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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1917)
■ "»a pp L i* # m : ' V ¿Æ t V'V •• *í of.,, -4f h U -*1 >/ v o l .: ALMOST $30,000 The follow ing are tha made throagh the Fin Bank, Coquille, Oregon: Brought forw ard tram $7360. O. C. Sanford. $60. Coquille Lodge No. 63, L O. O. F., $100. Leo J. Cary, $500. Was. A . Pugh, $60. ^ Carrie B. Harnden, $100. L. H. Hasard, $400. Mabel E. W ernich, $300. Catherine G. W ernkh, $60. May N. Allan, $60. Lstitta Cad man, $60. Henry E. Shelley, $100. Paul B. Rymtiag, $100. Elmer W. Nealy, $60. Geo. T. Moulton, $100. Mary J. Norris, $60. John P. Messer, $160. Leigh C. Douglas, $100. Mary K. W atson, $100. James L. W atson, $60. D. C. Kay, Maauaeth, Cal., $100. C edi J. El wood, $40. . Roy X . Nicolai, «600. Ethel Baxter, $60. Linnk B axter, $60. * Ethan A . Winter, $100. Mrs. Judith Collier, $MM. Fred A. W iner, $100. Annie W ia er, $100. Viola M. Collier, $60. A lice Collier, $60. Harriet A . Longson. $60. A.' T. M octlson, $60. Frankto O. True, $00. e Lilias a Machen, $40. Herbert Adams, $1,000. John Kondor, $400. N oria E. I sndrita, $100. John Teakam, $100. Maria K. DeW itt, $60. / , , ~ John C. Almack, $40. J. 8. Barton, $40. Nod C. Kelley, $60 . W m i Charlee O. Merman, o f A la d ty , stepped up te the steal dow tha other day ana said hs ' to endet te the arm f. "W here l i yam reglH ntiqn asked the postmaster at the dhd tips the boom at IM pounds, fasi tag sura that he w a s * * lam tana years 4M sad that ho «a t In bad falling to register last Juna. " I haven’t got nay,” waa the < rar; “ Pm net old enough." Ami so it was, fo r ho pl eaded guilty to only twenty years o f Ufa an sarta. He was estrellad in the Field Artillery at ones, and on Monday morning ont fo r Portland Ho was so tall that ha had to over to look in a t the stamp wir but in tha artillery may not ssa nspicuous a target 'as ha woo the infantry. BUILDINGS Coquills Is a movement tha fail to-be gratifying to every has nt heart the welfare o f And wo fool Uko su g g est»; Ids K. Owen, $60. Wm. Bettys, $600. Oscar L. Smallwood, $1,000. John A. Jackson, $100. M yrtle Beyers, $60. flpoofftf Up Fast Now. T m i Washing ton, D. CM Bringing¿a Treasury War for Coos Co. rant for $139,7* th way to go waa a rather strenu- yin g about $160,000 in treasury rants. Tbs trainmen could not toll hvhore to g o and if there had boon mt leaving fo r Baadoa that night would have taken it and gone on la bar errand in Carry county for Tha Liberty Loon subscriptions have been coming in for the post week in steadily incronsing vohano until the amount for the Coquill« section, now reaches »28,500, which is abov* quota fo r the three billion loan. Bat we don’t stop th a n for U ndo Sam needs to hare it reach fire billions. O f that amount Coquille’s share would bo about 137,000; and if we had only known it at the start an organisation could bare been perfected that would ta re secured it. As it Is we have largely oversubscribed the three bil lion call and a n now well on the way Perhnm’s Winter Job. Contractor, E. G. Porham, is finish ing his Davis Slough to Contado con tract on the Coquille-Marshfleld road this waak. Hs expects to continua work on his second contract from Coa- ledo to Cedar Point through tha win- tor. The earth cuts and fills there will be left until the weather gets set tled next spring, but he will put in all tha bridges and culverts and do all the rock excavation on tha lint during tha rainy season. ON TRIAL FOR FILICIDE A jury was secured this morning for the trial o f James Burns, the Em she reached, the brilli- pire Indian accused o f killing Us crip axpaying room in tha pled 10-year old son. It consists of he follow ing gentlemen: George Get- tinge, Enoch Holland, Geo. Mullen, C. ?. Offleld, Samuel Breuer, T. M. Her mann, C. M. Rhodes, Edwin D. Yoak- sm, E. S. Bsrgelt, John Nielson, M. O. Hooton, and R. M. Barter. The opening sddrseees were being made this afternoon. District Attor ney Hall conducting the prosecution fh * second Liberty Loan campaign lagged for a good while in this city for lack o f organised and system atic effort to make it hum. It is lagging no longer, as the big bunch o f sub scriptions received by each o f oar tanks last night follow ing the m eet-' ing arranged by the Honor Guard girls am ply testifies. The idea o f this meeting had ift inception with the girls o f the guard, and all the arrangements made fo r it, the selection o f the speakers, the printing o f the hills and the sscuriag o f the band were theirs. About eight o’clock last night tbs band played at the F irst National Bank corner and a representative as semblage speedily gathered in which the Indies and girls were very mufh in evidence. — The speakers arrived in the ca n o f L. H. Hasard and M. O. Hawkins and the meeting was called to order by Leo. J. Cary, who introduced Mayor E. E. Johnson as the first speaker. He made a patriotic address and was followed in turn by Superintendent J. C. Almack, o f our city schools, and Judge John S. Coke, o f the Circuit court, who was introduced n s-s m for over forty years. Then came County Judge Watson, who demurred when he was presented as a man who had not been here quite as long as Judge Coke and who had lots s f friends among the sternqr sex, bet whose standing among tha ladies the chairman could "not testify to— this in allusion to his protracted bachelor hood. The Judge did not allude to th" latter matter but rather emphasised Me force whan he insisted that instead o f being a. later comer in Ooos county than Judge Coke he had lived hose longer. The fa ct is he was born hem>. Other speakers were W alter Hamil ton, a soldier in uniform, M. O. Haw- U n . president o f the Farmers M d Merchants Bank, J. E. Norton, presi dent o f the Ooquflje Commercial Club, Mrs. William Csndlin and Mias Ads Nswell, president o f the Girls’ Honor G u ard^ Every speaker expressed the most patriotic sentiments and waa roundly applauded. Miss Newell's statement that the Honor Guard had purchased a. $100 Liberty bond with the fapds in their treasury brought an especial round o f recognition. evening. Oswald W est ! *>***• From the figures and facta she This telesrsm was received h M bad at her tonguVs sad in the tax Tuesday morning sad was vary natur-1c***“ "oaU imagine that a cross ally to moon that MI m HyNrt *ecUon o f her brain would look Ilka would arrive that night; but closer sa- !• bisected lodger. Still when she re- emination showed that it was dated ou^kod that whether she did or did Tuesday and indcated that her visit 001 «»to-aeeount the fractions o f The admonition o f the speakers to Making Splendid Boulevard. would bo on Wednesday. This was • in making out tha tax rolls fo r Fine work has been done on the Co- hurry into the banks, both o f which the conclusion at tbs sheriff’s office, ^ then sands o f sections o f railrr. quille-M yrtle Point road this fall by stood invitingly open and brilliantly and so no arrangements ware made to - tha Grant-Smith Company. Under the lighted, and buy a bond, brought forth moot MSaa Hobbs at tha train—for this ' (Continued on third page.) fruit in the pile o f subscriptions elae- Commission the sharp elbows have been cut out, the grades have been Nor must we forget the patriotic There is one thing to which the tax cut down and the roadbed widened un musk discoursed by the. band which payers living on Coes Bay wagon roed iti that road will compare with the contributed much te the enjoyment and tha Coquille-Fairview road need best in the country in these respects. and enthusiasm o f the Honor Guard to fiv e attention. These reads, while And it is a delightful valley one over Girls’ Liberty Loan demonstration. among the beet in the county nt one looks from this sh slf along tha foot time, are getting in need o f re planking hills that lina it. W hat remains to be Schmnddlng b Acquitted. and repairing. A t the present time dons is to próvida a hard surface, and The. trial of Joseph Schmedding, at the Southern Oregon lands, originally this tha state by act o f the legislature tha Coos Bay W agon rood land grant, has pledged itself to do. W on’t H be one time bookkeeper for the Bradley are subject to taxation, and would a boulevard then ? Meantime gravel Candy Co., of Marshfield, for smbos- have to pay a considerable percentage la bping applied for a roadway on zlement, occupied the attention o f the o f say special rend levy in the die- some o f the worst stretches and where Circuit court here from Monday morn there are deep fills planking will be ing until Tuesday evening. District Attorney John F. Hall was the prose provided for tbs winter’s travel. cutor and John D. Goss appeared for the defendant The jury stood 11 to That $20,900 Armory. Considerable time will be devoted one at the start for acquittal and in by the County court at Its November n few minutes agreed on i t Schmed ding was accused o f appropriating $73 session beginning on the seventh, to o f the company’a funds to his own ase the preparation o f the budget. The matter o f an appropriation o f $10,000 lu t the evdence submitted by the o f- fo r a bridge over the Coquille river jlcort o f the Candy company left room hero w ill bo considered than. It is al for a good many reasonable doubts in so expected to insert an item of $20,- the minds o f the jurors as to whether 000 fo r the construction o f an armory Schmedding, who had always borne at Marshflald, so that that proposition a good reputation, was really guilty. may be discussed by the taxpayers He came up here from Arizona, whore before the final flguree are fixed. It he now lives, accompanied by hie wife, is questioned, however, whether the to answer this charge and his friends letter appropriation can bo made are congratulate* them on the vindi within the ata par cent increase lim it cation ho received at the hands o f the jury. Cuds Stfll Coming In. Assessor Bayers is just in receipt of the curd o f Fred W ill ism W aters fo r merly o f Marshfield, who registered as subject to «sc ries in tbs United States before E. LnJohnson, jrice eon -, sol at Vancouver, B. C. Among ra- cr wouldn’t work and becam e a