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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1919)
wow), iiuni), Oregon, Thursday, ferhuary ta, into FAGKS . r r w . ' I & 3 t?A. J tTVNsei Shorty gets a hunch from' the Captain "When you feet such real lasting tobacco satisfaction from a small chew," says the Captain, "it can't coat any mora to chow thin class of tobacco." Good taste, smaller chcw,longcrlifoi8wlint costless tocljcw ihan ordinary pltirf. Write Itt Ghnuinh Gravhly IMNVIM.I1, VA. fur faolltt on thivint Ptt LOGGING ROAD PLANS GIVEN BIG EXTENSION BEING CONSIDERED. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed inpottcfv MEETING CALLED TO ORGANIZE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT (From Saturday' Dally.) Mooting this iiiornlni: with Flro Chief Curlou, IIiq flro commllttu of tlio city council ordered (lint work Itu started immediately to remodel the city flro ntntlou on .Minnesota tivouuo, to nllow for Hi u IioiinIiik oC tlio cliy 11 ro upparulus. Chlof Curlou un iiounrnd mi nrKunUntlon meeting for it volunteer flro department, to be hold at 7:30 o'clock Tuomlny even ing, nt tlio oil) rest room. All PALACE Meat Market s T MEAT HAM BACON SAUSAGE at the Best Prices according to ' QUALITY Palace Meat Market W. n. nOYI), lroj)riotor Phono Itlack Ml 135 Oregon Su Mtt4t-UX4M . Sharpless Cream Separator Call and see the NEW MODEL ' SHARPLESS. F. DEMENT &CO. WALL ST, - ft who nro Interested In becoming mom horn of tfio department or fool Hint thoy hnvo suggestions of vnluo on tho Hiilijcct nro urged to nttoml. An assistant cliluf of I ho depart mont, Chlof Carton thin morning np pointed Fred Kllonhurg, formerly In charge of tlio Cnrrnllllit flro Mr.htorH, tlio crack volunteer department of tho stale. Tlio steps tnkon thin morning 1y tho committee nntl tho flro chief followed a special mostlng lata yes t onlay aftornoon of tho city council with tjio coinmlttoa of nluo -which worked with tho former ndmlnlHlrn lion In bringing ahoul u bond Initio to purchase now flro apparatus, Un aatlHfactory results front tho prcHont system of housing tho flro truck nt a local garage, crltlclNod yestorduy morning following tho destruction of tho JntiioH Ilottrotl houso by flro, prompted tho Joint session. It won decided that tho flro chlof should bo put on a 1100 n month nulttry, that equipment nhould bo moved on noon an possible from tho garngo to tho city lot, and that tho chlof nhould drill tho children of tho lloud schools and organlzo n volun teer flro department. As noon ns tho now flro apparatus In rccolvcd, nn other paid man will bo added, and tho chief's salary, will bo raised to correspond with that of tho chief of police. Ho Is glvon pollco power and will devote n considerable port of hid tlmo to tho Inspection of build lugs. A committee to work out plans for a now flro houuo was appointed by Mayor J. A. Hasten, consisting of I). O. McPhorson, Carl A. Johnson, and 0, II. linker, whllo J. C. Rhodes, 0. lloriHon and Hay Canterbury wore named to look Into tho nmtter of n flro alarm, being Instructed to conror wiin t, ii. Foley, mnuagor o( tho Ilond Wator, Light and Powor company, and J. L. Onlther, local talophouo manager. Doth commit tees nra to render reports: at tho next regular mooting of tho council. Chief Cnrlon ntntcd today that temporary arrangements have been mado with tho tolophono company to handle alarms until n permanent system has been worked out. Until that tlmo Individuals calling coutral to report a flro tiro roqticstod to mako their statement-; distinctly and to glvo tho district In which tho flro has broken out so, ns to avoid tho possibility of costly error. Wijtk on ?l ((),()()() Addition to l'rcti cut Hhovllii-Hlxnri Railway Hys . triu May Ho Klnrtcd Within .Mouth, Is Announce!. (From Thurmlay'n Dally,) That plans nro under consider ntlon for tho Important extension of Tho Hliovllii-Hlxon Company IorrIiik road, which It carried out will In vllvo tho oxpendlturo of 100,000, was mado known today by J. II. Molstor, rocontly retained an lowilng superintendent by tho lumber com pnny. Tho contract for tho work Is Mill to bo let, but It Is expected that this will bo done within tho noxt week. Sketches prepared for tho proposed addition to tho railroad, show an extension of woven and ono-lialf miles. According to present plans tho read will leave tho old main lino at a point about six miles from Ilcnd, will run In a southerly direction toward tho Tulles, will cross tho Deschutes rlvor ubovii llenhnm Kails, and will continue for a dlstanco of ono-holf mllo beyond that point, opening up it lanxa'bod'y of plno timber to supply tho IjIk mill nt Ilond. If tho contract Is lot before an other -week, construction will start within tho month, Mr. Molnter'stntes, and It Is expected that tho entire extension can bo completed within six months' tlmo. A forco of men of from 100 to 150 will bo cm ployed. n muis iiii mmmii luumi 'iflMr1 -w " r iig n m r DON'T I'OOI. youiisi:m A man suffering from bnckacho, rheumatic pains, stiff Joints or sore muscles may )uuh and say theso symptoms of kidney trouble "don't amount to anything." It Is folly to Ignore Nature's warnings. Foley Kidney Tills give quick relief in kid ney or bladder troubles and "It Is bettor to bo nnfa than sorry." Sold overywhero. Adv. BULLETIN "WANT ADS" BRING QUICK RESULTS Itvturnrri Koldlcr Offered Ilauch Job in Idaho After Wants Arc .Made Known Through 1'aper. (From Friday's Dally.) That llulletln "want ads." travel far and produce quick results was shown this morning when n lettor was received by tho Ilond Commercial club from C. M. McAllster of Coeur d'Alono, Idaho, offering pormunenl work on n ranch to n returned soldier who had asked for work through Tho llulletln Want Ad. columns. Through tho saino advertisement which had caught tho Idaho ranchor's eye, however, tho soldier had al ready secured nn attractlvo position ut Powell Hutto, Tho llulletln Is offering Its classi fied advertising columns froo of charge to returned soldiers, sailors and murines who aro looking for work. Capmiiii mi br K. J. HPSiTtco C. TALK about smokes, Prince Albert is geared to a iovhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new I Get it straight that what vou've hankernd fnr in pipe or cigarette makin's smokes you'll find aplenty in P. A. That's because P. A. has the quality! You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water 1 Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process 1 You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back 1 Buy Princn Albert everywhere tobacco it $olJ. Toppy red bags, tidy red tin; handtome pound and half pound tin humidortand that clever, practical pound cryttal glatt humidor with tpongm mohttner top that heept the tobacco in jucA perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C OFFICE BLOCK MAY BE BUILT IIUMINKKH Ii:VKIX)P.MKNT MAY IlKHUIT IN Jill 0,000 I.MPKOVK .MENT O.V I.OO CAHI.V COKNKK, XKW OWXKIl INTIMATES. CHICHESTER SPILL ANNUAL HTOOKIIOI.I)EItH, MEKTINU. Annual meeting of tho atockhold era of tho Arnold Irrigation company win no hold Fop. l&tlt, 1D1U, ut 1 p, m., in tho court room, First Na tional Dank Illdg, (Signed) C1IAS. 8 1 PC 1 HON. Sec. 4DG0p BUCKH-gCHT .Rtfl, U.37 PAT. OFF. ARMY When you walk into n dependable shoe store and ask lor a pair or DucKlincirr Army Sltoes, you can DC sure That tills Army Shoo fa up to inndarJ tlut it U mdo by woikntcn who have turned out mora than 600,000 Army Shot under mpt lurK-rvlilon and tint it U backed by a record of more than fifty ytn of lionwt thoe inanufaclucing. Look for our regbtered troJo nams DuckiibciiT ttamped on the lole of every jno lor our mutual protection. W frAlwS I myiwsA mzyv Tlierc'sjiutoJie thine to remember nik for tho BucKiicaiT Army Shoe by name and be sure ibitt you gtt it. Then you will appre ciate why ic is worn by thousand or Offlco Men Farmer Attorneyi Orclmrdlita PhytlcUn Motormen liikers Conductors ' Hunters and otliers in every walk of life. DIAMOND BRAND CT4 AAjr r.l forCniCHKSTXB. uiiNunu iuuhu niAa la Gold raetallle bom. sealrd m Kltito& Takm no OTBKa. B Snulil ul uk r.r CHI.CU1 nnuoxu shams fills, for twntT-fl- Tcara recarJtU a Beat, 8afct, Atwaya Kcllable. (From Saturday's Dally.) That plans for tho orectldn of a $40,000 offlco building at Dondand Irving strecti, commonly known as tho Log Cabin corner will bo consid ered, if buslncs conditions in Ilcnd develop according to popular expec tation, was intimated this morning following tho purchase by II. II. DoArmond, N. II. Olbert and It. P. Mlnter of tho corner site. Tho deal, was not closed until late this morning tho purchase being mado from Mrs. Lqulso Kcrmott of Mlnot, S. I)., for a consideration of fl 1,000. It had been previously announced that tho transaction waa completed yestorday. Mr. Do Armond stated that for tho time being tho property would bo loft in its present condition, but de clared that it has been bought for development and not for speculation. Ho admitted that this development would probably mean tho construc tion of n two-story business block. BUSINESS MEN TRY FOR CHAMPIONSHIP Khcilln-lllxon Team Now Shnrcs Top Place In Percentage Column ulth Mcrrlutntx. Standing of tho Trams. Won. Lost. Pet. Shovlln-IIIxon G 3 .CCG business Men...... C 3 .COC Professional Men.. 3 . C .333 Drooks-Scanlon .... 3 6 .333 (From Saturday's Dally.) Constantly improving scores are characterizing the work of tho ath letic club bowlern, and in tho last match, played between Tho Shevlln Hlxon Company toani and tho busi ness men, Miles and Shepherd of the lumbermen and merchants divid ed honors for high score with 1SS each. Shopherd had tho high aver ago of It! 3. By a final tally of two out of three games, tho business men reached the same pcrccntago ns tho Shevlln-IIlxon team, hlthorto occupying an undisputed position at tho head of tho league. Tho persounel of tho teams was ns follows: Shevlln-IIIxou, Glllis, Miles, Huegler, Kelley and Webb; business men, Ualrd, Powers, Shep herd, LIU and Pringle. A KKO OJA 1th Bluett SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE -SSBg TIM It T1UBU BULLETIN Classified Ads II not otilalnalile from your dealer, aeml name ami our unit r illrect Id DUCKING II AM r& II EC 11 T XUNVKACrUUUK- HAN l'KANCI.CO Con One Cent a Wotd The Daily It Read by Everyone in Dend The Weekly Rcachei Everyone Who Buy or Selli in Dcnd.and ciiculalea Throughout Central Oregon J. D. DONOVAN BUYS N. F. REED RESIDENCE (From Monday's Dally.) Announcement was mado today of tho purchiiso by J. D. Donovan of tho N. F. Roed homo on 810 Doulo- yard. Tho consideration was ?3,G00. BOYS AND MEN HOLDBANQUET "FATHER AND SON" GATHERING STAGED AT PILOT HUTTE I XX LAST NIGHT EVERY HOV CALLED ON HV TOAST.M ASTER, (From Saturday's Dally.' Thirty Roy Scouts and 1G men gathered last night at the Pilot Butto Inn for tho "Father and Son" ban quet gfven as ono of the features of tho scout movement In Rend, Al though tho attendanco was not as largo as had been expected, tho af fair was in all other respects a com plete SUCCC88. Each boy was called on by tho toastmaster, A. Whlsnant, to stand, give his name, ago and his father's namo and business, and tho young sters' responded readily, some of them grasping tho opportunity to do n Ilttlo advertising for their parents. Short addresses wore mado by Judgo W. D. Dames, R, W. Sawyer, J. P. Keyes, Rov. W. C. Stewart and L. C. Carroll. SIIRINERS ENTERTAIN FOR NEW INITIATES (From Friday's Dally.) Newly initiated members of tho Shrlno wero entertained last night at tho Masonic templo with a dinner and danco by tho older members. Dinner was served at 7 o'clock and was followed by cards, square dances and music. BERT SHUEY WILL LOCATE HERE AGAIN Mr. and Mrs. Dert Shuey, with their threo children, Fred, Lucillo and Dort, Jr., urrlvcd last night from Bartlesvillo, Oklahoma, and will ro sumo their residence here. Thoy lived in Rend in tho years from 1912 to 1917, Mr. Shuey being in the gro cery business. Ho expects to go into business again. KNOW WHAT EXIDE MEANS? you Get What You Want PHONE 561 EXIDE MEANS POWER, SERVICE and SAVING POWER in the light you get. SERVICE In the length" of time you may use this battery without re charge or repair. SAVING In money by keeping your battery from the repair shop. We have Exide Butteries for rent ami sale. If you want your machine equipment changed from the old fashioned gas lights to the new electric light, we can do it. H. R. RILEY NEAR PILOT BUTTE INN. Welding of All Kinds Done. Thermit, Electric, Oxy-Acetylene. $7.00 to $8.00