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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1920)
% VOI.. XI., No. Xt. URANTM I’AMH, J4JHKPHINK COUNTY, ORBQON. WEDAEHDAY, OCTOBER 1», 1990. RELIEF FROM ATTENDANCE AT HIGH PRICES SERIES SMALLER FARMERS'PLEA Rocoipta Aino Ihxr'wir Thia Year With One (tame Lees Players' Hhare la 921 4,9»2 Fvab-rnl Hank» « liargnl Willi Not le ale Ung Banic Industry to Main tain Ijrvel WHOLE NUMBER 3099. WnaOher Bureau Haya Cold 8p«-ll May Be Expected Within Short Time. I Lain Also Corning Cleveland. Oct. 13.— Figure» ot KI 'MOHS BRI NG RMPORTH OP APPROXIMATELY MM ARMED Washington, Oct. 13.—Warning ot REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR the world aeries show the attendance THE OVERTHROW OF REPUB a cold enap in the northern and mid BANDITS FALL DURING THE VICE PRESIDENT REFUSES at the seven games was 178,737 as LICAN RII Ji dle sections of the country are being AMERICAN OCCUPATION THE REQUEST I comimred with the 236,938 persons sent out by the weather bureau to at ths sight games last year The day, the disturbance is moving along receipts were 3564.800 this year as j ! the southern Alaska coast and will compared with 3722,414 last year. be felt on the Washington and Ore- I The players share In the firs games i gon coasts within 24 to 36 hours. It of this year waa 321 4,932 and 3360,- \ will be attended by rains and gales. 349 last year. Attempt to Placo Former Emperor In Five and a Half Years Only One <>■• Throne Thought Moving Fac Officer and 12 .Men Are Lost. tor—Report Not Verified Very Few Are Injured AGED MAN IS KILIED ~| BY PASSENGER ER) President Lowell, of Harvard Univer sity, Head of langue Day, Wished October 24 to Be Set 1 Washington, Oct. 13 General | 13. -General Shanghai, Oct. Washington, Oct. Boston. Oct. 13.—Governor Cool bankru|Hcy and ruin are inevitable Chang Tsao Un, governor of Feng oj "practically indiscriminate klll- idge refused the request of President unless some Immediate remedy 1» Teln, has overthrown the Peking 1B<- ot Haltlens by United Sutes ; ---- —— Lowell of Harvard university, head found to relieve the present price sit government and has proclaimed a mlrfne<t WM brought to the atten-i Carl Goedke, an aged resident of ing the league of nations day com uation as It affects the farmer, says monarchy, according to an unau tl0B of colonel John H. Russell, ; thia city, died at the Good Baniant-m mittee that the governors of all a reoprt of the agricultural confer Establish cooperative marketing thenticated rumor here. There wore commanding marine forces in Haiti, hospital last evening at 6:30 from states proclaim Sunday, October 34. ence by a general committee ap tn Oregon through the market com no details given and Chinese officials 1B B confidential letter by Major i injuries received when he was struck a "league of nations day.” pointed to study the situation. The mission bill will be the plea made were profoundly stirred. Il Is »"?- oenerai Barnett, commandant of the! by a train yesterday afternoon. He f committee blames the federal reserve by some of the speakers at the public posed here that the reported coup is corps, in October of last year, call was crossing the track near Potindry system for the present prices, charg mass meeting at the opera house this. an effort to restore to the throne for ing for a thorough Investigation. street with a small wagon load of ing that It "has arbitrarily wlthhald General Barnett In his letter made wood which he had picked up, when evening Every voter who has the, mer Emperor Hsuan-Tung. from assisting ths basic Industry to public today In a report on opera he was seen by the engineer of train Interest ot hla county and sUte at I maintain a level of prices that at due here M 2 o.clock He heart will be asked to vote in favor ( In connection with the lack or au tions in Haiti said he was ’’.hocked least will meet the cost of produc of thia measure by which it Is hoped • thenticity of the Shanghai rumor, the beyond expression" to hear of such’off Ue lrack and th<J tion." It declared the ominous frame to give the farmers of this »Ute the ( fact may be noted that the message a condition In Haiti. ‘ engineer slowed down, but seeing the of mind of the farmers can only be same measure of reward for their from the Associated Press correspon- man was clear of the track did not changed by a frank and fair attitude Washington, Oct. 13. — Approxi efforts a* has l>een »«cured by the i dent In Peking dated the same as A meeting of extreme Importance on the part of those In authority. mately 3250 "armed Haltain ban stop. A piece of wood had fallen the Shanghai cablegram contained producers of California through the will be held tomorrow evening by on the track and Mr. Goedxe went The report was unanimously adopted dits" have been killed by the United enactment ot their market commis no bint of the overturn of the gov States marines or the Haitian gen back to recover It, not hearing the the American Legion at the G. A. R. ernment. sion bill. darmerie during the five and one- train. He was struck by the loco rooms. Several questions are to be Accompanying the speakers for the MAN O’ WAR W INS CHAMPION- Hlggins A Verdin— half years of American occupation. motive and suffered a number ot ser brought np and discussed, which af J. K. Verdin recently purchased a market bill will he others to explain SHIP OF CONTINENT IN RACE Brigadier General Barnett, former ious injuries. He was brought here fect every member of the post. Most one half Interest with Roy Higgins tn In detail the divided sessions amend corps to the hospital where he later died. Important among these will be the Windsor, Ontario. Oct. 12.-—Man commandant of the marine the real ratal* business and they ment and also speakers who will sa- Mr. Goedke is survived by his question of an Armistice day pro by Sec made public says in a report will hereafter be mo iated In the ileavor to portray the disastrous re-| O' War won the thoroughbred cham- rotary Daniels, The total marine widow and a daughter, Mrs. C. W. gram. Since Governor Olcott has ¡HOliJ’ilip of OI lilt? Dj winning ntuuius suits to the Individual as well J H3 as tu© the| i ptonship the lOlllllieuv continent by land eale business corps casualties to date are. one of- Steel, of this city, At the time of his made the day a state holiday, some elate that will accompany success I by eight lengths over Sir Barton, fleer and 12 men killed, two officers death he was 77 years of age. Fu- steps are necessary by the Legion as for the proposed 5 per cent Interest the Canadian champion. ; neral services are to be held tomor- they will have charge of the day. and 26 men wounded. Hoys Return Home— rate bill. Arrangements will be made for the row afternoon at 2:30 trom Hall’s V The three boya. Ma’"""th McDon- Among those who will be present Tchapel. Interment will be at the funeral services of Riley Murray, nell, Arthur Woodcock and (Irant at the meeting tonight are: C. E. whose body Is being shipped back to Granite Hill cemetery. Power», who thought they wanted to' Spence, master of the state grange; Grants Pass for burial. The young me* a little bit of th* world, were Hector MacPherson, bureau ot mar man was one of the Josephine coun- Verdin Sells Tracts— mighty glad to take the first train ' kets. O. A. C.; Judge George W. ___ ty boys who lost his life in the war. yj Ben H. and H. H. Carter, recent for horn* this morning. The father Stapleton. of Portland: Kx-Governor LU arrivals from Missouri, have pur- - having gone down with the Tuscanla, of one of the boys arrived last night Oswald West of Portland, and Robert chased through J. E. Verdin, 20 which was sunk by a German sub on the late train and at once went I E. Braith, president of the Title A i acres of the Geo. Gebers place on the marine. The body is expected with over to the city jail where the boys Trust Co., Portland. The schools of the county have, Portland. 12.—Chairman i Crescent City road. Jack Gates of in a short time. Oct. were locked up. lie took them out been filled with the exception of a Thos. H. Tongue, chairman of the re ! Los Angeles also purchased 40 acres Officers of the post say that sev The speakers are appearing under and got them a good room and this the auspices of the sUte taxpayers very few which He in the remote sec- I publican state central committee, to of the Claus Schmidt tract near the eral other questions are to be morning bought them tickets for brought up which require a large at league at the request of the local tlons of the county and for which no day announced that Montavtlla Flow j city. home. The boys appeared perfectly teachers could be found. Mrs. Bacon ers. a famous campaign orator »ravel tendance. The meeting Is said to be Chamber of Commerce. willing to accompany hint. has prepared the following list of tn-' ing under the auspices of the repub Portland. Oct. 13.—All markets the most important one which has structors who are teaching In the lican national committee would cam are steady. been called in several months. different districts: paign In Oregon and fill the follow Mr». I nibarh Entertained— 1. E. A. Humpton. ’ ing speaking dates: Worthy Grand Matron Ida Umbach 2. Vera McMaster. Oct. 13. Wednesday. Baker. Oct. ------------- of the Order of the Eastern Star of 3 IJni'oln Savage, Julia O’Brien 14, Thursday. Pendleton. Oct. 15, Winnipeg, Oct. 13. .Five masked Oregon, is in the city today on her Hattie Gebers. Friday. LaGrande. Oct. 21. Thurs men blew the safe of the Union hank official visit to the local chapter. 4 Maud Bradford. day, Corvallis. Oct. 22. Friday. Rose at Winkler. Mnnitoba. at 3 a tn. Mrs. Umbach was given a luncheon 5. Blundell. Adelma Taylor. burg. Oct. 23, Saturday. Grants Pass. and escaped with 319,000 after today at 11 o'clock at the Josephine 6. Mrs. Clark Oct. 25. Monday. Ashland. shooting and wounding W. Gracfer, . hotel by the past worthy matrons of 7. ' Grants Pass. Montavilla Flowers Is a noted lec- who attempted to rouse the town by the local Star. She will be the guest 8. Mrs. Klien Mee. Tokio. Oct. 13.—Japan is not like- decided upon, but "owing to the lack I turer and orator. He campaigned in 9. Anna Stinmetz. Oregon for Leonard Wood. He is an ly to subscribe to the idea that the of information as to what attitude 10. Edith Glazier. impressive speaker, familiar with naval strMigth of nations which are England, France, Italy and other I 11. Mrs. Nellie Smith. the campaign issues, and his speeches countries ^jfll be, “the nature of the members of the league of nations, 12. Mrs. C. S. Hobbs. are noted for his fine command of policy was not made public, the 13. Rose Terry. language and his wit and humor. He shall be cut down or their increase Niehl Niehl says. 14. Nellie Mitchell. Is a progressive republican and a fol stopped, in the opinion of the lead “But, briefly speaking," the Niehl 15. Grace Bush. lower of Roosevelt. He is regarded ing daily, the (Nlchi Nichi. Nlchi goes on, "the policy, it may be 16. Anne Dungey. as one of the ablest orators of the “All powers are agreed on that understood, may be summarized as (Continued on Page 3) republican national committee. proposition on principle,” observes follows: the Nichi Nichi in its political news “The eight battleships and eight column. "But the United States, cruisers plan, which had been a long A large amount of business was J vontlon at Portland early this month. which was the power that proposed cherished idea, and which was ap presentad before the board of direc Through the efforts of the delegation curtailment of naval expansion, has proved by the recent session, is in tors of the Chamber of Commerce al Crescent City obtained the election of not as yet joined the league and she sufficient as the minimum strength their last meeting and a great deal is fast Increasing her naval strength. to perfect the defense work of the of optimism was apparont In every one vice president and two directors Even if other powers should strict empire. In other words, in case the on the board of the Northwest Rivers matter taken up and discussed. ly and faithfully adhere to the prin powers present in the conference pro and Harbors congress which will A committee from the Indies Aux ciple of reduction, the peace of the pose to limit naval construction on iliary, consisting of Mrs. C. L. Clev moan a great deal In the way of as world will just the same be menaced the basis of its not going beyond ths enger, Mre. A. H. Gunnell and Mrs. sisting Crescent City In obtaining aid by the powerful naval power of Am plans now in process of completion, Geo. C. Babin met with the directors in Its harbor Improvements and also erica. the imperial Japanese navy will have and presented several matters of In I toward the construction of the Cres "Thus, the general conference of to maintain that the recent plan ap terest to that organization. Mrs. i cent City-Grants Pass highway at an the league of nations will not accom proved of (the eight and eight unit) Clevenger stated that during the war early date. plish anything, except that each of is by no means its final plan of na The directors voted to entertain little was attempted in the way of the members present will search in tional defense. As was explained at civic Improvements by the Auxiliary, the Oregon state highway commis to the heart of another." (The first the 41st session of the diet by the their time being taken up entirely sion here early next month as they meeting of the assembly of the navy minister, the empire must have with the various wnr works, but thnt pass on their way south to confer league of nations has been called at as the minimum naval strength ne it was planned their work should be with the highway commission of Cal Geneva for November 15). cessary for defense two units of eight rrrumnd with even greuter «(Torts ifornia. The Nichi Nichi therefore observed battleships and four cruisers of the than heretofore. The applications of nine new mem that the Japanese navy would con latest type and of the serviceable The auxiliary committee request«! bers were read and accepted. sider the question from the peculiar Ago—that is about eight years or the cooperation and aid of the cham It was decided to hold a vaudeville ly Japanese point of view regardless younger—or three units of eight ber In reestablishing nn annual flow and entertainment In the opera of whether any definite program be ships, totalling 24 principal vessels. er show to be held early next sum house the middle of next month for formulated by the conference as to This plan must be completed regard mer and also to allow them the us« the purpose of raising funds for ad the naval restriction and regardless less of the time of completion. of th« former billiard room for t’ clr vertising and the publication of some pf the attitude of France, England, "If because America Is not a mem Cooperation and ae- much needed ljterature. Many side club’s usage Italy and other powers. Already an ber of the league of nations, the distance wore voted by the chambe ' splitting vaudeville features and a investigation had been conducted in members present should consider any In each of these requests. one-act comedy are already being the navy by such offloials as Rear action made as useless and should for prepared for the program which will, Mr. Blanchard ruado a report Admiral Yashuho, Captain Kiyokawa content themeelves with simply meet the delegation which represented the wlthont a doubt, be the brat even and other members of the investiga ing qpch other 1n a conference, the the ing ’ s entertainment witnessed Jn loen I Chamber of Comn erre at tion committee. A policy of the empire’s representatives may not ex North» ' st River» and Harbors con- tirante Pasa In years. Japanese empire has already been press the view of the empire at all.” n SEA POWER OF UNITED STATES HELD MENACE TO FOTO RE PEACE OF WOULD No Doubt of the Wind's Directior 91