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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1920)
GRANT» I'AMi DAILY IXHHIKR « PAGB TWO 43. 43. 45. 4«. 47. 48. 50. 51. 53. 53 54. 55. 5«. 57. Down Again SWOET POTATOES SUGAR LIBERTY JELLY POWDER RICH'S JELLY TABLETS MARSHMALLOW CREME one ia » t tuns two pircy : i ndkkwkhi Not filled. Rosamond Tuttle. Mr» Hertha MUIer. Not filled Man l'ail Ida Kent. Vera Turner. Not fills,! Sending pupils into Merlin No school Morelle Kelleher. Mrs Mary Robbins. Mrs H*»<* Fehsiy. Walker. WEDNKKDIY, <MT»»IIER III. HMK>. LAYING A UBAI ¡TU I. LIME <»F Cuff (links <.<>1.1» INI» PEARL AT P1»PI I All PHD I H. HKK <»l It MINI»»» BARNES, The Jeweler NEW TODAY Grants Pass, Oregon . ■ INBURAM*—Tire. automobile. life, accident and health T. M. Stott. 308 North Stith St <2tf FOR StAIJC- Modern bungalow with furnace, also 3-room house. Mrs F D Stricker. JIS West B St. »Otf »■ and Both candidates are fighting hard E. L. OALBRAJTH Weal lutate. In the first half million Indicated a ver- for Missouri, which has 18 electoral surance. and plate glass liability. COSH G street, ¡»hone 21. liable landslide for Harding and votes.’' ■ throughout the United States, I I I WEDNHsDAY. <M TOBER IS, 19S0. I Here are some interesting facts gleaned from the vote as com piled from the returns Coolidge. I j OST -One 30x> H Goodyear (Chevrolet) mounted on rim. ward A K. Cass. We hear much of the "Intelllgeat ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ . vote." To cast such a vote the voter FOR SAlJC 10 cords dry oak cord "The latest national returns, with OREGON WKATHKK wood, two miles from town of I much of necessity be Informed. The 4 I 549,027 votes In. gives Harding a Rogue River. Price 88 cash per ' way to Information upon the meaa- Wither for the Week 4 ! total popular vote of 414,577, while cord on ground. Address Bert I Cox has 134,450 votes In ths elec ' urea which arc to be determined on Kissinger. Gold HUI. Ore. 02 Pa.tflc Coast States Gener November 2nd la to hear dlscuaalon toral votes, which is really the basis FOR SALE—10 acres. Just outside ♦ ally fair In southern and cen ! of calculation. Harding leads with ‘ of the measures by those who are al city limits. very rich subirrigated tral California and unsettled land, highly fertilized; three acres with occasional rain elsewhere; 353 votes, while Cos has 178. The ready Informed upon them Tonight heavily-bearing orchard; remaln- ♦ normal temperature. ry to elect Is 226. In at the opera house there will be dis I number neci der In alfalfa; crossed by two Ir- ♦ I the states listed as northern. Cox cusalon of certain of the measures by rlgating ditches. Modern bunga- Tonight and Thursday rain 4 Is leading in Delaware and in West a group of men who know their sub low, electric lights; dairy harn; 4 in west portion, fair. east storehouse; Virginia, the former having 3 elec ject, and it will be the time for the double-construction 4 Heavy to killing frosts In the Woodshed. chicken and hog . toral votes and the latter 8. He Is voter who wishes to know to Inform 4 east portion In the morning, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦eeeeeeee ■ only slightly behind his republican himself. The measure la more 1m- houses, etc. R K Ross. R. F D. 04 No J. portant than the man. Study the THE APPROACHING TORNADO rival in Arizona and New Mexico. In SELL TREES FOR US- Heavy de measure. Straws tell which way the wind is 1 xI — ' - other . northern states. mand. Attractive contract. Sat leads - by a substantial ma- isfactory stock. Good line of va blowing, aad the straw ballot lndl- Harding ----------- --------- WOOD BIDH WANTED rieties. Sign up Immediately to cates the approach of a real political iority. secure beet results. Salem Nur tornado that will leave little of dem-1 "In the southern states, Cox leads j At Its reglar monthly meeting to sery Company, 438 Oregon Bldg . ocratlc hopes after November 2nd ' in all except Maryland. where Hard- be held at the office of the clerk Salem. Ore. 110 1920. Monday evening. November 1. Mil lions of ballots are being cast In Ing has a alight lead. In Missouri., the Board of Directors of School Dis SEASONED WOOD FOR SALE- -Oak the straw ballot campaign now being Cox leada by approximately 400 and laurel. 34.50; body fir. 34; trict No. ", of Josephine County, conducted by a line of drug stores J rotes with over 24,000 votes see» Oregon, will recei^ sealed bids for pine and second growth Hr. 33.50; manzanita. IS. C. W. I.xmbrecht. the sale and delivery to the said dis- Rd 1. Box 11 34 I trlct of four hundred tiers of body I fir wood, said wood to be cut in two FOR SALE—Canary bird ind cage. foot lengths and delivered on the Price >3. Call at 115 C street. 0! ground at the various school houses of the district, at the option of the WANTED Furniture for bed room, dining room and kitchen, als board, well piled ready for measure ment by the board. 'All wood must • heating and oil stove. Phone 44-1 0 be cut from the body of sound green trees free from rot. dote or punk GIVEN AW \Y \T ONCE Hull calf to party who will pay and diameter to be not less than Good taste in dress must find its Phone 254-R. four inches and not more than ten first expression in the proper cor Inches (seven inches round timber), set—in the harmony of txauurai round timber not to exceed twenty lines and right proportions. . per cent of the entire delivery. The Whatever your type of figure J Board reserves the right to reject there are many ' any and all bids. EDWARD 3. VAN DYKE. Clerk. STUDY THE MKASl RES TASTE We Are Merchants Not Speculators GOSSARD CORSETS F r • nt L a cin f COURU SCHOOLS ARE FILLED (Continued from Page One) created in accordance with the unchanging principles of beauty and good taste that will assure you graceful lines and faultiest proportions. Our thorough understanding of modern corsetry makes certain your complete satisfaction. 17. Grwladys Jones. 18. Florence Riddle. 19. Sending pupils tn to Pass. 20. Mrs. Starr Bumby. 21. Martha Reed 22. Helena T-eRoy, Mrs. Sinnett. 23. Minnie Alberts. 24. Josephine Donohue. 25. Helen Ellis. 26. Sending pupils Into Golden Rule Store Grants Violet HE Nt E WE ARE NOT BUR DENED WITH LARGE STOt KH OF MERCHANDISE PURCHASED AT PEAK PICK ix <*i B B UM HOI SBB ARE THE HHELVEH OF Ol lt STORE—WE RELIEVE BELIEVE IN QUICK TI Il NOVE RS ANI» SMALI, PROFITS, RELYING ON tol l ME K»R <>l It RE- IMBURSEMENT. WE HAVE A HALE HERE HI.Y DAYS EVERY W EEK. B2 WEEKS EVERY YEAR. THEREFORE THE SAME LOW PRICK AL- WATS Granu F mi . 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 84. 35. «8. 39. — Counts’ Feed Store I R. E. Morton, Prop. I FEED, FLOUR, GRAIN SEEDS POULTRY SUPPLIES 'L CHARACTER T-41—-¿ B E r We sell plumbing of character. Both our fixture« and our re pair work live up to the high Ideals we had when we first started business. If there were any better plumbing supplies than those we display we yould have ijiom. Don’t for get our phone number. Complete With Stock and Equipment ! B. S. DEDRICK filo P street Phene 3OW-J Under New Management BREAD PRICES Now 10c and 15c MENS 220 WEIGHT BLUE OVERALIX .......................... gum IU, LEATHER WORK HHOEH ...................... »4.05 AND 0a.4d plumbing - op Ardencraig Farm For Sale GIRIX CH<HX»LATE BROWN BOOTS, MEDIUM LACE HEEIX, HA to HE, BARGAIN PRICE 3«. If» ALL OF o UÌTPLÙMSING SUPPLIES ARE THE CHOICEST MERCHANDI5 I A large stock always on hand at $50,000.00 A. F. Druse. LaVon Allen. Lucretia Horton. Anna Potts. Blanche Hartley. Mrs. Jessie Quaif. Not filled. Millicent Kiphart. Ruth Gorham. Mrs. HarTy Stumbo. Hazel King. Moore Bakery WOOL O. I». SHIRT, PATI H ELBOWS, THE BEST HIIIRT IN TOWN ........................... FLANNEL HIIIRT, GRAY, BLUE TOP BRA ND .........gum BRADFORD WOOL UNDER WEAR, SPRING NEEDLE, gíl.l», «:l.»r>, ffl.ffO AND fft.OO BLACK DRESS SOX A PAIR ISo F. C. Goetz Proprietor Seed Wheat, Barley, Oats and — Rye — Guaranteed Flour at $3.00 per sack Sample Store For Sale at the J09BPHINE 00¥NTY FLOUR MILL Corser Third sad G Street Phone 123