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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1919)
I paos point T n COQÜILLB TALLST Hi for b o m have bean heard frees the Bogue river oral kinds plant fata, notably cot té the Snake. As the Oregon Jour m The S en tin el nal says the important problem new in tonseed end ef earn oiL net hew to get the money, but to see But the-chemists were not satisfied, * O O O O PAPER IR A R O O » TO W Even when they had taken the resin, that » is expended Judiciously. BT E W. YOUNG. acid and.other impurities out Vf the A story writer in a popula; period plant product, the fat soured and be ical has made one of the meet thrill came rancid very easily because R O ra -i • ing talee wo have recently road by de was not completed. The animal add Six Months......................»........ the conversion of our hydrogen to the complex chemical No subscription token unless g id tailing to simple telling how all the structure of fet through the agency for i» advance. This mio is i*P»»- schemers honesty, grafters and .fakers of oertaln organic compounds known tivo. ______________ wore driven and to Join the L O. L, the In aa enaymes, the substance that pro- dependent Order of Integrity. Our duces fermentation. ... „ fc Display, 1* osoU/por inch. lo old copy book* kad the aaaae How could this process be duplicat ino notices, 6 conto por Uno ooeh in- condensed into five words, “Honesty ed la the factory? eertion. Want ads, 1 «eot por *ord; is the best poi icy.” Of course that is After fears of research it was dis no od looo thnn 16 conto. No posMon true but we never expect to see all covered that metolli$ nickel when de piren. short cuts to wealth abandoned posited on fibrous asbestos and they deteriorato the only hu brought into intimate contact with the ehi som canee man possession which outlasts plant fat would bring stout the deal Pootofflco OS mortal life, the only baggage we can ed result and do in an hour what the carry through tho portala of eternity animal organism accomplished in —the glory which met? call “charme days. As a consequence of this dis covery it t o t g s possible so to clean, The bore ore up yet ogoinst oU vta- ter.” refine aiur alter vegetable oils of all . Hors to Frmnce. Femolo relative* of From London comm tho infoi our boys over there must stny ot home tion that a transatlantiv flight may be varieties that.they did not have to end peso ports ore Also being refused attempted within 10 days from Ire pass through animala to become thor oughly digestible and appetizing. The tourists this year, land to New Foundland, or to . Now Various substitutes for dive oil and After the 80th of next June we wta England if circumstances are favor improvements on lard followed in get bock on the old schedule of one able. The airship which is to try the rapid succession. cent for o postal cord end two cents trip ia 670 feet long, has five 2 BO Now it has become possible to tap for a letter stamp. Who seys the high horsepower engines and is capable of the largest supply of vegetable oil coot of living isn't boing-rodurod 7 making 70 milaa an hour. Navigators in the world and make use of it as a have boon specially picked by the substitute for butter fat. The oil Thst prices ore not going to fell to British admiralty, also a crew of 10. pressed from copra, the meat of the tho before-the-wsr level during tne The airship is R-33. Its sister ship, cocoanut, has for many years been Made from Cream o f Tartar derived from grape* lifetime of the present generstion is R-34, which made its trial flight last used in soapmaking add for other in beginning to be believed; that t»ey Friday, probably will accompany tho d us trial purposes, but it is only aro not going to drop from their pres R-SS or follow it closely. The admir through tho remarkable discoveries of ent high level would bo an absurd con alty refrain* from annojuncing the American chemists has become Royal Contains No Alum — exact date of tho proposed flight. clusion. available as food. There is also talk that within a The refined and hydrogenated co Loaves N q Bt£ter Taste The breweries use preparing to shut month such a flight may bo attempted nut oil has practically the same down July 1, and at the same time the from the American end of the course. coa chemical composition of butter fat candy factories are preparing to / By taking this refined cocoanut fat largely increase their output. The Experts, both on tho Hun cida and and combining it with milk from craving for stimulates is, it seems, among the Alliea, are now telling us which tho butter fat hat been u»- allayed by the use of candy, while the almost every day how tho war might tracted, it has become possible to ob latter never causes any broken heads. have been ended lota sooner. Here for tain a palatable HSHH ssbutitut# for whole instance comes Arthur Pollen, a Brit and plunged over the atom of the boat Some of these letters involved prom Man Disappears at Bay milk with substantially the same nu- It will be quite an event when those ish naval critic, who sayi: waa drowned. Cody had some inent men in the southrn part of the e value as the original milk. Considerable excitement has been and sham battles are staged by aeroplanes Let us not mince words. Had Through this exchange of refined and county, it is said. money with Him but so far there are j caused et Coos Bay by the disappear in all the leading cities of the United Jellicoe defeated and sunk the Ger adibla cocoanut fat for butter fat the Rev. McLaren said that not only no indication* of foul play. He had States next month. Lots of our peo man fleet, Germany would have col milk shortage which has been threat was the concerted support and assist ance of Gordon Cody, a shipyard only been married about a year. painter who went out in a small boat ple will want to go to Portland to wtt- lapsed before the year had passed. ening the country will be averted, as ance of the better class of citizens The workmen at Coos Bay ship neas the spectacle. This stunt Is to (The Settle of Jutland took place May the process makes it possible to trans needed to overcome the .moral dell lost Saturday to catch crabs and has yard are to receive the $15,000 or $16,000 not been seen since. His boat wan found be pulled off to arouse interest in the 81 and June 1, lty6.) tho bulk of the fifteen million ciebcy, but a good probation officer at Jarviy landing Monday with no of back pay tomorrow, thia being the Victory Loan campaign. “Russia would have remained inte form tons of skim milk wasted or fed to and wolf are worker was also required. traces of the man. Cody hod under amount due on the now wage scale gral, Bolshevism never would have stock annually time tine* it want into effect and a valuable food —Coos Bay Times. Oregon is prepared to spend thirty been gone an operation not long ago, and for and millions of gallan(. men that will take the into place before payment began under it. of whole milk million dollars for roads in the next would born it ia thought that due to this ho suf be walking the earth alive and for many purposes. By giving tha Portland Market Report. fered a sudden attack of heart failure fiend the Sentinel to eastern friends. three years, whether the Roooeven unwounded today.4 dairyman an outlet for hia now value- Highway U built or not, aiH ytis Portland, Oregon, March 24, 1919.— need not have come Into milk it should place the The small run of 1000 head of cat- pec ted that county\bon^3dMa will the “America war, and would have been dairy skim business on a sounder and more tlo in the Stock Yards today ia the double that figure. ItVeasier to raise at the pinnacle Britain of financial, naval and remunerative basis. big money for public purposes since military greatness. of a generally strong market at But the chance If we give our chemists time and cause our experience with victory loans and was thrown away. Irresolution, steady pricea as quoted: dis enough, they will by and by Beet steers, $18.00-14.00; good to the various war charities drives. trust of the fleet and incapacity to money succeed in the commercial production choice steers $11.50-12.60; medium to Ì33a% Next Sunday, March SO, at" 2 o’clock handle or deploy it let the victory slip of food directly from inorganic sub good steers $10.00-11.00; fair to good _______________ a. m. the docks which the government by." stances. In the meantime, though, it steers $9.00-10.00; common to fair controls, including all railroad time VEGETABLE FATS MADE EDIBLE would hardly pay to get rid of the old steers $8.00-9.00; choice cow» and pieces, will be set ahead one hour, and farm at a bargain-counter price. It heifers $10.60-12.26; good to choice the current issue of Sunset we will we will go on the daylight-saving And In the a while before a ton of cows and heifers $9.00-10.00; medium in relation to ani mud be ia quite n calling 11 mal and following schedule again and transformed into a sack of to good cows and heifers $7.00-8.00; vegetable oils, which cannot o’clock suntime the nooh i hour. hour, The fail to bo of great interest to every flour without the farmer’s assistance fair to medium cows and heifers farmers of the country didn't want it dairyman !>6.00-6.00; esnners $9.60-4.60; bulls which certainly furnish THE GOOD IT HAS DONE that way, but the laboring men in the information and which $6.00-9.00; calves $9.60-13.60; stock- every housewife cities did and they seem to have had should bo glad to get In «*»y early If any ef our readers d o st like the »7.«0.10.66. the Ion goat poleor the itro"g—* p“» days one of our agricultural -editora daylight Savin fp la n —end we know The receipts of hogs for today ia ranchers generally do not—they head of generally good quality. New York used to have much to sey that We wish the .Coquill* people who in can reed the following from the Out 2860 Trading is good and prices are show about “the progression of primaries,” have been hearing so much about taxse by which he meant that the vegetable look and see who it is that is profiting ing ap advance of 60 cents over prices having been raised this year on ao- products of nature, like grass and at their expense; quoted at the close of business last eount of the extravagance of the moat forage, was fitted for human week. county court would compare the consumption by passing through ani The vast majority of workers in_*11 Prime mixed $18.76-19.00; medium The Mortgage amount of this year’s receipts with ls and being converted into meat the countries which have tried the mixed $18.60-18.76; rough heavies what they paio last year. So far as and fa t Ha was right in his conclu daylight saving plan have found its $16.75-17.00; pigs $16.60-17.26; bulk we are concerned we know that the sions but the following shows how iult to be an enormous saving m of sales $18.60-18.76. ' Lifter . amounts we have bad to pay this year scientists have found a short cut and fuel, gas and electric light, gardening, 1000 heed of. sheep and lambs Industrial accidents, counted in the sheep division over were considerably lees Shan we paid An electric motor can make many vegetable products transportation, eye wear-and-teer, and health. last year. Indeed, we find that the suitable Sunday. The market is in a healthy for the human stomach with lift anything. Let us tell you how reduction on our residence property out going through the snimal route: In this country last summer the condition with prices holding steady. daylight saving plan resulted in the Prime lambs 848.00-17.00; fair to in this city amounts to 18 par cent. conservation of Vt least a million tons lambs $14.00-16.00; yearlings G-E Electric Motors “Selfishness is the force that drives Until a few years ago nearly all of coal and of about one fourth in the medium $11.00-12.00; wethers $9.00-10.00; mankind had to roly for its edible the world,’’ says Austin S. Hammono, amount of our artificial light bills. i $6.50-10.50. are lifting mortgages off hundreds a North Bend lawyer, in writing to the fat upon animals hogs, cattle, sheep The extra hour of daylight gave hdme Oregonian. Per he pa; but unaelflsh- end fish. The animals, in turn, had gardeneri a chance they never had of farms throughout the country. The Seven Devils Road noss makes it a world living in. Those to obtain their supply of fat from before—indeed, it gave some men and Lata* hei» fifty* w f win i philosophers who say that selfishness plants which, in turn, built it up from women the first chance they ever had There is a 1917 special tax to be ex is the only sin, that every evil is a the mineral juices they extracted to have a garden. The advantage of pended on tho Seven Devils road this MISS* I manifestation of selfishness, are near from'the soil. Only one kind of vege daylight for recreation to office, store, year. The work will bo done between table fat could be <^»nsumed in its raw MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY er right than Mr. Hammond. Ger and factory workers was also found the forks and the school house. About man Kultur affords a striking exam state by man, and that fat was olive last summer to be very greet Indeed, 113,000 will be expended in new grade. ple of enthroned selfishness; Ameri oil. All the other plant fats, contain the overwhelming sentiment of the In addition to this the regular portion ca fighting for the freedom of small ed mostly in the seed, were left in an country is for a continuance of the of the general fund road work will be nations a magnificent example of mil unfinished state by nature. They had plan. done.—Coos Bay Harbor. to be carried through the bodies of itant unselfishness. animala before they became fit » r Social Demoralization Automobile for sale, late Oakland. Talk about the league of nations human consumption. That there is a demoralised social In perfect condition. A bargain if abrogating the Monroe doctrine! American chamists, however, were condition in Coos county that requires token at once. Se* T. A. Walker. Why, with a league of nations, instead not satisfied with the slow, wasteful prompt action by concerted efforts on of the independence of the Central and expensive method of making the part of the best citizens and the PROFIT BY THIS and South American republics being plant fat digestible via the animal’s installation of officer*, m tome guaranteed by the United Statee stomach. They studied the processes tion* of the county, who will not Don’t Waste Another Day. alone, ell the qations joining the by which the living animal purified “wink” at moral lapses, ia the declar When you are worried by b tckache; league would underwrite that guaran and completed the plant fats. After ation of Rev. W. G. McLaren, of the By lameness and uii.try disor tee. ' * many, many failures, Dr. David Wess Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective ders— Don’t experiment with an untried We have some men in high legisla on, succeeded in devising a process society. tive positions, posing as statesmen which in effect duplicated the method Evidence, of a laxness In enforce medicine. “ Y o u r ow n horse- ch ew of o rd in a ry who can’t see beyond the ends of their nature used in the living animal or ment of measures to protect the Do as thousands of people are do- sen ac o u g h t to tell own noees. Lack of vision was on* of ganism. He mixed cottonseed oil young girls especially, and the older % se Doan’s Kidney Pills. you w hat is the best the great defects of the German rul with dtatomaceoua earth which con women as well as the young men, was Read this Eugsne resident’s exper rIMbist ers. But there are others. value w hen a small tained an active ingredient, colloidal cited by him. He did not mince the ience: J. H. Edwards. 109$ W. Sixth silica. Both are subs Lances fully ex question, but gave names and dates. St., Mrs. Eugene, chew of R eel G rave* Oreg., sa: >ys: “Once in When Umatilla county first voted plained in the encyclopedia and com Aa to the necessity of prompt ac awhile my back ack nrs started aching ly. ta ste s to good, on a road bond issue some years ago monly used in ndustry. and I have felt so stiff and wank that tion, he pointed but that last year in b G b a v b l y end lasts so m uch G b n u DANVILLE, it carriod by a meagre majority. The The colloidal silica immediately hia organization had cared for 12 I could hardly straigbton up after 1 VA sat in oao position very long. lo n g e r th a n a big other day ah* voted the logal limit by went after tim resin and other dis girls and women from Coos county, have kaaéiai m ( My kidaoys haven’t acted as they a majority of ten to on*. Thia shows agreeable sdfttancM in the oil, com of whom were suffering from ve should when I have kad this trouble “hew sentiment is changing in Oregon. bining with them in the mixture just 8 nereal my hack. After I have token diseases. Some of the cates with Indeed, he time has been in the last ea it does in the living animal. After ware girls Doan’s Ki<moy Pills few dry*, my of only about 14 years of bock - has felt as strong aa ever and ten years when for the legislature to the cottonseed oil had bean removed aga. y kidneys hare acted regularly.” have voted tan millions of dollar* for again from the mixture, it was found Evidence in the eases not only con Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t rood* without giving tho people a 'to be as clear, swoet and digestible aa ask for a kidney remedy get [EWING P L U G of the statements of the gins, simply REAL chance to voto on the proposition olive oil. Aa a result of this discov. si*ted Doan’s Kidnev Pills— tho same that but in some instances war* augmented Edwards had. Foator-Milbum would have caused a howl that would ary it became possible to refine and by letters which were intercepted. Mrs. Plug packed inpouck Co, Mfgrs, Buffalo, N. Y. I tried It, bat I went back to RoyaL” •nice, mm r * ■ i I • This is the experience of most women ^ who have been^tempted to try so- called cheaper baking powders which almost always contain alum and often leave a bitter taste., « i Royal Baking Powder Absolutely Pure 11 * I U a 'lûyourotanfa ifyougtstmg. says ULonnor Brand »* ' 1 ¡IT ‘t WStÊ