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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1911)
Il 1 Iw It 1 The Best Trees , 'i That Grow ARE NOT TOO GOOD FOR YOU Our stock has Riven such ex ccllent satisfaction wherever planted that you cannot alTonl to do without it. There's a reason, too. A splendid location with deep rich soil, well drained. A lonRRrowinR season. Moisture under control. Remember that the recollec tion of Quality remains Ioiir after the price is forgotten. Yakima Valley Nursery company Toppenlshf Vmhlnnton. Morb Salesmen Wanted Wood! Woodl HELLO! Where are you Roing? Down to Carter's after n con! of that Rood dry block wood. My wifevvon't burn anything else. Carter is four bits cheaper than others. Ho sells dry block wood at $4.50 per cord. F. Al. CARTER WHEN YOU ARE DRY THE PLACE TO VISIT IS The Silvertooth Fine Line of Wines and Liquors. Agents for Budweiser and Wcinhard's Beer. OLD CROW BOND & LILLARD GUGGENHEIM Pure California Port Wine, Gal... JZ.OU Choice Oid California Port, Sherry. An gelica and Muscatel, Gal $Zvtl Monogram, Bond lc Lillard, Cedar Brook Whiskey, Gal $6.50 Apricot, Blackberry, Peach and Apple Brandies, bottle $1.50 THE SILVERTOOTH SALOON Wholesale and Retail Wines and Liquors. oend iViLachine S"ip All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming R-E-P-A-l-R-S We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House FUNERAL EMBALMERS A Full Line of UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES Metallic Shipping Coffins carried in stock. J. I. WEST & We Now Have in Stock a Carload LIME CEMENT and PULP Plaster. TEb OVERTURF-DAVIS- MILLER COMPANY OFFICE IN IIKKSUft llLUli. J X ON WALL ST. 1 Kalimates on application Wall Taper at Portland Price N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and Het Wall Pt Sam ple in the county. Get My Price. Box 39, Bend, Oregon. DIRECTORS UNDERTAKERS COMPANY T NEW PUBLICATION LEADS FIELD. Bend Park Company, Owner of Old Uoodwlllle Tract, Produce Master piece AiUer tiling Hend and Their Newly PUtled Molding What is undoubtedly one of tho finest, if not the finest, publicity publications ever issued in the Pacific Northwest is that just pro duced by the Henil Park Company, advertising their addition to Hend and the town and country. Their booklet, entitled "The Hend Hook." is uniquely Rotten up, printed on delicately tinted and attractive paper, bound elegantly in brown, illustrated with 07 photograph of scenes in and about Hend and along tho Deschutes river, and containing 58 pages of clever nnd convincing reading matter. Hend Park is tho name of the old Goodwillle Tract, just southeast of town. It is now owned by the Bend Pnrk Company, ntuong the leading stockholders of which are W. D. Cheeny, K. H. dummy. .1. W. French, nnd N. Ii. I.eithead, all of Senttle. The trnct has been attractively platted and it now ready to be plhcod uinm the market. While the "Hend Hook" has for its primary object advertising Hend Park, most of its space is devoted to description of Hond nnd the country traversed in reaching Hend. First, the writer described the old stage trip in from Slmuiko, outlin ing the vast iMMwiuNitleH of the country as evidenced by the busi ness done even under the existing method of travel. Then the reader is taken upon a seetmd trip, this time up the Detvhute C'nniiiv" the railroad. Itoth "trnw" lito excellently well illustrated with i hitherto unuwd phyto. In describing Hond a imrngmph rends as follows: Hclorr u, lic-nlr n mtr. in llie timM of a riKturnl jwirk, with Mtitt-cirl m untaliia stimuli: in ltno-t roimatii unli;lit, with air IiVf lnr. f fret above ca lcrl. It llclul. Helmut anil on both axlca of u the Irrigated faruttol Wenalcliee Surrounding thrm the wheat UniN of Miuneaola. llcfore lit, the pine latuli of Michigan awl the power of Niagara. On all allies of u the tcenery of SwiKerlamt. In the renter of thlt oettintr a (owi, hatinit the altitude of Colorado, the coot aummert of Seattle, and a winter climate almmt anowlc, with clrar cold nichis and tunny day too warm for fur. DEATH IS SUDDEN harry Martin, a Rrcent Arrival Here, Striken With Apoplexy Monday. Stricken early Monday morning with apoplexy. Harry Martin, n recent arrival in Hend, died that afternoon at 4 o'clock without hav ing regained consciousnom. Martin was a barber employed in Creed Triplett's shop on Oregon Street, having come here n few weeks ago from Madras. He was formerly employed at the Seattle Hotel, in the Puget Sound city. Monday morning shortly after getting up, Martin complained of n severe headache. He sat down on a chair and in a few moments fell over unconscloup, from a hemor rhage of the brain. He bad been in apparently good health, lieing a large and strong looking man. He was 56 years old and was said to be a man of good habits and well thought of everywhere he was known. Among his relatives ho left a sister In San Diego, Cal. Interment was made at Pilot Iluttu Cemetery yesterday afternoon. FORTY ACRES PLOWED Sutkey Itelng Vstd tt Turn New Land Wliltaker News fsotrs. WlllTAKKlt, June 'JO. Charles F. and H. F. Cray are making good lirogrowi in clearing and plowing their homosteod claims. They al ready have 45 acres turned. The work is being done by F.C. -Thomas, who is using a 10-inch single sulkey plow, L. II. ItndclilTe has corn up Inch and u half high. This Is the first corn ever planted in this vicinity. A good rain fell here last Wed nesday. Arno Frantz had the misfortune of having one of his hornus strangled to death a few days ago by the halter. One of the horses of Mr. Had el i flu ran into n wire fence last week and was badly cut. One of Its fore legs was nearly cut off and its breast badly lacerated, (loud liourd and Rounu. Hoard nnd room by day or week at Hotel Orcutt. Hates $l,2.r a day, $5.50 a week, Invariably in advance. Mrs. ,W. W. Orcutt, Prop. 14 tf Ei OK S Did you know that tho Hulletln job shop can print your visiting cards of tho best Btock with hand some script tyMi? UUH.DINO PLANS. J. W. Dimlck Is prepared to do nil kinds of high grade architectural work, mnko plans, blue prints, etc., for buslncsa bouses nnd resi dences, tf TYPUW RITTI1N CIHCULAR LIJT1 URS The Hulletln has just lnstalle a supply of Imitation tyiwwrltten typo with which It is prepared to print all kinds of circular letters, etc. This means that merchants, real ostnto men, etc., can reach their entire mailing lists with Krsonal otters. The exact npH.aranw of original typewritten letters, both In color of ink, type face and impres sion is duplicated. If desirable the Hulletln will not only print such let ters but will address and mall them. tf I I I l CLARK Engineers and Architects Olllce temporarily with .1 A Fastci. on Oiegtin Si. aaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaBBBBBaaBBBkaaanaaBaBBBBBaMaBaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaBaa Wo aro prepared to handlo Engineering and Architectural Work of all kinds. Irrigation Engineering and Modern Bungalows our specialties. The Buckley Express Co. DAILY SERVICE Irctween rallwny points and Hend. Careful atten tion given to Stage, Kx press and Fast Freight Husl ness. Hend ugonts Wenandy LivcryjCo. DAILY STACK SCHKDULB Arrive Hend 7 a. m. Leave Hend 12 m. NO STOPS Hunter Bros. HOUSE PAINTINQ SIGNS STEVENS Tf, STEVENS o. 333 Votibl Varrtl HammtrUsi Shotgun t tlwngitt wlu-ru other KUiunru vmtkitt, Tliu Imr rrN nnd lu ii ro ilroji-furmtl In onn plwo of IiIkIi iirmnurttr"lt rlioko ixrul fur nltru wdiT with inittiil rib. I'ii k up Dili run nrul tVrl Urn ImUiii of it riamliw Um wurkliif uMa clnarlyaml wctliprlnci'nraiiil of (lrtiill-i)U will any Iff a irlnnrf, II II. U at only 130,00 nnd will lw .(irru,,l tirrfkiltl itlrrrl from Ih factory n I iff VK ron boI f uf I It through ii (lrnttr,-Jl tnlf4MwArt Cut, 4 Jr I l"liaii iii. Will" vJ.SnVTNS AMU ,T00LC0MrANT I j l f ' UL u MVfuBFC- 0 kuMm ) l.JaW.r '- ' IT W I E mS1 ifflLfjrt CkU Fab SUMMONS BY PUHLICATION. tilth JiialliVa Courlnflli Slilr of Ottion, Cimnly of CiiMik, Html I'lttlncl No j n. SUMMONS, J II Mt)iitMtie, iirUiiiUnt, ) ..... Till II Miiitlaaii. the aUivtiamritilrlrii,laiil littlir Naittriir llirtlU nfOtikiiil miait lirivliy rtiiiitirit to aiir ami an.wrr Hi com; I'lullll ntl aitalnat yim ill the alimr titllll aitluiioimr Itrfritllie lath iUuf July, A. II, loll, ami If ran a) fall to anawtr, fur waul thrie Hi, lalnlllT will amity InlliU ci.uil lor tin icllrr llirrtliittriitaml"),!" "II . ..... .. Jiutiniriil fin llir 111111 ul Dm llmidir.l Itlihlv rltfhl IKUt, (llH1) loirtrirr with III i-tuli ii.lil.liiuwM.iUuf TliU aummoiia l f vt iiikiii you li lh publication In The Html llulldlii. a lirwipapf r uf krnrtal clmilaUuu In Crook County Oiriou, inibllahril wnkli al Hull. Oir.mi In Ihr Cuiiuly iifCimik, nr llif ixiloiul tlti-oiKnullvr wttk. (Jl.tiir,,) (iimnirmlil with lliflMiiruf iiiitrlhry A l in,aniliiillii wliltililHuur uly Hi i A II iii. in iiiiiiiiioI an oidfruf M l.awirnrv llir juld of llir alumr tnllllrtl nit wlilili iinlri w iiKlauil rnlrittt Jiuir Hi ft, A II wu . luitof But uuMleailnii luliflhrr ItU llalr ol Uil iMihlkallMii July llir ly. 1411 J a in, AllDiucy fur Hit lUlnllff SUMMONS HY PUHLICATION. Ill III Ju.llrt Cuullurill blulr uf Oirgun, LiHinty uf eiona IKiiI I'trxlli I Nil j H C CaUlnfll I' anililt, 1 . 5 SIMMONS I II M.iiila.u. ll.f.iulklll 1 lul II MiiiiUiiii III alNilianinlilftmUMll III III Nmnr of Ihr Mil orilimon you al httrtiy ir-inlirHl l.ipi ami ii.hi llirioiii 4lnl Alrl aalnt )" I'l Ihr ! rnllllxl rlloniHi or Ihr 19.I1 il of Jul), lull ll II inn vi Mil lo an. mm Jul wnl Ihciror ialu III! will l''l lullil'i'iiiit for Hit i.llcf llicitin Iri11.11.lr4l. It, w II lor Ihr Mill nfSnl) wirn IMtlai ml lxriilv llir iriil. loarlhtr wilh th il 1 llUtMllltllUllf IMI4 Ml IWill Ihla iimiuoiit I. !. I utMii mi liy III I'ulillralion U1r1r.1l 111 Hi Htnl liullcl 11, a ii.w.iuiiwrof kM"l rlnnltlrHii ollhiii CnV 1 ... I.ll.h.l h..., lu Al ll..ll .W1III) ,IIW, ,M,,..I,r. "T.J ., ........ 1M1K00 "I lh. I.OMIII) of I lonW "or ih liit l,( AfMlllr.ulK Mr k. I ! I frmlllltllCtlia with thr mu of lH lh . I 111 ami mil UK Willi Ih llirf Jul) Ihr In. A II Mil III iiin.uamrr of all urtlrr l I M l,niii, III ju.lh. ol IH akui nillilnl Conn whuli ulilrr mi antt mriril Ion Ihr ft .H IMIr of Ai.l u li.alioH Inn lh yii Imi ullaii ,uli 11 hoi Jul) Ih n iyn (..Mil llNNI M'Al.l. Allot nt for Itaiiilirf SUMMONS HY PUHLICATION. Ill Ihr JiitlUr itMiti t Ihr Ul ul OrrftHt. I oMtily iC 1 1 tik Mtnl l'rtiiiat, NrimUt t uih .iii ruiHtiir t hi AI'I.VH J H MoHUgHt rlrUHl 1 lUj M MiHliK lltCftlU H4Mrtlfth!Hl Ih thf Smr ufiHr MlrH mm mi air hrilv imnueJ i t auMvur hU mi iht " MUit AUn jtiM wh ih th tu vniittttl ttitiv! mi rt Inlirfr in ijtr f Jn-H v't hI If (Hl Ml (All lal llMff f.K MAHl lhtrf I'UlH till will 0ktAy to ihttjft hi Ih irlwl th?iiit tlf mHt4t rlKll JllatHIM fH llM 4H f I iHly Ihffr (kulUlt ilt rulf flr Out (fit t tu'lliff wtlh Ihr lilNitmi f thU HvtlUM i hi fttimmunk til iuh you '- Ihf iHiMuAtloH thirr.iM The Kml Lhtilttiii HfMti tf irMitl rimitalHtM llhm l flk i tr' Mh tofcnt MfWlv l Htntl .!'ll IH lh i '! OaJtlmtV hit thf ar(tMt ,t ihwIi Nffk ( iaMir mmmtitii tmhlhc i .! i. ( Jiir Iht A iif rn lilt th thr IHNf nt li(f lh- I, l II UIM4HC III M ullWr '! J V I r . Ihr tuHt'Vtalhar alUirr HllltHl 1 mil Ii . t '.! mir unit vririt I UN lh ' HMtr wl hrt IHaMhalt.rtt Hltr Ihr iMtr Ml UM u. iHAtMHt full Ih i , CtHl t- l Mi ) AMlf Hvt lull ft NOTK L F(l I'IMLIt Alios lwrlHlHl ii Ih tHlrruir I n l al Thr IK'I Oraun Mat il tan Nclk 1 hrirl.r nn lliat I,km I'rlaitkr uf II. nil Oij(mi h hi lun yh lyM ma. I humr.lra.ffHlir Su iM riat Ma i(l, for l i ami l ( tKMi loan.Mu it nulh.ianir la ra.l Wlllamillt MrrMlaa, ha. flint iMiKiif liilrtillon lo mak Onal fl.r jrrar rmf, lalaMl.h claim la lh lan.1 al.) il rtllmt Uforr II C Kill. L' CnnnnlMlM athUoffc! llraJ, OirM, uu Ihr lilhilaf of JUIV lJII Clalmanl nam aa ltri. Lhallr. IWiy.l nfliriiil ilrrauii hp.lrr u!MlinoiMt llirtiiii Aiiuil irrr nf Sirll Suit, Oro ll.nlrl llrl.iug ul aUltla Olrun J I? t W MIKIMII, Krjlilrt If you want .something to cat try Pure Ice ('renin CAAA'CDT AC I'ure Ice Cri-nm F.vory Day jAVI J rLALC Kvery I)..y. on Hond .street. Annex to Stephens k Puttie's saloon. TO BUILDERS WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF FLOORING RUSTIC, SHJPLAP AND ROUGH LUMBER. WE ARE SELLING Shiplapat $14 per M Good Grade Rustic - - - $13 per M Common Rough Lumber - $12 per M at mill one and one-half miles .south-east of iiknd. We can furnish any bill on short notice. Send us your orders for FINISH LUMBER.. BEND LUMBER CO. BB Deschutes Bar BOND STREET Wines, Liquors and Cigars "EVERYTHING TO DRINK BUT DESCHUTES WATER." GIRTON Why not got out mvmo advertising blotters, Inrgo or smnllT The Hull etln baa the stock and can do tho work on Ita now prean. , New PALACE MARKET Chatloa lloyd, Prop, MEATS Vegetables, etc. Tnoc Maroia HraiaHa Cnnvnioma Ac ..itM .i.h J ...lahHi anaf Nlaalr aarwrum V t awl V ."''?''," i.tMiU i H'wr "'Jtbi.J "' llo..alrl.llr.M.a4.i.l(al Mtkil&W' ,.TU IM frM. Illlwt afawf fPf ,aiillfaallM. Yalaaia lakaai Iknxali Maaa j tVk raraii rrrtal mtiU. vUkoal tkarta, la Ik SckMtiftt Jmrm. A k-a.m,.lf "! L-"' ' aaWtkxt j rtMiH rraai. Tr.a. M a iiZTi ! lVa7lU i-Mkjanfa-Mrairrj. COMPANY I CITY DRAY l-MUf, 4aaiaMMHiaa0kiMaw Wo Handle IJverylhlnir. I.oavo or dra wltli Nick Smith Uall Hlirl lll Palace Restaurant IJmmmic fitr Pi'Mt Confectionery, Priilt I'lcnlc Suppllvit, Clxnr i i i 'p i c n j. r. laggan o tu. ::.1 ,- vJkKSiiLl. OO YCARO' MQHcxpcnicNcc j f