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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1919)
PAGE FIVE WHY GAS WAS j^NRE- UABLB sleAflV FALL Needs Are Studied V f during tha far th e task a t * in ordinary Beery oil company had .m ore or toss difficulty w ith gasoline during the la st few months of 1919 add so* plaint was hoard among m otorists. I t was impossible until now, howeeor, to offer any explanation, because it • m ilitary fact which could not be made public. Aviation gasoline m ust be highly volatile, or in other words, it vaporise rapidly and this special fuel was furnished only a t th a sacrifice at the gasoline lo ft fo r regular use. Gas oline is made up of ,in g boiling points ranging from lew to high. T hat needed f< took a large p ert of the low holling point constituents from th e crude «11 and left th e ordinary m otor gasoline somewhat lacking in these low boning points which are imeomery fo r easy startin g of th e engine. While aviation gasoline Is aetly suited for stin g in the and rarefied atm osphere o f high alti tude« it would be unsuited fa r auto- It would leek th e necessary would evaporate too quickly and would ha expensive. Immediately a fte r th e signing of the A rm istice the need fo r th is spec ial aviation gasoline gent and ta d Crown ed its old high quality, due to a full, . uniform chain of boiling points from the low to the high. While it was an unfortunate fact th a t the ordinary m otorist had to pvt up w ith a fuel which was not quit# w hat hs had been used to, yet he play ed an im portant p art ia winning tha w ar by getting along w ith such gas oline aa^eould ho m anufactured w ith out interfering with the output of Notie« ia hereby given th a t aa ad' aviation gasoline. The Pacific Coast had a much easier tim e titan tha e a s t ern states. In tha E ast a gsnsroi my final report n the County Court of shortage of gasoline forced the Fuel the S tate of Omgon fo r Cooe County, A dm inistration to issue orders pro and th a t the Judy« of «aid court haa hibiting the use of pleasure automo made an order Betting th e tim e for conaideration of the aame on the 5th biles on Sunday. day at M ay^lfilS, a t 10 o’clock A. M. The output of aviation gasoline by ell the refineries asst of th e Roc kiss a t which tim e th e objection* to aaid w u . not enough, to* California was called upon to furnish a larg d p a rt of the supply. A t tno reuqest of the United States Government the Paci fic Coast Petroleum W ar Service Com m ittee apportioned C alifornia's quota among such of the large refiners as wore able to make th is special gaso Seated bids fo r the Pointing (labor line. The Standard Oil Company be or m ateria] separately at both) of tha ing the largest of these, naturally had Fax Bridge, Gravel Ford Bridge, the greatest quota to fill. They m ore Broadbsnt Bridge and the C m * City than«did th eir p art ia meeting tide Bridge; in Cooe County, Oregon, will w ar need and exceeded their quota to be received by the Couqty Court of a considrsble extent. ■aid County a t its office in th a Court I t was only during a period of House, Coquille, Oregon, until 10:00 about six weeks in the late fall of A. M-. April 19th, 1919. 1918 th at the lack of easy starting No bid will be considered unless ac waa evident. Aa soon as possible Red companied by cash, bidder’s bond, or Crown gasoline was put back on its •id high quality basts and it now has certified check for an amount equal to the full and continuous chain of boil a t least 9 per cent, of the total ing points from low to high which is amount of the bid. A corporate surety bond will bo necessary for easy starting, quick and required for the faithful performance smooth acceleration, high power and of the contract in a turn equal to ons- long milonga. 1 a li tha total amount of the bid. ’ropeeal blanks and full inform a Club Louden Notes tion for bidders may be obtained a t Emil R. Peterson, d ab load or In the office of the County Clerk at mid Cooa county, is back from the Coquille County, or a t the office of the Road- valley, where ho has bom organising m aster, in the Court House, Coquille, dubs, and states th a t several dubs, not s few poultry clubs, The rig h t is reserved to reject any m formod a t the o r a ll proposals or to accept th e pro posal or proposals deem ad bast for A t Coquills ex-Sena to r W. C. Chute said Coun.v. is the poultry club leader and a t h i COUNTY COURT OF advice the dob will raise Barred Ply COOS COUNTY. mouth Rocks. Mr. Chase ia a poul Jam es W atson, try fancier, and has a flock at pure County Judge brad Plymouth Rocha, which will bo * Archie Philip, used as an exaMpIP for the club. County Commissioner Pig clubs have boon organised a t John Yoakam, Fairview, w ith Glen B arker as lead County Commissioner er; McKinley, A rthur Brown loader; A ttest: Sitkum, W. A. Nickason leader. Mr. L. W. Oddy, Peterson says so fa r every boy join lltS County Clerk. ing the pig dub, but one, has had Coquflte, Oregon, March 25th, 1919. money with which to buy his own NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. P fe , J. L. Allen, the pig dub laador In the state, will bo In thh county soon to review the work done. The Dora Sealed blda for the construction of and McKinley schools have combined in making a sowing dub as there a portion of the Csquille-ManhAsId were not enough girls in either school Section of the Coast Highway; Mil to form a dub. Mrs. C. Mareey and lington Fill T restle; in Cooe County, Oregon, will be received by the County Mrs. WUeox a re leaders. A food preparation dub was*' or Court of aaid County a t ita «Ace in ganised a t Fairview under the leader the Court House, Coquille, Oregon, ship of Miss Elsie Strung.—Cote Bsy until lfi A. M„ A pril 19. 19U. No bid will be considered unlee« ec- Timm. I > i - ^ t . . ., They arc Coming Home Among the soldiers «w riting demo bilisation a t the arm y cantonm ent a t Norfolk, V irginia, are ten Ceos coun ty men. On the list are: George Clausen, Coquflte. Mack W. Gant, Power«. H arry C Houser, of Bridge. Jacob L. W hite, of Laaglote. A. * '• '}/ [ --C ' ■ S'. ■ . A conservative bank is not necessarily be hind the times. This Bank is thoroughly modern, yet it is a conservative institution. The officers study your needs and the needs of the com munity and are always ready to assist in meeting them. The depositor’s interests are carefully safeguarded. . COUNTY COURT OF coos '*"* COUNTY. tha construction at portion of the Coquills-Marshfield Section at the Coast Highway; Shin gte House Slough T restle; in Cooe County, Oregon, will be ed by the County Court of County, a t Ha office in the Court House, Coquflte, Oregon, until 10:00 . M. A pril 19th, 1919. No hid will be considered unless ac ■npanied by cash, bidder’s bond, oi IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE certified check fo r an am ount equal STATE OF OREGON FOR THE to a t least 9 par cant, at tha total COUNTY OF COOS aoont of tho bid. Leonora Leap, 'Plaintiff, A corporate surety bond will bo re vs. quired for the faith fu l performance H orrid T. Leap, Defendant. of the contract in a sum equal to on* half tha total am ount of tha bid. To Harold T. Loop, Defendant. Proposal blanks and full inform s la tha Basse at the S tate at Oregon, tion fo r bidders may ha obtained at You are hereby required to appear the office of the County Clerk of aaid and answ er the Complaint filed County, or a t the office at the Road- against you hi the above entitled suit in tha Court House, Coquille. within ten days from the date of the Oregon. service at this Summons upon you, if Plans and specifications and forms served within this County; or, if of contract may ha seen a t the asm« ssrvsd in any other County of this place or may be obtained upon the State, then w ithin tw enty days'from »posit of 99-09. the date of the service of this Sum The rig h t ia reserved to reject any mons upon you; and if you fail so to or all proposals or to accept the pro appear and answer, for w ant thereof, posal or proposals doomed boot for plaintiff will apply to tha ouurt for said County. the relief demanded in the complaint. COUNTY COURT OF A succinct statem ent of said relief 0 0 0 8 COUNTY is th a t th e bonds at m atrim ony exist Jam«« W atson, ing between plaintiff and defendant County Judge. be wholly'diaaolved and th a t each of Archie Philip, aaid p arties-b e divorced therefrom ; County Commissioner. and th a t plaintiff have the care, cus John Yoakam, tody and control of th eir minor child, County Commissioner. Herald Jam es Leap, and for such A ttest: other relief as the court may doom L. W. Oddy. • equitable. The service of th is sum lit« County Clerk. “* mons is made by publication pursu Coquflte, Oregon, March 26th, 1919. ant to an order of Hon. John S. Coke, Judge of the Circuit Court of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS S tate of O regon,;for Cooe County, Notice ia. hereby given th a t the un mad# and entered on the 27th day of dersigned has been duly appointed February, 1919. F irst publication A dm inistratrix at the E state of E. N. being on the 28th day of February, H arry, dsesaasd, by the County Court 1919, and the last on the 11th day ofii for Coos County, O regon: and th a t all A pril, 1919, on or before which la st having claims against | mentioned date you are required to E state are hereby notified th a t they appearr and answer. ' are required to present the same duly W alter Sinclair, verified and with proper vouchers V A ttorney for Plaintiff. therefor to the undersigned a t the of 7tV Coquille, Oregon. fice of A. J. Sherwood in Coquille, Coes County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this Notice. Dated this 11th day of March, 1919. Phoebe H arry, A dm inistratrix of the E state of E. C R. BARROW . H arry, deceased. 9t6 A ttorney and Counselor a t Law -------- ^ , - Practice in S tate and Federal Notice to Creditor« Courts. Hava moved my office to Notice is hereby given th a t the un old City Hall near Busy Corner dersigned has been duly appointed and CHy W harf. Office hours 8 adm inistratrix with the W ill Annex to 12 A. M. and 1 to 6 P. M.„ ed of the E state at Catherine Kronen- berg, deceased, and th a t all persons J. A. RICHMOND having claims against said Estaffc PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. are hereby notified th a t they are re BlduBOBd-BerksT Building* quired to present the came duly veri Coquille, Ora. fied and with the proper vouchers Phone«, Of«?« 626, Bee. 214. them for to the undersigned a t the office of A. J. Sherwood in Coquille, r W . C. CHASE Cooa County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this Notice. tTTOCNEY-AT-LAW Dated this 6th day at March, 1919. Richmond-Barker Bldg Ida Owen, ills Oregon Coquille A dm inistratrix w ith the Will An nexed at tbo L ast Win and Testam ent DR. Q. W . LESLIE and o f the E state of Catherine Kron en beffe, deceased. fit« O ste o p a th ic P h y sic ia n G raduate of the American School NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE of Osteopathy of K irk vrille, Mo. Office In Eldorado Block. Notice is hereby given, th a t under Marshfield ' Oregon id by virtue of an «locution and or der of sale issued out of the Circuit Court at the S tate of Oregon for the DR. C. W . ENDICOTT County of Cooe on the le t day at March, A. D., 1919, in a certain cause P in t H*t’l Bank B’ld’g Phone ■aid Court pending wherein K. H. Olson ia plaintiff and Austin 8. Ham- Mala 11. Oaqullle, Oregon. sv mend, Louise C. Hammond, hie wife, Alien ! ■■■-— — Cooa Bay M anufacturiag Company, a | J . J . STANLEY corporation, end W. B. Hammond qre defendants, and being Case No. 5098 4 . UWYBfi at said Court, and commanding mo to Office in P in t N ational Baak the hereinafter described real Building, Coquille, Oregon. property to satisfy the gum of five bend red ninety-one dollars and eight cento (9591.0ft) with internet Professional Cards First National Bank Coquille, Oregon Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 Organized 1903 SAVE YOUR MONEY and ’ IT WILL SAVE YOY! The foundation of fortunes—the ready cash which first enabled the enuied possessor to grasp and hold financial opportunity, in the great ma jority of cases, is found to have been a SAVINGS BANK BALANCE. Shrewdness and common sense commend the openingand fostering of a Savings Account in the FARMERS & MERCHANTS, BANK Commercial and Saving Deposits COQUILLE OREGON JUST GAME-ONE BARREL OF ISBES 12 Dozen Special Cups and Saucers 6 Dozen Dennis Coffee Cupa Feltox Fleer Covering, per square yard............................... .96c Capper Week Boilers, each .................................................. .17.09** Tin, copper bottom. Wash B rito n .............. ........ $4.06 te $6-69 Large Variety at G ranite Enamel W are Three 56-Piece Scmi-Porcelaia Dinner Set Cook Stoves f ro m .......... ..........................................$5.60 to $25.00 New R a n g e s.............................? ............................$65.00 to $70.00 Wood * Coal H eaters, eech ...................... ........ $4.00 to $2$.00 Chairs, each ........................... ................................... $1.50 te $2.50 Aladdin Chimney 40c. M a n tle s............................. ...................35c New Oil Lamps from .................................................. 75c te $1.00 2 Gas Lamps, complete, each .............. .............. ..............$7.00 2 Oil Hanging Lamps, e a c h .....................................................$4.00 Lanterns fromT........ ..—.. ........................................... 76e te $1.(0 Tubs fro m ......................... ..........................................$2.00 te $4.00 Wash Boards from ...................................................... 60c to $1.00 Iron B ed stead s..........................................................$4.00 to $14.60 Perfection Oil H cetera and Cooking Steves J. E. QUICK, The Housefurnisher ^ — T he Unexpected f a A fter an accident is no time to wish you had a TELEPHONE. Telephone Accessibility has saved countless lives—helped thousands in trouble—helped many thousands to success. Install a phone and be a PART of our community. Service F irs t Coos & Curry Telephone Company THE ONE IN D U STR Y IN COQUILLE th at haa operated continuously sines its establishm ent some fourteen years ago has bssn your Laundry. Rain or shins, good tim es and bad, it has been on ths job. W s have a number of custom ers th a t have patronised it continually from tb s beginning. Wa arc g ratefu l for this appreciation of our **rs Isa. Our aim is to bn prove the service in «vary way possible. Wa wash se sry thing washable. COQUILLE LAUNDRY COMPANY , A. J. SHERWOOD ATTORNSY AT LAW F irst N ational Bank Building ($171JS ) w ith OalUag Cards, 109 fo r 9 U 9 . m Does YoarSabscript ion Date Need Changing?