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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
«ELM Ml» AY. JI l.Y at, I“*'. « “AGE FtH K —— The New Demands of Peace- PER52WL *5?.L0CÜ l 1Í i I Special Prices Miss.» Addle and Helen LaGrande M. C. «Gaston is speudiug the da.v at Central Point and Medford on went to Salem thia morning to work for several week». I business. on ladies skirts cotton, silk and wool Misses J S and Marie Anderson of C. E. Gates went to Ashland this Astoria, who spent the past . two niornhi» to spend the next tew days weeks with the Charles Hanson fam ' Visit itlg. ••Paths" Phonograph. Sabin has it. ily, left thia morning for California *urc«MMor to U. L. Epson arrived this morning points. viro K. ICehkopt from Portland to spet.d sei oral days I lx»t» of Jasa timi IV|>— iu the city. At the dance Saturday night Hemstitching and peooting. 10c itid lie par yard Nellie Naas. Oltf Mrs. W. 1«. Ingram and daughter Dr. Brltten'a Off!«-«' t'l«»e«l— Autumn and Winter-1920-1921 I am leaving for my vacation, and left this morning for Roseburg where weutai «ampi«*» have Ju»t l>ecn rer«M*ed from our they will visit friends and relatives my office will be closed until notifi OF SOUTHERN OREGON tailors They expect to be gone about three cation of opening I» Courier. weeks. Mrs E. C. Neeley Is expecting a > visit front her brother. C. E. Cham XiSI-oti'e Orchcet II omu tlful patiorus «uid values Huit are «uro t«> Will give a dance at the Waldorf berlaln, of Glenwood. Mrs. Cham pli'nse you. 31 berlain and baby are also expected hall Saturday night At the algtt II of to accompany Mr. Chamberlain GEO S. CALHOUN Ye Jolly Mr and Mrs. J. K. Manuel went to Th«' Bert of Music— Nearly six B'S > year» local <le*l«M- for this line Little Tailor And the beet of fun at the dan o Salem this morning to spend the Saturday night. week in attendance at the Elks' con vention. They will drive back In an; MOTKTC automolle Mr. Manuel has purchased I Try Dr. Tompkins' treatments for The Grant« Pass Feed Barn the relief and cure of Stomach. Liver and Kidney trouble. SStf open for business July 21 at the Mrs R R. Eshelmen went to Salem ner of Seventh and I atreeta. ir For Men and Women Wash for this morning to be present at the block cant of Fashion Garage. WTIJ.TAM De FOR EST Elks' convention and will also visit In 27tf for Vacation Trip» other places before returning home She expects to be gone about two at weeks. WANTED To rent or lease In good with a I<ee Sutherland arrived this morn section, grain and bay rauch. Ad- ing from San Francisco and will vis dress with full particulars. Box 21. it here with his sister, Mrs. C. D Kerby. Ore. 23 Brtckell, for several weeks. Mr X PAY CASH for 2nd hand furniture I Sutherland is taking his annual va Next to Also repair furniture and 1-lnch rope, at T. C. Booth's.' cation and generally spends ft in the Panama restaurant. T. C. Booth 2nd hand store 30 Rogue ’-alley 30 Mr. and Mrs G. A. 5» S ' ’lack left INSURANCE, AIX FORM» -Inquire this morning for Roseburg after a AA'ANTED to buy. a »mall building for rateo on graln and hay Insur suitable for a garage J Pardee 30 day in the city visiting with Mr and T M. Stott, office phone ance Mrs F. L. Johnson and attending to FOR SAIJC 1 H horse power Fair-, 44-J tltf business Mr Shadduck Is local I.IQl lit ANTIHEITÍC banks Morse pump and engtne. Can working man room and grievance man for the B of L. F. and be seen at A. M. Heeton residence CAM GIVE A aclentlflc preparation for the board In modern homo close In. E. ‘ ’ll West K street 33 mouth, teeth, gum«, throat gar term» reasonable Phone 153-J. Rev Chas Hayes, of Portland, ar gle A valuable aid In the 2«tf rived last night from Eugene, where >Y»R RAI JC Heavy work team and harness, weight about 3000 Iba. treatment of Pyorrhea from Grants Pass for emergency. Mr he attended the meetings of the Oro- E L. GALBRAITH Real Estate. In Inquire at Gravlln’a barn. 33 Williams says that he was only able gon Synod. Mrs. Mary T«ongnecker »¡trance, and plate glass Habilite 2.V nini V»« to gecure enoilgh gBS to travel 'r|" accompany him to Portland on WANTEIk To rent or buy second «09 H G street, phone 4<Mf .. . , . • ... .. his return, to be with her daughter. 'i 1 hand bicycle In good condition Ad through his connection with the au- Mrs. Hayes. dress No t«4fi care Courier. 2Stf ‘"mobile industry. Misses Ethel Bocock and Gertrude WANTED Second hand r. or {•Inh —---- - Parker, and Miss Nell McAndrew of centrifugal pump in good condl- Sells Drugs and Books Rev Henry G. Hanson returned Klamath Falls, who Is visiting Miss tlon. Isaac Bost. 2«tf Inst night from Eugene, where he at- Parker, left this morning for Cres tended the annual meeting of Oregon cent City to spend a week or two at FX)R SALE—2-hole range; 2 good JoKEPHIXE 4WNTY THICK «X» Synod. plows; 1 spring tooth harrow; », Parker Haneetli the coast. Before us is a period of business revival and pro digious activity—also of keen competition. The or ganization which enabled the banks of the nation to finance the war will insure the solution of the prob lems of peace financing. This bank is a member of that organization. MIMMI OOiHV BtslHVl s n -i I IHrs. nellie Peas THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Save Laundry Bills Proper Clothing 2c Per Hour Thor Electric Peerless Clothing Co KLENZO Rogue River Hardware Co t.iliMmui <uu> Shortage .Acute— Sam Williams and family returned Tuesday night from their automobile trip to Los Angeles. Long Beach and .. . . . , , . other points, having been gone nearly three weeks. They had expected to remain longer but on account of the gasoline shortage they cut their trip short. They were obliged to make the last part of their trip home on gasoline they had carried with them CLEMENS Does the Business The Fordson Tractor easily pulls i2ùu ib. Oliver Double through granite soil Many were out to see this Demonstration many farmers and business men. Ail were surprised at how easv the Fordson handies approved Implements If you have not seen this won derful labor sav er, be sure to it Tomorrow on the Dimick Farm C. A. WINETROUT, the Tractor Man