Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1920)
WKDNn«DAY, XMTXMIKH IS, IIMU. • I- I fWF— A CHECKING ACCOUNT with us fou'il find to be the most convenient method of handling your funds. Besides, ft offers a facility tor making payments In any amount tor bills contracted at near-by or distant points. THE FIRST NATIONAL-BANK OF SOl'THKRN OREGON Get All of the High Priced Butter Fat That Your Cows Produce! Make your butter fat bring you $20.00 more for every cow you own, every year. CREAM gets every bit of the valuable butter fat to the merest trace. Come and see it at the Rogue River Hardware and you will learn that the Viking is the most simply and scientifically con structed separator made. The Viking skims as close, runs as easy, is easier to clean than any separator at zjz?y price I 5« it today! We will be glad to demonstrate Rogue River Hardware Co 1 PER52ML "J? LOCAL i ———— Misses Hasel and Ethel Bruner W. K. Beckwith returned home . left this morning tor Dorris after Monday after an absence of mor« I spending several weeks visiting here than two yean, much of the time be j with friends and relatives. ing «pent at the shipyard« In Seattle. "Cutex" for the Nails. Sabin has He also worked at Sunnyside. Wash. It. »» During the past four mouths he was Mias Huth Pointer, of Portland. a patient lu a Seattle hospital. William Weeton. of Jerome, Aris., I is spending a number of days In the I city Mias Pointer does special writ la a gueet of A. C. Wheeler, having arrived several days ago. He will ing for the Oregonian spend several weeks here looking up at mining proporti»« Fancy new crop alfalfa seed, 100 j Pardee's Grocery. and ltapll*l Worker Heft'— Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Krauer John Austin, of Portland. director I sons. P. M. Sttvereon and A. T. Stir* of promotion work of the Baptist erson. of Cloverdale. Oregon, wore state convention, was in the city and guests last night at the Weetern ho In Merlin Tuesday In the Interest of tel. the ohurch work "The Baptist Charles Ortundut has returned forces are rallying to the new world Mr spend Ortundut from Minneapolis, and will the movement." said Mr. Austin, “and Western. churches are paying In the money winter In the city, will make his home at the left this pledgvtd The outlook is good for the balance of Oregon quota of *1.000,- Miss Allene Robinson morning for Chico. Cal., where she 000." Mr. Austin was decidedly op will remain tor some time Miss timistic over the prospects of secur Robinson expects to attend business ing the full amount tor the slate. The plan is to finish the amount by college after the first of the year. May I. of the coming year, A 3VOOB8TTOW. Arrange Now to sit for those photographs that you have been planning on for so long. tAilckm IN«*— At the Bonbonuire Thursday noon The holiday rush will soon be on and as the policy of The Picture Mill Is It.-turn From Alaska— "first come first served” It would be Mr. and Mrs Tobias Fleischman well to phone 283-R at once for an appointment. 100 have returned from Fairbanks, Alas ka. where they have been residing Mrs. A. J. Wade returned to her for the past eight years. Mr. Flelsch- home in Portland this morning after man has n small farm near Murphy visiting here for several weeks with and will remain on the ranch In the her son. C. E. Wade, and with her future Southern Oregon appealed granddaughter. Mrs Chester Heston to both Mr. and Mrs Flelscrman and Clark Jenning and Roy Kent were they decided that it was a good place local visitors yesterday stopping the off to come to after such a long time In on the north The mining Industry lu here while on a trip through western states. They are now Alaska has suffered by high prices, their return to Iowa. at according to Mr. Fleischman, as the Fancy new crop alfalfa seed. 100 price of gold has not Increased with Pardee's Grocery. the increased coot of living necessi With a doien of your latest photo- ties. raphs at hand, birthday and Christ Right need now hold Is the no time to ait for — l*rir(«l Very la>w— mas gifts terrors you. t the holiday rush begins New shipment Jersey Silk Vests before very acceptable gifts for any And Bloomers, flesh and white, Twelve occasions at a moderate price Kinney A Truax. and all Picture Mill. Phone 38S-R 100 I aim 1 st Men Vieit at The the name one for appointments. The lumber market, especially for Wallace Reid Jr., is hotel gives western fir Is about at a standstill, guest at the Weetern says E. T. Betts, of the Betts Lum* when he registers He came In the t>er company, of Buffalo. .Mr. Betts other night from the north but gives is spending a number of days In the his home address as Loe Angeles. It city looking over the local market is not known whether “Wally" Sr., Southern yellow pine is being ship or ped into the northern fields and Is of picture fame, would appreciate the fact that he has a son in Oregon to Belling at *30 per thousand. A new not, as Wallace Jr., Is understood a rate tariff is being worked out for have come to this city without fir and if this Is done a market will great amount of capital. undoubtedly be found for the pro Everyday is “Babies Day” at The duct. At present It cannot compete Picture Mill. Bring the youngsters with the pine. Another factor Is in and get a picture of their growth that jieople do not buy on account from year to year No record is of the comparatively high prices and more appreciated than our baby pic when prices do start down they still ture» in after years. The satisfac wait for a further decline. Mr. Betts tion remains after the price is for feels that the sentiment in the east gotten. Phone 283-R for an appoint Is decidedly republican and predicts ment better times when a republican pres ident is elected. Grants Pass Opera House C0MING--0ne Night Only, Friday, Oct. 15 The Laughing Musical Sensation of the Year 1920 REVUE OF REVUES” (Not a Motion Pieture) FEATURING ROY “HIRAM” CLAIR And His 25—Comedians, Singers, Dancers—25 Girl« Galore, Gorgeously Gowned A Carload of Scenic Splendor Snappy, Peppy, Songs, Melodies Laughs and Then More Laughs Prices—$1.65, $1.10, 85c, Including War Tax Seats on Sale at Horning’s Shack Wednesday Morning at 10 a. m mr$. Dcllie IRas PERHAPS YOU WONDER WI q we mlvvoU«’ “Ncnrl> »Il I ««’ll I'WCI loyal drwlw." Derteulw* *<*». loot, wo < smu en««l handling Ilerauae on lolloring, en.l we wiuil pni to feel titel if this line of lAllortxl-l*»- imauauml d'Hliliig is g""i «••»•••Hlh for u* end our men, friemle, all llmee ><vu*. it ie gt»sl for you. GEO S. CALHOUN HAVN TOUR Fall Suit and Overcoat MADE TO MKAMl I UM MY Hart, Schaffner & Marx AT Peerless Clothing Co. THE SQUARE DEAI interest paid on savings accounts J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass .O regon Farewell I* T<-n<l«wwl— A farewell was tendered Envoy and Mrs. A. A. Gray at the Salvation Army hall last night, as Mr. and Mrs. Gray are leaving In the morn- Ing for Mt. Vernon, Washington. where they will be stationed. Both Envoy and Mrs. Gray were deeply ap preciative of the reception given them while here and also for the many beautiful presents which were given them. Envoy and Mrs. Gray have been in charge of the local Sal vation Army for the past eight months and have had exceptionally good success while here and have done much good for the community, They will be succeeded by Envoy and Mrs. Sinclair who will undoubtedly continue the work at its present standard. Carriers WaafetV— Boya or girls with wheels wanted, one reute now opea. Bonne paid fer long service. Apply Courier offloe Jonteel TALCUM rOWPER “ l CLAYTON “A LADY IN LOVE” WITH FACE POWDER ALL <X>LOItH MANICURE PREPARATIONS REMEMBER—ONE NIGHT ONLY New Coats IU>*t«>n Bags— Black and Tan, and priced low. Genuine Cow-hide, shipment just re- celved, Kinney & Truax. COMPACT POWDERS A Riot of Youth, Beauty, Laughter, Song Just Arrived TOILET WATER SOAP AND COLD CREAM HARRISON FORD THE I Sl'AL ADDED SHORT FILLER TOO CATHERINE CALVERT AT THE ORG IN COMINO FRIDAY CLEMENS Sells Drugs ánd Books TA» < XINSTA NX 'E TALM ADUE --------------- **A LADY'S NAME” TWO BITS ADMITS Abs» OREGON