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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1911)
t. ALL WHO CAN SHOULD ATTEND THE CENTRAL OREGON DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE'S CONVENTION AT PRINEVILLE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. The bend bulletin. i -1 Vol. IX. MINI), ORWiON, WKDNIJSDAY. Jl'NK W, liMJ. NO. 10 I t .1 0 MUDDLE FINANCIAL OUTLOOK IS NOT TOO IJRIO.HT Only I'liiir Teacliera lima I'nr Con tracted I'ur Next Sriumi Opml llinlo$l".()( Salary for 1'rlnclpnl mi (Irnuiiiln ol IMrnvnjcnnce. VlliWI!US(IO OVI!l ROAI). Tho Croiik county board of vIowi'iH, headed by the county engineer', returned Thurodiiy night from an ofKhlnluy trip of Inspection over tho new Hend Ituriw mud. Road Supervlwir !:. W. KtrliJirilHim (dated to Tho Bulletin that they reported IIiIh highway Him bcHl in tli Ih county, considering ILh length, ami that it Iihh tin leiwt grades. It Ih being traveled regularly now for iiiomL of the distance. Nothing wan iloiiu to extricate the alTairM of tlio Bond hcIiuoIb from their (iiiiMiiiu'y Hlnle of muddle merit at the meeting: of the school liiHinl .Monday night. AIkiuI the only actum that wan taken, after !'. M. Kay liad heen mvorn in, wan ' that of Instructing tho clerk In com municate with .1. II. SlimiHo, notify- inghlm that the Iward could not consider furtlier his application for prinelpnlshlp becnuso ho wax not cilulplM'd with tlio proM'r certill- CtlM. I'reviouM to IiIk Informing the 'Imiird that he lacked the requisite .certificate at thin time, Mr. Slimmo hnd hivtt tended the Mwltlon nli 'salary of $l(57.r) a mouth, ly the hoard when It mcinlH!rshlp com- 'prised Messrs. Triplet! and llotal Ing. Mr. Overturf ohjecteil stren "uously to any rtucli salary. MlnUng out that it scorned to him an un "warranted incnuum of practically M) per rvnl over lust year's salary of, U, especially rut tho llniinces of .the school undoiihteilly were In bad shape It further developed that niich largo towns tw IIihmI Itiver, The Dulles and Klamath Falls pay but from l'X to 110. It was Hilnted out that, with but $HT)l cash on hand, warrant to tho' Amount of $3,lb" oro outstanding, alt drawing Intcrost ul fi kt gent. I At the close of tlio school term hint I yenr tho outstanding warrnnU otalel I1.7IH. In other words, the ; school owon $1,'J17 iimro than it did i thtH time hmt year. I No action was takun regarding I 'the reduction in tho prnHod $lf00 princiiml'M salary, it being noithor InilorMMl nor revised. At present tho only toachor feigned up for next year nro Mis Anno Markel and Miss Kthel Borden j in tho liigh school, and Miss Cathe-, rlno Troutner for tho fourtii grado ' nnd MiM Kthel Holme fur tho fifth, In tho grade school, j Tho following i tho financial re port of Clerk Wiost. a presented at' the annual meeting on June i'J: RIvCKIlTS Cash on hand Juno 11MU $ 178.87 District lux oUOI.fifi County School fund mtMh State fund -1K7. 10 Other HoiirciH lHJ.fiO 7115.37 DISIIUHSK.MKNTS Teacher salaries 11070.00 Ktiel and supplies 3ol.0fi ltemir and liuproveinenU 1031.07 Interest mi llotid !42o.OO Interest mi Warranl '287.31 I.lbrar bunk hD.75 Other purMwes 10K.01 710 1. OS HEN LAYS EGG ON POR.CH EVERY DAY Accommodating WlioJc Inland Med I'rcka on Kllchcn Door In atcad of Cackling. Not satisfied with supplying an egg daily to tlio family larder, a Ithodc IhIiiiiiI Rod hen owned by Mr. Ralph Spencer comes to the kitchen door and lay It where it will Ih found without any trouble. In addition to thin accommodating act, "lie goo a Htcp further and Mck on the door to let it be known that a large fresh egg i ready for tho frying pan. Little attention wa given the incident the first day, but now that tho hen rccat the IH-Tforumnco every morning. Mr. Hen ha ln-cn christened McDulT, in memory of ShnkusiR'ure'K well known line, "Ijiy on McDulT. and damniNl Ihj he who Unit crio hold, enough." COUNTY WORKS ROAD Highway to Slltcr Lake llclng Put In (lood Condition In preparation for tho travel that will come to Mend from thoHouthon the arrival of the railroad, tho coun ty i putting tho road leading to Iji Pino and Sliver 1-ake into good con dition. SuK)rvior l(ichardon ir now at work on tho Mtrotch from hero to Ijivii llutto, and tho uor vior of tho diHtrict beyond on the nwt of the link. In many place whore tho road ia too bad to 1m; ea ily repaired, a road to tho idoi be ing cut. Till work is another Btep toward having all the road enter ing thl city in excellent condition iH'foro winter. PERMANENT STREET WORK DDNE Two Miles of Sidewalks Laid in Six Months Wall Street Extension Being Opened Now. D V s' v..- v7 Like to feel that aor.citf.rQ in brlnRlnR their eposuoib busIncS8 10 n bank they are helpliiK to build It up; In other words they are rIvIiik something for what they receive. WE ARE GROW1NO OROW WITH US. Wo want your nccount want to mako our- Hclvea UHoful to you in anything jwrtaining to flnanco, anil wo can handlo It with profit to you and t ourrtulve. Wo hope, that you, Mr. Header, will bo on our lit of Depositor hood, If you aro not already one. NO MATTBK HOW SMAI.h OH IHGK A DKrOSlTOIl YOU AUK ALWAYS AI'l'UKCIATHD WVAVR. Kvldenco of tho progrewtlveneiwof Hond I Htrikingly hown by the large amount of ixirrnanont im provement work which ha been done during tho flrt half of thlH yvfir,i All told, over two mile of board idewalk ha l';n built Mince January 1, none of which ha a width lem than two feet. Nearly all the irrigation lateral within the city limit have been bridged and other MlmllHr work done. New street ro nm being oMjnod, grad ed and leveled, giving thi town the taut Mired ( Inj found in Central Oregon. The Kcnd Company alone ha built Hlnco tho firt of tho year 11,800 feet of walk. Within the roIdenco part of town the width of the Hide walk I at ix feet, anil In tho buHlne ditrict they aro eight feet wide. Four walk will lead to the Oregon Trunk I)oot, three from the west and the other from the ruiuth. Itidri have been called for the con Htructlon of a bridge over the I'll- ot liutte canal at (I recti wood aven ue, and the contract will probably bo let Thurmlay evening. Thl will Ih u :i2-foot Htructure, with ide walk on one Hide. Hie bridge deck will Ih four inche thick and the bent and Htringur capable of hum Uiining a weight of '! ton. Tlio bridge aero lateral also M. W. A. LECTURE Rev. V. 1.. Wllaon Speaks on Itenellla of fraternal Ordcra. Under tho nupice of tho MikI ern Woixlmen of America lodge, a lecture wa delivered at tho church lat night by Nov. W. L. Wilwon bo fore an enthusiastic audience in which were a number of Indie. Mr. Wilson oke on the benefit of fraternal order in general, with Hccinl reference to tho M. W. A. He stated that in some regpuct it wa ahead of all other lodge and noleil that the local lodge is grow ing rapidly. (10 ON WHUK UNI) OUriNU A party of eighteen Hond people spent tho week und on an enjoyable outing up tho rivor Saturday night and Sunday. They went up in au to and on horseback to tho homo- have a four-Inch deck. Practically all of thuHu dltcho hnve now been bridged, either by the Hond Water, Light & Tower Co. or the city. The main street have been put into excellent condition by mean of an adjustable rond levulur built on the principle of tho King road drag. It leave the Htreet In abet , lor condition than If they were ma cadamized or prtvod, a smoothnetM without nob.' and jar I obtained. , All riK'k and Htump have been re hiovihI. The city ha ordered a firt clam road plow and expect to make 'a gutter along each idewalk and (gradually work the dirt up to tho center of the Htreet. The Htreet gang ia now at work I opening the extension of Wall street : to tho northeast to connect with the Ijiidlaw and I'rineville road in Ly tic Addition. There is no coat to tho city for right of wny for this aa Tho Hond Company and the owner of Lytic Addition hnve each given half of the necessary prorwrty. Some housos erected for temporary rosi donees will have to ho moved, but this will entail no difficulties. While perhaps not properly classi fied under "municipal improve ments," tho work of drafting tho City Charter, which will be completed probably within thirty days, is probably the most impor tant Uiing accomplished by the city fnther. stead of F. 0. .Minor. Those fond of angling sHint part of the time fishing in the Deschutes and tho oth ers amused themselves in various way. Saturday night a large bon fire wa built. Those in the party were: Misse Kvn Graves, Laura and He Richards, Edith Enstcs, Sara Perry and Tot Taggart, Mr. and Mr. J. A. Hastes, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. , II. Scott, C. M. Richards, A. M. Pringle. E. It. Post, H. N. Steele. W. II. Coble. H. A.Millor.RonSaw bridge and Earl Hryan. Caihfor HxprcM. ' Heroafter the Wenandy Livery .'Company will give absolutely nocro 'dit on express charges. Every cus tomer will Ihj obliged to pay cash j when getting his packages at the company's offices, or upon delivery 'of same. lUtf. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company of Bend, Oregon Conservative Banking for Conservative People. L II 1IAIRI1. (ViMlilent) J. W. MASTHR8, (Vice l'rc.i.lent) 1'. 0. MINOIt, (SccrctBry) DIRKCTOKS: U n. BMItn, 1'. O. MINOR, S. V. nAIHD. - -Full Stock of- Builders Supplies Of all kinds now on hand. Finest line of Cottage Doors in Central Oregon. Keep out that enemy of mankind, the ily, with Screen Doors The kind that yon want is here and the price is right. Save money by buying your shovels pitchforks, stoves, nails and other hardware at the store of N. P. Smith Wall Street fr I'AKKOr At IIAl.t. (IAAUJ . A parrot that uttered curnes every time a Hond player struck out and shrieked applause at every run scored by tho home team wa an added attraction at the game Sunday. It wa carried in a cage by a ludy and divided attention with the diamond con- tost. It rooting is said to have aided In winning the game. J MEETWILLBEBIG PRINEVILLE CONVEN TION IMPORTANT QUICKER MAIL FOR BEND AT LAST After July Plrat .Mall Will Come From Culver Junction by Way of I'rineville. Commencing July flrt the Shnn iko mail route will be discontinued. After that dat- mail will be taken from Culver Junction to I'rineville and thence to Hond. It is probable that the mail arriving at Culver one evening will reach Hend before noon of the next day but aa yet no definite schedule have been announced. It is expected the return mail will leave here early in the afternoon, reaching Culver, via Prinwille, in time for the next morning's train. Hy this new method letters will travel about 05 mile instead of 38, a would be the case if brought di rectly from Culver to Hend. ELEVATIONS IN CROOK Many Distinguished Speakers to Ad- dresa Seailons of Central Oregon Oevelopmfnir,rnjtuejConvcn- tlon Friday and Saturday. Accurate StatlMlc Furnlihed Uy Geological Survey Hullctln. Senator Hourne has sent to every public and college library and to every newspaper in Oregon a copy of Geological Survey Hullctin No. 1G2, giving a report of "Results of Spirit Leveling in Oregon." The bulletin gives accurate statistics re garding the elevation of the various sections of the state. The eleva tions given arc the altitude above sea level. Elevations in Crook county are as follows: Hend: 250 feet north of Inter section of Wall and Nevada streets, 3.G26.217; 3.9 miles southwest, 3, S3S.70; -1 miles southeast, 3.-177.15G; J.b miles northeast, 3,325.93. Powell Hutte: 0.2 miles cast of stage station, 3,219.92-1; 5.2 miles northeast of stage station, 3,145,-tG. I'rineville: Main entrance gate to courthouse, 2.8G7.-J95; G.l miles southwest, 3,250.15. CRAZV, THREATENS, ARRESTED On Monday, Jack Stone was ar rested at Laidlaw by Constable Lucas, A. E. Forguson nnd S. R. Dorris by requost of John Wimer, whom Stone is alleged to have threatened with a shot gun. Stone who walked over the mountains re cently, was employed by the Wim ers at Tumalo. Apparently he suf fers from flu of insanity, during which he is irresponsible. He was taken to I'rineville. That the first convention of the Central Oregon Development Leoguc at I'rineville thin Friday and Satur day will be attended by a large dele gation of Hend people ta assured. The local interest is due to tho pre liminary missionary work of J. J. Sayer, field secretary of the Oregon Development League, who was here last week working on behalf of the get-together meeting; the enthusi asm nroused by Manager C. C. Chapman of the Portland Commer cial Club at his address last night, and perhaps chiefly because local people realize that Bend is primarily responsible for the inauguration of the Central Oregon League, and are determined that this place be well represented. Friday morning the Bend boosters who ore scheduled to forget their location and become Central Oregon boosters first, last and all the time, go to the county seat, where ar rangements for their accommoda tions have been made. Delegations from all the towns of south-central Oregon are expected. Many Portland business men will attend. President Gray of tho Hill lines will be one of the principal speakers, many other prominent rail road officials also being on hand. Bill Hanley of Burns will preside. There will be five sessions. Friday morning there will be ad dresses of welcome, Bill Hanley and C. C. Chapman being listed among the speakers. Friday afternoon "Cooperation" will be the subject for discussion, and in the evening President Gray will be the principal speaker, the subject being "Central Oregon's Resources." Saturday morning special commercial club methods and the use of the local press in publicity work will be dis cussed, the afternoon session being devoted to talks upon good roads, dry farming, irrigating and experi ment stations. In the evening I'rineville will be the host at a ban quet to the visitors. Fourth of July Fare via Oregon Trunk Railway. Round trip tickets will be sold for ono and one-third fare, to all points on tho Oregon Trunk Ry. and The North Bank Road, to which the one way fare is $G.0O or less. July 2, 3 and 4, return limit July 5. Minimum round trip fare $1.00. 16 The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or.-U. O. OOE, PrtlUM E A. 8ATHCR. Vlc Pr.lld.nt 0.8. HUDSON. Cathlir Capital fully paid ... S2S.OOO Stockholders' liability - S3S.000 Surplus .... . as.OOO MR. FARMER. Do You Want These Prizes? We ofler the following sums, in cash, for the best exhibits thro the HendCommercial Club: $25.00 cash, for the best assortment of sam ples grown on either dry or irrigated land. $10.00 for the best samples ot clover. $10.00 for the best samples of alfalfa. $10.00 for the best samples of root crops, $10.00 for best assortment dry land grains. $ 1 0.00 for best assortm't irrigated land grain. All exhibits to bo raised within twenty-five miles of Bend and to remain the proierty of tho Bend Commercial Club. TEb FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: U. C. COR Jt, A, SATHER c. 8. IICDSON F. P. SMITH H. C. KI.US .V