho tailoring bunlncnn in Dond, returned to tho city thlnymornlnif, having received hln dlnchurKo from tho urmy. T. II. Foloy returned thin morn Ini; from Portland and flnloni, whero ho linn bcDii working In tho Intorcnl of good rondn In Central Oregon. T rrr PAOK GRAZING DATA IS COMPLETED ALLOW MORE CATTLE ON FOREST. 8U0U Cat (lo and Horncx nnd il.KOO Hhccp nnd RonfN I'rnnlttel on J)crIiutcM lUiiifco During OunliiK Kenton, (From Friday's Dally.) J. Alton Thompson and II. H. Do Armoud returned to Ilend InHt night. from a jjunlnenn trip to'ltcdmond. A. I). Lew In wnn In tho city rom hln rnnch on tho upper Dcnchuton yenterdny, negotiating for tho pur chano of a now car. Miller Trlplett, formerly of Dcud, In npondlng a few dayn hero from hln homo at Springfield, Oregon. He Intlmaten that ho may locate hero again In tho near futuro. , D. F. Chano, formprly of Cllne Fnlln, who linn boon npcndlng tho lnnt fow dayn In Dond, returned thin morning to his Walla Walla fruit and truck fnrm. Mr. and Mrn. A. F. Lnrnon nro npcndlng n fow dayn In Portland. J. O, Huffman of I.n Pine In npend Dig tho day In llond. Mary F, Dear, of Alfalfa was In Dond yenterdny nfternoou looking after bunlncnn mnttora. C, I), nnd J. W. Rooder nro lu Dend today from their homo In Sil ver Lnko. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hegorman of Powoll Dutto nro visitors In tho city today, Mr. and Mrn, Jarod Mooro of Red mond woro In Dond last night to nt tond the Shrlno social. (From Wednesday's Dally,) Livestock limitations for grazing portnlts which can bo Insucd on tho Denchntcs national forest for the coming seanon nro sot In a communi cation received this morning by Sup ervisor N. O, Jacobson, from District Forester Cecil of Portland, In which tho number of cattlo nnd horses which can bo allowed on tho forest In. set at 8,200, and tho number of sheep and goats at 2C.300. Tfieso esti mates liavo the approval of tho de partment of agriculture, Thu now figures show an increase In cattlo and horses nnd a decrcaso for sheep and goats, compared with tho number allowed on tho forest during tho past season, when 7G00 cattlo and horses nnd 30, COO sheep and goats was tho limit. Thin, however, represents an In crcwio In the carrying capacity of tho range, forest officials state, as ono horse or steer, It Is' estimated, rorjulres tho same amount of rango as eight sheep. Co-operation be tween rango users and tho forest ad ministration In held to bo largely rrnponslDlo for this, (Jio work of tho stockmen's associations being es pecially helpful In thin respect. Grazing rates during tho coming season will rango from $1.20 to 48 cents for cattlo and from $1.50 to CO rents for horses, according to tho length of thu grazing period, -with 30 cents as tho rate for sheep. TTT 'XmmJLJLiS Four chairs at your somco at the Metropolitan, fro waiting. Adv. I This is the Season for Ithose that Sew at Home In Our Notion De partment you will find much that is helpful in the way of Stickerie Rraid, Bias Tape-white and colors Sewing Wax, Tailor's Chalk, Skirt Mark ers, Scissors, Threads, Uutton Hole Twist colored mercerized, Linen, Cotton, Silk and Emhroidery, Needles-machine, sewing and . darning, IJohbins and Shuttles for all makes of machines, Button Hole Tape, Snap'Tape, Sprit'fache Braid, Military Braid Tassels, Linen and Cotton Tape, Snaps, Wilson Hooks and Eyes, Buttons-novelty and plain, Men's Shirt Bands, Standard Patterns, and many other needs. SEWING HINTS Wax thread for sewing on fastentrs-they stay. To prevent skirts from dropping from waistline in back, make belting wider across hollow of back. Baste with extra fine cotton to prevent leaving marks in material. Stop and Shop at .iBROTHEF Oldul and BeslEttablishcd 1911 Alton Wllcoxon nnd Ned Angland of Powell Dutto were transacting business in Ilend yesterday. C. D. Springer and 8. W. Smith woro in Dend today, returning to Crescent nttor attending court in Portland. (FVotrf Thursday's Daily.) A. K; Jllchardson Is In the city today from hln homo in Durns. . . Herbert Angcll of Prlnovlllo In spending tho day In Dend. E. Mack and Snm 15. Wcatcott ar rived in Dend last night from Silver Lake. F. P. Rawson of Redmond Js in Dcud today to confer with tho county court. Commissioner Soth Stookoy Is in Dend today for the regular session of tho county court. Mrs. John Ityan, Miss Patty Ryan and Itoso Ryan left Jast night for a month's visit lu Portland. District Gamo Warden George Tonkin left this morning for Luke county on official business. Mrs. Robert Dlackwell took tho troln this morning for tho east, whero sho will mako a protracted stay. BEND TO HAVE A NEW SCHOOL HOARD VOTKS IX FAVOR OF BIX ROOM ISUILDIXG IX KEXWOQI) TO UK HKADV 1V IIEGIXXIXG OF FALL TERM. noxt meeting of tho council, when (tho ordinance amendment cancelling jtho 21-year clauso Is scheduled to do brought up. Subjects bearing on tbo alms of tho Boy Scouts were developed by tho following speakers: S. "W. Mooro, "Tho Trained Man of To morrow"; R. w. Sawyer, "Tomor row's Man of Affairs"; L. C. Carroll, "The ilan of Morals and Ideals." A general summing up of the subject was given by Hov. Stewart. w ARNER HKND'S ECONOMY CENTER S FOR STYLE FOR SER.VICE FOR ECONOMY FOOT REST HOSIERY REIGNS SUPREME-INCOMPARABLE Children heavy rib; black, white, tan; pr. 29c Children's fine rib; for girls; black, white, tan; pair ,. 39c Women's fine cotton; good for wear; pr '....25c Women's fine Lisle; fine and sheer '..,39c Women's Fibre Silk; black, white, grey, cham pagne, pink, blue; pr : 79c Women's fine grade Fibre and Silk,.all colors, $1.39 Men's fine Lisle; black, white, tan, blue; pr 29c WHEN IT'S HOSIERY, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT, AT THE RIGHT PRICE. J (From Thursday's Daily.) To meet tho growing need for in creased school facilities, and at the same time to do something towards n resumption of normal busincs ac tivity in tho building lino tho school board, at its regular meeting last night, voted to havo plans prepared at onco for a new Bchool building on tho Kenwood site. As soon as tho plans can be drawn and specifications prepared, from which an idea of tho cost can bo obtained, tho question of voting bonds for tho construction, wiir bo presented to tho voters. To provide tho needed quarters a building of six rooms is needed if tho board's ideas, as outlined last night, are followed out, tho building to bo of one-story type. Every effort will bo niado to havo tho now building finished and ready for occu pancy at tho opening of school in Soptomber. , In addition to tho bonding pro gram It is expected to ask tho voters to provide funds for further con struction and additions through tho regular tax levy, tho proposed Ken wood building alono being Insuffic ient to meet tho.necds of tho district and tho district's financial condition being such us to mako a direct tax necesnry for tho purpose, instead of additional bonds. Other matters to bo considered last night wero tho completion of arrangements for the installation of tho Junior high school and regular routluo business. B. A. A. C. TO START NEW SPORTS. SOON (From Monday's Daily.) A volley ball tournament under tho direction or George Gove, and an Indoor basoball series with R. S. Hamilton In charge, will do started In tho near futuro nt tho Dend Ama teur Athletic club Is tho decision reached by tho directors and heads of club activities. Arrangements are now being made to launch tho two branches of sport. Plans to hold weekly social even ings aro also authorized, and tho first of these will be on Friday night, February 21. Tho work in prepara tion for this is in charge of Jay II. Noble. On Friday night of this week a St. Valentine's masquerade ball will be given at the gymnasium. OPPOSE CHANGE OF AGE LIMIT (From Monday's Dally.) Opposition to tho proposed lower ing of tho ago limit for boys ullowcd to enter pool nnd billiard halls lu Dend devolopod last night ut tho got-toguthor Bervlco at tho athletic club gymnasium marking tho closing of tho Hoy Scouts' "Father nud Son" week, A potltlon circulated protest ing tho ngo limit of IS, favored by tho Dond city council, was signed by 75 mon und women, and more Blgua tures will b'o sought during tho next week, Roy. W, 0. Stownrt of the Methodist .church stated today. Tho petition is' to bo presented at tho BEST& HARRIS HEADQUARTERS FOR THE CWdlM3 FOR RENT OR SALE GATES tl TIRES The Tire you can use nnd get three times the mile age at half the cost. PRACTICALLY PUNCTURE PROOF The Beit Equipped Vulcanising and Battery Repair and Re charging Shop In Central Oregon V 'iv s tbir m&z&B&r