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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1911)
I - a Keep Cool 99 suit Pr6lty hard to do it these hot days. SUMMER CLOTHING. A shirt, a pair comfortable. a lot by getting underwear, a mm, so into ft But you can help of our "Porosknit" of tan low shoes, and a straw hat will make a man a deal more The ladies are always dressed cooler than the men. They know how. Muslin underwear, thin skirts and white waists do the trick for them. We can't live but once so why not be as comfortable as we can while we do live. "Keep Cool" DUDS FOR THE MEN. "l'omsknil" Underwent, .shirts (ilul drawers Crt ench JUt ... $1.00 $3.50 $2.50 $5.00 $3.50 Union Suits, each Mi'ivcri.i'd Lisle Union Suits $.'l.()0 to Thin Soft Shirts W cunts to Tan Low Shoes, pur pair, from $1.00 to Straw Ilat.s, line line to choose from, H5c to "Keep Cool" DUDS FOR the LADIES. Muslin Underwear from '25c CLO fcO Skirts, a large line, from tf A (f SO.op to M HfJJ Waists, all new and thu latest styles, (: C fromSl.oOto PJsjSJ White and CJruy Oxfords, special at 1 Cffc per pair . .." P 3J Tan and hlack Oxfords, high quality, tc fjA per pair, from 8:1.00 to &D.JJ WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED an entirely new line of COLLARS, BER THAS, and LADIES' NECKWEAR from Portland. These goods are all STRICTLY UP-TO-THE-MINUTE. Better come in and see the line at once. QCMMyQC "THE STORE OF BETTER. VALUES." BITS ABOUT TOWN. Dr. U. C. IV returned Thursday night from Portland. J. Ryan loft this motnlng InwiniMU trip t Seattle. George Vundevcrt arrived tho last of thu week from Salem. ' Mm. J. I-'. William and daughter .loft yesterday morning for I'ortlund on a visit. L. F. Wakefield, a loading cltixun of descent, was a llunil visitor the (lilMl wnok. Grovor II. CaldwoJI Inn gonu up to La Pino to nHiii thu Miiininur on IiIm homestead. The Hand gavu a roncurt Hunduy afternoon from the piazza of thu Pilot liiilto Inn. J. A. Hazuka has moved his family out on his homestead in Whitakor Valley. Mm. Robert Tyler came in from Mllllcan Sunday to sjicnd a few weeks with her husband. , C. It. Stearns and F. S. Stanley arrived Sunday from Portland, registering at Hotel Hend. Mr. ami Mm. I. M. Tozler are spending a few days in Hend, having como In Saturday from their Mllll can homestead. Mm. Elsto Riley, who went to 'Portland a fuw weekH ago to receive treuttnent for cancer of thu face, la now at Amity, Orc-Kon. H. I). Ford hiw traded his lota in Park Addition for the Thomas Trip lott residence on Ohio atreet and will move Into It in a fow days. Work Is now under waa on tho mill building of tho Bond Milling & Ware! ouso Company on tho rlvor tl o light and power houso. Miss Margaret Wiest left Thurs day for Hood River to Kend part of the summer visiting at the homes of E. F. Hutten and P. L. Tompkins. "C.'H. and J. M. Hunter, of Mon roe, Wnih., have come to Hend. Roth are oxMrloncvd slun-palntors. C. II. Hunter will play with the baud. The Odd Fellows Monday night oxlundod a vote of thanks to all who assisted them in thu hurial of their follow mombor, J. Anthony Mitchell. Joe McKay, brother of Clyde Mc Kay, who has siont several summers here, arrived Sunday, and Is em ployed at thu Head Commny's lumber mill. Mm. Herbert K. Allen returned i Saturday night from a months visit In Portland. Miss Margurite Peer ing came in with her for a visit of a few weeks. Tho Common Council was In ses sion Inst nlnht going over tho city charter. Tho work was not com pleted and another meeting will bo held tonight. W. It. Wilkinson loft for Califor nia Monday. This morning Sheriff Balfour stated that no one had been appointed to fill Wilkinson's place as deputy sheriff. Miss Dorothy Dickinson and brother John came In Saturday afternoon from tholr Whitaker homostead, returning Monday. Thoy attended the dance Saturday oven ing. Ituv. W. L. Wilson will give a lecture1 in thu church next Tuesduy evening at 8 o'clock. Ho will soak on fraternnllsm under tho nua decs of tho Modern Woodmen of Amoiv lea lodge. Fur Sale. Foil Sale lfiO acres of deeded land on Tumalo Creek, with water ris:ht. Level and free from stone. Also Menu property lor sale or trade. Inquire A-30, Bulletin. 15-lSp Pics Fob Sale A few pure breed Durocs and Ayrshlres, of both sexes. Lee Davenport, Powell Dutte, Ore gon. ICtf For Sale We have on hand quite a lot of baled rye hay for sale, also n small quantity of grain hay. Can furnish good quality of Ice in any quantity to suit. Call at the Star Jtanch; G. W. Wimer & Sons, Tumalo, Ore. 1-ltf. Foil SaleOi: TnADE Firstclass No. 3 Faultless Stump Puller, with cable, for sale or trade for stock Daniel Liddcll, Wilson Ranch, Powoll Butt0, Ore. Address Prine- ville, Ore. 14 tf Saturday night the Hend Baseball Sunday will mark the twentieth Fo SAl.K-Busi.iess lot, good lo Tenm will give a dance at Linster's anniversary of the entry of C. .V.1 ,.? ?n i.,pim !. i. a.ik Hull i i .iv.uviinii ,l,..f ..,.,.. r'l!.... :..... . i... ...!:... .. i ,.. ..,.."" "" ...-......, ....... .v .-! i.ivnwi v.n.k aii.uij v iiiil- iii n. tin- iimiiauy mm in m linn m I.. I I .1. . m . .-'-- ...-- tie prosuiu, na morning no win preacn Irom the In It. They were too young to take away then but later will be and an effort made by several Hend people to make domestic pets of them. The library has received the fol lowing pay shelf books: "The Prodigal Judge," Kcster; The Fluto of the Gods," Ilyan; "Corn ' pcnsatlon," Warwick; "The Iind .Clalmem," Wilson; "The Vfslonlng," Goskcll; "The Married MIm Worth," Hale; "Keeping up With Lizzie," Hachcller; "Members of the Family," Wlster; "The Long Itoll," Johnson; "The Story Girl," Montgomery. CLASSIFIED COLUMN KATI'.S: I'ive centt line (or tint In Krtioti lit (hit column, four centt line (or etch tulMequent intertlon. Count tix Horilt tu n line. Found. Found Sizzling Ice Patterson's fountain. cold soda at For Sale Furniture, etc., lib rary table, dresser, chain, heating stove, tnatrcsscs, blankets, crosscut saw, kitchen cabinet, 7fi ft Inch new rope, cooking utencils, etc, Also good set double harness. In quire at first house ndrth of school house. 15tf Fort Sale Team of good horses, wagon and harness. Address A-24 care Hullctln or Inquire at this office. 12tf Fort Sale. Cheap, most com plete 20,000 capacity sawmill In Crook county. Machinery all new. Reason for selling, timber all cut out. Write or enquire at Bulletin ofTlcc. 7-tf TuoKOUGJinrtEO Scotch Collie puppies for sale. Inquire of G. W. Shrlner, second floor Chapman building, Hend. 12tf Rubber Stamp Dates and Ink pads for sale at Bulletin office, tf For Sale Relinquishment of 40 Found Good hot or cold baths acres, nctf of the bw'a, 27-10-12. at Innes frDavidson's barber shop. Found Bunch of nine keys. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this ad. at Bulletin office. - 14tf For Kent. Fort Rent New four room house. Inquire Joe Innes, Barber Shop. 15tf For Rent Two rooms over R. M. Smith Clothing Co.'s store. See R. M. Smith. 12tf For Rent Five room house with barn, in Lytic. See F. H. May. 12tf For Rent or Sale. Eighty acres of Irrigated land 14 miles east of Bend. Forty-five acres in cultiva tion. Fifteen acres In clover. Terms to suit purchaser. Phone M. L. Pyutt. tf Wanted ! Wanted To buy 20 hons. R. A. Puett. j List your proporty with the Home seeker's Land Co., Wall Street. ' Bond, Ore. tf i Wanted 6 acres In cultivation ' under ditch close to Bend. Kay McKay. 13tf 1 Wanted Tree to pull. Have fimt class outfit. See Liddcll on i the Wilson ranch, Powell Butte. i Address, Prineville, Orp. 1-ltf Final proof to be made Nov. 25. 1012. Price, $1,600 cash or Bend city property. Address, C. H. Shields, 4916 8th Ave., Seattle, Wash. 12tf For Sale Gasoline at $4.50 a case at Crescent. E. G. Rourk. 13-15 For Sale Two-section GO-tooth adjustable harrow, cheap. L. A. W. Nixon. 13tf For Sale Or Trade A Day bicycle, In good condition, for good saddle, rifle or cash. Inquire of H. J. Egglcston. 15-lGp For Sale Rhode Island Red eggs for setting, $1 for 15 eggs. L. A. W. Nixon. 13-lGp Rye hay for sale will sell cheap for cash,. Ed. Halvorson. 4tf Sold By Millard Triplctt, lin oleums, carpets and rugs and all kinds of good furniture. Lost The pleasure of a good shave by not going to Innes & Davidson's barber shop. Prinevillo twople vi)l tin omnia inu luiiui iuy s inc same iu.i ne used a score or years county seat nine here. ago. In the evening he will give a Tho Juno number of tho Chamber sermon lecture on tho experiecus of of Commerce Bulletin of Portland a preacher. 14-lGp I For Sale SIngor sewing ma chine, late model. Inquire of Mrs. J. H. Wenundy. ' 14-19p' Mlfccllaneou. M. J. Morrison can locaUu'ou.-on 320 acre homesteads. tf Meet Me At Patterson's Foun tain and have a refreshing drink of soda or plate of Ice cream. Get Your Lumber from the Pine Forest Lumber Co. House lath and irrigation lath a specialty. tf Four to fifty miles per hour. "On the High." can be made with an "Oakland." F. F. Smith. Agt. Gtf You Want The Best furniture of course. Then buy of Millard Triplett. If you contemplate the purchase of an automobile, investigate the "Oakland" line. F. F. Smith, local Agent. 6-tf Eastman Kodaks sold in Bend by Patterson's Drug State. The Bulletin has just Installed a full line of new type specially de signed for high grade visiting and business card work. ' tf The Place To Get a dandy hair cut is at Innes & Davidson's. Tho "Oakland" Automobiles are made In sev?n different styles of bodies, 30 and 40 horse" power. Quick, deliveries. F.. F. Smith, Agent. 6-tf IcdiUelivercU livery Dy. Call phone 18 and theWenandy Kvery Co. will deliver ygu Iccvery morning at 9 o'clock. '' 15tf is devoted entirely to Central Ore gon nrticlos. Tho first of tlioM, "Central Oregon, Past and Present," is writtun by G. P. Putnam of Bend. W. It. Wilkinson. Elmer Merrill. Creed Triplett and C. D. Brown The "Little Workers" mot this afternoon with Mm. Shrinor and Mm. Mcintosh. On Saturday even ing the little folks, with their par ents, will bo entertained at the home of Mm. Mcintosh and Mrs. left Monday afternoon for California Shriner. Their next regular meet by auto, Near I .a Pine an axle of ing will be held July fit It. the machine waa broken and thoy were delayed until repairs could bo made. Frank Horslcy. Clyde Halladay, O. A. Felhter and W. Robertson, editor of pie Yakima Daily Repub lic, composed a party of North Yakima men who were here the past week taking a look at the Central Oregon country. L. C. Young, who has 1U0 acres of ditch and 160 acres of t)ry land, 5 miles east of town, reports his crop In excellent condition. Mr. Young says a great advantage this year has over previous seasons is the ease of securing labor. PIANOS TUNED This la a good tlmtf of year to have your piano tuned and tho tone regulated. All work guaranteed, Sixteen years experience, EDGAR M. THOMPSON Bend, Oregon. Postmaster F. O. Minor, returned Monday night from Portland where he had been attending the sessions of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Oregon as delegate from the Bend lodge. Crook county was honored by the election of P. M. Baldwin of Prineville as grand master. Under the firm name of Staats & Jones, Sylvestor Staats and Evert S. Jones have opened law offices in the front room of Hunter & Staats' office on Wall Street. Mr. Staats has juat graduated from Willamette University. Mr. Jones la u gradu ate of the Portland Law School. Honkle & Ford have purchased the garage business of Merrill & Wilkinson and will continue it in the some quartern, Thoy have also leased property on Wall street next to tho Rowlee building and may erect a garage building there. Tho firm now has a temporary ollice where Merrill & Wilkinson formerly were, Albert It. Torrls, forest rancer. with headquarters at Cliff, Ore., I was in Bend for a few days the pastJ weok, leaving Tuesday. He re ported finding near Sand Springs! the den of a cougar with four cuba EADpEd5c 21 BREAD TICKETS FOR $1.00 BR Large Pies 15 cts each Doughnuts and Cinnamon Rolls 15 cts Doz. Cookies 10 cts Doz. Cakes 10 cts to 35 cts each Our Prices are tho Cheapest in town and Our Goods the Best. Meals Served at Regular Hours. Furnished Rooms. STAR BAKERY MRS. NEIL-LIE: WRIGHT BOND STREET, BEND, OREGON The Pioneer Wood Yard Has on hand line dry 10-inch mill wood (al ready split for the stove), at $3.50 per cord, delivered. Also dry hloek wood at $4.50 per cord delivered. Leave orders or telephone O'Domiell Bros. Market. W. P. DOWNING, Proftfietor.