Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1894)
VU.1.EÌ FATALITY OF FUSION. !E( » ill I. FREE SILVER IS WHAT THE STCN- STATE WANTS. Rainoua Whereve» Tried—Keep In the KEY- The Pres* on Mr. Pullman’s Case. I SOCIETY DIRECTORIAL WISCONSIN MOVING. If Mr. Ppllman’s course has been at I riierc’s a Fair Chance That Bob Schilling «11 points so absolutely fair as he-arks Middle i< the Koad. Will Be Right “In It” This Fall. ts in his public statement to believe, The People’s Paper Letters received here from Oregon all The Song of the Tariff Singer No Longer why was he unwilling to submit it to Now that the party of corporation pay that at the late election in that Charius the Voters of Pennsylvania—An the judgment of impartial men? If ho has named Bill Upham of Marshfield as ASHLAND. Or....... Thursday. Oct. 11. 1H94 state in every case whero there was a Interview Which, While Not So Intended, j has so conclusive a case against every its standard bearer and Boss Wall has straight three-cornered fight for the leg demand and every complaint, he would viewed the act from a theater box and ravors the Teople’s Party. islature the Populists won, and in every have been absolutely sure of a judgment decided to give George W. Peck anoth- | case where there was a fusion candidate Mr. Robert B. Cramer, city editor of in his favor. Why did he evade the is- er trial it might be remarked that an run by Democrats and Populists the the Philadelphia Times, who is spend | rue? If he was willing to exhibit his eveut which took place on the great In Republicans won. In all the fusion dis ing a part of his summer vacation in ' books to his workmen in proof of his dependence day in this city is just now tricts the new recruits went back to tho Atlanta, is an interesting talker on the statements, why was ho unwilling to beginning to attract the attention it de Republicans, and the goldbug Demo exhibit them to men who wero able to serves. Referenco is made to the selection, of crats voted the Republican ticket So political situation. He is a close ob understand wliat- their figures meant? a People’s Party ticket, which at that we lost Republican recruits at one end server, and his connection with The —New York World. date was laughed at and regarded by a and Democratic recruits at the other Times has given him an admirable op Mr. Pullman of itinerant lodging majority of people as a joke and by tell-tale symptoms that your blood, and still were second in the race. It is portunity to study the varying phases of is not right—tullof impurities, causing now the opinion of all those who havo the political cutlook. For several years ; house notoriety had a talk with his em some of the Populists themselvos as a a sluggish and unsightly complexion.' written and those here who ore familiar ho has done much of the political work ployees just before they quit work, in mere matter of form. But few can see which he explained to them what sac farther than the ends of their noses in A few bottles of 8. S. o', will remove with the case that a straight Populist of The Times. all foreign and impure matter, cleanse rifices he had made to provide w A- for ticket would have swept the state clean. During the past few months the Penn them. He had underbidden all Ins com these times, and indeed it would be sur the blood thoroughly, and give a clear prising if they had in this instance. Americans generally don’t liko a strad sylvania papers have been full of the and rosy complexion. It is most effect petitors in the open market, and he ex Who would have believed a month ago dle bug any better than they do a gold- ual, and entirely harmless. bug. They waut a man to be one thing growth of the freo silver sentiment in pected them to work at rates of wages that tl’.c People’s Party had a ghost of a Chas. Heaton, 73 Laurel Street, Phila., says: ' “I have had for tears a humor in my blood, or the other. They havo no stomach for that state, Senator Cameron having been which would at least save him from show in Wisconsin, the railroad ridden, Mr. Pullman did not seem to trust tortured, monopoly muzzled, cor which made me dread to shave, as small boils or that sort of food that is neither fish, one of the few Republican senators who ' loss. pimples would be cut, thus causing shaving to realize that he was aiding to carry out have supporrted free silver measures in be a great annoyance. A iter taking three bottles poration cinched old Badger State? flesh, fowl or good salt herring. my face is all clear and smooth as If the news that is reaching here is the senate. Mr. Cramer says that after the plan to reduce wages which his em This latest unpleasantness, the battle it should be—appetite splendid, ■ sleep well and feel like running a, correct, Nebraska is about to walk into this congress disposes of the tariff ques ployees wcro directly opposed to. Hav with Pullman, has had a farreaching foot race all for the use of S. S. S. , the same wide open, unconcealed trap. tion, and whatever is done with it this ing underbidden all competitors for con effect. It has gone straight to the hearts Treatise on blood and skin disease« mailed free, i Let them put up a fusion candidate, es issue will I xj a back number as far as tracts, he then proposed to make wages of thinking men in the old parties, and SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. i conform to the terms of the contract.— they have determined to pla e this state pecially with a lawyer for a candidate, Pennsylvania is concerned, the financial San Francisco Call. out of reach of ■ the men who have con in the Third district, and Goldbug Mei- Georgo M. Pullman kindly volunteers trolled its affairs for years and abused klejohn will be returned to congress question will forge immediately to the to take tho American people into his the power given them. with a 5,000 majority at his back. All front Of this Mr. Cramer says: “ The chango of sentiment among the confidence by assuring them that there such gold standard Democrats as Jim They argue that the party which in IS THE BEST. AWK. KOSQUEAKIN& Crawford, Chard et aL will work for men throughout the north who led the is not a dollar of water in the $36,000,- dorses Grover Cleveland, the United Meiklejohn from morning till night and fight against silver a year ago and se 000 of Pullman company stock. If Mr States senate and the rest of the Demo $5. CORDOVAN, F RENCH& ENAMELLED CALK vote for him on election day in prefer cured the repeal of the silver purchas Pullman would kindly inform the coun cratic rottenness is not to be trusted in \ •'4.t5.yFiNcCALf&KAN3ARQl ence to a free silver fusion Democrat, ing clause of the Sherman act has try how much of that unwatered stock power in Wisconsin. Liberal Democrats V $3.5° POLICE,3 S cles . and any man with common sense ought brought a new and active element into has found its way into the pockets of by the hundreds left the party in this ; A05O2.W0RKINGMBifi railway managers as a gift in considera city and state when the Erio county to know that much without being told i: 1 EXT7?A FINE. national political affairs which is puz tion of their influence with the com hangman sent the federal troops to Chi it, while, on the other hand, the farmer 52?!.7-5 B oys S chodl S hses . Populists, who have recently nearly all zling mightily the leaders of both the old panies with whom tho Pullman com cago, and where did they go? Not to •LADIES* been Republicans, will either not vote parties. The approach of another presi pany has made contracts, the country the Republican ranks. That would be to-$2''BEsir?°NS0,-A. at all or go back to their old party. dential campaign, with the certainty might more fully understand the ex out of the pancake griddle into the fire. 3ENO FOR CATALOGUE Robert Schilling has had a little plat While such men as Morton, Jim Boyd that the people will not permit party traordinary increase in the capitaliza F WU’DOUGLAS, and Jim Crawford are in the Democrat platforms to either dodge or straddle tion of his octopus and the facility foi form of his own for about 20 years, and BROCKTON, MASS. ic party in Nebraska very few old farm the silver question, has within a very floating the stock and making it Paj up to within a short time he has held it Yen eau «XTC msnrr by purcbavius W. L- down with his own weight practically Shoe»» , ers can be coaxed to vote a fusion Dem few months revolutionized the political heavy dividends.—Omaha Bee jiffware tlxe manufacturers ox unassisted. But Schilling is a deter ocratic ticket situation in the middle and New Eng advertised suot s in the world, and guarauUe I've a secret in my heart, the value by stamping the and price on mined though conservative man, and he Again, when tho old Alliance farm land states. Sweet Marie, tlie bottom, which protects you against high A tale I wou d impart. ers left their old parties one of their ob has at last been rewarded by the long prices and the lr.iJdlemairs profits. Our shoes “In Pennsylvania the tariff is a dead Sweet Marie. equal custom work ia style, easy fitting and jects was to get rid of the reign of the issue. The people are only waiting for looked for stampede from the old parties If vou’d even fairer be. wearing qualities. We have them sold every- lawyers. Of the 15 Populists now in some definite action on the bill now to positions by his side, and he has gen •viiere at lowc r prices for the value given than You must always use Parks’ Tea, any other mahc. Take no substitute. If your tho senate and house six are lawyers. pending in congress, and when Presi The improvement you will see. erously “moved over” and given up dea’*r cauuot supply you, we can. Sola by Sweet Marie. Sold by E. A. Sher- part of bis space on his planks to thou To nominate a lot more of that profes dent Cleveland attaches his signature to Dealer, whose name will shortly appea: sion will not have a tendency to in the compromiso measure the only regret win. sands of men who havo been his bitter here. Agent wanted. Apply at once. crease the enthusiasm of the average anywhere will be that he did not do it opponents and detractors. There’s a big WHEN THURBER WAS SMALL. old hayseed. They havo no unreasoning sooner. The people will not endure an crowd with him in Wisconsin, but he DR. JORDAN & CO.’S prejudice against lawyers, but in a other tariff agitation in congress nor An Incident of the Boyhood of tho Presi says there’s room for many more, and which appeals for support and soon permit of another long drawn dent s Private Secretary. they are all welcome, only he wants GREAT IDSEDM OP AJATOM? party whose existence depends upon the al out wrangle which places an injunction Private Secretary Thurber has al them, like the revivalist, to come now, 1051 Market St., San FrancUco most undivided support of the agricul on trade and ties up every important ways been of a very inquisitivo turn of this very minute, and be saved before (Between 6ih and 7th St».) A tural class the farmers rightly think interest pending the settlement of the mind in all matters pertaining to re the breakers strike and engulf them Go and learn how wonderfully you that it should not be dominated, as are tariff question by congress on a purely ligion. He will forsako a French novel with tho ancient and wornout hulks are made and how to avoid eicknem ..nd disease. Museum enlarged with the two old parties, by lawyers.—Wash political basis. at any time to discuss theology. His they have been sailing upon. thousands of new objects. Admis ington Cor. Nonconformist A locomotive engineer said today sion 25 eta “The bitter attack on silver, in which research has been great, and ho de Private Office—Name Building that there were 40,000 “railroad” votes lights in nothing so much as to rescue the leaders of both parties joined with 1051 Market Street— Diseases of men: THE RUSSIAN THISTLE. stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the al<:n the belief that it would settle financial some old divine whose mental eyesight in Wisconsin. Everyone of them ought and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer- to be cast for Nicholas F. Lawler, Peo Directions From the Wisconsin Experiment woes, ended in the repeal of the Sher being dim has permitted him to stray rury. ’) re*timnt penonajly or by letter. Semi ple ’s Party nomineee for railroad com from the path and set him in the right for bcok. <3 • man act and gave Pennsylvania people Station For Fighting It. missioner, and tho rest of tho ticket, direction once more. Thurber feels that a preliminary education in the study of Long established and reliable practitioner' Plow in August or early in Septem and if half that number will go to tho ber beforo the thistles have gone to seed, the silver question. Since then they the day in which he lias performed sucu polls election day and do their duty a deed has not been wasted. His friends have been making up their own minds using care that all weeds aro well Wisconsin will have a state officer who expressed much surprise at his accept about silver and have joined with the turned under. If the season bo long and belongs to the American Railway union, ing his present office. Those who had weeds como through tho furrow, it may people of other northern states in the a governor who is in hearty sympathy known him from childhood were sore belief that silver was not the cause of bo necessary to harrow the land before with their cause and other officials who winter. Burn over stubble fields as soon our national financial disease, but rath perplexed that one so religious as he will give railroads in W isconsin their should voluntarily venture into the de er an effective and urgent remedy. as possible after harvest Cut the stub first lesson in obedience to tho laws of vious path of politics. And their per “ The sentiment in favor of free coin ble with a mowing machine if the fire the commonwealth.—Milwaukee Cor. does not burn everything clean without age spread slowly, but it has developed I plexity continued until they were able Chicago Times. to appreciate the truth of his declara- a strength which neither party dare cutting. ti<» that ho accepted the position be ignore. It has overshadowed the tariff Water of any temperature desired Cutting the stubbio and thistle before CRAPE ON TROLLEY CARS. Natural Temperature S3 deg’s. tho latter have gone to seed will help, question and overwhelmed the Amer cause he believed it to be his duty to his country. They tell a story of the first ican Protective association element, Tl DRIKK TIE WATER IS A TOMIC. but it is not thoroughly effective with which once threatened to become a vig recorded search Thurber made into That’s Wliat They Have In Binghamton out fire, as the thistles will send out After One Has Been Killed by Them. Being Sulphuric and Alkaline it eradicates branches below where the mowing ma orous political issue in at least three of things pertaining to another life, He fungi and animalculea, and neutral “While reading of the numerous trol the northern states. It has done more was but a tot, scarce out of petticoats, chine cuts them. izing and correcting all acidi ley accidents in Brooklyn, ’ ’ said Alder but quite precocious withal. than that — it has come to the front as If the weeds have been neglected and ties it promotes a normal and The canary bird of a little friend had man Brandt of Binghamton a few days healthful condition in every have grown large and rigid, they may a platform on which the man to be part of the system. died, and it had been buried in a tiny ago, “it occurred to me that Brooklyn nominated and elected as our next presi be raked into windrows and burned. coffin with much honor. Two or three lines would do well to adopt a unique dent must stand or fall. Neither he nor The old fashioned revolving hayrake or ... SWIMMING RINK. — days later the owner of tljh bird on custom which, as far as I know, is pe his party could make light of it if they any rake made especially strong so as to reaching the grave to drop li^r tears sur Inclosed and covered, the same medica pull the weeds and especially good at tried. culiar to Binghamton car lines. In our water, always clean, for the springs run a "This convulsion of sentiment has prised youug Thurber before the grave, 1 heavy volume- more than twelve hun- clearing itself in dumping will answer city the trolleys occupy all the principal dred gallons per hour. the purpose. An ordinary wheel rake, left many presidential booms stranded which he had opened, and with the bird streets, but the motormen are very care in liis hand. You may dive and swim and have more with a set of strong teeth, has been used high and dry on the rocks of dead is fun than ’’anybody’ —come out as “fine “Why, Harry Thurber, ” she cried, ful, and it is seldom that there is an ac sues. It is not possible for Governor as silk” and “white as wool”—rejuven successfully. This method is to be rec McKinley to make a race on the tariff running up and shaking him, “what du cident Last winter, however, a man ommended only as a last resort, for by ated and happy. the last of September some of the seeds issue again, for the people won’t have you mean? You naughty, wicked, bad was run down and killed- Tho exact Liocated on the it. They may like his bill better than boy I” details of the accident have slipped my HELMAN LAND, HALF A MILE will be ripe enough to shell out and Professor Wilson’s, but they will insist “Why,’’the naughty, wicked, bad memory, but I believe that no blame will escape being burned with the NORTH OF THE PLAZA. plants. If left until October, when that the next few congresses at least boy replied between shakes, “I—I— Was attached to the motorman. many of the plants are certain to be spend their time in talking about some only— er —want — ter—see—if—if—if When that particular car appeared on fully ripe and dry, the land where they thing else, whilo our manufacturers fiad —the—’ittlo —bir—birdie—ah—had— the following day, it was a sight to be gone—to — to — heaven. ” — Chicago seen. Long streamers of crape floated dis are growing will be well seeded any timo to strike a balance sheet. Pi opriemr. Post. “ The same is true of Tom Reed, with way, but raking together and burning mally out from the sides, black and white the weeds will prevent their being the additional fact that his radical an rosettes ornamented the spaces between W. I. Church, of Staunton Post G. A R blown across neighboring fields during tisilver views places a second obstacle avs; ,-I have tried neariv every cough the windows and conductor and motor the winter. Of course care should bo in his path. That Reed is endeavoring remedy lint have found nothing to com pa1 e man wore badges of mourning. Not taken to do this work when there is lit to hedge on the silver question is com with Parks’ Cough Syrup. There is noth only that, but every car on that line —PROPRIETOR— on earth like it for bronchitis. I have tle wind, for a burning Russian thistle mon talk in Washington, but the pages ing suffered ever since my discharge from the was draped with black, and all the trol before the wind will jump any fire of The Congressional Record tell a story army and Parks’ Cough Syrup is the only ley cars in the city displayed in one way too straightforward to be denied. The remedy that has ever helped me.” Sold by or another some sign of mourning. It break and carry both seeds and fire. Barren fallowing does very well if other prominent Republicans in the E. A, Sherwin. was really quite imposing. kept barren bv thorough cultivation. It senate and the house are in the same “If they could only import that ide* Information l-'or the Examiners. gives but little benefit to the land, how boat, for nearly every one of them who in Brooklyn,” continued the aiderman The Hou. Champ Clark, formerly of ever. A much better method is to sow is accredited with presidential aspira WEST SIDE OF PLAZA. Kentucky, has no respect for the civil thoughtfully, “I think it would be a tions has at one time or another depre clover, millet or rye, pasture it and plow long step toward trolley reform. They AVING BOUGHT the fixtures of the it under green. This will be beneficial cated the value of the white metal In service laws, and he does not hesitate seem to be reforming everything else Hargadine <t Woods (formerly Mur to say so, as was indicated by his vig our currency. but the trolleys there. Draping the cars phy Bros ) market and renovated and to re the land, especially if a comparative “The man who is to be nominated by orous speech in the house the other day. of each line for, say three days after painted the old stand, the public can de ly large portion of clover is used, and pend upon our keeping on Land at all times the weeds will be choked out Millet the Republicans for president in 1896 In the course of his remarks he made a any unfortunate had met his death on a full supply of and oats combined may be grown and must fit the platform which the senti general assault on the civil service that particular line, would enable peo CHOICEST MEATS------- cut for hay. This crop will choke out ments of the people are now building. system, which, he declared, was the ple to keep a sort of count, besides be ------- and SAUSAGES nearly all the weeds, and the few that The Republican party is not in a posi most monumental fraud of the century. ing a graceful tribute of sorrow on the Of All Kinds. do grow will bo too slender to cut any tion to build a platform to fit any man, “Not 10 men in this house, ” said he, part of the trolley company. Moreover, uo mutter how much popularity he may ’ ‘could stand an examination for a $900 the enormous expense for crape to which figure as tumble weeds. fl^First Class Service. Small Margins Corn, potatoes, beets or any cultivat enjoy at the present time. Their can clerkship. Why, they asked one man the companies would be subjected would and Cash Pnces. Give us a trial 3-22-tf ed crop, well taken care of, will in two didate must be a man whose views on how many British soldiers were sent undoubtedly have the effect of making years rid the land of not only Russian the coinage question favor free coinage over here during the revolution. The the motormen more careful. TI h . F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne. Henry C. Roose, thistles, but nearly all other weeds. absolutely and unreservedly, and whose applicant replied that he did not know “Oh, I tell you, there are lots of RECEIVERS. Sheep are very fond of the Russian record will be at least reasonably con the exact number, but he knew a d___ d things that the bigger cities can learn thistle until it becomes too coarso and sistent with the declarations of his par sight more came over than went back. ” of Binghamton I”—Brooklyn Citizen. —Louisville Courier-Journal. woody. By pasturing the sheep on thi ty on the subject. “ This tars out all the old timers who young plants they may be kept down, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” The American people never found out and tho only valuable quality tho plant have waved the bloody shirt until it is A friend advised me to use Ely s Cream till this summer what awfully sticky threadbare, and who have talked tariff Balm and after using it six weeks I believe has may be utilized. In fields where the weeds are thick until every workingman in the country mys«lf cured of catarrh. It is a most valu stuff sugar is. able remedy.—Joseph Stewart, 624 Grand drag with an iron harrow, hitching the rises in protest against the very men Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. tion of the word. It bars out those who team on by a long chain. As soon as My son was afiiicted with catarrh. I in the harrow is full of weeds set fire to have been led by public clamor into fa duced him to try Elir’s Cream Balm and them and keep dragging and burning. voring a gold currency, and it leaves in the disagreeable catarrhal smell all left him. He appears as well as any one.—J. C. Olm- This scheme, although apparently some the field only the men who are pledged I stead, Arcola, Ill. what chimerical, has actually been tried to bring about financial relief by the re Price of Cream Balm is fifty cents. with success. If the Russian thistle is construction of our financial system on II Bead and rondc-r. to be kept out of the cultivated fields, it 1 cheap money basis. Because of this The debt of the United States at the must be exterminated along roadsides, condition of affairs politically the names McKinley, Reed, Harrison, Tracy, -lose of the war was in round numbers railroad grades, fire breaks, waste land Allison and Sherman are being shoved about $2,000,000,000. The people have whero the sod has been broken, and, in fact, in all the accidental places where to the background, while Cameron comes paid something near this amount since forward as the straight and true dis in interest and of principal, and yet it it may have obtained a foothold. ciple of the new political religion. would take more corn, wheat, oats, cot Strikers Guarded Property. Atlanta Constitution. ton and tobacco to pay the debt due by The following letter was received by the government of the United States a Chicago paper from a clergyman The Blooming of Goldenrod. now than it would have required 30 whose charge is in the center of the Probably a great many people who years ago to have paid the entire debt, acene of rioting at Edison during the travel have failed to notice that the period ThiB is caused mainly by the reduction strike: of blooming of the goldenrod does not be af prices of these commodities due to Whatever wrongs may have been com gin first In the south and move northward, the contraction of the currency during mitted or mistakes made, I am con but apparently in the other direction, from this 25 or 30 years.—Cotton Plant vinced that the strikers did not burn north to south, remarks the Lewiston i the property of the railroads. The Rail Journal. In some places in northern Ver The Pimpernel. ST. PAUL 3 mont and Now Hampshire goldenrod of way union has an organization 280 the common field and railroad track vari If you chance to bo in the fields when MINNEAPOLIS strong at Edison and holds its meetings ety is in profuse bloom as early as the 10th Che clouds threaten rain and notice a A Page From Her History. DULUTH_____ in a hall corner of Fifty-first street and of July. On the Kennebec river a traveler plant, whose solitary, five parted scar The important experiences of others aro Homan avenue. I have attended several noted that the goldenrod was much more let flowers rising from the axils of op Intorestiii!;. The following is no exception: FARGO________ T had been troubled with heart disease !’■ of their meetings and heard their in golden and less tingod with groen than in posite green leaves are rapidly closing, years, much of that time very seriously. For GRAND FOR KS TO Malden or Cambridge, Mass. And the - structions to keep away from the rail- ive years I vrastreated liy one physician co:i- be wise enough to seek shelter, for this i was in business, but ubliyed to ■oad property, only to protect it from place where the plant is latest of all in is the “pimpernel,” or “poor man’s iiiuously. CROOKSTON etiro on account of my health. A j hy- yellowing apparently is Cape Cod, whero marauders. ician told mv friends that I could not lh e n WINNIPEG the dwarf seaside variety most common weather glass, ’ ’ and the closing flowers My feet and limbs were badly sv <>i- The evening of July 6, while the fire there hardly begins to do itself justice be indicate that rain is coming speedily.__ lonth. ii, and I was indeed in a serious rendition HELENA and was consuming the property of the rail fore September. It Is possible that the Exchange. .lien a gentleman directed uiv attention to '>r. Miles’ New Heart Cure, anil said that his roads, a meeting of the strikers was northern goldenrod ripens beforo that far BUTTE dstcr, who had been afflicted with heart dis called, and arming themselves as best ther south for the same reason that Indian ease, had been cured by the remedy, and was A Wonderful Conqueror. again u strong, healthy woman. I purchased they could they guarded the Grand corn ripens earllor in Vermont than it No diseace is more common among the a bottle of Hie Heart Cure, and in less than Trunk shops and Chicago, Boston and does in Virginia—it has got to ripen ear people than scrofula. Handed down from mliour after taking tho first dose I could generation to generation, it is found in •eel a decided improvement in the circulation Liverpool car works, on whose tracks lier if it is going to ripen at all TO my blood. When I had taken three doses 1 nearly every family,in some form. It may >f CHICAGO were at least 2,000 cars, many of them ■oulci move my ankles, something I hud not It May Do as Much l'or You. make'its appearance in dreadful running done for months.and my limbs had been swol loaded. During the night the hoodlums WASHINGTON Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving. Hl., writes sore, in swellings in the neck or goitre, or len so long that they seemed almost putriiied ramo from the scene of the fire on a that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for in eruptions of various forms; Attacking Before I had taken one bottle of the New PHILADELPHIA Cure tho swelling had all gone down hand car for the purpose, no doubt, of many years, with severe pains in the back the mucous membrane it jnay be known'as •Heart and I was so much better that I did my own NEW YORK ('atarrh. or developing in the'lungs it may and also that his bladder was affected. He burning the property and were driven work. On my recommendation six others are BOSTON AND ALL tried many so called Kidnev cures but be, and often is, the prim# cau^e of cori- taking this valuable remedy."—Mrs. Morgan, back by the strikers. They continued on without any good result. About a year •eumption. 569 W. Harrison St., Chicago, Ill. POINTS EAST and SOUTH In whatever forpi scrofula may manifest guard till the troops arrived Saturday ago he began use of Electric Bitters and Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, u discovery of an specialist in heart disease, is sold by For information, time cards, map« and evening. Many of them have from time found relief at once. Electric Bitters is es itseK, Hood’s Sarsaparilla is its' inveterate eminent foe and conqueror. This medicine has all druggists on a positive giutrantec.or sent pecially adapted to cure all Kidney and tiakets, call on or write to time offered to protect the companies’ by rhe Dr. Mile- Medical Co.,Elkhart, lnd.,on Liver troubles and often gives almost in such powerful alterative anti vitalizing ef receipt of price, per bottle, six bottles for A. D. CHARLTON, property here and are as anxious to see stant reiief. One trial will prove our state fects upon the blood that every trace of im 45, express propaid. I;.is positively free from Aisiatant General Passenger Agent, purity is expelled, and the blood is made all*bpfi'lC-s 01 Uliujerous Urfigu. it protected as ar« any of the officials of ment. Price pnlv 50c. for large bottle« ' Al . - ‘S ' ' ■ ---------------- PNf £<»>*» «Wltttvr V V G. A. K. BURNSIDE POST NO. 23. Meets in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and Al Saturday of each month. Visiting Com rades cordially welcomed. J as . C hisholm , Commander. J. S S mith . Adjutant. Those Pimples s s.s. W. L. D ouglas ASHLAND White Sulphur Springs BATHING GRANT W. II. C. 24 Meets in Masonic hali at 2 o’clock p. m. on the first and third Saturdays of each montii. M bs . J as . C hishoim . Pres. M bs . L ydia G riswold , bec’v. BURNSIDE RELIEF CORPS KO. for Infants and Children. “ C a« tori a is so well adapted to children that I recommend itas superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. A kchkb , M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Caatorla cures Colic, Constipation, Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. “Th<* use of ‘Castori*’ is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a w< >rk of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castori* within easy reach.’’ C arlos M artyn . D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. “ For several years I have recommended your * Castori*, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results.” E dwin F. P ardi «, M. D., “The Winthrop,” 123th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. GRANITE LODGE.NO. 23, Kmguts Pythias, Ashland. Oregon, met^s every Friday evening. Visiting Knights in good standing are cordially invited to attend. H. T. C hitwood , C. C. F. D. W agner , K. of R and 8. MASONIC, SISKIYOU CHAPTER, NO. 21, H. A. M. Regular convocations on th« Thursday next after the full moon. E.V. C arter , H.P. M. L. M c C all , Secretary. Tu* C entaur C ompany , 77 M urray S treet , N ew Y ork . fl ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. A A. M. • Stated communications on the Thursday of or before the full moon. W. H. L eeds , W. M. J. R. C asey , Secretary. PEOPLE EAST AND SOUTH FAT •VIA— P ark O besity P ills will reduce vour weight PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 pounds a month. NO STARVING sickness or injury; NO PUBLICITY. They build up the health and beautify the complexion, —OF THE— leaving NO WRINKLES or flabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breath Southern Pacific Co. ing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders Express Trains Leave Portland Daily supplied direct from our office. Price $2.00 per package or three packages for $5.00 by South ! I North mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed )2cts. 6:15 p ni Lv Portland Ar ÏÏJ201T m All Correspondence Strictly Confidential. 10:4O a in Ar Ashland Lv 4:40 p ni 11:10 a m Lv Ashland Ar 4:10 p ni PARK REMEDY CO., Ruston, Mass. 10:45 a in Ar San Francisco!, v 7:00p ni Above trains stop at all stations from Portland to Albany, inclusive; also Tan gent, Shedds. Halsey, Harrisburg Junction City, Irving, Eugene, and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ALPHA chapter NO. 1, O. E. s. The Shasta Route 0. R. & N. Co EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL R O U TES VIA DENVER OMAHA —AND— A. O. U. W. Second- Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through trains. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 66. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Between Portland and Corvallis. MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES, OCEAN leaves : arrives ; Portland.. 7:30 a ni I Corvallis. . 12.15 p m K. O. T. M. Corvallis. 1:00 jn | Portland. 5:35 p m . . 1 :00 p pi GRANITE TFKT NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF TB1 At Albany and Corvallis connect with MACCABEES. trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad Meet in regular review on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at Odd Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) Fellow’s Hall, Ashland. Visiting bi; Knights cordially invited. _____ LEAVE: ARE,VK: C has . H. G illette , Com Portland .4:40pm | M'Minnville 7:25pm J. E. T hornton R. K. M’Minnville 5:50am | Portland .8:25 a m To all points in the E h stern States, Can ada and Europe can be obtained from E. C. KANE, Agent. A'bland. R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst G. F & Pass Agt Notice for Publication, Land Office at Roseburg, Or.,) September 17. 1394. f otice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed no tice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. R. Neil, County Judge of Jackson county, Or., at Jackson ville, Jackson county, Or., on October 27, 1894, viz: James W Jarvis, on Homestead entry No. 5218, for the S«! ', Sc- 22. Tn 39 S. R I E. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: A. W. Jacobs. W. K. Kincaid, N.C. Dozier and Rufus King, all of Ash land, Jackson county. Oregon. R. M. V eatch , Register. N STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS — FOR— SAN I Meets in lodge room in Odd Fellows’ Hall every first and third Wednesday in each month. All brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. W. B. B eebe . M. W. J. R. C asey , Recorder. THROUGH TICKETS KANSAS CITY ST. PAUL PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. 16. Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and 4th Monday in each month. Members in good standing cordially invited tc attend. A bram B ish . C. P. F. M. D rake , Scribe. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. ▲ND AND Hold regular meetings every Saturday evening at their ball in Ashland. Brethren in good standing are cordiallv invitta to attend A. D. H elman , N. G. 11. S. E vans , Sec’v, P.O. box 102. leave - arrive : HOPE REBECCA DEGREE LODGE, »0. 24. Portland 8:30 am Roseburg . 5:50 p m Meets the 2d and 4th Tuesday m each Roseburg 7:00 a m Portland... 4:00 p m month in on Odd Fellows’s Hall. Ashland- A llie F arlow N. G. Dining Curs on Ogden Route. I da B urckhalter . Sec y. TO T JET JE SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS I. O. O. F. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. Roseburg Mail Daily. J. E. McNEILL, Receiver VIA Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays tn each month. M rs . E. C. R ank , W. M. M iss B elle W agner , Secretary. FRANCISCO. For Full details call on or address, W. H. HURLBURT. Asst. Genl. Pass. Agent. PORTLAND, OR •' )R SYLtì BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HELMAN 0. W. OBIRR, I ■ H ITORTHERN PACIFIC R U N S Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars RETIRED BUSINESS WOMAN. THE VERDICT OF THE GREAT ARTISTS IN FAVOR OF THE KIMBALL PIANOS Among those who have used and recommended the Kimball Pianos, we mention the following well-known musicians : Sig. Tom agno, Adelina Patti, Max Alvary, Lilli Lehman, Sig. Del Puente, Minnie Hauk, Stg. Arditi, Mme. Albani, Emil Fischer, Mme. Mordica, Sig. Pcrotti, Fu rsch-Madi, Sig. Favelli, Mme. Fabri, Clementine De Fere, Sig. Galassi, Jno. Philip Sousa, C. M. Ziehrer, Sig. Sarasate, Ovide Musin, C. Behrens, P. S. Gilmore, A. De Novellis. Emil Liebling, Chas. Kunkel, W. C. E. Seeboeck, E. Payen, And many other prominent musicians of Europe and America. The Pianos thus endorsed by the collective genius and authorities of the world, together with the Kimball Recd Organs may be found at Warerooms of G F. SHEPHERD, THROUGH TICKETS REASONABLE PRICES. 4 EASY PAYMFNTS. g I§ i>. ■s A