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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1919)
.u iw w i.i.ü M — THS COQUILLS ▼ ALLST '- S 5 T P A G I SIX LIBERTY THEATRE April .2 and 3 ■WHMMMMMnMf' coqppiLLs. >AT, MARCH « W$jr T W y C u t Accept The follow in* it the u m r , in part, to the challenge o f the Marsh flald Utarary d o b to «met the Co- quilla debaters in another debate: Yoa will recognise, we faal »or», that two raaaooa should stand in the way of carryin* oat tbs specific plan you propone. All the school« in the district have tbs same right o f chal- Jengo. Ware wo to respond to the challenge o f any one, we must do the same to each o f tha others; and tka result would ba a schedule which would interfere with other work for several weeks and coat quite a sum o f money. Besides, the whole pro pram o f school activities has been thorouphly studied by tha ospanised superintendents o f the County, and the most practicable schedule possi hie has been arranped. It would be an unwise precedent for one or two to arranpe for activities in different proportions end at different from those planead for the County as e whole. A t least if each individual school activities ere ar ranped, they should be planned preliminary events, culminetinp hi the official County contests. Apert from the principle involved we ere handicapped by smell numbers end few teachers. In e school o f our sise we can pive attention to only one outside enterprise at e time. Our local Declamatory contest is scheduled for April 12, and ell our available speakers ere drillinp for that fkrent. It would not be wise to attempt fur ther outaide work which would inter rupt this contest. With class enter tainments following the County Dramatic contest, end extra work made necessary for ell by tha lonp enforced vacation, there is no time within the remaininp session of school, when another debate could be arranped without serious Interrup tion to our re polar work. sm o k e E V E R w as such right-handed-tw o- fisted sm okejoy as you puff out o f a j im m y pipe packed w ith Prince Albert I T h a t’s because P . A . has th e quality I Y ou can’t fool your taste apparatus any m ore than yon can get five aces out o f a fam ily deck I So, w hen you hit Prinoe Albert, com ing and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, y o u kn ow you’ve got the big prise on tbs end o f your linel N PRINCE ALBERT? Prince Albert’s quality alone puts it in a dam o f its own» but when you figure that P . A . to m ade by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch— w ell—you feel like getting a flock o f dictionaries to find enough w ords to express your happy days sentiments! of First Semester ' in his Second Million Dollar Picture “Shoulder Arms” A three-reel assault on the Huns C&uriit has his own idea of whipping the Hun You want to see him in “ Shoulder Arms” B ergm an n Shoe Hiphest Quality Shoes Free Show Moffiilny Evening For All Workers Honest Made Ueion Made Standard o f Quality on the Paeiflc Coast Keep Your Feet Dry—Preserve Your Shoes Use BERG1ANN WATER-PROOF SHOE OIL THf.O. BF.RGMANN SHOE MANUFACTURING COMPANY M a tin »! M stO n de Skm PwtlasS. Onssa « — *------------ { 1 1 1 . \y 1 1 1 • A W O R D to the W I S E « M W h en n ifty R y o u n e e d n e a t, n e w L e tte rh e a d s, C ir c u la r s or oth er and E n y fe o p e s , fill t h e b ill. W e a ls o have a large stock of Business Cards, Fine Pa pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and an give you something neat for your office stationery • / S E N T IN E L P R IN T IN G IS , ' On Monday evening, March SI, at 7:30 o’clock n series o f stereoptican slides will be shown at the High School eaaembly room. These slides, which have been sent out by the Ex tension Department of the University of Oregon, ere both instructive end en tertaining and will form an evenings entertainment in them salves. There will be no admission charge end it is hoped that a large crowd will be out to enjoy this tru st ^ The basketball game last Saturday night between the Marshfield and^Co- quille High School teams was enjoyed by a large crowd of students and townspeople. Although our boys lost by one point they played a fine game and tha sportsmanship displayed was o f the higheet type. The boys have been handicapped this winter on ac count of the long vacation end the smell floor. However with talk of a Memorial Building which will serve as a gymnasium the prospects for next year ere vdry bright. Not Yet Ready for Entry a d v e r tis in g m a t t e r , The Coquille Valley Sentinel i s r e a d y to Today the1 first semester of tho Co quille schools ended with general pro motions throughout moot o f the grades, and the work o f the new se mester will be taken tip next Monday. In the first, second end third grades some promotions were made some time since and e few pupils were sent over to the fouriSl grade room from the third A today. Classes in the primary buildings thfft have not yet finished their work wHl be retain ed till the end of the term, the work o f the next grades being taken np by the teachers as soon as the classes ere reedy for it. In tho High School building pro motions were mode from the fourth grade to the fifth, frekn the fifth to the sixth, from the sixth to the sev- 1 enth, and from the seventh grade to ¡the eighth, as well as the promotions ' from the B to the A divisions in each | room. Six or seven pupils from the eighth grade will take up the work in the freshmen class o f the high school at that time. Outaide stu- J dents who wish to enter the first year of high school will be gladly received nqyt week. - Q U A L I T Y P R IN T IN G Clay Tallman, commissioner of the general land 'office at Washington, WHtas e letter in which he says that there is no possibility of the imme diate opening o f the Southern Ore gon lends to settlement and no way by which any one can at this time se cure preference rights in thise lands. The government had not yet received the deed the company is to give the government for those lends. Arer that formality the government will proceed to elassify the landq before putting them on the market, *nff as the grant comprises 93,000 acres this will probably prove an ell summer’s job. , —— Silver Laced Wyandotte W h at Does Your Label Say? Eggs for hatching, all the eeaaon, IS f«r $L&0- Mr*. Cunningham, Bex 469, Coquille, Ore. gt4 Calling Carda, 100 tm $1.00. CRIMP f f0p that hmmpa thm I MC. I R . J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, NOTICE OF 8ALE OF PROPERTY Dneamakiag FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENT. and plain sewing. Mrs. Abel and Mrs. Socket, one bleck west o f the Notice is hereby given that by vir north end o f the Long Bridge, third tue of a warrant duly issued by the house west o f the Davenport place. City Recorder, of the City o f Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, a municipal 8t4* _____________________________________corporation, end dated the 24th day NOTICE OF 8ALE OF PROPERTY FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given that by vir- tuo of e warrant duly issued hg the City Recorder of the City of CoquiUe, Coos County, Oregon, a municipal corporation, and dated the 24 day of March, A. D , X919, directing and re quiring me as Marshal of said City of Coquillo to sell in the manner pro vided by law the following described property assessed in the name o f Al bert W. H. Folsom, to-wit: A pare»! o f land 100 feet deep north and south and 412 feet wide, east and west, and being the north 100 feet of the following described reel property, towit: That part of block 3 in Acade my addition to the town o f Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon, according to the pict thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk o f Coos County, Oregon, be ginning at a point on the township line 1390 feet north o f the southeast ccvner of 8ection 30 in townghip 27 south, range 13 west of the Willam ette meridian, in Oregon, and running thence west 412 feet along the south side of Smith’« Avenue in ctid Acad emy addition to a point which is 30 feet south and SO feet east o f the south end o f Base Line of said Addi tion; thence south 118 feet along the east side of Holly Street to a 12 foot alley; thence east 412 feet along the north side o f said alley to a p<jjnt on the township tine; thence north 118 feet along the township lire to the place of beginning; for the purpoee of collecting the amount assessed and unpaid against said property the improvement o f Smith Avenue In Academy Addition to Coqu^le City, rding to Coos County, Oregon, accord! the plat thereof on file in the office of the county clerk of said Coes i County, Oregon, namely, the sum of IdLtS to gether with interest on said A m at the rate of 6% per annum since the 2nd day of December, A. D., 1914. Now, therefore, all persons will hereby take notice that I will on the 28th day o f April, A. D.t 1919, at the front door o f the City Hall in said City o f Coquille, at the hour o f eleven o’clock in the forenoon of said day, sell at public auction to the higheet bidder for cash, lawful money o f the United States o f America, the above deecribed property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said unpaid asses- ment with interest theroon, to gether with all coats o f adver tising and tale that have or may ac crue. Said tale being subject to redemp tion in the mannes provided by law. llt£ % A. P. MILLER, icfr < Io f “ *pch’ A’ r«?t requiring me es Marchai of said City of Coquille to Yell in the manqar pro vided by law the following described property, assessed in the name of A. J. Sherwood, towit: The west half o f the west half o f lot six in block eighteen in Elliott’s addition to Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon, according to the plat thereof on file in the office o f the County Clerk o f said Coos County; for the purpoee o f collecting the amount assessed against said proper ty for the improvement o f a portion o f Hall Street in said Elliott’s addi tion to Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon, according to the plats thereof on Ale in the office of the county clerk of said Coos County, Oregon, namely, the sum of $87.66 together with inter est on said lum at the rata of per annum aince the 24th day of Feb ruary, A. D., 1916. Now, therefore, all persona will hereby take notice that I will on the 28th day of April, A. D„ 1919, at the front door of the City Hall in said City of Coquille, at the hour of eleven o’clock in the forenoon of said day, •all at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, lawful money, of the United States of America, tb l above described property, or so much thereof as may be to satisfy said unpaid raent with interest thereon, to gether with all coats of adver tising and sals that have or may ac crue. 9% Said sale being subject to redemp tion in the manner provided by law. li t * ' A. P. MILLER, Marshal of the City of Coquille. ¡ l0t*C CUT J A$»0> cording to the plats thereof on file in the office of the county clerk of said Coos County, Oregon, namely, the sum o f $264.50 together with interest on said sum at the rata o f 6% per annum since the 24th day o f Novem ber, A. D „ 1913. Now, therefore, all persons will hereby take notice that I will on the 28th day o f April, A. D., 1919, at the front door of the City Hall in said City of Coquille, at the hour o f eleven o’clock in the forenoon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, lawful money of the United States o f America, the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy -said * unpaid asses- ment with interest thereon, to gether with all costa o f adver tising and sals that have or may ac crue. . Said sale being subject to redemp tion in the manner provided by law. Ut6 x A. P. MILLER, Marshal o f the City o f Coquille. - NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue o f a warrant duly issued by the City Recorder, o f the City of CoquiUe, Coos County, Oregon, a municipal corporation, and dated tha 24th day of March, A. D., 1919, directing and requiring me as Marshal of said City o f Coquille to seU in the —inner pro vided by law the following described property, in the Alice B. McDonald, towit: Lot 12 in block 81 in Elliott’s addition to Coquille City, Ceoe County, Uregon, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk o f said Cooe County; for the purpose of collecting the amount asseaaed against said proper ty for the improvement of First Street in ElUott’a Addition to Co quille City, Coos County, Ora- ron and in Coquille City, (N otley’a v. Addition), Cooe County, Oregon, sc- 3* cording to the plats thereof on file in ' the offleo of the county clerk or said Cooa County, Oregon, namoly, tha sum of $222.62 togethar with interest on said sum at the rate o f 6% per an num cince the 24th day e f November, , A. D„ 1918. New, therefore, all persona will hereby take notice that I wUl on me 28th day o f April, A. D., 1919, at tha front door of the City Hall in said City o f Coquilla, at the hour o f eleven o’clock in the forenoon o f ««m ¿gy, •ell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, lawful money e f the United Statee o f America, the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said unpaid -— , ment with Interest thereon, to- rether with all coats o f adver tising and sale that have or may ac- NOTICE OF 8 A LB OF PROPERTY FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENT. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue o f a warrant duly issued by the City Recorder, of the City of CoquiUe, Coos County, Oregon, a municipal corporation, and dated the 24th day o f March, A. D., 1919, directing and requiring me as Marshal o f said City o f CoquiUe to sell in the manner pro vided by law the following deecribed property, assessed in the name of Mary A. Mehl, Frederick A. Mehl, Motile Mehl (Whetstone), William G. Mehl, Thomas H. Mehl sad George A. Mehl. towit: Lot 12 in block 69, Co quiUe City (Notley’s Addition, Coos County, Oregon, according to the plat thereof on file in the office o f the County Clerk o f said Coos County; for the purpoee o f collecting the amount assessed against said proper ty for the improvement o f First Street in Elliott’s Addition to Co Baid sala being subject to reden, n. quille Clty, Cooa County, Ore- tion in the manner provided bv k v ton. I d in CoquiUe City ( Notter's , l i t i A . P. m u ï * Marshal o f tha City o f CoquiUe. Addition) Cow County, Marahnl ef the City ef Coqufflo. \