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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1917)
■ ■y/-.- VO L. XII. itass. $ !.$ • T H E Y E A R . CKON DO MY the o f the County Court Court and other Coart House Mutters This Week. Liberty H i ■ •■?. ? *- W illiam Bottys, »1,000. Dan Conlogus, »600. A . 1. Sharwood, $600. E verett E. Johnson, $400. L. H. Hazard, »800. Coq. M arcanti!« Co., $600. C. A . Da Long, $600. Hanrjr W . Young, $600. Frank G. Lsslia, $100. F . W . Barkar, $100. J. 8 . L a arranca, $100. Jamas F. Laa, $100. - J. E. N orton, $100. C. T . SkaaU, $100. & M. Noalar, $100.* Barak L. P a la n o , $100. M arina D. Young, $100. a C. Sanford, $60. Elda F . Anderaon, $60. M ary Altea Barkar, $60. W illiam Bakar, $60. E. H . Ham den, $60. imam W atson, $60. Joan F itegorald , $60. W illiam Candlia, $60. L atty W . Endicott, $60 . Chas. W . Endicott, $60. V irg il R. W ilaon, $60. Total, $7 ASO. Loaa made through the F arseen Merchants Bank o f Coquill# aro: W illiam Champion, $160. M yrtle De Long, $100. Ruth Candila, $100. 8. O. Regers, $60. E lds Anderson, $60. Annie A . Young, $80. Total, $600. Grand Total, $8460. native Intelligence to g e t along with less o f the things the w orld is liable to g o hungry fo r. And above a ll things remember that the m ere vegetables you can grow in your house garden and use on your tab le w inter and summer, the more you w ill he saving to feed our soldiers and our allies and the m ore you w ill be doing to help win the w ar. Then think out these problem s ¿ o r you rself and to instruct others. .Quali fy you rself to be a teacher, by learn in g a ll you can from the circulars and cards and instructions you get. Standard OU Tank Station. Cartoon bv Seed. of Journal No OU ia Thuir 1 the C ircuit A . B. Campbell, the m anager o f the new Standard 0 0 Tank Station hero ■aye that aa soon as the spur track to the station, about 100 yards long, is com pleted, they w ill begin to fill th eir tanks and begin d eliverin g oU, and th at w ill probably be n ext Monday or Tueeday. There ere three 12,000- gallon tanka, one e f which w ill be need fo r P earl 0 0 . the illum inating brand, one fo r gasoline and one fo r d istillate. Th ere are also three 470- gallon tanks on the w h arf fo r fillin g barrels and drums fa r river transpor- A to a n has Juni boen purchased up tho vallag fo r doing the hauling and Mr. M iller, fr o n Len glois, w ill b « the drlvor o f tho tank wagen. Thic w ag en w ill mnke dellveriee nt X y rtle Point I f tho roads rem ain passable, O w ing to the lataaem o f tho seaaon, -fa n d en w fll he »applied with gaso- j aa soon aa the fand f r u m L M p ’i P — o«% ■ _ ‘ « .« _» .* w o « w ill tu snut down nortu o f n f 1 Buy, except th at h donkuy engine and ! ft » enrw w ill be kept husy during the 1 wintar elenring the righ t o f w ay front Laraen’e Slough to Glasgow. The County m ay also let some sm all S t a tion contracti on that road at once. W ork on the C oquille-M yrtle Point road w ill be diacontinued fo r the win- tar ae eoon aa the Jobe now on hand are finished. A e the work on the Johnson h ill could not bo completed before the w intar m ine set in, It w ill go over un til spring. Tem porary im provem ents w ill be made on this road by gra vellin g srd planking, so as to koep it open during the wintar. The rock cut a t N orw ay w ill be finished before shutting down. A t M yrtle Poin t the concrete via duct is being put in over the railread end the river b rid ge w ill be finished U n de Sam Goto the Money. before December. L ib erty Bonds are sold direct from The lest three dump cars fo r the the United States Treasury Depart H olt C aterpillar have been w aited fo r ment to the people. There is an ap fo r some tim e but word w ee received propriation o f n sm all sum fo r rent, that they had been shipped f roan P ort clerk hire, postage. N o commissions land Wednesday. ars paid end the local end state cam The tractor has done a good fob paigns are defrayed by private patri at. the county farm in pulling the logs otic subscriptions, practically all fo r clearing lend, but it was too strong fo r the w ire rope used which w ore out piece by piece until only tw enty o f the origin al 100 fe e t w ere le ft. F or w e didn’t realise that Belgium 's fight must in evitably bst oma ours. Wo would not bollavo then th at Germany had any idea e f try in g to ever-run b attle« fo r thro# y e a n , sad had it net been that Belgium held up Mm German arm y fo r 22 days w e m ight m ore lik e ly than ndt h ave bean paying tribute to Germ any before this. W s are figh tin g fo r tho rights e f man, the righ to o f little peoples ns w ell ns b igger peoples to govern themsel ves The k illin g o f hundreds e f our citizens, the horrors o f Belgium , tho policy o f fiendish frig h tfu l ness have nil helped to bring us to a realisation o f w het wu have a t stake. F or the vindication o f tho principles on which our governm ent was founded wu must A t the October m eeting o f the coun ty court the salaries o f tho follow in g court house em ployes w ere raised from $8 to $8.60 por d ay: Goo. O. , cashier in the sh eriff’s office; W elter E. N ew berry, bookkeeper in the sheriff’s office; Inez S. Bunch, re cording clerk in the county d o rk ’s o f- A c«; E lbart L . Lenox, bookkeeper In tke county d ark ’s office. A . B. C ollier, now second deputy in the d ark ’s office w ill become first dep uty when M r. Osmundson leaves. The county surveyor's report on the B ill’s creek and Band on road was ap proved. The view ers report on the M yrtle P oin t and L ittle Bock creek road, pest Tom Everaden’s ranch, was approved. A n order was made fo r the view in g o f the propoeed road from the head o f Larson Slough to the Glasgow-Hauser road. . The road petitioned fo r by J. J. S ell and others, to run up Dement creek to unite w ith a Curry county road, was reported upon unfavorably by the view ers and the project vetoed. The resignation o f T . T . Menxer as Justice U the Peace o f the Powers district, N o. 11, was accepted and Geo. W . Stew art appointed to . fill the va cancy. The fo llow in g m onthly widows’ pen sions w ere allow ed: -17.60 to Nancy E. Barker, o f M yr tle Point, who has tw o dependent children. $$$60 to M rs. Irene Reese, o f Ban- don, with fou r dependent children. $17.60 to M rs. Eleanor A . Upton, o f M arshfield, widow o f J. M. Upton, fo im er receiver o f the Boaeburg land office, w ith tw o dependent children.* Mlrs. Am anda Vow ell, o f CoquiOe, w ith three children, was reinstated on the pension lis t w ith an allowance o f Everyone MUST HELP è% Liberty Bands donkey engine. I t w ill be used now on the M yrtle Pain t road until the fa ll w ork there is finished, when it w ill be sent down to Bandon to >au l the gravel fo r tho road south to tho Curry county lino. - ........ Splendid Subscription Offer. , E very subscriber o f the Coquille V olley Sentinel who pays a year's sub scription in advance to the Sentinel * from this tim e on at $160, which is the regu lar yearly rate fo r this paper, w ill also receive s throe years’ subscrip tion to the Oregon Farm er w ithout any extra charge. This alm ost unheard e f bargain is made possible by e radical reduction in tho subscription rata o f the Oregon* Farm er fo r the purpose o f releasing a la rg e number o f men from Ha arm y o f agents fo r am la other industries _ sad in the m ilitary establishm ent. Jast read the details o f this won derfu l o ffer: The Sentinel, one y e a r................. $160 Oregon Farm er, $ y r s , old p rice. SUM