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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1919)
Valley Sentinel 1 AND THE bOQXJILUE HERLALH VOL. XIV. MO. U. IFIER 18 YEARS M. D. Landis, Who Committed Murder Here, Believed to Be Captured in Kansas COQUILLE, co o p COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL Mochon Building Nearly Done The front of the new Mschon brick building is being put in this week and it is hoped to have the building ready for occupancy in a couple of weeks. The two long store rooms on the ground floor have not been rented as yet but Mr. Mac bon has applicants with whom he expects to close soon. The large basement is to be used as a skating rink said the proprietor says he will open it with a big dance as soon as the floor is laid and the room properly fitted up. Electric fans will help keep the ventilation good. The upper floor is one in which Mr. Machon, as well as those who desire night’s lodging, are particularly in. teres ted. Fourteen rooms are to Be fitted up with hot and cold water in tho lavatories, steam heat ana very nice furnishings, M. -J. Hartson hav ing the contract to ns tali the latter. One of the front rooms will have a private bath, while across the hall is the family suite—two rooms opening on each other. Toilets and baths suf ficient to accommodate a crowded house are features of this up-to4late rooming house. A space three feet wide on the west between this build- ing and the theatre provides for light and air on that side. Across the rear are the three rooms Mr. Machon is fitting up for himself and wife consisting of kitchen, living room and bed room, and as they will conduct the business of this floor themselves, they are leaving nothing undone to make their quarters com- fartable. $1-54 THE YEAR. 4 , 19 » LICKS CEIL FIRE COUNTY AFFAIRS Grand Jury Finds L ittll Excusa Court Meets and Hears Lot of Requests—Powers Bridge for all tho Recall Smoke— Contract Awarded Watson Held Blameless the plan being to start at Beaver Hill Junction and run through to Bullards. Two Fine Entertainments Not having been able to have a rep resentative at the production given by Princess Rahme Haider at the Feder- ated church Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, the Sentinel is unable to do justice to these splendid entertain ments, but many who were there char acterise them as the beat ever seen or heard in Coquille. Her subject Tuesday was “Under Syrian Stars.” Wednesday evening she gave a dramatisation of ", tie leper,” and in both efforts she was magnificient. The house was crowded to capacity both evening«, many having to stand. The free will offering, admicison was free, amounted to $60. Princess Rahme gives a percentage of these receipt: to the Syrian relief every, nfcnth, her receipts siu>T/iug that she has donated over $400 to that cause since the first of the year. It goes as a gift from the United States, too, this being the counter of her adoption, and the eulogy she pnic the Stars rnd Stripes and the nation it repre sents was new and soul-stirring. Our marrying justice, J. J. Stanley, says the knot-tieing business has been pretty slim lately but that he had one wedding Tuesday when he , united Chas. Baury, of North Bend, and Miss Edna Messenger,. of Marshfield, in holy wedlock. Geo. Chenoweth Kills Geo. Syd- nam at Langlois Satur day Evening Last Saturday at a dance at Lang- Marshal Millar and T. A. Walker The report ef the grand Jury, which After spending Wednesday allow lois George Chenoweth shot and killed is printed in full below, ought to dear ing bills the county court got down to have received from C. H. Peck, Chief George Sydnam, an 18-year-old boy. the atmosphere and show to the peo other business yesterday and turned of Police at Atkanaas City, Kansas, Sydnam was the son of a Denmark ple of Coos county that there is noth out quite a grist. copies of photographs of a man who dairyman and was seated on the plat is being held there, with requests to ing in the wild vaporings of the Bay W. U. Douglas presented a petition show them to old citisens and see if papers and the unsupported state that the county dredge Larson slough form of the dance hall, where the or the original can be identified as the ments of theh recall managers on but the court told him he had come to chestra waa stationed for the dance, which to base their accusations. The the wrong body, that the Coot Bay with a number of other young men. M. D. Landis, who lived here in 1001 and was then accused of murdering report is more negative than positive Port Commission was the place to Chenoweth, who is a middle aged man, Jasa Eudally. There is no intimation and shows no cause for the claims present his request, end that they came into the hall, walked straight up as to why Landis is being held, to the platform and taking deliberate that there have been misapproprit- could do nothing for him. A. B. Gidley and J. T. Brand asked whether on the old charge made aim with a revolver fired three shots tions and reckless extravagance. against him eighteen years ago or for at Sydnam. Only one of these shots Judge Watson is practically given that the court put in a larger drain struck the young man; but that pass n clear bill of health, except for the and raise the road at Bungalow Cove contention that one could not outvote near Englewood at Morshfiold, com The information asked here by the ed through his left lung, lodging in his side end causing his death within Marshal elicited very different an two in the county court. Commis plaining that the sluice box was not sioner Philip and ex-Commissioner large enough and that the incoming swers. Recorder Lawrence and Dep an hour. uty Sheriff Clyde Cage answered un Armstrong are condemned for draw tides caused the land in that naigh- Chenoweth turned and left the hail, hesitatingly that it was not a picture ing pay for supervising road work, borhood to be inundated. remarking to the dancers whom he of Landis. Grover McQuigg, when brushed past, that he hoped he had and while such action'might be con The contract for the Powers bridge shown the picture, without any In sidered unethical, it is a . practice was awarded to E. G. Perbam, his bid killed the young man and would be. timation as to whose it was said: which prevails in many, if not most of being the lowest of the four submit glad if Sydnam died. ‘•Well, that may have been you if the counties in the state, and Is cer ted. Each bidder submitted prices on He gave himself up to the authori three propositions. The first for con you ever wore whiskers, but it looks tainly not Criminal. ties immediately and was removed to like Landis." The ffindings of Accountant J. W. crete piers in the river; the second for the county jail at Gold Beach. In addition to the opinions given as Ferguson cover many pages of a a concrete foundation with pile piera, Chenoweth, whose hoqae is at Den to the likeness sent back to Arkansas type-written report, his principal and the third for timber piers. mark, is one of the most prominent City the full description of Landis is charges being that moneys from one Mr. Parham’s bid was $11,800 on men in Curry county. Early in the preserved in the sheriff’s office here, fund have been switched to other the first, $9,678 on the second, and war ha tried to enlist in the United with many items that a picture would States army but was refused on ac funds temporarily. This has never $9,376 on the third. not reveal—for instance, the color of been denied. He also complains of A The Portland Bridge Ce. bid $16,- count of his age. Subsequently «e the eyes and hair, the gait and exact lack of inventory of the county’s road 965 on the first; $13,615 on the second enlisted in the Canadian army. He building' machinery and equipment and $13,017 on the third. The Scandia figures as to height was severely wounded, seeing some Compared with the pictures of Land; As such an inventory is kept in detail Shipbuilding Co. bid $13,923, $12,121 bitter fighting, and discharged on ac is that were to be found hero in 19W1, by the road master’s office, there could and $11,866 on the three propositions count of hie wounds. His letters the present picture is, of course, that be only one fault With the beokkeep. respectively. from the front were read with great of a much older man, though the same ing system and that is that the in An association of Rowers men con That Coquille will see the erection interest in this section. droop in one of the eyes is apparent The suggestion of W. H. Lyons that ventory was not carried on the books sisting ef W. A. Varney, W. C. Swain of two modern hotels this summer Last winter after the death of Rep in both. the clerk’s office as an asset ef the and B. F. Segur submitted the follow now Beams to be pretty well assured, resentative Stannard of the joint Coos the district purchase his 16 acres in bids: $J4,181, $12,228 and $12*46 although Geo. Leach, who has also and Curry district, at the request of probably few events that ever hap north county. of town for a high school site, With hundreds of dollars spent to ing respectively. pened in this valley caused as great as mentioned Gov. Withycombe, Judge Woods of in the Sentinel last secure the evidence which forms tht The county saved a few hundred been figuring on putting one up on the an excitement in this city as did the week, has resulted Curry County Court, appointed in considerable dis basis of the grand jury report there dollars on Mr. Parham’s bid by chang First street, tells us he is not ready Chenoweth murder of Eudaily. He had been em cussion of the proposition, as a delegate to the legis pat to make a positive statement of most of it ployed on the ranch of Mrs. S. A. favorable to that site. ip nothing new made known, and aside ing the specifications so that the his plans. lature to represent Curry county on Yoakam on Coos River, and on leav With C. R. Barrow’s suit against from the fact that the statements wooden piling for the approach to However, if his plans go through as the floor of the house, but, of course, ing there to back home by way of the school distrHt to compel the di therein are now supported by evi> I tie bridge should be placed on con item a m o H Iv II l / O y uL i a S linC l i n C J l U L flO v v i A vIXYlvi l e l i a s , without the right of voting. He made UU l 1**8 Roeeburg there was quite an amount rectors to complete the purchase of donee, the whole report might have* crete footing! Instead of blasting into brick excellent record there and proved or concrete of from 26 to 30 an due him for wages, so that he had the Barrow A Strang site as voted been written by any member of the the rock for the foundation for the guest rooms, kitchen, dining room, of s very efficient representative. at least $100 with him when he was by the district several years ago, to grand jury prior to the recent inves piers. reason for the murder he has fice and lobby, two stories in height just The committed paid off. At the Blanco Hotel in come up at the next term of court, tigation, but he would probably have A contract for the bridge at Brews and was the samo old not to cost over $28,000 furnished Marshfield he spoke of this wad and there is a natural hesitancy on the included many cleans that are not ter valley, near J. . Laird’s place, was complete, will arise somewhere in the story of loving "not wisoly but too also announced his intention of walk by the evidence. swarded to Alex H. Austin for $600, neighborhood of the Liberty Theatre well.” While Chenoweth was fight of the school board to call a substantiated ing to Coquille. Landis, who had part What effect this report will have on and $300 for the rock approaches to To those who maye have a fear that ing overseas his young daughter gave meeting of the voters of the distrirt the recall, we cannot say, but one of the bridge, come to the county as ui agent for to about 100 feet in length. birth to a child of which she said hotels will’not pay here, a few young consider the purchase of Borne kitchen ranges and later went into tne other site, but Mr. Lyons says he in the men who was very prominent in Jas. R. Bonham bid $600 for the two Sydnam was the father. About facts and figures may prove the con real estate business at Coquille, Hap tends to take the matter before the the movement last year said in this bridge but did not bid on the sock trary. At the present time Chas. this time the young man disappeared, pened to be in the hotel at the time a couple of weeks ago, "Are approaches. absence giving rise to the story Baxter has, including the accommoda his Commercial Club and see if enough office and said he was going to Coquille and interest they going to put the taxpayers to A delegation from Marshfield wait tions that he was in the army, which was in the Baxter and others scat cannot be awakened to would keep him company. ___ expanse of an election, if no graft ed on the court with the request that tered over town, 47 guest rooms, and true of one of his brothers but not ofr the directors to call such a the Arrived on the railroad Just west of cause or misappropriation is found?" He the appropriation promised for the they are always full. Some nights he George. Recently he seems to have Cedar Point it makes a sharp turn to meeting. would not favor it, he said. armory there be made. In 1917 has to turn away 16 or 20 people who thought it safe to return and brazen go over to the hills, something hap There is no desire on Mr. Lyons’ The following is an exact copy of new the matter out. the court included in ’their budget desire sleeping quarters. nor on the Sentinel’s in com the report filed yesterdr.y noon: pened to Eudaily. He was probably part, Chenoweth had pleaded with him to $20,000 for this purpose out of With the reputation Coquille has stunned by a blow from behind and menting on this new offer, to damage do what he could to right the grevloua moneys not otherwise appropriated, of insufficient hotel accommoda wrong then shot in the back of the head. Mr. Barrow’c case in any way, but In the matter of the Grand Jury’s and yesterday on the request of the had his daughter had suffered, but tions, there is hardly an individual of Fred a. Tosier who was down here it has got to the point where Coquille investigation of the expenditures of delegation, authorised the county the travelling public acquainted with the young man was not only obdurate frim Portland last week, says that his absolutely cannot longer suffer the in it is intimated that he rubbed it in money during tj>e past six clerk to issue warrants for that local conditions who does not attempt but recollection is that after stunning adequacy of the present high school county by being flippant and smart in what amount, after the money appropriated to arrange his affairs to spend the he said about Eudaily, the murder had stuck a pen buildiiic. and we are for a moderi, up- years. the affair. by the state for the armory had been night at some other point. With an to-date structure this summer if it Grand Jury’s Report. knife into the jugular vein. The “The unwritten law,’’ whieh is heto expended and he was called upon by that he wouldn’t have to to justify a man in murder accomplished, Landis rolled is possible to have it, and this without The Grand Jury, charged with the the General Staff of the state to put assurance slaying the des sleep in the street but could secure a considering the final outcome of any victim under the barbed wire fence above mentioned investigation, now, up the county’s share of the cost. comfortable, warm room, many of poiler of his Home, seems to be the along the railroad into the long grass lawsuit pending. It’s a commodious, on this 3rd day of April, 1019, make Another delegation from the Marsh the«« travelers would cease giving Co only defense that can be invoked for well-equipped school building we need, the following report: and brush. , and North Bend Chambers of quille the go-by and would not only Chenoweth in this case. And so far That evening as the McQuigg boys and it’s time the patrons awoke and We have made the most thorough field Commerce and other citisens request spend the night here but their Sun as we have observed that law is rarely demanded that one be built—at once. was» going down the railroad for investigation possible and spared no ed the completion the Coos Bay days, when in this section. And we invoked in vain. their cow they saw a man digging on pains to get to the bottom of things. North section of the of Coast venture e gdess that 100 rooms will their land some little distance from No Night Train Says Scott Mr. J. W. Ferguson, of Portland, Ore and the building of the ferry Highway to oper not be too many as business in the Co Discharge Quickly Secured where it later transpired the murder The Coos Bqy people who have gon, a certified accountant, was em ate across the bay. The court told quille valley continues to grow and We referred last week to the case had occurred. Landis did not see boen so strenuously determined to se ployed on the recommendation of the them they intended to finish that link of Ray Rickman, son of Geo. B. Rick them and they ran back home to tell cure a night train from Portland have Secretary of State to make us a re as soon as there were funds availa expand. of this city, who had enlisted But with Machon’s fourteen in his their father. The three of them went at last got it flat and cold from John port on certain mattersf we annex ble. A plan is being worked but now new building, twenty-five or thirty in man while under age, and whose health back and after a little turning of the M. Scott, general passenger agent for hereto the report he filed with us, ana by the Bay people to get 30 men to the Leach hotel and fifty in the new was under his work as fireman fresh soil, the elder McQuigg uncov the Oregon lines, that there will be adopted it as part of this, our own, re sign a note for $80,000, on which the Baxter, we would still be short of the on the failing Newport News. Congressman ered a hand. He then staid there on nothing doing. Mr. Scott says he ex port. there will furnish the money 100 required, so there is no reason to Hawley had been requested to use his guard and sent the boys to town for pects to come down here in about Expenditures under Judge Hall and banks to pey off the note. If the lawyers fear that there may be too much of influence to secure the young man’s Sheriff Gallier. thi'ee weeks to look over the situation Commissioner Dement find this can be legally done, the road a good thing in the hotel line. release, but that such' quick action The body was uncovered and and see what the people think about In so far as these men are concern will probably be finished this year, as would be possible we had no idea. On brought in to town and placed in a the service on this line. He says, ed, we find the county expenditures well aa providing the connecting fer Boost Roosevelt Highway Thursday of last week Commander shack standing about where Ben Cur however, that not only is a night* ser as a whole, regular and fairly econ ry • Smith of that ship wired Mr. rie’s house does now, and the next vice out of the question, but that omical. We And these men free from O. A. Kjelland and Hans Kollansurd Frpd Hollister waa over here yes Jess# Hawley that Rickman had been dis morning an inquest was held. terday urging an organised campaign there is no immediate possibility of blame for extravagance except as to asksd the county to match dollars charged as requested, and his parents Meeting Landis on the street where more than one passenger train a day the carrying of the Roosevelt here were apprised sums paid for publication of sum with the district for the improvement for of the action liy the poetoffice is now, M. H. Horsey between Coos county and Portland. the Highway proposition at the election, mons in (ax foreclosures by the coun letter on Sunday—all within ten days of the Kentuck Slough road. No told him about the murder of Eudaily As to the best schedule, be will be ty, which subject is hereafter more action was taken. June 8. He is Coos county chairman from the time the letters were written and the former turned and went down open to conviction. tor this drive and has gone into it for fully considered. In the main, ,we asking Mr. Hawley’s intercession. " Louis Wier, Henry Gustafson and to the scene of the inquest. he is worth. Buttons boosting the have no criticism for their adminis Harry Walker asked that the county all As he walked in one of the McQuigg Entertained Princess Rahme tration. Roosevelt Highway are to be sold at Soils Schools la This Valley proceed to connect up the Larsoh $1.00 apiece to provide funds for the boys exclaimed, pointing at Landis, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Machon enter Present County Cenrt Slough road with the Coast highway. campaign in other sections of the J. L. Smith went down to Bendon "There is the man we saw digging.” tained Princess Rahme Haider, of We find, to begin with, that through This work has been delayed by Mr. state which are not so vitally inter Monday to attend a toil school there. J. H. Cecil was the justice of the and her American companion, 1917-1918, the county business has Larson, who has a suit pending tn ested in this measure as are the coast Owing to the pleasant weather and peace conducting the inquest, and Syria, presented such a splendid enter been grossly mismanaged, with a connection with the road and bridge either he or the assistant prosecuting who Every precinct in the coun the fact that everybody is utilizing it tainment here Tuesday and Wednes marked display of incompetence and work already done there. As there is counties. attorney told them that they were day ty will be canvassed and by plunging into belated spring work evenings, with a dinner and au disregard of the county’s interests. $1600 available for use on this road, a complete thoroughly mistaken. It could not have been. tomobile registration voters here the school was hot as well ride Wednesday noon. The County Judge James Watson has the court is going to start work im affected so that a single of vote the will But they were firm in their statenpnt princess remembers attended aa was hoped but there is Mr. Machon as been, in the main, unwilling and re mediately and bring matters to an is be loot by neglect on election day. not no that he was the man. question about their value and we whom she met at her father’s luctant in permitting this state of sue to see whether Larson can stop Without saying a word Landis turn one are glad to bear the ranchers all turn place at Hallup, Syria, twelve years affairs; and our censure of him ex the work there. ed and walked out of the building and ago ed ont at Band on. Tho senior editor was ordered to when he was accompanying Gen. tends to his failure to make a vigor Geo. P. laird and others appeared bod yesterday by his physician and went to his room in the old Lytle ho Barnes on a fifteen ous and persistent fight against it and to request that the court pass a whatever deficiencies are noted in this Shiners have been biting the last tel, which stood about where Ander months’ as tour interpreter, of the world. to his consenting at all. son'S store is. Later it was moved to resolution ordering the survdy of a week’s Sentinel may be attributed to week or two with excellent results to Commissiohers Armstrong and road down this side of the rivet. This that cause. He waa t.ire toned with the fishermen. We bear of ladies who the corner and is now the Coquille Hospital Going to his room Landis Somebody is going to get a mighty Philip we find to have been incoape- is something that has been needed for bronchial pneumonia but is considera catch sixty every day they fish and of cheap lot up near the high school long time and the court appeared bly bettor this morning and expects boys who sometimes run their string building one ef these days. ! Continued oa sixth to ha iaclinad to gnat the to ba out ogaia in a few days. up to A I < > MUST HAVE HIGH SCHOOL TWO HOTELS FOR COQUILLE a *1 m 9