Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1894)
bng«i B im » ••• * VALLEÏ ¡VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD ------ TH! VIXBBT------- T’Xj A-EÎSU AXD ZF A-IST O Y Professional Cards Chief of the County Papers. A i NO MONOPOLY PRICES gMTGive us your order for Letter heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circu- •rs. Etc. ASHLAND, OREGON. ♦ hböitsttitstg -. VOL. VII. Homicide in Warner Valley. ASHLAND, JACKSON PRESSE!» BRICKS. COUNTY, Published every Thursday. E. J. KAISER, Proprietor. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1894. JACKSON COUNTY TAXPAYERS. Ed. Donovan and John Vinevard, two Warner valley aettlera, got into a dispute over a bartmas on the 5th inet., when C- CALDWELL, Vineyard palled his pistol and fired at Donovan, who r<-eponded with his rifle Two bullets from Donovan’s rifle entered MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE 1 Vineyard's hotly, the last one killing him DENTIST. ! instantly. A number of shots were ex Cha*-* •’ »mbination Dental Pistes made changed. The stories of the shooting bv With (» 14 .nd Aluminum Roofs. Golu 9 ings inserted in Porcelain Teeth the two eve witnesses and the living principal agreed that it was a straight open * appearance. Gold brown and Contour work a specialty. case ot self-defense. Office over the Bank. Extracting and unavoidable calls from 8 Ko<le on a Klamath llallroad. a. m. and 4 toSp. m. J. H Houston returned last Fridav from a trip to the Rogue river valley. Tyj D. BROWER. M. I>. He stopped over at Klamath Hot Springs to take the baths, being much PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, benefited thereby. While at the latter place he ascended the bluff on the north A silasd , : : : Oaaoox. side of Klamath river, watched the de scent of the logs into the stream,.and Office—Ganiard» Opera House. took a ride on a railroad which operates Residence Mechanic and Laurel Streets in Klamath countv—the lumber road owned by Cook A Co.—Klamath Falls J L. WOOD. Express. _________________ RECORD. NO. 23. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; One year................................................... 50 Six months ............................................ ’ j flu Three months............................................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. ,9 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Çhan^cd jHands ! W. P. Benn went to San Francisco Fri The following parties pav taxes on day. $2000 or more according to tbe assesa- J. A. Anderson of Eden precinct was ment of 1894: visiting up north last week. $ 2012 Addison Wm& Effie.......... 18806 Mise Jo. Nunan was visiting Ashland Abrahams J estate of......... 7355 idam-< Lucinda .................. friends during the past week. 3000 A F it A M (Ashland)......... Chaa. Cowles and wife of Central Point Aiken OHS8 8....... . ........ 2600 2044 were visiting Ashland this week. Alt<>ni A............................... 13700 Ammerman H..................... Ex-Sheriff Moss and familv, of Kerbv, » \ mmerman & Heims........ Tha Famous Hostelry of Southern Oregon is now 2500 went to Stockton, Cal , Saturday. 8250 Amy Frank.......................... Under the Management of 8500 Haskel estate ot....... Wm. Bybee is preparing to drive 200 Amy 12630 AndrewsG H ....................... hogs to the Happy Camp market. 16484 Julien N D estate of........ Anderson E K................. . 40ÍX’ Taylor C C 4815 Kahler C W..................... Mrs. F. Theiesing lias returned to Anderson J A ................. 11590 l av lor H H 8400 Karewski G estate of....... Angle & Plvmale................. 2965 Tallman EL Jacksonville from a trip to Germany. Arm-trong Mrs M J............ 3020 Kesterson H G................. - 3505 reel H J 2010 Kellogg Jason................... A son was born to the wife of Elmer Arnold John ...................... 2475 1 errill Delbert & wife Ashland hotel company ... 10500 Kenney T J....................... Nichols oi Sams valley on the 9tI, inst. 2845 Thomas I W Ashland Bi L association. 16955 Kingsbury B R................. 2320 Thomas & Meeker John Hamri< k has returned to Central Ashland mining company . 2419 Kime Mrs Mary................ 3240 Thompson Jacob \ a /H0 HAS improved the House and is pre- Point Iroin an absence in Grant countv. Atkinson W H..................... 6535 Kincaid W R .............. 3445 Thornton & Atkinson 2756 Kingsbury Mrs C L......... B dley John.......................... ■■ pared to Entertain the Traveling Public 2580 Thornton Catherine E « Oscar Bunch and Miss Fannie Loosley Barclay R 8.......................... 2997 Kinney A E...................... 2006 Town« Frank in First Class Style. were married at Ft. Klamath last week. Barron HF.......................... 12257 Kincaid W B ................... - • 4276 1’rua J P Barron E B....... '.................. 7452 Kirk CL............................ 2555 True Celesta A daughter was born to the wife of Barron G W.......................... 7880 Kleinhamtuar C.............. 4390 Ulrich Wxa ----------- :o:------------ - Geo. Beck at Grants Pass on tbe 7th inst. Bauers F D.......................... 2660 Khun C K ....................... M. E. Church uuth Conference. DENTAL SURGEON. 4370 Ulrich Christaia • 50000 Kubli Jacob...................... Nila Ahlstrom was in the northern Bank of Ashland................. 2264 Van Sant J K The M. E. church, south, conference 16445 Kubli Kaspar ................. 998b A shland , O bxgow met at Oregon City and ma<le these ap part of the county last week looking for a Barnum Jennie................... Barnum W 8........................ 3150 Lacy J 8. ...... .................... 2101 Van Dvke J G farm. pointments hereabouts : From Medford Barnum J H A Belinda.... 5865 Lance 6 W........................ « LL MANNER of metal ani rubber 3752 Walker Dan’l - ---------- :o:----------- 2120 Layton Joha t................. A 30 days run of the 5-stamp mill on Barr Mrs Nannie................. platea made in the lateet approved to Soda Springs, J. L. Jones; Sams Val 3457 A all C F 9946 Leeds W II ....................... ley, J. O. Bryant; Applegate, C. E. Kirk ; the Bohemia mine resulted in a 17000 Bashford GW....................... methods. 2585 Wagner Jacob Beekman CC........................ 17(>84 Leever W T ..................... Gold and porcelain crowns and bridge Klamath Falls. R. C. Oglesby; Grants gold brick. Special Rates to Boarders and large parties of Tour 3820 Walker E F Beekman & Reaines ............ 30050 work a specialtv. All work warranted to Pass and Woodville, W. J. Fenton. The Lew Estella ................. 2160 Walker John P - ists. When in Ashland don’t fail to stop at Hotel Oregon Beil J A ................................. 2500 Walter Anderson and wife of Crescent give perfect satisfaction. Low prices. Lyttleton P estate of....... 2000 Wall Jacob conference advised against the raising of 3904 I,inn David....................... Office in Odd Fellows' bnilding, Op stairs. hops in a resolution that was modified City have located at Medford where their Bennetts L.......................... 2912 Walters W W Benedict Rial........................ 3220 Long MN......................... 2150 to read “to discourage the people from brother George lives. Berry A M .......................... 2000 Lofland J M...................... 3<M3 Walker Minus estate producing anything or doing anvtbing Prof. Miles Cantrall of the Jackson Bellinger M.......................... 4964 Mathes W M................... 4897 Weeks A J 2046 Manry R F........................ ville public school, was visiting Ash Bell T J................................. 3065 Wells J F TilQ-IT <fc STORY. that would promote intemperance.*' Beeson W estate ................ 3885 Mathes DP........................ land friends Sunday. 4770 Wells Erastus estate Beall T F estate................... 8100 Maegly A H..................... New Millinery Stock. 4230 Wells Giles Jr Miss Ettie Adams returned to Rock Beall R V ..................... 10556 Merritt J W...................... 8380 Wells Giles Sr Mrs. L. A. Mi Heap, the enterprising Point Sunday after a visit with Mrs. J. Beek John <t Son.................. 3000 Medvnski Mrs Ella.......... 3220 Webb B S milliner, has had her new store over the E. White in Ashland. - Beswick Richard.................. 10610 Merriman I A................. 2100 bridge, next door to Millsap's commis Birdsey J G.......................... 2589 Merritt <t Kablar Webb 1 A 4250 Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McDonald were up Birdsey Fred........................ 3563 Mills J W sion bouse, handsomely fitted up for her 2575 Wells Martha 3745 Mickelson Miehaa) brand new stock of millinery and novel- from Tolo Sunday and Monday visiting Birdsey D N.......................... 2000 Webster V Bishop Wallace................... 2192 Million Bennett » tiea which will be in posttion this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Beach. 3220 Western Union Tel Co Bieberstadt Carl................... 2000 Miner E E 443.5 Whetstone Mrs A L If you want to be up with the latest G. E. Anderson of Medford was in Billings G F....... ................... 7940 Mills D R A E V 3500 White Btios E styles and wear a first-class article, call Klamath county last week selling a load James..................... 2000 Mitchell Wesley estate of 26.50 White Henry L and see her new goods. 4830 Miller D H of Jackson county grapes. Blecher Henry ................... 4025 Blount O H.......................... 3110 Mills DR- 3710 White Mrs SA Tbe hop crop in Jackson and Jose He Will Not Go. Bolt John ............................ 2182 Miller John estate of 5050 Whitman J D phine counties is much larger than last 4435 Miner Julius E Bostwick W H..................... Governor Pennoyer last night received 4722.5 White G W • 2500 Miller J N T Boschey Catherine................ .3750 Whelpley Thos H a most urgent telegram from Secretary season’s. The prices are lower. James...................... 3435 Morelock A Signoretti 2000 Williams Chas E. M. Wardall, of the California populist Mrs. H. H. Wolters has returned to Braden Brower David....................... 2127 Morine 8 F » • 2195 WigleJ L state committee, inviting him to speak Medford from a visit with John Murphy Brown George....................... 3473 Morris Levi - • 13678 Wilson J H at Metropolitan temple, San Francisco, and family in Ashland precinct 2630 Moon Andrew 8 Briggs E D........................... • 3911 October 18. The governor replied that 2842 Murphy John Brown Mrs M M dt Bon ... • 2890 Wilson Arthur Mrs D. W. Matthews came out from Bradley SHAVING * Mrs L A ................. 4893 the pressure of private and official duties the Willamette Sunday and was driven Muller Max • 2-525 Wintjen & Helms Bradshaw W H................... 6705 Mver H C AMD will not permit him to leave the state. to Klamath Agency by Ed. Sutton. * • • 2600 Woods John 12675 M ver B F Britt Peter .......................... 17220 Wood MS is the last of a series of letters and • • HAIRDRESSING This Brooks E C .......................... 9027 Myer Wm - • 3980 Wooley Elizabeth Chas, and Dave Padrick have returned telegrams tbe governor has received from Buckley James..................... 3397 Mver & Billinn • 53.30 Wolters C W PARLORS. the California populists. They seem to to Applegate from a three months stay Butler WC............................ 2065 McAndrew Thomas 9333 Wurman Edwin on Sprague river, Klamath county. have been most anxious to secure bis 5300 McClendon CC Butts J D............................. Opposite Placa. 5059 Woodv J N services.—Oregonian. 9830 McCall M L Butler G 8 wife and mother 21. JO D. A. Phipoa and Miss Minnie Weaver 9 4100 McCall Mrs ME Local Agents Albany Steam Laundry. Bursell Oliver...................... 3495 Wright T G of Medford were married on the 10th Buite Creek Roller Flour Mill Co Elocutiou Claas. 7450 McCully Jane M Wrisley J B - 3200 Í 34867 McDonough James Prof. 0. H. Roberts, the California inst. by Rev. W. B. Moore at Jackson- Bybee Wm....................................... 7;558 Wvland Aaron J ohn C onway elocutionist, has organized a class in ville. 5376 Naylor Granville Cameron Z....................................... M. H. H owell . 292.5 ! Young N A • Cameron Wm................................. 2166 Neathammer : Jacob 2915 Young J N 1 Ashland and ia meeting with good suc Dr. and Mrs. T. II. West, of Phoenix, Cantrad Andrew............................ 5743 1 Neil R P 2635 cess in imparting tbe art to bis pupils. left Tuesday for Sarita Rosa for Mrs. Cantrall John estate of................. 2895 ; Neil L A - 4010 Four Biy Successes. Tdere is no finer study than tbe art of West’s health, which has been very Carver E W................................... 6760 - Nininger C E » • 2701 Having needed merit to more than ___ 2200 ; talking and acting properly and the poor. Casey Henry.................................... Nichols Thos E • 6410 make good tbe all the advertising claimed for 3516 Nichols ■ Carlton 8 A.................................... training given by Prof. Roberts will Geo W 3200 them, the following four remedies have M. H. Howell, of the enterprising boot Case Morris.................................... 2665 j Nickell Chas never be forgotten. 15215 reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King’s 30<h Noah ■ and shoe firm oi Howell & Conway was Cardwell Mrs Ellen........................ Wm 222.3 New Discovery, for Consumption, Cougi s. 2500 Norton - List of Letters on the Siekiyous the first of the week so <’arier & Roper... John O • 2815 Colds each bottle guaranteed—Electric 5210 Nunan i Carter F H ........... J 10.800 and Remaining uncalled for in the shland liciting orders. Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach 3519 ; Olwell Philip Carter E V ........ THE OLD STAND, OPPOSITE MYER’S P. O., Oct. 15. 1894: 9189 and Kidneys Bm-klen’s Arnica Salve, the The Hainmersley mine on Jump-off- < a-elieer Elixabeth 2128 ( Obenchain Bartlett 2408 best in the world, and Dr. King’s New Life Chamberlin R H Roberts, S F HARDWARE STORE. 3250 ( Orth John estate of Joe cleaned up a $1400 gold brick last Caldwell M rs L M. 4050 Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these Dans, Mrs Mary A Rogers,Miss Laurette week which Riley Hamtnersley shipped Carter H B...................................... 8940 ( Orchard Home Fruit Ce 7030 remedies are guaranteed to do just what is Horner, F C ltoberts, J M 3597 ( Casebeer Jacob M .......................... BOOTS & SHOES Hasting, F to San Francisco. O’Brien John 3190 claimed for them and the dealer whose name Sanders, Robert G 4410 ( O A C R R Co Cardwell J A estate of................... 660315 is attached herewith will be glad tn tell you Modie, Mr Mil ton Thewtn, Miss Flossie 11117 Patrick W H Besides supplying the home market, Cameron R J................ ................ ------- THAT FIT YOU------- 2014 more of them. Sold at Ashland Drue Co. Mason, Mrs C A (3) Vance, Mr 3231 Patterson Joshua Giants Bass melon raisers this season Central Point Townsite company 5725 Phillips, Mr J H Willis, E F 15288 Chavuer Thos estate of ................. 6846 MABETO ORDEK shipped 24 carloads, 285 tons, as against Payne C T br «■ Persons calling for same will please say 12 carloads last year. 2000 Charles John.......... . Proud of Allen. Parker H D 2390 “ advertised. ” W. H B bumx , P. M. 2700 Pankey Janies A Chavner Mrs Rose.. AT LOWEST LIVING RATES. 5716 The people of Nebraska have reason 2012 Parker Joseph Mrs Ernest Hicks has returned from Cingcade David....... 3150 | to bo eminently eatisLed with the man Economy and Strength 2250 Patterson Sylvester her Eugene visit, accompanied by her '-luggage James....... 6050 2018 Pacific Postal Telegraph Company Valuable vegetable remedies are used in sister, Miss Dottie Sovern,who will spend Coleman M H......... 3120 ner in which Senator Allen has con BW WORK. A SPECIALTY. Re 3087 Palm C W Coleman John.......... I !•••• pairing neatly done Half-Soling, the preparation of Hood's ¡Sarsaparilla in the winter in Ashland. 2498 ducted himself in the vigorous personal 2000 Pernoll William Cooke N.. . .............. such a peculiar manner as to retain the full men'» 75 cents, ladies 50 cent«. 3018 debate which he had with Senator 2000 Pelton Horace Mrs. Sol. Abrahams of Roseburg, in Cook Mrs J J........... medicinal value of every ingredient. Thus 5525 Chandler in the discussion of tho lum 3816 Cox Rufus .. ........ Hood’s ¡sarsaparilla combines economy and specting officer of the W. R. C. was in Pelton & Neil 3285 4000 Cox Joseph ............ strength and is the only remedy of which Ashland Saturday on an official visit to Peterson M estate of 5000 ber schedule of tho Wilson bilL The 303o Cole Jules F <t W L Any Hour—Hot and Cold Water on Tap “100 Doses One Dollar’’ is uae. Be sure to the Burnside Pest W. R. Cl Pentnger David 6920 senator from New Iiampsuire, who is a Coakley Laura & Emma McClendon. 32iO Phipps MP get Hood’s. ________ 10799 man of national notoriety, if not repu 3150 Constant Isaac estate of ..................... James Culver oi Erie county, Pa., was Phipps Mrs A R 4400 Hood’s Pills do notpurge.pain or gripe, here thiB week visiting numerous rela Corbett J Leslie............. .".................... 4740 Phillips Samuel 6910 tation, singled out tho junior senator but act promptly, easily and efficiently. 5130 tives In company with L. A. Rose he Cool idee O.......................................... 2100 Phipps 1 J 7980 from Nebraska for personal attack in Cochran Mrs Almira.......................... Pickens E P 2335 tho tariff debate, and ho has gone so far was visiting Ashland Saturday. 16770 Coleman L C................... .................... A Haunted Castle. Pierce Chas H 4435 as to assert that Senator Allen’s support HAS MOVED HER Governor-elect W. P. Lord, accompan Conger Mark estate of........................ 2000 Plvmale F M A Jane E 3S80 Bogtalog Hall, in Towyn, North te«i 14645 ied by his wife, were on Sunday morn- Cook John R..............■......................... Plyraire Mrs J W 2550 of tho Wilson bill was only secured by Wales, is a noted ruin. Its existence ing’s train for a visit with eastern rela- Cooksey Mrs M M............................... 4000 Powell Philander estate 3090 putting lumber on the free list. Crowell W 8......................................... 2350 Price W K A Pauline dates back over 500 years, and according tives, going via San Francisco. 5291 The people of Nebraska are in no Crocker Mrs J D............................... 3910 Pracht Max 3280 to a tradition which the superstitious danger of being misled for one moment 2670 Cryderiuan Geo A ............................... 3790 W . J. Gregory ef Central Point pre- 1 Provost Domino people of the neighborhood have been .................... 11959 Pruett J M estate of 5285 by such u statement as Senator Chan cinct is looking after his interests in Kia- Crain J & A........................ 3000 Prim P P Hutchinson...................... taught to believe it has been haunted math countv, hie son Henry returning Craniill dler made, and the vigorous and digni 23CMJ , Cronemiller & Love.......... ................. 2000 Rapp Joseph TO THE OLD for almost that number of years. When with him to bis Langell valley ranch. (¡075 fied manner in which Senator Allen re Culver Mrs Huida............................... 2880 Ragsdale C C 7761 the castle was built, a chapel for tho John.............................. 2000 Rap William 3243 pelled the charge was not necessary to Chitwood Residence on 1st reception of the dead was erectod. It D. T. Lynch and Mrs. Samantha 1 Cunningham 6355 Rayoheltz W ■ Daley A J ............................................. 2600 set him right among the people of this of Ashland precinct, were Davis A A ........................................... 5885 Avenue, next to Opera has never bee® weed. In t^ie fourteenth Wimer, 7095 state. Rader Mrs Clara married at the residence of the officiating 2747 century somo member of the family minister, Elder David Brower, Talent, DeRoboain Emile............................... 3124 Rawlings W Among the strongest speeches ma House Block, Dean W J............................................. 2973 Reames estate 4000 in the ¡¿resent session by senators u. died at Hastings, and the body, instead on the 10th. 4393 Reeser M rs M J Dean Mrs Anna............... .................. 2695 being conveyed to the chapel of Eog- John ............................ ......... 6533 Rees Lewis estate ef 2000 favored the Wilson bill Senator Allen’s Where ahe will be pleased of The Josephine Cave Co., who were go Devlin DePeatt Antoinette ............................ 3555 Reuter A L estate talog Hall for interment, was buried at 6020 takes high iftnk. The people of Nebras ing to do so much and did do consider to see her old friends and Hastings. On the anniversary of that able on jaw-bone, had their effects sold De Wolf F 8.......................................... 2025 ¡“ELY SCREAM BALM— Cleanses the Nasal Kearnes White A Co 5000 ka v/ill appreciate the vigorous fight ¡Faasatjea, zuiays Pain. and. Inflammation, Heals DeBar Geo O.......... ............................ 4235 Reed CD 5152 person ’ s death each year the spirit is the Soree, Restores Taste and. Smell, and Cures patrons. by the sheriff this week. Their assets DeRoboam Henrietta........................ 27U0 Rhodes S M 2245 which Senator Allen made and the vic said to be seen by the superstitious don’t come near covering what they owe. Dickison W R...................................... 3400 Richardson Jess$ tory which he achieved in having lum 3505 ▼ Donaldson-Selby Bros........................ 3000 people of the neighborhood hovering Sam i 2072 ber put upon the free list. Nebraska as A A William Gee was over from Sams val Dollarhide Marietta.......................... 2185 Robinsop Robinson Joseph 3526 a state wants free lumber; tho Demo around the chapel and demanding the ley last week with a load of luscious ven Notice for Publication 10635 Roper Fordyce Donegan Pat................................. . 4710 interment of tho body within the walls ison for the market. He and Cal. Win Downing J L........................................ 3000 7533 crats of Nebraska want free lumber, Roborts W B Gives Relief nt once for Cold in Head^^i of the vault Mr. Robinson says tho tra ningham and Martin killed 18 deer at Downing F T................. . ......... 3961 R R V Ry Co Land Office at Rosebttrg. Or.,! 7745 the Populists want free lumber, and even Am'y into thoXctriU. ----- It is Quickly A Oaorbed. 3980 Drum James ........ .................... . Sept. 13. 1894. J dition is so firmly rooted in the natures the headwaters ol Trail creek while on a |50c. Druggists or by mail. ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. Rosenthal 8 2150 (he Republicans of Nebraska them 3290 Ross Mrs Elisabeth Duggan Dennis.................................. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of the people of T qwvh that no one will hunt. 5250 selves, assembled in legislature somo u 2390 Duggan John ........................................ tha following named settler has filed Ross J E estate of , 4100 notice of his intention to make final proof go near tho castle after nightfall,—San T. D. Drew of Hammerslev mine fame Dunn Geo W..............’........................ 3325 RosteJ CH » 4270 year's ago, went boldly upon record in in support of his claim, and that said proof Francisco Chronicle. Robinson J W • 2135 the demand that lumber be put upon who went from Ashland to Sawyers Bar Durkee J 0 estate of.............. ............. 2570 8371 Russ Elijah J P........................................ »rill be made before the County Clerk of 2217 and jumped a claim of another party, for Dungan the free list. Senator Allen’s course is Dunn P... ............................................ . 15490 Klamath county. Or., at Klamath Falla, 15870 eminently satisfactory, and it should bo wnich he was roundly thumped and beat Earhart Sani’l minor heirs of............ 2092 Ryan P J Salstrom A Hills 2150 Klamath county, Or., on Oct. 30,1894, via: en up, afterward skipped the country Edsall Mrs Martha.......... 3250 Scobie James Jackson CoOregon 3100 applauded by men of all parties in Ne Stunner A. Parker, 2215 8cott W W leaving creditors to mourn his departure. Edington J A..................... 2000 braska because it was in defense of the on Homestea-l entrv No. 5646, for the N 3895 bears Granville Eggleston Rebecca.......... 5255 interests of this state.—Omaha World- Peter Devlin and Bert Fergus of Apple Ediott James .............. of See 8, Tp 39 s, r 5 e. He names the fol 3048 bhipley Emily T REAL ESTATE AGENT, 2500 gate were visiting relatives hereabouts Farnham Clarence............ lowing witnesses to prove his continuous 3460 Shattuck Silas ______ • 551^ Herald. residence upon and cultivation of, said during the week. A dancing party was Farlow Mrs M D.............. 4500 Shook IN NOTARY PUBLIC and 3435 The American Beauty owes her prestige land. via: Eugene Spencer and J as. Bailey, 2090 Shideler Lewis given them Fridav evening at the resi Faucett L H...................... 3006 COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS. tui >re to a clear coippiexion than to any of Keno. Klamath county. Or., G. W. 7110 Simon MFs Peter dence of John Murphy with a fine sapper Fi-h Thos F............... ,.... 5135 other attribute. A cup of Pinks’ Tea will Bailey and Albert Hopkins, of Shake. Jack- 2825 Siseruore Mary 8 Fisher A it Bro ........ at J. J. Murphv ’ s house. There was a 3000 enable anyone to possess this. It clears AS LISTED A NUMBER OF SMALL AND LARGE FARMS from 26 acres up, •an county. Or. 3500 bisetnore John Foudray Mrs Sarah......... large attendance and a splendid time. 59Í0 the skin md ’■cmoves pinanleH and that sal R. M. V batch , Register. for Sale or Rent. 4555 Simon Selling A O q - Fordyce Mrs A ....... .......... 12550 low. muddy look. Parks’ Tea is used by Three houses and lots in the town of Gold Hill, all good business stands. 3067 Sims John A John Kearney Miss Carrie Roper gave a very swell Frierson Ous...........-......... 27 00 thousands of ladies for the complexion. 4850 Slinger WnfA J W party Saturday evening in honor of Miss Fryer J J.......................... 2365 Without being a cathartic it cureb consti QUARTZ AND PLACER MINES . 5157 Furry Sam '1 ...................... Jo. Nunan, of Jacksonville. Misses 6930 pation. Sold by E. A Sherwin. Mrs Elisabeth A 3188 Smith Gartman Levi ....... . ........ . Songer Wm h . (¿905 Agnes Devlin, Carrie Cronemiller, Mol Gaines Janies. ... ....... As Silver and Real Estate are both at a very low ebb nuv; is the time for home . 4940 8 U P P Co ■ ■- « ■ « V 7500 lie Miller, Jo. Orth, Jessie Langell and Ganiard Opept Hopse . .’. '-.a Call on or address me for * i lbuu fe t .. £ j 1.for book seekers to get bargains, as I will take silver in exchange. 15267 Spencer N H 2533 ta John Devlin, J. M. Horton, J. A. Whit Geary Agnes M................ 2650 Stanley AC -l it were tendered more durable by further particulars. 6740 3318 Sterling Mining Co man and J. E. Enyart from out of town Gibson &Son..................... CÄLB, 15000 protecting them by a covering of cop 2456 Stephenson GW Gieave Pnilip.................. c ■ ex actually were guests. 6035 per, this being laid on by in electrotype r h’-inrt. No» 4353 Stephenson A Halma Gore EE .......................... SURVEYOR 3500 process. .-CALINS, James Fewel has a strawberry patch in Gordon Alfred................. 9358 Studebaker Bros » 2000 aiid Government Land Locator u fl'-LLY. I yr 3700 Stimson Thoc his garden in Ashland that has served Graupner Edward .. .... 2700 2685 Sutton R K him with several messes this week. The Grieve Bros..................... Old Papers tor Sale. 2-.50 WIMER OZECZEG-OlSr. 6270 fruit is fine anil Jim declares that the Gregory W W................... Swift Chas J - Old, papers, suitable for wrapping pur 2600 . 7262 Gregory W J .................... Taylor Wm superior soil of his garden is himanelv AVING gainedacompte know ledge of the lay of tbe land in this country by ac « 3650 poses', putting under carpe s, packing, etc., . 11893 Taylor W W Jas...................... 2092 for sale cheap at tbe R ecord office. tual experience, 1 am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the conscious of the hard times and is there Hamlin i 3175 SAVED HI8 LIFE Harper William............... best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialtv. fore trving tn com« a double-seasoned Hatiuvtid Ben................. — U0U «HI « •o says Mr. T. M. Reed, a highly shot on the situation. 3000 Haiisen Fred.................... J0H3 B. PBLToa. >. P. SUL. Hi 3718 respected Merchant of Mid' Hannah J C....................... sasisEi The Observer says Fred Knox,while re t-orm mm»» dietown, III., of a Young 21*00 J W........................ E. M. MILLER W. O. JOHNSON. turning to Murptiv from Grants Pass.wa- Hays 15420 Man who was supposed Hanley Michael estate of fuis I robbed near the Hathaway farm about Harbaugh O...................... 6770 3L vnrirtiee IlJr-h-4 liu^, T b<ir.»ughl«rrd, S to be In Consumption. ‘Si aney Poultry r 15 dusk of $6 and a lot nf goods bv a man Harvey I M...................... 2120 ¡¡i Plgrons; (¿uir.raPie*: rerr«*u:iVt IUb« J —Retail and Wholesalt dealers in— 5679 “One of my customers, some Of who stopped his team with a revolver in Harvey James ............... abifsaud li^eoiYlrd Poland Chius win«-. 4020 years ago, had a son who nad all o |j Send 10c. fur my Fine, Lanre.lliusirated. j reirula- highwavman stvle. The robber Harvey James & Son... o Practical Blacksmiths, 5 Descrip. 1 vc Cat. dog tic containing u*-uiy J 2100 wtys formerly p.roqouncftd iucurablo. Now it is not. In all the symptoms of consumption. o was a short, heavy-set man, dark beard Helman A D.................... S Hints on Poultry ra. tiotn ’lit • ' RICO Hermann Binger ............ The usual medicines afforded him o their diseases, etc., w< uh dollars u any Uta early stages of the disease Experienced Horseshoers nd dark clothing. one intereated m Poultrj . 10725 Herrin J S ..................... no relief, and he steadily failed o 1•. 2775 ALBERT ASKEY, Ridott, III. At the special election held for that Hills Emily E................. he was unable to leave his o : o : o All Kinds of Fresh Meats until 3135 bed. His mother applied to me o purpdse last week Grants Puss refused by Hinkle Je&p.. 2000 Hill DR ..1 .......... . \TT ATER STREET—Below the Livery for some remedy ana 1 recom 2 an overwhelming majority to bond itsrit Hines Kept constantly on hand. Fair living 5413 Mrs Pauline ....1 VV Stable. Terms reasonable; Work for any consideration from $1000 to $15,- mended Ayer ’ s Cherry Pectoral. o 2190 prices ia all that we aak. D H.......... . i Guaranteed. The young man took it according o 000, The people are t>eginning to learn Horn 3432 Hosmer Nelson ........ to directions, and soon began to o We will make it to your interest to what a bond means. It means under the Homes F C «t M W. ... £9- TltY US • •will effect & euro quicker than any other ñ 5305 o improve until he became well o deal with us. febl’92 nation’s present financial system a debt Hosley Charles .............. 2460 iß known t peciSo, Scott ’ s Emulsion ] ro- I K ana strong.”—T. M. R eed , Mid o ttiat never can be paid. 3605 Holton John................. motestl’o making of healthy lung-tissue, 15150 dletown, HL o Houck Mrs Johanna.... Grants Pass Courier: Postmaster Hopwood estate.............. o 3870 relieves inflammation, overcomes the (xcess- 1 “Some time ago, I caught a o Dodge's four years will be up in the mid Hopkins AC.............. . 13332 ive waste of the disease and gives vital ÿ severe cold, my throat and lungs o dle ot December. It is not yet known Howard J S ................... 5635 I were badly inflamed, and I had a o strength. 2000 definitely who will he his successor. The Hodman Carolin«B.... Successor to Hicks <P McBride terrible cough. It was supposed o office now pays $1500 a year and $150 for Hockerstnith John Si • • • • 2290 "sra Throat, For Ooughs, Col'h, Weak Lungs, -ETTG-EJSTE.- that I was a victim of consump o —CITY- 2550 clerk hire “Uncle” jimmy Lampson Hockenjos Era........... 3606 tion, and my friends had little o Hull Polk..:............ Bronchitis, Oon3umptioa, Ccrofidu, a o disappeared last Sunday and no one up raW 2(100 hope of recovery. But I bought a o Ivory Patrick................. EXT SESSION begins ths 17th of to Wednesday afternoon knows what has Loss cf Flesh and Wasting Diseases of OhilJzcu. 9930 IshHL ....... ...... bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, o September, 1894. become of him. I 12075 Isaacs Geo W , t t : • t • t » • » took it, and was entirely cured. o Buy only the genuine with otir trade« Tuition, free. Board. $2.58 per week. i « , »«•««• o 32395 I Ish Mrs .... No doubt, it saved my life. ” — Rev. A. Brown, the venerable Baptist TZR^JSTKEE j E^. Five courses: Ulsssical, Scisntitic, Lit- mark on salmon-colored wrapper. o 6000 Jarvis-Conklin Mortgaf« Trust Co i I. J ones , Emerts Cove, Tenn. preacher of Williams creek, whose chil Jacobs A Virgin............................... o srary, Esglish and buaineex I 9180 Stud for pamphlet oh . Scott's Emu Is ¿art, E'XEE. o grandchildren and great-grand Jackson Countv land association.. Passenger Coaches to Every Train. 3134 DOBMITOBT. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral o dren, Scott & Sownc, N. Y. All Druggists. 60 cento end $i. children are very numerous in southern Jackson County Bank................... 25000 o Freight moved about town at rates Tbe Boarding Hall for young ladies and 8800 ¿1 Received Highest Awards o Oregon, was married again on Williams Jackson Geo A................ ............... the Boarding Hall for voung gentlemen will LO ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. A375 creek on the 10th to Mrs. C F. Ritter of Jones & Otten.................................. AT THE WORLD’S FAIR o be under the personal supervision of Mrs. 8. o 3300 lobnson J O..................................... WiMerville bv Rev. 8. B. Chastain Fire wood of all kinds delivered any ^^ra^atladv of retinemen d arxr ex- •| M«o«Qooooooo<B>ooooooQd |^er>QW0j9V ¿d £ Newt-hoes, none equal—<1.56. At The ---------« ..............* ” v fair bride t MikäsW where in town at ths lowest pries. lüuX value A jk * iteàr jjwjìoàv Fato Rpyd jgüjg HOTEL OREGON, ABSOLUTELY PURE '5 Rates, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day A ASHLAND MILL$ SELDOM EQUALED, NEVER EXCELLED JACOBS & VIRGIN, Prop’s MERCHANT TAILOR Opposite HOTEL OREGON. I will make you a summer suit of all wool goods with exce ent trim mings and guarantee you a first class fit, for BOOT .o« SHOEMAKERS, ONLY $20 CASH FOR MOST COMPLETE LINE OF N - Batlis- 5 5 Etc., Kept in This Country, Go To 1RS. E. B. CHRISTIAN IL C. M Y ER DRESSMAKING PARLORS Ashland, Oregon. GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, CROSS-CET SAWS, LANTERNS, GUNS- AMMUNITION. CUTLERY. r;w GOLD HILL, H MARKET. ’M n VOTING AYER’S Cherry Pectoral H PELTON & NEIL, Prop’s. Consumption JOHNSON & MILLER Beef. Pork and Mutton. Scott’s Emulsion H. J. HICKS DIVERSITY of OREGON. I N 'WH PASSENGER & FREIGHT .. 1« POULTRY