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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1917)
m ke it Food- « for - rt-f, make up elusa by they ar* eaa only m « fo r sam a* su a bigger prof dearer to the g e i them by paying o f com and flours are recom m ended’ BAKING POWDER ■tiff « sheet ABSO LU TELY p u r e M ak es delicious m u ffin s, cakes and coarse flo u r broads One o f tbs'things Coquille must be gin to think «boat io n boto abundant wntor supply. A ooeond M t o f msino with pompo to All thorn from the riv er would furnish ideal Are protection end permit the eoe o f ell the w rier desired fo r intention purposes Just ss fa r ns it would pap to hxtend the m<' : H f T BREAD Show us how we can get rye flour, Graham S oon oatmeal, whole wheat, etc., fo r as little or fo r, less than the beet patent wheat Sour. People have an Idea that we ought to ' do things that will make living cheaper and help to win the war by economising, but the idea o f paying more fo r less desirable food doesn't appeal to them. “ Two meatless days a week and one wheatless meal a day" is a fine slogan for those who can af- tsa ffîxür' *f v baktas powier sad salt ; rid milk or «era sm p »«4 smtswsU or , p assed Uri pe£ alley » »«sud ARK PATRIOTIC AM ERICANS. ; North Bend Liberty Lean Subscription ond Liberty Loan. Up to that time North Bend’s subscription amounted Tucked away among the .‘little" . Last Friday L. J. Simpson present to only $2,100, but, there is time ed to Secretary Lane, o f the Interior news o f the day, we find the follow W * C A N T AFFORD TH AT PRICE. ing press dispatch, says the Telegram : Department, a draft for 140,000 as enough yet to place a good many more North Bend’s subscription fo r the sec- before the drive is over. President W ilson, in a recent speech, said: Toledo, O., Oct 11.— Deipbos, a vil “There is a price which is teo lage near here, populated alm ost en great to pay fo r peace and that price tirely by Gorman-Americans, baa sub can be put in one word One cannot scribed 9190,000 to the second Liberty pay the price o f w .:f-respect One Loan, it was announced today. cannot pay the price o f duties abdi cated, o f opportunities neglected, of This la a splendid demonstration of knewn to man, the savings character, nation il character, vindica a sentiment among follow citizens bank book ia the one that ted and exemplified in action." many o f whom have hitherto held \o Our boys are in France to vindicate the theory that a eittsen a i the United w ill come in handiest to America. They are offering their lives States could hold a dual allegiance. days o f trouble. Get one of to maks the world safe fo r Democ Is it not reasonable to believe that racy. Can ws do 1ms than back them many Gerntan-Americans, since wa these books by opening an ujj by fum iahing the money and tho entered the war, have become con account with this bank. It supplies to keep them in fighting vinced that they can have but one al- doesn't taka much to start trim ? 1 agism s, and that to the (pad o f their T h en is room fo r ovary patriotic an account and it w ill grow American in H oover's arm y o f food It may bo that the German-Ameri am attogly if you give it at savers. October 28th to November cans o f too Ohio village have boon im 4th is PAdge Card Week on food con pelled to buy lib e rty bonds from pa tention. servation. You can do your bit b* triotic motiveg or by a desire to make signing the pledge not to waste food a safe investment o f their w rin gs, or The wheat shortage throughout the by ^eto. Ia either case it is very world is enormous and unless we con gratifying. serve our supply o f wheat our own If German-Americans— no matter boys and the' soldiers o f our alliss from what motive— subscribe to the Commercial and Saving Deposits will go short. This is no tons to say second Liberty Loan, why not you > look out fo r number one, food America COQUILLE , - - - OREGON A n t and lot Europe starve if it'htoat. If we are to win this war ww must share our wheat and meat, our fats and sugar with the non combatants, as well aa the soldiers o f Europe. .They are fighting our battle in Franco Just as much as our boya^ra. The one big service which we can render Eubope FEEL LIKE GIVING U P ? in addition to sending men and money is to w ad Food. Even if it m<pnt Many Coquille People aa too Varga ■aerifies to every home in America, o f Collapse. which it will not, Wo should still be A bad back B akes you miserable all willing to send food to our allies. The the tone— Lame every m orning; sore all day. time has come when we must elimin It hurts to stoop— it hurts to ate waste. It Je im portant to m ve food right now. w C t w it h headache, d lu y spells, W e need not stint ourselves, but urinary weakness, No wonder people are discouraged, Who do not know the kidneys may blea, more corn products, chicken and be the cause o f it all. fish in place o f beef and pork, and use Give the weakened kidneys needful help. less sugar. fo r sale by Use a tested and provan kidney We here at home are not asked to remedy. give bur lives, nor to underthke the None endorsed like Doan’s Kidney hardhsipe and dangers o f life in the Pills. Mrs. M. E. Pierson, 519 Fowler S t, trenches, but we are wked to help back up our boys at tho front by con Rosebarg, O re, says: “ Four /bars ago, my kidneys were in a pretty bad serving our food supplies. Are you way and fo r several weeks I suffer willing to do your part? ed a m a t deal from baehashs. M r kidneys ware congested and acted Ir Also s complete line o f regularly. The trouble later develop HE W AS THE WHOLE T H IN «. ed into inflammation o f the bladder, It may not be generally knows that which caused me much misery. Noth some years ago (1866) a predecessor ing gave me relief until I need Doan’s o f the present reigning “ AU Highest,” Kidney Pills. Four boxes in all Stop ped the trouble with my back and put Frederiek IV. , became a auit- my kidneys in good workin Frederick W illiam IV « to the courts o f Missouri seeking Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t to recover from the estate o f a deceas ■imply ask fo r a kidney rmz ed postmaster a sum with which he D ow n Kidney P ills—the ei Foatoi absconded to America (K ing o f Prus Mrs. Pierson had. C o, props, Buffalo, fff. Y . sia vs. Koepper’s Admir., 22 Mo. 661.) The royal plaintiff, says U w Notes, thus modestly describes hie status: OLD PEYTON GRAVELY “ The plaintiff states that he U ab MADE THE FIRST PLUG solute monarch o f the kingdom of OF TOBACCO THAT EVER Prussia, and as king thereof is the sole government o f that country, that NO MAN he is unrestrained by any constitution EVER MADE or law, aad that hie wW, expressed AS GOOD to due form , is too only law o f to ri country, and is the only legal power there known to exist aa law ." A ll o f which is commended to the attention o f those whose “ consciences” Of All the Books - fo r devoting so much o f Ho his week to the XAwrty Lean Until Coquille and it o .trade subscribe fo r the n o t o f to ft ■imply toe agency that does the busi ness fo r us we ca n t handle ourselves. Just now too governm ent asks our help with all the money we can lead it, and it is up to us to dig up or con fess ourselves the w o n t kind o f slack e n , that ia everyone o f us who can spare something to lend Uncle Sam to help take care o f our boys r i toe front. W e aren’t naked to give any thing this tons, only to make * safe an investment aa any in tho world Just now. W o ca n t afford to '«fuse. I f w s do we a n not lies errin g o f all the benefits that wo got from being American citizens. H r -1 One thing about the Liberty Loan Bonds cannot be too often insisted upon. They are an absolutely safe investment—as safe aa anything can be. I f wa low tha war there is- ne several of such mutineers to be shot sort o f property that you can be sure Evan that the# probably thought bet of. The Germans w ill lake anything ter than dying like drowned iuta at they want o f tho conquered., Bi t you the bottom of the ocean risk nothing in loaning mAney t> the government to pay for defending your property and mine and everybody’s. When the war is won the Liberty bends w ill be a first m ortgage on ev erything in the nation and will 70 to a premium. So if you refuse to help, you help the Germans win aU you have. I f you help you will s>.ve ev erything and got well paid for it be sides. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK TH E DAIRYM AN’S FRIEND Wisconsin E. E. JOHNSON Lumber, Dry Finish Rustic, was this way, oatmeal and boci heat cakes aad syrnp fixed the breakfast) fo r dinner wa had those excellent cornmeal and rice muffins, corn ca the cob that furnished a good deal o f nourishment and peppers stuffed with rice. In these menus the rice bough last fall at a bargain price was the only cereal product that didn’t coat more than the beet Ugh grade patent v beat flour. W e have been over the 'hole list, cornmeal, whole wheat, Gr Jtam flour, oatmeal, buckwheat, rye Tour, and there Is not one o f them that Mouldings, Boxes and Crates HELP OUR BOYS W la The War— Bay A Liberty Bon A t Yarn Nearari Bank From m up. IF YOU CANT GO ACROSS TAtce rr rson b illy p o s t e r . h is b il l b o a r d s a re spreading THE g o o d n e w s I