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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1917)
F limitine and Hardware ¡and after coat l H comfort and reliable perl01 or the fü ll nabte it deb vere. New Caere la Circuit Court. Mrs. Tom Dimmick, o f Coquill«, is visiting friends in Gardiner and Scottsburg this weak. Mrs. Dimmick O w n« Dortond cut down unproductive is an old resident o f Scottsburg,■being time—h««p healthy—bright—lively— the daughter o f Mr. Lyons, who efficient—the tim es demand you r best published the Gazette at Scottsburg in tha early sixties, the first newspaper in the 'Lower Umpqua country. Tha Lyons fam ily also conducted a hotel at that town in the early days. A t that time Scottsburg was on« o f the moet im portant points in Oregon, where packers outfitted and peeked goods and provisions to extreme C oquille, Oregon points in Southern Oregon. Mrs. Dim mick and Mrs. Henrys Wads ware children and schoolmates together at Scottsburg in those days, and seeing them with each other today one would earning yields in this contest must ha judge that the pest years ars resting certified to by witness as, not related vary lightly on their shoulders.— Ump to the grower, who assisted in the qua Courier. weighing o f the yield and in the meas uring o f the land. Each grower may make on« entry o f each variety o f corn and potatoes which he may have CORN AND POTATO SHOW Name o f variety and grower’s name should ha marked plainly on each en The follow ing about the third An try- nual Corn and Potato Show hare on A ll exhibits fa r tha Corn and P o Nov. 17 was prepared by County tato Show at Coquill«, J io v . 17, will ba assembled not later than Nov. 15 at tha follow ing places ; Exhibits from Coos Bay D iet make C oquille Sedan, $1095 |045 F. C. PURSLEY, agent follow ing officers w on chosen: Supt., Mrs. J. S. Lawrence; See., Mrs. H. O. Anderson; Tress., Mrs. J. Pop«. Tha society adjoraod to moot in tha church work room s fo r work, Thurs day afternoon, Oct. 26, at 1:80 p. as. Georgia (3. Richmond, Sec. The “ 600” du b and a few additional guests wars moat pleasantly enter tained at the horn« o f Mrs. O. C. San ford last Tuesday evening. A fter the usual number o f games had been play- ad tha hostess served delicious re freshments to which the guests did with SUIT CASE lost between Coquille and Bandone Contained lady’s and children’s d oth ««. Finder please re- trun to Schroodor’s Jewelry store, st Broadway to permit passengers to g et affi but last Saturday about two doosn people who were an hand there with their baggage to eome to Co- quille and M yrtle Point wore refused an opportunity to board tha train as they had bean in the habit o f doing there orar sines the train had beau running. Tim rule that p a stT g srs must go to tha depot to hoard tha train was put in feres without any previous notice, with the reeult that a hunch a f people couldn’t find any oort o f conveyance to take their bag gage to the depot and war« unable to toko the trip as they had intended. Wa are sure the managers o f the road seti St. J m m s Episcopal*Church. FOR SALE— Baker Hamilton 2Vi H. Choir Practice tom orrow (Satur P. gasoline engine fo r (60 nt the day) at 8 p. m. Sentinel office. In F irst class order. October 21st 20th Sunday after Trinity. FOR SALE— 1917 Ford car in first Sunday School at 10 a. m. class shape. F. C. P uri ley. 40tl* Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 FOR SALE—1000 pound Do L evel Steam Separator and Boiler. (40. Inquire o f C. C. Ohman, Bandon. FOR SALE—Shingle M ill. 16 h. p. A tlas Steam Engine, 28 hors« Boil er. Perkins shinglP machine, cut Teaching service from 10 to 11 a. m. off and joiner. (326. Wm. Bur beck, Preaching by Rov. J. A . McVeigh, Bandon. S7t6 poster at 11 a. m. and I p. a r A fter Oct. 1, s t 7 JO p. m. FOR SALE tha boat and cheapest va cant lot in tha city o f Coquill«. Spoak quick if you want i t A t the Sentinel office. Presbyterian Church. forced in any sudi arbitrary fashion and with so much inconvonienea to tha travelling public; but somebody did a m ighty th o u g h t* * and unpopular act in pettine tuck a ruth into force without a moment’s Boffice. Nature’s Pleasant Autumnal Party. A t the James Laird boas« last Sat urday evening the Misses W inifred Spencer and Emma Kennedy were hostesses at a delightful autumnal party. Massed autumn leaves in g or geous hues, with bowls o f naturtiums adorned the living rooaas. Music and unique gum s«, interspersed with the Oct. 12—C. R. Barrow «a d Z. C. Strang vs. School D iotrict No. 8. Coon County, Or«. Oct. 12— Frank R. Shore« vs. J. A. Barnes. Suit In equity. Temporary restraining order granted. Oct. - 18— Pacific Building A Loan Aas’n. vs. Susie T. Folaam, A lbert W . H. Folsom and Oaorga A . Robinson. Suit to foreclose m ortgage; Oct. 18— Sam« vs. same. Oct. 16— B. C. Shull vs. a L. Small wood. O ct 16—Hiram Hatcher vs. Mar* shal Scarbrough and Sadie 0> Scar brough. O ct 14— Ivy C ham Kinney vs. Jes sie G. Kinney. Suit fo r divorce. O ct 17— Mary Louise McArthur vs. Glenda Farrell and Charles A . Farrell. Suit over Record’s prise automobile. O ct 18— Elm s H oop«« vs. John E Hoopoe. Suit for divorce. ANSCO ^CAMERAS &SFEETEX FILM FOR SALE— Choice residence prop erty containing 10 acres— three blocks north and two oast o f court house. Inquire o f M att Kerrigan on the place fo r term s. Old age reason for soiling. SOtf o’clock. Sunday school s t 8 JO a. m. --------- m il« from Coquille postoffiee; city Fro« public reading room open ov water. Inquire John Hickam. 9tf. ary day,-except Sundays and holidays, from 2 to 4 p. as. W ANTED—Chittam Bark 1917 Peel. Corner Third and Hall streets W ool A Mohair. Gao. T . Moulton. Spoe*n a Pump-kin pumped hot flames From a place, you know, what nobody names Spoo’n the witch«« began to witch An’ you didn’t know which witch was witch W sll, spos’n Hallowe'en Novelties for Favors, Hallowe’en Parties and for the Kiddies: Light Shades 16c and 26c Hallowe’en Party Cape for Favors. 10c 2 fo r 16c ” ” Aporns ” ...............__16c Jack O’Lanterns__________ 5c 10c 16c up to 86c Hallowe’en Candy B o x e s ............ ........ ........ 15c Pum pkins.......................... 6c 10c 15c and 26c MRS. BONNIE W ALKER, Prop.