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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1920)
tôrnnlô (tos Staili) Cvuricr VOL XI-, No. »I. GRANT» PAS», JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. Tl HWDAY, OCTOBER lit, 1920 Houtiw-rn Uoityiiiir, Take Stanai tgain.l Burning of Gta* and Kill ing. by Growers Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 12.—The PINI 'HING MOV EME NT BEGL' N INDIAN» TAKE FOl'RTB GAME Washington, Oct. 12.—The end of AFTER < OMl’LETING CANAL WILL shooting to death yesterday of a ne AGAINWT BOLMHEV1KI ON THE bolshevism in Russian is believed by STRAIGHT FROM BROOKLYN BE PCT IN OPERATION ON gro guard at a cotton gin In Arkansas DNIEPER RIVER the state department to be near TEAM TOKAY CANAL •nd numerous fires of undetermined enough to begin the considering of origin In which cotton was destroyed what will follow soviet rule. The and widespread threats by night rid danger of anarchy le believed real, ers to burn the gins whose owner* though the Zemstvo, are expected to Ignored warning, to discontinue oper maintain order until a stable govern- ation. until the price of ootton reach 1 ment is set up. If bolshevism falls ed 40 rents a pound have resulted in T»U A m KUtad *a<l Two Woundrai the Issuance of proclamations by < «mirai Uthuaataa Govrrnmemt i'ovrloekte V mw I in Box for Third General Wrangel may be railed upon I to organize a new government. •a I“«diro Are Firr«l I |*m—Mili < 'renta, »tata Including Grodno. Game of —Twiricr Hold» I Governors Brough, of Arkansas, and tary Ixiery Attacke«! Kiev 1. OrcpM Battere Hol pic Kilby of Alabama, and statement. of their positions by Governors Dorsey of Georgia and Cooper of South Car Dublin. Oct 13- -Two officer, were olina. Riga, Oct. 11.— The Polos and league Park, Cleveland. Ohio, Oct. The steam shovel that haa been shot dead, one non-commlwloned of Russian delegate, signed tbe pre 12.—Cleveland, American league ' working on the main canal along th« ficer wounded, ons civilian killed liminary peace treaty and armistice pennant winner., won the world . bank of the Rogue below ths dan and another wounded, while arrests baseball ebempioeehlp today when ' James Swoape passed through the at 7:10 tonight. site for Uw urigaUoa district, le to were bslug made during military olty Sunday morning on bls way to the Brooklyn team was defeated by day being moved to the high line ca raid. In Drummondra, a Dublin the Preeidlo at »an Francisco. Mr. Sebastapol, Oct. 13.—General a .core of 3-0. Coveleskie won hi. nal, upon which it will work till that suburb A loyal welcome was given Mrs. ditch is ready to carry water to Ita Wwoape has enlisted In the aviation W ran gel has launched the expected third game of the series, holding ths Cleve Cora MdBride, state president of the end, where the pump for the lift into signal corp, and will be stationed In offensive against the Sixth army of Brooklyn player, helpless. Balltnderry, Oct. 11.—Two con Hawaii. He will be Mnt first to soviet Russian force, behind the land scored in the fourth, fifth and W. R. C. by Gen. 'Logan corps Satur Jerome Prairie will be Installed Al stable. were .hot deed and two oth- New York where they will embark 1 met per river. He I. carrying out a seventh Innings, Gardner scored in day afternoon. Mrs. McBride U re ter completing this canal, the .hovel •re wounded when a police motor for the island. pinching movement. the fourth, In the fifth Jamison turning from the Indianapolis na will be transferred to the Tokay <re- car was fired on In the County of scored on I Speaker’s three badger, tional convention and will visit each nal, which will then be completed Waruw, Oct. IS.—A new “central Coveleskie l wo red In the seventh on corps in southern Oregon officially. Mayo. before the machine is returned to the MICHIGAN FARMER WAY» u Lithuanian government” at Vttna haa i Nearly 100 of the local members with main south side canal. The south Jamieson's double Into right field. HK KILLED OWN CHILDREN Cork, Oct. 11.«—The driver of a proclaimed the creation of a new several visitors from the Ashland high line canal is built to carry 59 Military lorry was killed and three alate Including the town of Orodno, corps and comrades of General Ixjgan second feet of water, a part of which 1-anslng, Mich.. Oct. 13 — Earl •old 1er, wounded when attacked near with the River Nlemen as the divid Cleveland, Oct. 13.—The line up post were present to greet the visitor. can be dropped down into the lower Roop, a farmer living near here, ing line from Poland. Kanturk. When the official inspection of canal next spring should the lower as announced for today was: Brook confessed, according to Sheriff Sils the corps’ ritual work was finished, one not be completed when the irri lyn. Olson, as.; Sheehan. 3b.; Grlf- , bee. that late yesterday he chloro «U.MPAKIN TO COMBAT Warsaw, Ort. 11.—Ukrainian in flth, rf.; Wheat. If.; Myers, cf.; Kon- Mrs. McBride spoke highly of the gation season opens. This program DISCONTENT 1» WTARTED formed his two daughter., aged two surgent. have occupied Kier, the bol- etchy lb.; Kllduff. 3b. officers and membership of General guaratees that all the lands of the and three, and burled the bodies In shevikl having abandoned the city. Ixjgan corps. At the close President district will be under plenty of water Cleveland. Evans. If; Wambe- Minneapolis, Oct. IS A campaign the lied of the river near hi. home, Anna Stlnebaugh invited Mrs. Mc long before spring, and bad weather ganns, 2b.; Speaker, cf.: Burns, lb.; to combat the dlecontenl among The sheriff later found the bodiee. Bride to address the meeting. She or other unforseen contingency can Jacob Redtllng has returned from Gardner, 3b.: Wood. rf.: Sewell, as farmer, was put under way today by gave several interesting incidents of not delay the water for the lands. Marshfield where he has been mak the grain dealer, natlnoal association FUIE »WKHPB REBiDENCE the national convetlon at Indiana- With the taking out of the mule ing his home for the past few years. through the leglalatlve department. 1 polls. Mrs. Stlnebaugh presented equipment next month, there will be WEXTION OF PINE BIA FF Mr. Rodding formerly lived In Fruit-1 Mrs. Tucker Improving— The aaaoclatlon la In annual conven dale and will bring !■:« fa.Mly nr! Mr.. W. 9. Tucker, of TakJlma, is her with a pretty lace collar gs a soù-( enough aaneraUoB lo keep the steam tion here. venir of her visit as a gift from Gen. shovel busy for all of next season, line Bluff. Ark . Oct 1 2 - -Fan- Grants Pass w to reside and will go In- Improving from her recent illness, at Logan corps. As a fitting close tor and the board of directors of the ned by high wind, a fire I. sweeping' here the home of W. N. Campbell. T im I m ) a li'dld.y— the pleasant afternoon all marched ■ district has been considering the ad the southeastern section of Pinej . to the dining room where the long visability of the purchase of a shovel Although many people may have Bl iff Over 50 houses had been pgs |f“nni| white tables were waiting with a de for the district, this to go on the m and 50 more weroll II |L||U1I overlooked the fact, today 1. Colum burned nt 3 liriously prepared supper. bus day and a legal holiday In the then afire with the blase spreading 1 ! work during the winter. Mrs. MaBrlde left for Roseburg eonntry. The luink. have been closed toward the buslne.ii section a mile The board has called a special on the late train where she visited election for Saturday, November 6th all day a. well as the ■ o.irtho ise a way. The fire started in a house l||PLI|l/A^ the corps in that city and the soldiers tor the voting of a bond issue of Other bti.lnes. was carried on as occupied by negroes. H LH „fl home, Mrs. McBride was the guest usual. >200,000 for the completion and of Mrs. Alice Mallory while In the equipping of the dam and the carry Mnrrir«l in VMOsnrr— city. l4k<-~ Grnnla I' m»» ■ ing forward of the canals. The elec- One ¡joint stressed by the delega California Is ready to improve the iA news Item In a Portland psper The country around Umatilla u tion will be held in the Rogue River tion wa. that the increased freight proHperou«, but It can’t compare Ki bring, the new. of the marriage of road conectlng Crescent City, Cal., Valley grange hall. Il Is estimated rates on railroads would Increase the Grants Paa. as a place to live, 1. the liert O. Jone, and Mis. Laudry with Grants Pass, Ore. A delegation demand for transportation of freight Old Channel Start. Tomorrow— that this amount of bonds will com opinion of K. Andrew, of Irrigon, a Jones, both of thl. city. The couple from Crescent City arrived in Port Operations on the Old Channel plete and equip the dam and other by auto trucks. The Californians •mall town near Umatilla. Mr. An-' got their license in Vancouver. The land this week to take up the matter mine will be started tomorrow morn structures and keep the steam shovel ra'd that steamers could bring drew. I. In the city for a few day* Item follows: “Bert O. Jones, 19 The freight to Crescent City, where *t ing according to J. R. Harvey, who upon the excavation work. visiting with friend, and Is consider years old. and Miss Laudry Jones. 19, personally with S. Benson, chairman left this morning with a crew of men work upon the dam is progressing could be unloaded and then trucked of the Oregon state highway commis ing tho purchase of some of the Irri no relation, came from Granta Pass. for Gallce where they are to begin satisfactorily, and despite the rains, Mr. sion. The delegation consisted of the 90-odd miles over the mountain work. Mr. Harvey says that he has there has not been a peiceptible rise gated lands near Grants Pass. Tho Ore., Friday to be married. range Into Grants Pass and distribu wind ha. blown every other day all Jones had the written consent of his ■ <1 . H. Douglas. Joseph McNulty and not been able to get all the placer in the river. Everything is now in They represented ted from that point throughout the says Mr. An- parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Jone., .John McNamara. Slimmer In Umatilla, nay. Mr. An miners or blacksmiths needed but he readiness for the pouring of concrete, the harbor commission and the Cres Rogue river valley, Trucks cover drews. at times the dust being so ' so the license was Issued. Glen Over- has secured a number of men to start the frames for the forms having present road the distance over the cent Olty chamber of commerce. with. It Is understood that the mine thick that It was Impossible to see street, a friend in Portland, rame According to the delegation. >800.- in a day and the time i could be nta- is now in the hands of San Francisco I been cut and ready to put in place, •cross the field where he wa. work-, over and acted as witness." and the end of the month will find ! 000 la available for work In Del terially reduced over the proposed men. Ing. the structure well out of the way of Norte county. In the California bond road which the Del Norte people any possible water condition. ^election 3400,000 was set aside for wish to have built, it was said. The excavation for the piers for Hurpri»« ll«'e«'|4i<m Ten<l<'r«'<l— The attitude taken by the Oregon the highway work In Del »forte, the suspension bridge over the Rogue A surprise reception was tendered 1 J which adjoins Curry county, Oregon. commission heretofore regarding the '»•low town is now being made, and Envoy and Mrs. Gray of the Salvation Del Norte has raised a sum and with Crescent City-Grants Pass road was i the materials for the bridge are be Army Monday night al the home of government aid 1800,000 can be that of watchful waiting. The Ore ing assembled. This bridge is to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Atkins, which used. South of Crescent City road gon commission has not felt inclined carry the water across from th« was attended by a large number of work Is now In progress and the res- to commit itself until it was officially south side canal to serve the land* friends. Delicious refreshments were 11 dents of the town on the bay want informed as to the program of the of the northwest unit. The Port- served. Envoy and Mrs. Gray will . Arrangements have just been ovm-j to see the road over the mountains, California highway people. Various leave the local field soon and will p]P(ej for the series of meetings of leading to Grants Pass, improved. rumors have been heard by the Ore- The first football game of the land Bridge company has the con- Stive their farew«<l tonight at the Sal-' (ho ,iB|rymen of Josephine county to Steam shove)« and other equipment gon rommisson, but never, until this present season will be played Ratur- tract for this structure. ration Army hall, 5« h<,hI a, follows: are being assembled at Crescent delegatlon arrived a few days ago. day afternoon at the high school Dryden—'Home of J. C. Smith, City. haa there been a definite statement. grounds between Medford and CONFESSFTD KIDNAPPER VVel>b«T to Got < Contract— Friday. October 15, at 10:30 a. m. From Gasquet, on th« present From time to time California high Grants Pass. Medford is said to be SHOWS SCENE OF CRIME When tho blds for the work on Illinois Valley—Holland. Friday. grade there Is a steady increase In way people have been reported as bringing a husky bunch down and Hays hill were opened Harry Web October 15, at 2 p. tn. elevation until the mountains are saying they would build, and the they have already won one game Grants Pass—Courthouse, Satur crossed into Oregon. The present Oregon department has requested having defeated Klamath Falls last ber was found to be the lowest bid der of the three who submitted blds. day, October 16, at 2 p. m. Saturday > 7-0. The local boy. have Harrisburg, Penn., Oct. 13.—Au grade Is steep, winding and so nar data, but none has been furthcoming ~ The contract calls for two miles of M. S. Shrock, organisation man row that big cars sometimes have to Commlaaloner Booth was tn Crescent not net yet hi had a chance to p'ay excep: in gust Pasquale, the confessed kidnap irrnvellng and It Is understood that ager for the Oregon Dairymen’s back up when negotiating a sharp City 15 months ago in the hope of a few Interclass games. Although I per of Blakely Coughlin took Cap Mr. Webber's bld was around >9000 league will explain the organization curve. The Californians intend to learning something tangible and the majority of the players on lar.t i tain Gearhart, of the state police to Mr. Webber states that he will com- of the state wtdo dairymen's cooper establish a new route which will made the trip over the present road. year's championship te im have left the spot along the Schuylkill river, mence work as soon as the contract ative association known as the Ore provide better grades. The proposed Commissioner Kiddle went over the school, a few are still le’ as a nuc-l below Norristown, where he declared gon Dairymen's league. The plan route will come to the summit at Crescent Ctty-Grants Pass road wlth- leus for the team. They are light but' he had thrown the body of the child. is signed. of the league was drafted by the re Elk creek and materially shorten the tn the past month to familiarise him fast. A diver found a piece of rail and Since Howard Bearss left, the boys some string which It is alleged he cognised farmers cooperative lawyer distance which the Oregon commis self with It. ltonnway. Are llcl«l— Part of the present road, in Jose have not had a covch but have been 1 had tied to the child when he hurled Three runaway boys were taken Aaron Sapiro, who also drafted the sion will have to build. It is said here Inst night by Chief of Police Me plans for several of the California ( that on the Oregon side a 3 per cent phine county, has been worked on by practicing under 'he guidance of J it into the stream, said Major Adame, Th s weea. how superintendent of the state police. laine and are being held until farmers cooperative associations; grade can he obtained and that there the county court and the govern Cauta.n Heston. ever, Juel Bestul is putting them Oregon Fruit Growers iAasocla the Is comparatively little heavy con ment hag let a contract to reduce the parents arrive to take them ' their grade on the Hayes hill section. In ta their paces and he is great back to their homes In Corvallis The] tion end the Pacific Poultry iProdu- struction. What the delegation wished to pioneer days the present road was ly encouraged over their pei form MARQUARD FINED FOR boys. Maleomb McDonnell, Arthur cer. lAssoclatloti. Recently Mr. Sa- A number of new play, are Woodcock and Grant Powers, were plro was called to Iowa to draft or know was whether the Oregon com used to pack freight from Crescent s' > e VIOLATING ORDINANCE •bout 16 years of age and decided ganisation plans for one of the larg mission would build to connect. If City to the mine, of Josephine and b lug worked ou and somi new that they wanted tn go to California, est farmers grain cooperative associa ! the road is constructed on the Call- the road now meanders through half tvret of play will be wpvbed Ashland will make a strang play j fornla side. Mr. Benson replied, and a dozen abandoned gold camps. Cleveland, Oct. 12.'—Rube Mar- •o started for Fresno. Thoy had tions of the world. Every dairyman of Josephine coun-, then confirmed the conversation In Del Norte county also wants to Im for the valley championship this ; quard was fined 31 and costs by the ■money enough to bring them as far •a Grants Pass, hut when they arriv ty Is In the business to make money | writing, that personally he favored prove the road from Crescent City year. They won from Klamath Falls 1 local court on a charge of violating ed here they were out of money and and each one realizes that ft Is just! having the Oregon road system con north to the Oregon line, near Har 3«-«. Medford winning from the the exhibition ticket ordinance. l“ree were about ready to return home. as essential that tho dairy products nect with the California road system bor, tn Curry county, where there is Klamath bunch « >■ a in n o smaller ■ fdent Heydler of the National league out for the said as the violation was purely tech The parent« were Informed and the be marked at the greatest profit as on the coast. Mr. Benson explained now a road running along the Ore •• •«• he local >..i t »nd will in’ >; a fast game nical he would take no further ac father of on6 of the boys will arrive it is that they be produced at the that he could not speak for his col gon coast to Gold Beach.—Oregon n Saturday. least cost. ian. tion. leagues on the commission. tonight to take them back. SPECIAL ELECTION 1$ CALLEO ENTERTAINED BY W.R.C.