Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1894)
í VALLEY RECORD, VALLEY RECORD --------TUB FISIST-------- PL ÆLJST axd EÆJSTOY IP AR T IST TI TT GL. .VO MONOPOLY PRICES. ß^PGive us your order for Letter heads, Statements, Envelopes, Cireu- ars. Etc. Professional Cards VALLEY VOL. VII Death of Z. M. Hail. Z. M. Hall, who was engaged in farm ing in Table Rock precinct in former years and removed back to Chicago with his family about six years ago, died there Sept. 19th. Mr. Hall was one of that great city’s active and progressive lights and ins enterprise and energy made its mark in the building up of the western metropolis. The Inter Ocean of Sept. 20th says: Zebulon M. Hall died at bis residence, No. 86 Evanston avenue, at 11 o’clock last night, Mr. Hall had been in poor health for three vears. The funeral will probably be held Friday. Mr. Hall was born Feb. 14, 1821, at Perry Center, N. Y., where he received his education. He came to Chicago in 1844 and was em ployed by various transportation com panies as a clerk. Later he became a clerk on several lake steamers. Subse quently he became part owner of the steamer Lady of the Lake, running be tween Chicago and Buffalo. This boat was the first of a large fleet that he sub sequently owned. Shortly before the war he engaged in the ship chandlery business with Captain Charles Harding, now deceased. About 1867 Mr. Hall went into the wholesale groeerv business at Market aud Randolph streets. The building in which his store was situated was the only structure in the track of the great fire that escaped destruction. Since 1877 Mr. Hall had been retired from ac tive business pursuits. He was married to Miss Keczie Frost shortly after his ar rival in Chicago in 1844. She, together with two daughters and two sons, Mrs. Lloyd J. Smith, Miss Bessie Hall, Harry V. Hall and Edgar A. Hall, survives. ASHLAND, OREGON. Chief of the County Papers. Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year....... 12 Six months 1 Three months Advertising rates given on application. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1894 PRESSED BRICKS. Geo. Crt.wson and family arrived Sun day from Tillamook county to make their home on the Borton place. E. H. Palmer, of the Portland tyre foundry, passed through Friday on a business trip to Sail Francisco. Read Senator John P. Jones’s reasons why be left the republican party—print ed in full in this issue of the R ecord . A highly instructive document. Wm. Cox leaves soon for Coquille City. A social dance, in his honor, will be given by Ashland Hose Co. No. 2, of which he is assistant foreman, at the Opera house Friday evening. A first- class eupper will be furnished iu the dining rooms of Hotel Oregon. Mrs. Wm. Duenkel and son and her daughter. Mrs. Kate Fabj, and son, of Tacoma, Wash., were visiting Ashland relatives and friends this week, as well as at Medford and Jacksonville. They are en route to southern California to spend the winter for Mrs. Fabj’s health. Dunsmuir News: Brakeman W. C. Parish, who ran on this division up to the late strike, sailed last week for Australia. F. P. Burnett, who was agent at Sisson, has. gone to Honolulu. Mrs. R. W. Frierson and infant have re turned to town from Ashland. Mrs. Wm. Burns, wife of the work-train con ductor, has moved to this town trom Ashland. Oscar Lofftus has sold his entire busi ness interests in Lake county, except his sheep, which he has rented, and will leave here next week for San Francisco, where Lis wife is. She has been there some time for the benefit of her health. We are sorry to lose them as residents of Lake county, and hope they will do as well there as they have here.—Lakeview Examiner. Quail are reported unusually numerous in Josephine county this year. In fact flocks are frequently seen within the limits of the corporation of the city of Grants Pass. During the fiard winter of five vears ago quail were well nigh ex terminated, as the snow covered their feeding grounds for several weeks. But one pair was known to be in existence after the snow had disappeared and these had been fed by kind people of Williams creek. The birds have multiplied rapidly since then.—Grants I’asB Courier. The Mail says: Prof. Rigby has organ ized writing classes at several different points in the valley, among them being one at Phoenix, Griffin creek and in the Mound school district. The gentleman visits each locality one evening a week. W. I. Church, of Staunton Post G. A. R.. says: "I have tried nearly every cough remedy but have found nothing to compare with Parks’ Cough Syrup. There is noth ing on earth like it for bronchitis. I have suffered ever since my discharge front the army and Parks’ Cough Syrup is the only remedy that has ever helped me.” Sold by E. A. tberwln. Lake county has only one newspaper, the Lakeview Examiner, by A. Y. Beach. J. C. Oliver and B. S. Baker, of Union county intend to start a populist paper there soon an<l R. L. Sloss, of the Alturas New Era, is figuring on starting a neutral paper there, too. The Exam iner savB ths newspaper patronage there will only justify the publication of one paper in the county. We will bet on the populist paper sticking, however, as the general run of populist editors are great people when it comes to subsisting on air and water. They just spread themselves. “During my term of service in the army I contracted chronic diarrhoea,” says A. E. Bending, of Halsey, Oregon. “Since then I have used a great amount of medi cine, but when I found any that would give me relief they would injure my stom ach, until Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was brought to my notice. I used it and will say it is the onlv remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results follow.” For sale by Ash land Drug Company. No one yet knows what Governor-elect Lord will do in the making of appoint ments. It is his intention to leave for the East in a few days to visit friends and relatives, and, until he returns and becomes Governor, in fact, who will be appointed is entirely a matter of specu lation. It is said there are many ap plicants for all of the positions. J. T. Flynn, the Portland real estate agent who saw what was ailing th<- country and gave, in a spicy and breezy book, “Stud-Poker Finance,” the key to the situation, was on Monday’s train to make speeches in the California campaign for the populist cause. Flynn is a swift and fluent talker and fills a gap in populist oratory that was left wide open until he stepped into it. The com mittee should place Flynn on the track of the brainless dudes who are going about the state with tonguey ridicule and blackguarding billingsgate. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report RECORD. Changed Jdands ! Engineer Joe Poore is erecting a resi dence at Dunsmuir. Mrs. J. A. Anderson is visiting her c- CALDWELL, parents at Spokane. P. B. O’Neil, of Medford, went to San MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVF Jose, Cal., last week. DENTIST. Dr. Geary is erecting a residence on Chase Combination Dental Plates made with Gold and Aluminum Roofs. his Griffin Creek farm. Gold Fillings inserted in Porcelain Teeth Silk veiling, white and black. 10 and 15 o perfect appearance. The Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now cents per yard, at “The Fair.” Gold Crown and Contour work a specialty. Austin S. Bish was in Klamath county Office over the Bank Under the Management of •> last week with a load of fruit. Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 a. ru. and 4 to 5 p. in. Miss Kate Herriott is leaching the cieni to enable all men to be uninterrupt .[CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4.| Bridge Point school on Applegate. edly employed in the labor of their apti and tho r>, ruit is not welcomed. They D. BROWER M. D. George Epps, of Phoenix, is having a may, however, feel at liberty to join a new tudes and to enable all exchanges of the new residence built by H. F. Lyon. party, in the shaping of whose policies products of their labor to be equitably PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, John Reuter, of Jacksonville, has and the guidance of whose destiny they effected. For the same reason that money when entered the Portland Medical College. could actively, cheerfully and consistently A shlaxd , : ; : O rboon . participate and through whose success in amplo quantity is an immeasurable Frank Van Dyke and Elmer Fawcett they could havo the assurance that their benefaction to mankind, so when it comes are attending the Portland University. Office—Ganiards Opera House. most cherished conviction would find im to l>e deficient in quantity it is a blighting “Listed for the War,” a drama to be Residence Mechanie and Laura! Street« curse, not by reason of its nature, but of mediate embodiment hi a statute. produced soon by the King’s Daughters. the deficiency of quantity. The most im Learn a Lesson From the Tactics of Silver’s Miss Nellie Van Hardenburg, of Table J L. WOOD. portant duty of organized society—that is Opponents. Rock, has returned from an eastern trip. to say, of governments, properly under TheoppcnEuksof silver have pointed out stood—should be to see that a sufficiency DENTAL SURGEON. A son was born to the wife o' O. H. to us precisely what we ought to do. When of money exists. Tho alm of political Harshbarger at Klamath Falls recently. O begow A shland , they determined to repeal the purchase parties should be directed not to the enact Ij»igh Harnett is visiting the Josephine clause of the law of 1890, they ignored for ment of laws reducing the quantity of county mines and writing them up for LL MANNER of metal and rubber ----------- :o:----------- tho nonce ull other issues, forgot the strug money, but of laws properly and rational plates made in the latest approved the press. gles and animosities of a third of a cen ly increasing it. The difficulty in the way methods. An eight stamp mill is being put up on tury, shut their eyes to tariff campaigns of reform is that people who are of one I Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour Gold and porcelain crowns and bridge the Bone of Contention mine on Wil and exhausting struggles with force bills, mind do not at tho fitting time come to ists. work a specialty. All work warranted to When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon liams creek. give perfect satisfaction. Low prices. together with nil the bitterness which tho gether. Yet thisJL'ttJio indispensable con Office in Odd Fellows’ bnilding, up stairs. General J. A. Varney died last week memory of such occasions recalled, and dition of success. Men arc tho children of at his big prune orchard, Oakland, Doug joined hands without hesitation for tho ac a remote past and are, as it were, wrapt complishment of their common purpose, about with the bauds of tradition. With las county. not abandoning but holding in reserve the progress of their growth they can burst HIGH & STOHY. Rentfrow’s circus which played here their differences. In other words, they but one band at a time. Society, like the this summer is now giving exhibitions in formed for tho purpose and for tho timo a individual, can accomplish but ono great San Francieco. Don’t Delay third party. That purposo accomplished, purpose at a time and should undertake Paul Zigler and R. W. Scott, ot Rose- they immediately restored the status quo first that which is most important and ur It is your duty to yourself to get rid of hurg, are prospecting the Zigler placers and returned to their differences. They gent. For this purpose those who believe the foal accumulation in your blood this spring. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is just the on Jackson creek. voted in congress as one party in their rep In tlio supreme importance and urgency medicine you need to purify, vitalise and Miss Minerva Armstrong returned last resentutive capacity. Wo should vote at of a reform should unite to give it effect. enrich your blood. That tired feeling week after an absence of several months tho polls as one party in our individual We Must Advance or Our Civilization Will which atiects nearly every one in the in San Francisco. capacity. spring is driven off by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Petrify or Decay. All who believe in tho predominance cf James Fredenburg of Sams Valley has the great spring medicine and blood purifier. The inexorable law of progress is that monetary reform should, in my opinion, moved to Central Point where he has Hood'a Pills become the favorite cathar purchased a farm. come together on that issue and for tho achievement results only from concentra tic with everyone who tries them. time being hold In abeyance their convic tion. It is only as men have unfettered Walter Beebe and family moved to tions upon other questions, reserving to themselves from tradition, as they have Steamer Sinks on Klamath Lake. Junction Sunday where he haB a job in themselves the right to readjust their developed aggregations, united their ener The Mayflower Bteamed out of Keno the railroad service. party relations when tho monetary ques gies and intelligently directed the vast D. Horn, who discovered and sold the last Friday loaded with lumber tor J. D. tion is settled and other issues come to the mass of those united energies to the ac Fountain and E. J. Boyd. She was tow Last Chance mine, has built a new resi front. History teaches that, while re complishment of a common purpose, that ing two barges, also lumber laden. The dence at Gold Hill. forms of a minor character may bo ac their aspirations have resulted in fruition. steamer had been lying idle for a long George R. Hammerslev, of the famous complished through parties formed for Mankind have developed a wonderful civ SHAVING * time and the heat of the sun had opened tho achievement of other purposes, no ilization, but progress does not end now. Hammersley mine, is laid up with an at AND large seams in her hull and when out tack of rheumatism. question of the first magnitude—no ques We are yet far from tho goal. 'Tho process • • HAIRDRESSING about a mile and a half so much water B Trainor, formerlv of the White tion involring a great fundamental prin must continue, or our present civilization, had poured in that the boat sank, carry ciple operating in tho interest of the like tho civilizations of other countries PARLORS. Sulphur Springs hotel, has his restaurant ing with it the barges. Captain McCor at masses of mankind—was ever settled with and of former times, must cither petrify Me lford in full blast. Opposite PJaza. mick. hia two daughters and a deck hand out the creation of a new party for that cr totally decay. A cup of Parks’ Tea at night moves the Men who wish to embody into laws were on board, but succeeded ,in reach bowels purposo. in the morning without pain or dis 9 Local Agents Albany Steam Laundry. ing the shore in safety in 3 boat. Cap Great parties havo their rise not, as their most cherished convictions must comfort. Sold by E. A. Sherwin. learn tho lesson of aggregations. They tain MeGormick will not raise the vessel. sonio suppose, in tho vagaries of accident P. Chartrand and wife, of Medford, are J ohn C onway . He will take out her machinery and spendingthe or in the caprices of ambition. They are must loarn that truth is greater than tra M. H. H owell . winter in California, after build a Dew vessel at once. The Lottie the legitimate outcomo of the irrepressible dition; that principles are greater than C. was engaged to bring up the lumber. which they will visit Michigan. aspirations of a people. They are instru men; that causes are greater than partios, C. S. Smith, of Cottage Grove, has She also had bad luck, one of her barges mentalities created for the achievement of and that a great cause—a cause destined rented a store building at Medford in sinking.—Klamath Express. a groat an# well defined purpose, to the to advanco and ennoblo humanity as no which his son will open a store. accomplishment of which existing instru other cause ever did or ever can—is worthy Bneklen s Arnica Salve. B. B. Griffiths and J. E. Randles, in mentalities prove insufficient or indiffer of distinct recognition and advocacy for T he B est S ai . ve in the world for Cuts, dustrious young miners of the Cole’s ent. They are but illustrations, in the so- its own sake. Formally and as I believe Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. 8alt Rheum. Fever section, were in town last week. cietary domain, of that intuition which finally rejected by both the old parties, Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, man has In all ages applied to the difficul which havo combined to place the country Four workmen were bruised about the THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE MYER’S Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively ties of his individual environment. When squarely on the gold standard, monetary cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar head and shoulders hv a cave in Tunnel ever, in his upward path, ho was obstruct reform must, in my judgment, look for anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money 9 while engaged in enlarging that hole. HARDWARE STORE. refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ed by barriers which no instrument in his present advancement and ultimate realiza Rev. J. S. Smith, late pastor of the M. possession would remove, ho proceeded to tion to a party which shall treat it not as BOOTS & SHOES FOR SALE BY Ashland Drug Co. E. church in this citv, will have charge mako an instrument that would accom a secondary or collateral question, but as Death of Mrs. Robsou. of the church at Independence hereafter. abovo and beyond all others the most ------- THAT FIT YOU------- plish the purpose. Margaret Eliza Robson (Dunkin) was transcendent issue that can be discussed or Dr. J. G. Jessup, formerly of the Ash It is for this reason that new parties can born in Sodaville, Lynn county, Oregon. land House in this citv, is the Republi IÊÆ-A.EE TO ORDER January not bo expected to emanate from those decided by a people. Should we not assert 20. 1875 She was the oldest of can nominee for Justice of the Peace at members of society who bask in the sun ourselves as becomes men of independent eight children of Thomas and Elisabeth AT LOWEST LIVING RATES. Sisson. , shine of prosperity. Their pathway being minds and decline longer to be held in the Robson, who now reside in Pittsburg. Penn. In Astoria, Oregon, she was married already unobstructed, they are naturally thraldom of mere names? Mrs. F. T Fradenborg, of Hotel Ore to David Belmont Dunkin, November 10, opposed to a change. Hence tho responsi Why hesitate? Ye are full bearded men, gon, returned Friday from a pleasant EW WORK a SPECIALTY. Re 1893. She died in Ashland September 28, bility of inaugurating great humanitarian With God implanted will and courage if pairing neatly done Half-Soling, 1894. Her death was proceeded by that of visit with relatives and friends ’n movements must always rest with the Ye dare but show it. Never yet was will men’s 75 cents, ladies 50 cents. Douglas county. her infant child September 23, 1894. living struggling masses. New parties must But found some way or means to work it out, Joseph S. Gill, H. C. Berry and others only two months and one day. She had e'er did fortune frown on him who dared, Rpring from the ground. It was the opera t Nor not connected berself with any religious of Portland have purchased the Don ahi- hall we, in presence of this grievous wrong, tion of this principle that produced the Re In this aupremest moment of all time. or organization here, but was about son & Ficke quartz mine in Forest creek Any Hour—Hot and Cold Water on Tap work publican party, and were that party true Stand trembling, cowering, when with one to join the Christian church in Albany, this district for $10,000. to tho sources of its origin it would yet state, where she lived before coming here. bold stroke Newman Fisher came down to Jack Short funeral services wpre held from the be worthy tho allegiance of monetary re These groaning millions might be ever free? Notice for Publication. bouse where she died, on Depot street. Sat sonville Friday from Centralia, Wash., formers^ Lijjo Animus of old, Rs strength And that one stroke so just, sogreatly good. urday. Sept. 29, 1804, at 11 a. m„ Rev. E. P. to visit his sick wife. His son will run would be Invincible sb long as it kept in So level with the happiness of man. Childs, pastor of the Congregational church, That all the angels will applaud the deed. the store at Medford. Land Office at Roseburg. Or.,) touch- with the ground. officiating. The interment was in the Ash Sept. 13, 1SJM. f Deprived in the course of time of the Edward A. Swope, W. H. Leeds and In the immovable conviction that the otice is hereby given that land cemetery. enthusiasm and momentum of its first progress, prosperity and happiness of not E. V. Carter have returned from their (The Oregonian will please copy.) the following named settler baa filed cause; the cause which was the reason for its only tho people of Nevada, but of those of Klamath hunting trip and Mr. Swope notice of bis intention to make final proof being every party becomes prone to inertia the entire country, are more Immediately returned to Portland Friday. in support of his claim, aad that said proof and to “ lag superfluous” on tho flold of dependent on monetary reform than upon Col. James Scohie was up from San will be made before the CouDtv Clerk of other issue that can he presented for Francisco the past week. He will visit Klamath county, Or., at Klamath Falls, 1(8 fot nor glory. It is held together prin- • :;ny political I shall henceforth vote/or > lor Scotland this fall and will erect a sum Klamath county, Or., on Oct. 30, 18W, via: A pally by regard for its name, by its long ».nd act action, with the party that brings Ais fffiis mer residence below Dunsmuir. Sumner A. Parker, standing personal associations and by the overmastering issue to the frout. Yours on Homestead entry No. 5646, for the NWJ4 Boheslve power of official patronage. When truly, Mrs John Clint, wife of the section JNO. P. JONES. of Sec 8, Tp 39 s, r 5 e. He names the fol foreman of the Ashland district, left Fri that time arrives, its great mission is end lowing witnessed to prove his continuous day for a visit with her daughter and ed. What is it? It is a bottle. What is ill residence upon and cultivation of, said tnanv old-time friends in Minnesota. Old Parties Stand In the Pathway of Prog the bottle? Syrup. land viz: Eugene Spencer and Jas. Bailey, Why d<rI see it in so ress. F. W. Hutchison and wife, W. Lozier, of Keno. Klamath county. Or., G. W. many’ houses? Because every lx>dy likes it. Bailey »nd Albert Hopkins, of Shake, J ack- wife and eon, John Morris, wife and From that time forth tho tendency cf What is it for? For Coughs, Colds, Croup 8ou county, Or. daughter, of Davenport, la., have located old parties is not toward progress, but to R. M. V eatch , Register. ¡-ELY’S CREAM BALM—Cleanses the Nasal at Medford where they have relatives. ward petrifaction. They stand In the W hooping Cough and Consumption, Whn Passages, Allays Pain ana Inflammation, Heals pathway of progress and retard the rational e its name? Barks’Cough Syrup. Sold A posloffice has been established at the the Sores, Restores Taste and. Smell, and Curts i y E. A , Sherwin. and logical advance of the country. They Hammerslev mine on Jump-off-Jne with are obstructions, to bo displaced by new Miss Maggie Hammersley as postmis R. L- Peterson’s hop house near Santa instrumentalities prepared by and for the A À tress, there being fifty people at that emergency. Such instrumentalities are Rosa was burned recently. The loss is place. new parties—not, as I have said, springing about $8,000. J. D. Fountain, whose business house Gives Relief at once tor ColdinHeiid^l BEST IN T5IS WOULD. •gp by accident, but oomlug naturally into Since the oil strike at Los Angeles last Apr'» into the Nostrils.----- It. Ù Quickly Absorbed. went ud in the 2d of Jnlv fire at Klamath List of Letters Itawearln^ qu«.9tiecaro ansuHMssed, actually life by the imperious demands of great |50c. Druggists or by mail. ELY BROS., 5t> Warren Nt., N.Y. entlaatlo'; two Loxia cf ravotbsr brand. No* Falls, has received his insurance—$2018. Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland causes with which the older parties, locked week everybody is talking oil and figur aCtocted by baat. UTGET YKECEN VINE. His new store building is assuming pro P. O., Oct. 1. 1894: ing on how to get in the procession, In the embraces of the past, are unable to FOR 8AI.E BY DEALERS GENERALLY, lyr portions. Davis, Mr. Fred 8. Hogue, Mrs. M. A. And Perfect In Their Artien, Thompson and Martin, who turned sympathize. A noble nnd Inspiring cause Gen. Lew Wallace, of world wide fame Hannessy.Mr. Jno F. Haves, Mrs. G. state’s evidence in the case of the Carlin — a cause in which is infolded the whole Whitney, W. H. as an author and lecturer, will be in heart of humanity—is worthy the undivid (Nev.) strikers, have confessed that they Persons calling for same will please say ed enthusiasm and devotion of a fearless get bridges < n fire and put dynamite on Ashland Oct. 22d. Let no one fail to “ advertised. ” W. H B bcmk , P. M. Never fail to relieve Dyspepsia, embrace this rare opportunity of hearing Jackson Co., Oregon. people. the track. one of America’s greatest men. Circuit Court. Constipation, and Headache. Is monetary reform such a cause? I an A new company is to run the Bear Klamath Falls Express: Mrs. John J. Nunan va. Caroline Cardwell; fore swer yes—a thousand times yes! How CALL AND SEE OUR FINE STOCK OF AGENT, “I have proved the value of o Wells, of Bly, arrived here last Sundav closure. Decree for $1,657.12 and costs does it compare with the great causes of Valley reservoirs. New dams will be REAL ESTATE erected and water enough to irrigate Ayer’s Pills in relieving dyspep- o which history tells — causes which have in evening with her son, Sprat, who will Alice Paul vs. E. J. Paul; divorce. De NOTARY PUBLIC and sia and headache, with which g spired heroes and moved peoples? Exam every foot of unoccupied land in San board with Sheriff Fitch and attend the cree granted. complaints I was so long troubled o COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS. public school. M. M. Cooksey va. R. V. and A. M. ine tho records of all countries and all Bernardino and Perris valleys will be that neither the doctor nor my- o times, notq.tho benefits conferred on man provided for. Mrs. P. H. Donoghue, daughter Biddv Beall: to recover money. Judgment for AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 20 acres up, self supposed I should ever be o kind by the most thrilling achievements of A big celebration was held under the and younger children returned to Ash $3,252. well again. Through the use of ® for Sale or Kent. Bessie 0. Boling vs. H. I|. Boling; di- war, tho most beneflpeqt movements of auspices of the Sonoma, Marin and,To land Friday from San Francisco. Pat. Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. above medicine I am better o They are pretty and cheap— the peace, the most exquisite creations of art, Sr., and young Jim will return in a few yorce. Decree granted. males Swiss clubs at Petaluma Sept. 20, than I have been for years.”— o QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES sure to please and give Nellie Hendricks vs. Ed. Hendricks; the most splendid discoveries of science— it being the five hundred and eiglity- weeks, ail to spend the winter. A. G askill , Versailles, 111. © sum them all lip, and that snin will weigh divorce. Decree granted. Stanley Aiken will put a stage line on ‘ ‘ I have used Ayer ’ s Pills for o sixth anniversary of Switzerland ’ s inde satisfaction. but as a grain of sand in the balance over As Silver and Real Estate are both at a very low ebb now is the time for home the road next summer to run regular ex 15 years as a cathartic in liver o Old Papers lor Sale. against the surpassingly wonderful bene pendence. The city was in holiday seekers to get bargains, as I will take silver in exchange. Call on or address me for cursion parties to Crater Lake from the complaint, and always with ex further particulars. Old papers, suitable for wrapping pur fits to mankind of a monetary system that attire. beneficial effect, never o railroad in Jackson conntv. Ho will also poses, poses, putting under carpers, carpets, packing, etc., should ever keep even step and pace with MRS. E. B. CHRISTIAN’ tremely John Randolph, a miner near Helena, having had need of other medi put a steam launch on the lake. for sale cheap at the R ecord office. tho advancing demands of society—a sys Mont., was tortured by two masked men Millinery aud Dressmaking cine. I also give Ayer’s Pills to o Wm. M. Carev, the irrepressible ìt surveyor tem worthy tho dignity of beings whose who wished to secure his supposed hid Wasn’t Afte* the Championship. my children, when they require o -------- Pa rlors.-------- “Tex.” the harness maker of Central . JLVuiw, and Government Land Locator mysterious and unique destiny it is to den money. His feet, legs auJ hands an aperient, and the result is al o Although Day Parker is not a profes obtain dominion over all tho forces of na Noveltv Block, Opposite Hotel Oregon Point, has sold out his business to W. J. ways most satisfactory.” — A. o sional bicycle rider, and rides only for ture and to unfold powers and forces as were terribly burned w;t’u a hut poker. Freeman and leaves soon for southern o WI'kllEIEd OT^EG-OTSr. A. E aton , Centre Conway, N. H. o California to rspesd' the winter for his convenience and amusement, he has much gredfeer than those already known The robbers GiJ not secure anything of “Having been severely afflicted o AVING gainedacompte know ledge of the lav of the land in this country by ac made the fastest record in the state, both as these excel the primitive tools of the value. health-.- with costiveness, I was induced o tual experience, 1 aiu thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information th upon the Central Point and Grants Pass aborigines. No Instrumentality ever made o H^rry Knox, leader of ths American Klamath Star: J. H. Houston is now best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. to try Ayer’s Pills. Their use has o tracks. Upon a special invitation, and with human hand or conceived by human Railway Union at Sacramento during in Rogue river valley attending to the eftccted a* complete cure, and I c JOHN I. riLTOfl. a. P. getting of a stock of Wein hard’s beer for with a promise that he would be provided brain is, in its effects upon the happiness the big strike, has been nominated for _____________ ______________ recommend them o 'V pail confidently o winter, to be stored in the stone cellar, with a speedy racer, he attended the and progress of mankind, for a moment sheriff of Yolo county by the Populists. to all similarly afflicted.” — C. A. o MHMrwWtB W.-A—4 mjr f. Sjrt • • rer* srsrm ttatri • -t-H where it can be kept clear and sparkling state fair. But he soon discovered he oompar^Rlq tylth. (n'phey in, quatitity suffj-- W. O. JOHNSON. W hitman , Nipomo, Cal. EiiiiilWTCTWi o was not in it. He found that if he en r until spring. o tered the race and rode at all his last '¿n warksGes MifU«C!a*«* TbvrougMtreA* Jj o l-'ancy Poultry; 13 Varieties iMaryS D. B. Worthington was atYreka again chance was a little sixty-four geared o —Retail and Wholesale dealers in— J’jreons; <talnea Pigs; Ferret:.-.ret llab- J Received Highest Awards 'h's week with a view of launchiug a wheel, while his most speedy rival had a bitsanu Recorded I’oibud t'Liuu Snlr.o. Send 10c. for my Fine, Large.Illustrated. S democratic paper. Chas. E. Walcott, seventy-two geared wheel—the latter Practical Blacksmiths, AT THE WORLD’S FAIR _ Descriptive Catalogue containing many C th • Eugene Guard reporter, it is said, wheel having a vast percentage over the hints on Poultry raisin?, treatment <»th OQOOOOOOOOOOOQOOpOOOOOOO their diseases, etc., worth dollars to anj > Experienced Horseshoers , will conduct the Klamath Falls Ex former at each revolution of the pedal. on« interested in Poultry . press hereafter. But our boy concluded to keep the flies ALBERT ASKEY, Ridott, III. S All Kinds of Fresh Meats : o : Scott’s Emulsion has been endorsed by ph.yeiolaus of tho Judge D. B. Schofield died at Grants off the Portland crack in at least one ATER STREET—Below the Livery Kept constantly on hand. Fair living Pass Sept. 25th, aged 75 vears. He was chase, and be did it in good shape, being whole world. There is no secret ..bc-ut its ingredients. Notice of Appointment Stable. Terms reasonable; Work, prices is all that we ask. a pioneer of 1849 and a prominent beaten by Hewitt only about two feet In Guaranteed. Physicians prescribe the other races he ran simply because he citizen. Hie brother, E. H. Schofield, We will make it to your interest to otice is hereby given that i, of Yreka, was called to his bedside just was entered, making no professions for OTTIIY US! deal with us. f ebl’92 James Helms, stock inspector of Jack- championship, knowing that Le could son county, Oregon, have duly appointed before his demise. not possibly overcome the advantage in and commissioned Gebl W- Stephenson, of Conductor J. W. Huff has gone on the the wheels.—Medlord ^[p,il. Ashland, a deputy county stock inspector north division overland run and Pat __ in and for Jackson county. James J. Corbet gave stunc pretty good is back to the Southern Oregon because they know what great nourishing and curative prop JAMES HELMS. adyice to t|ie boys ot the Olympic Club, Stock Inspector of Jackson Co., Or. passenger train. Billv Jamison, who has when he was in ’8;>n Francisco insf. He erties it oontains. They know it is what it is represented been running on lhe latter train is now told them that the best wn.y to get strong Talent, Or,, Aug. 31,189L ELTQ-ETSTE on one of the Roseburg-J unction freights. was to avoid all excesses in youth, so that to bo ; namely, a perfect emulsion of tho best Norway Cod Wm. Buchanan and W. A. Honeyman they should arrive i;t manhood lusty and liver Oil with the hypophosphites of lime and soda. healthy. Many men who have be«n guilty BXT SESSION begin* the 17th of of Portland and J. H. Pomeroy, a civil of T September, 1894. excesses and over-indulgencies, and have Tor Ooughg, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consump engineer of Oswego, were here Saturday. used the < e'ebrated Medicine ' "CUPI- Tuition, free. Board. I* U p*» week. Y The two former gentlemen are owners of DENE" lived to give testimony of its won. Five eour-es: Claeaieel, beientitic, Lit tion, Scrofula, Ansemia, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Bickste, Jiar- TYLER the railroad line between Medford and derful Htimuiating and curative powers. erary, Eaglish and business. 1J •*CU P1DEN E ” wifi check all the w aste tiss asnius, Loss of Flesh, General Debility, and all conditions of Wasting, Jacksonville and are figuring on extend DOBMITOBY. Passenger Coaches to EVei-y Train. ing their line of railread to some point ue of the bodv. In fact, it stops all losses. Tho only genuine Scott’s Emulsion is put ;;; salmon- The Boarding Hall for young ladies and Freight moved about town at rates for an outlet. Tl.e proposition of run “CUPIDENE” is a powerful, harmless, the Boarding Hall for voting gentlemen will vegetable Compound. It is as sure to colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes 1 ning <lown Rogue river to the coast is LO ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. For Sale by Ashland Dr be under the personal supervision of Mrs. 8. strengthen the generative organs us it is to talked of and may come to a realitv in re-build and regenerate you. Tria! pack Sendfor fatnthlei jm . Sei el's Emulsion. FREE. Munra. atladv of refinement and large ex- Fire wood of all kinds delivered any the not far off future.—Grant’s Pa68 Ob- age $1.00; 6 packages $5.00. For sale by Newshoes; none equal—$1.50. 8oqtt &. Downs, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $ I. i where in town &t LbaJowest urice. A BOOT «a SHOEMAKERS. N - Baths - N 3 AÄLE iiiaiEME A bsolutely OREGON, hotel pure 5 Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day ASHLAND MILLS SELDOM EQUALED, NEVER EXCELLED JACOBS & VIRGIN, Prop’s. REID, MERCHANT TAILOR Opposite HOTEL OREGON I will make you a summer suit of all wool goods with excellent trim- mings and guarantee you a first class fit, for FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF Stas Time Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To J 5 H. C. MYER. Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, CROSS-CUT SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS. AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. Easy to Take GOLD HILL, AYER’S PILLS NEW : GOODS With More Coming. H N D ASHLAND MARKET. PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s VOTTKT H AYER’S PILLS Beef, Pork and Mutton. JOHNSON & MILLER For Twenty Years W N Scott’s Emulsion UNIVERSITY of OREGON. H. J. HICKS N PHOTOGRAPHER. « 9