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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
» . « . . i . : AN RALLY at 2-J Wednesda A one day Corn Show was dooidad upon at the Commercial Club last F ri day evening, which will be held either Nov. 10 or 17. W ith the repetition Coquille has earned for providing the people of this section a fine entertain ment a t this annual affair, it was ¿«It th at the event should not bo passed up altogether. County Agent J . L. Smith has de cided to hold but one oorn conteet in . the county this year and th at boro in Coquille. His plan is to offer cash uprises instead of merchandise prism for ovary item in the contact this year. There will bo no silage contest, ns it, it too Into now to make arrangements fo r it and the work of getting the exhibits for the State F air collected and prepared in lei fared With th at flse- ture earlier in the season. But there will bo a Contest for mature corn for «ho boot 10 oars, «00 oars and single p JÎIV October 17 Speakers: Hon. & B. HUSTON, of Portland and Honj. B. L. E D D Y , of Roseburg of dead waéght W hat rendere a view of this Caterpillar moro intoresting now io tho fa st th at it was this aeri of eagine th at «uggootod tho pian of tho Britiah war “tanks" as they aroterm - ed, whish bave proved such effectivs engisse of war, stopptng neithor for tram , fenees aor essali buildings, but smeskiwg th sir own path as they go. These f uraish ah alter eovered with ar- mor piato from which tbose inside aro a bis to poar a ¿estrud iv e machine gun Aro in eli dimettono. ^ Our tractor io fi rat to to put ia am paUing tho stampo wharo a clearing ia being mede on thè couaty farm . Then it will be taken out on tho M yrtls Point road to aid ia gradiag work. But ito big test for road work will TMa Season's Lyceum Canran. U m first number of Coquille’s Lyce um course will be held on the evening of Nev. 6. The attraction will be the Berkeley sextette, composed of n x Coquille is on the ragged edge now, musical ladies. The program will so fa r aa her water supply is con consist of orchestra numbers, read cerned. The extreme end lodg con ings, songs, instrumental solos end tinued dry weather has got ia its work on tho hood waters of Rink, W alker and Dutch John creeks to sock ea ex tent that the reservoir'on the kill is getting very low. L ast Monday Wa ter Superintendent Kpparaoa gave our p e o p le the high siga by getting out kills forbidding further irrigation aad Getting Short of Water. The new high potency power line o f the Oregon Power company from Marshfield to Coquills was cut in a t Henryville the first of the whek and will be in full operation tomorrow giv ing this city and the surrounding country the sasse ample supply of cur rent as the Bay cities have been get ting. Manager McKenna informs us that work will immediately begin on the construction of a new high, potency line between this city and Myrtle Point of the same character as Urn Una ust finished from this city to Henry ville giving us through connection with the power plant e f the company Tbs only difference will bo that tho Myrtle Point lino wtfl bo equipped with two heavy copper w in s where the Marshfield line carries throe. Tho poles for the Myrtle Point lino are already on hand. paies between hora and M yrtle P running to various fan as and rune will bo transferred to the palm of now lino and, it is expected to do 1 o# Liberty L m POUR-MINUTE ' MOVIE TALKS GOOS COUNTY GETS A "TANK” boot to eliminate this part of tho show which has boon a vary expensive one in thh past. Corn is a t p much better stage of development this year than usual, and with the entire county to draw from for the one show there ought to be a magnifleient display of rad, white and yellow oars in Coquille this year. The potato feature is a new one but that crop is unusually largo this year and it will add much to the exhibit. Announcement'of what is to bo of fered will be mage later in greater da- fail as plane are matured. C Everybody come out and hear them Mr. Smith inends as osual to have a repräsentative ia from O. A. C. to judge H m com and to^deliver ad- dresseo on appropriate subosto. Plana fe r CoquiUe’s participation a n beginning to form ulate. Lato ef music will be oae feature and tf pos- sible two male qaartoto will be ob band to vie with oaeh other in ghriag tho best entertainment. Tho band ia mpecially strong now and pertM pe- tkm will be n decided factor ia show- tie house by the officers. A t noon it is planned to servo coffee and sandwiches, provided by tho Com mercial Club, in still a t&lrd building. Whether the corn exhibits will bo shown in third building or in tho Ma sonic Hall has not boon determined. Tho booth displays by local mer chants will also bo cut out this your. The principal reason for this is the Privada and fellow citisene, «tin t dees tkia mean for Coquille? It means a «25,000 subscription in this city and ita trade territory. We can do this and we most do i t That will be doable what we subscribed to the first loan in May, bat we weren't awake to tbs necessity than; we are begin ning to realise new what this war ■anas to all of os and we are net eg to be slacken. Every dollar of t «26,000 most be subscribed and Will be subscribed here. We are not going to fa il in our duty a t this most critical hour of the nation’s life. ’ L et ue all meet a t the City Hall, reading to a comic section, it was thought th at four minute talks by leading citi sens a t moving picture houses two or throe times n week would got the desired information to him. This plan was inaugurated last sum- reney, for, while they are safe as the Government’s money, they bear in terest nt the seme time. I’ve got three sons e f my own In the NfVy of the United States, and when l -think of those many boye in uni form, eons of gallant i others And fathers of Portland, what ia there I wouldn’t do to save the life of even one of those boys if it were hi my power to do so 7 Let us not stop y> count the cost. Business itself, life itself, freedom itself, ere gone in this country unless we defeat autocracy, for no American could live hare under • foreign despotism. “W * are in danger. Don’t let us minimise that. But resent die pa tehee from the western front are heartening and the outlook is most favorable to the first 60 K. W. H. will be sharped for a t tho maximum rate of 5 tt cents. So will the first 100 K . W. H. on a 2- horse power motor; tho first 160 on a throe horse power; tho first 260 on a five horse power; tho first »76 on a seven and a half hone power motor and tho first 600 on n ton hone power. Above th at on current consumed by such motors the rote will bo 1H cents per K. W. H.. To illustrate this wa will toko tho ease of a 6-horse power motor operating 10 hours per day for 20 days ia the month on an nveraga load (th at is not pulling 6-bourse pow er every m inute), which would eoa- sume about 500 K. W. H. per month. At the old rate the biU for the month would figure up thus: F irst 100 K. W. H. # fie.............««.00 Second 100 K. W. H. @> 7 f c c . . . . 7J0 Third 100 K. W. H. 7 e . . . . . . 7.00 Fourth 100 K. W. H. £ 6 1 4 . . . . «AO F ifth 100 K. W. H. <g> 6 c . . . . . . . 6.00 Total............... ................. *.. 136.00 The same motor under the new rate would get the following bill: F ia t 280 K. W. H. # 614c »12.76 *.76 Port Meeting at Bandoli. i . K. Norton attended the meei Total...................................... »17.60 It will thumbs essa that for thorn using a 5-horse power motor right along the rate has been split 60-60, the consumer getting a rate only half as great as ha has besa paying. The new yate is exactly the same as prevails a t North Bead and Marsh field, and is aa low as is enoyed at any piase ia Oregon. Indeed, Mr. McKen na says it ia so low that it ia the What it will atoan to the industries e f Coquille and M yrtle Point aad the surrounding sections of this valley to bo supplied with power os cheaply no the now rato randan pomibto wo eon hardly imagine a t this time. B at that