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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1920)
GRANTS PAAH DAILY UOl'R»Kh U KDNt-XDtV. tM’DMIFIl IH, IWO. Classified Advertising Hill HA1JC WANTED IXJK HAI4? Faucy Barkahlrna oloM* WANTED TO BUY Plano, will pay |y to th. 36500 boar and oath, must bo In good condition the IS90<i low rocently »old at and worth the money. Addrosa publie auction In the eaat. Itlver 212 North Becond St W. J. Teal. Ilanke Parma 3«tf • Nltf POU HAIJC Tennaoaeo While Win WANTED - TO BUY—Barber ehop. ter Barley and Gray Winter Oat. give full particulars. Bort Benton. tor fall aeedlng. River Banka 153 Granite 8t., Ashland, Ore 02 Parma. Rd. 2. Granta I'awe 6Htf WOOD WANTED 4-foot wood and •WINGER" Inada aa uaual—till 2-fool chunks for firs place Quote modal. on ♦’«»r Granta l,aaa Hard price and address No. 2393 cars ware Co. Keo them. Tour terrne Courier. 98tf are our.. J W Scott, aalea man. cg.r Singer Hewing Machine Co. WANTED—100 heed weened oalvea. raised on cow. stale price of clock. _______ 75tf G. W. King, Montague, Cal. 123 AJ.FAl.FA HAY <lf you want good hay ace If. N. Varker Phonn WANTED Middle aged woman for general help In the kitchen. A. 135-Y._______________________ 112 Hamilton, Glendale, Ore. 04 13 ACRE POUI/TRY RANCH, good houae, 3 acrea cleared, wire, per LX NT fect grapo land, leea than half value. See owner at 701 K a treat IX>HT ■Black umbrella, handle had white Ivory tip. Finder please re (behind poatofflno), Granta Paaa, turn to the Courier office 99 Oregon. * LOOT Bull case containing woman's FOIl HALE 80 acre rellnqulabtnenl and child's clothing, lost between % mile from railroad, 11 ml lea Shattuck r^urb and Granta Paaa. from Granta Paaa, 2000 cords of *5 reward If returned to Courier wood, fair houae, price 1000. J. office. 03 E. Verdin. 41* Rogue River Ave 99 STRAYED POU BALE- I drag aaw. 1 l*-h. p. STRAYED Two mottled roan cows, engine 1 I- h p. engine '1 6-h. marked In ear, one red steer calf, p. engine. All nearly new, 40* one year old. brand R Owner call F street Phone 2« I V 10* at I^throp Bros, ranch and pay roll NA1JE 20 acres of rich land. chargee. 97lf 1« acrea alfalfa, plenty of water PIANO INHTIll 4T1ON and water right; small new houae and barn. Will take some trade .MRS.'JAMES M I’OWERS, Instruc or lime, at *2800 Address E 1». tor on piano; studio over Barnes' Halley. Murphy, Ore. 95 tf Jewelry; open-9 to 5 dally, except Monday and Tuesday. Phone 265-J FOR SALE. green peppers, cabbage, green and ripe tomatoes cheap TAX» carrots and onion., *1 per hun dred by gatherin«. Bring boxes SOONER TAXI-Phono 2«2-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an Mrs. Hanford at IMmmlck ranch, 100 swered anywhere, anytime 86tf H<»MK BARGAIN 1*18 mode* *Soad touring car In first class condMon, new tires all around and two as- traa. Price *8M, 1150 down takes it. balance easy terms Call at 20* West H street 100 BODY FIR WOOD for sale. at 304 West I. street. Inquire 101 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hteve Smith are vis iting at the home of Mrs. Smith’s pa ronin. Win. Anderaon. Mrs. T. J. Everton, of Grants Paaa, la visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. H. Griffin, thia week. Mrs. Ixefeld was calling on Mrs. A. I. Hussey Monday afternoon. The sawmill at the Big 4 mine on Pickett creek has closed for the win ter. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Howard, of th« Dixie ranch, were In Ferrydale Monday. Mra. Mollie McCallister was over from Kerby Wednesday at A. C. Ford's to get some peaches. Mrs. Trnmpour and daughter, Bulah, have come to spend the win ter with Mrs. Trumpour's father. Mr. Knobloch. .Mr and Mrs. Harry Neely moved to the Neely farm Thursday. Their friends gathered In the evening and gave them some noise to speed them on their neewly married life. They were all Invited In and given a treat to watermelons. A. C. Ford moved home frfim his orchard Wednesday, having finished gathering his late peach crop. Queen Every was at Merlin Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Robertson and Mrs. l»ora were doing business at Grants Paas Saturday. Routing The Doubting Careful selection of wheat combined with the modem milling methods used in assure baking day success. lighter pastry. Top Off Your Break fast with delicious hot cake» made with Pancake Flour. HUGO Dr. laiugbridge was called to the Wm Buffington home Wednesday where the children have the whoop ing cough. One of the little girls has pneumonia. C. H. Willison, wife and eon. left by auto for Portland Wednesday morning. They expect to make their home there. Mrs Orene Unglc. of Ix»ng Beach, Cal., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and PALACE TAXI—Phone 2 2-J. Tom Mrs Thos. Ahern. Wind. 03tf Gladys Cahill left Saturday tor San Franclaco after a visit with her REAL EMT ATE mother, Mrs. Jessie Cahill. B, T McKINOTRY. «03 G 81.. phone 355-R, general real estate business Beet of soils for fruit, hay or gen eral «grata». CIVIL ENG4AEEK FOR HAI.E Overland No »0, new battery, five good tires, spot light. CIVIL ENGINEER Daniel McFar Run SHOO miles Price *5*0. Bee land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. it at the Fashion garage 02 Iles. 747 North Tenth St. Phone 311-T. 101 FOR BADE or trade, my equity In a new Nash 2-ton truck. Apply *1 DRAYAGE AND THANSEEK Western hotel. 0* FOR HAI j E 8niall barn and lot THB WOULD MOVE»; so do >■ Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 50x100, fenced, on West J street 349. Buy cheap from owner. Bee N. W Cole, fire department. FERRYDALE 04 F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer Safes. pianos and furniture FOR MA Id-? One Du roc Jersey boar moved, packed, shipped and stored ready for stock and Al thorough- 4 >ffl<-« t'honw 1 24-T. bred now will throw in two months. A. Grlshaber, P. O. Pill HIVI ANN Box 132. or notify county home 04 1. <). CLEMENT. M 1». Practice I'l.LI'K PRUNES *15 a hundred. limited to diseases of eye. ear. nose *14 In 500-pound lota. J. 1!. Rob and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours inson. Rd. 4, Granta I “ass 100 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. Phon»., office *2; residence 359-J. HMt I4I4NT Start with UEK Wtwüt H tarit. My little boy had awfully relief weak kidneys and was run down and He also complained of head- dull aches and backache. His kidneys acted too free and he had no control over the passages of the secretions. I I gave him Doan's Kidney Pills and they cured him of all signs of the ! trouble.” Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't > simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Health la Worth Saving. and Some Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that1 Grnnle Pae* Peojile know How Mrs. Hutchins had. Foster-Milburn; to Save it Co . Mfrs, Buffalo. N. Y. Many Granta Pass people take their lives In their hands by neglect ing the kidneys when they know these organs need help. Weak kid neys are responsible for a vast TIhIK CARI» amount of suffering and III health— the slightest delay Is dangerous. Use Doan's Kidney Pills—a remedy that has helped thousands of kidney suf ferers. Here is a Grants Pass clti- Trains will run Mondays. Wednee- xen's recommendation. date and Fridays Mrs. J. H. Hutchins, 105 Foundry Leave Grants Pass ............ 1 St., nays: "Doan’s Kidney Pills have Arrive Waters Creek ........ 2 been of great help to me and I can I-save Walers Creek..........2 not say too much for them. 1 used Arrive Grants Paas........... 4 For information regarding freight them when my kdlneys were out of order. I had a lame and aching back an* passenger rates call at the office and my kidneys didn't act right. of the company. I.undburg building. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me prompt or telephone 131 Keep The Kidneys Well MKX4E SAYS < UtS«#« , 804*' NtR tqp OSkXNDOveeC GOOO rtOTVWXO’ '« MX RM3M1 T M «OClAAvh Orti DENT1OTH E. C. MACY. D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 109% 8 6th 8t RALPH W. STEAItNS.M.D.” Phy- etoisn sad surgeon. X-ray equip ment. dental X-ray. O49*ee, Me sonic Temple Bldg. Phones: Of fice 21-J; residence 21-L. ATTOHNRW H. D NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practice. In all Blate and Federal Courts. First National fffnk Bldg. Ck W. OtMTind/~Attorney-at-law. Granta Paas Banking Co. Bldg. I E. 8 VAN DYK12, Attorney PracMces In all courts. First Notional Bank Building <). 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phons 270. C. A. -‘DLER. Attorney-at-law. Sin- eoule l orn Me, Grants Pass. Ore. GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law referee In bankruptcy, Masonic Temple. Phone 185-J. JAMW T. Cwr.NNOCK l.wjvr First National Wank Building. A. C. HOUGH- I-awyer, Tuffs Bldg. Prattle. In ail courts. V. A. 0. AHIF. lawyer, practice In state and federal court.. Office over National Drur'Slere. Maxwells Carload now on our floor at The California and Oregon Coast Ra’lroad Company Yv/ VZ HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS '»Nt» ESSEX CARS ’H|l’ COLLINS AUTO COMPANY • FOR RENT- -Five room cottage on 8. LOUGHR1DGE, M. D. Physician Orchard Ave. Inquire at Peerless and surgeon. City or country calle Clothing Stora. »5« attended day or night. Phones. Rea 369; Office, 1*2; «th and H. MINfWflA.ANHOVR K. J. 1HLUCK, M. D. Physician KNIGHTS <4F PYTHIAS Thar and surgeon; office Schallborn mopylae tods» NO. *0. meets evergr block, phone 54-J; residence. IO#' second <u»<l fourth Tuosday even iMwnridge. phone 54-L. ing Visitors tortled ‘ '"f W. F RUTHERFORD Manus' «he- NUREBRY stock st Ml kinds. Orna raputice. It gets your tamest. mental. shads arid fruit tree». Geo. Office over Barnes' Jewelry store H Parker. 7 OU Office hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. ALBANY NiriUBWT. tree. of qual VETERINARY BURGEON ity. F. 14. Jordan, apecial agent, DR. R. J. BEtrrUU Veterinarian. 8*0 N. 7th Mt . Grants Paas. 83tf R.wldence 83 8 .»Washington boule vard. phone 398-R. PAG» /iccstfonirs art> ’ PEOMf 317 kvo/’d «*»■' 5H H STREET, PEARL OIL ÎESSEXH jMQiaPSU GRANTS PASS, ORE CONSULT US HEATAJNDUGHT Perfect Home Comfort The luxury of heat — when and where needed — is possessed by the family with a good oil heat er. Lights at touch of a match — any time, anywhere. Filled with P babl O il it bums with- out odor or smoke. P earl O il is refined and re-refined for successful home use. Econom ical. Sold in bulk by dealers ev erywhere and by our stations. Order by name — P earl O il . STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CalifutnU) Second-Hand Bargains MAXWKIJ,—FINE «RAPE .. .-9—O (’HEA'ROLBT ................................... 8*7» FORD DBUVB21Y ....................... W7» C. L. Hobart Co. AUTO TOPS ftcplM. the ahaBby top wH4i “ light, "«T f h— d i. wckthw- pr«M ra. n.w. 8a»art I^Aiwg, iei-vicatMe twy.— |N>rtee* flMtag *»<i tiwpv-'vihg the ear*. iMtav—• wide ehrte to> um - t u '1.4» trt M i o r«. OVR PRIER» LOWE8T G. B. BERRY •> •s