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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1920)
ranis 4 VOL. X., No. All. U HA NTH PARK. JOKE'ITIINE <X»UN rt t'oa Announce« That Manager Not to Take < Yinlrtiutiwliip to Usui < umpaign Columbus, July 20. Governor Cox KKVK.N DIV’IHIOXH OF I'OLIHII annunuced today that Edmund H. TKOdlfl MTEM GENERAL AR Moore, Ohio's national committeeman RA V LT ALONG HT YR oilK.'iv TUESDAY. JULY 20, lina*. WHOLE NI Mit EK :4o27. Fugitive Crosse» Into United ¡»tate» and Is Met at Border by l.'eivty Marshall fe New Labor Board Grants 60 Per Cent of Demands San Diego, July 20.—Jack John DEFEATS RESO Totalling $600,000,000; Freight Rates be son. former heavyweight champion.) CHALLENGER LUT« IN SECOND 4 ONT EOT AT Tor eight years a fugitive from United SANDY' HOOK Higher to Meet Larger Salaries States J astica, crossed the interna and the governor's convention man ager. had definitely and finally re tional boundary from tower Califor-, fused to ba chairman of the democra nia this morning. He was Immedi- ; Chicago, July 20.—Six hundred m the hearings before the board an-1 ately placed under arrest by a United tic national committee with its duties of managing the national campaign. million dollars was added to the pay , nounoe(j today. States deputy marshal. envelope of the nation's 2,000,000 The railroads' plan, it Is said, Is John Hampshire made a buslneas railroad workers today in the first I'nicas Allied Proposal Is < arritxl Out Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harvey arrived Xmrrica's ('up Will Go to Upton if award handed down by the new Unit to file new tariffs with the interstate trip to Roseburg last night. and Armistice Arranged Force ( n ai) here last night, returning from a trip commerce commission Third Race Is L o M by the Mrs W. L. Curtin and children ed States railway labor board. to Hr t'acd | to Chicago, and will viait relatives Defender went to Portland last night for a Rejecting the demunda of the or- they can be prepared. They were in Los Angele« during the visit with relatives. (anlied rail unlona for increases to Whether the award will stave off earthquake and report a severe shake ller (J. M. Cline returned thia tailing approximately $1,000,000,000 the threat of a general railroad | with considerable damage. Warsaw, July 20 The long awnlt- morning from his vacation of three the board decided that approximately strike remains to be seen The lead- Sandy Hook. July 20.—The Sham •d general attack by the Itolshevlkl weeks spent at Albany. Portland and 60 per cent of that aum would be ere of virtually all of the 16 big rail Miss Bessie Noble left last night rock IV today won another race from along the line of the -River Styr. In other points. tor her home ln New York, after l * a just increase to meet the present road unlona were present when the the American defender Resolute and Volhynla. commenced Monday and Mrs. I .eat er Calhoun and baby, who .living conditions. decision was handed down today. spending nearly a year In Grants needs only one more victory to lift has been repulsed by the heroic work spent the past el^ht or 10 weeks here Pass. Her mother, Mrs. James Noble An IS per cent increase In freight They left immediately to present the America’s Cup. It was a neck and of seven Polish divisions, according with relatives, returned to Portland rates will be necessary to meet the award to the thousand general chair will remain In Grants Pass during i neck race with the result resting al to an official statement from army |agt night. the summer. 21 per ent average wage award men, who had gathered here to pass most on seconds. The Resolute had headquarter* tolay. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ca-nenter left about a minute and 20 seconds to Mr. and Mrs. B 3. Dedrlck and „ranted to railroad employes, E. T on the acceptability. The board's de last night for Topeka, Kan., their make up on the laat ten mile stretch ¡son, Jack, left Monday for the north. Whiter, representative of the roads cision la retroactive to May 1. •home. They spent a year ln Califor and for a time it appeared that *be Mr. Dedrlck to Portland on business Paris, July 20 Referring Io IJoyd nia and have spent the pest two would be able to do so. Her chancre, George’« ultimatum tn soviet Russia, and Mrs. Dedrlck and Jack to Seattle KVALE DISQUALIFIED \S lUCPi BIJ4 AX CANDIDATE weeks visiting Mrs. Carpenter's son, however, began to dwindle with the that It the armistice proposals were for a visit. Roy Higgins. • wind showing signs of flattening oat not accepted. Britain and her allies Washington. July 20. — Retail food A wire to Grants Pass friends from when the Upton craft wjs within would defend Poland with all their Benson. Minn . July 20.—Reverend prices continue to show a “steady Rev. W. F. Gloeckner, of Port three miles of the finishing mark and force«. Premier Mlllerand told the O. J. Kvale. of Benson. Is disquali increase.” according to a survey of Townsend, a former Granta Pass res growing easy. The Shamrock finish chamber of deputies today that fied as the republican candidate for the food budget for June, made pub "France will keep her word, ns 1 am congress from the Seventh Minnesota lic today by the department of labor. ident, states that he will be a passen ed in 5 hours 37 minute* 58 second* ger on the second section of No. 13 and the Resolute ln 5 hour*, 46 min ■ure Britain will be faithful to hers " district, in a decision filed here to The increase since the first of the | tomorrow morning, en route to Cal- ute* and 50 second unofficial yme. day by Judge Albert Johnson, who The Increase ifornia. year is 9 per cent. The Shamrock TV wa3 the first to heard the suit contesting Kvale’s from May 15th to June 15th was 2 Mrs. A. T. Bettinger went to Med ronnd the second turning mark ln nomination. Congressman A. J. Vol per cent. ford and Ashland this morning to today’s race for America's Cup. The Work on the construction of the stead, defeated by Kvale in the pri Resolute was over a milk astern. The spend the day visiting. Jam at Savage Rapids Is progressing mary last June Is declared tn the de I’ORTI.AND MARKETS Shamrock then breezed on the ten to be the "duly nominated can Mr. and Mrs. Al. J. Martineau, of cision ¡rapidly atp resent The crew at Portland, July 20.—Markets are mile run which constitutes the laat Eggs, work there Is getting ready now to didate of the republican party." steady and unchanged. L ___ buying ,he J°«®Phlne hotel, left this morn- leg of the 30-mile triangular course. ing by auto for Salem where they hydraulic out the boottom of the price, 4 2c. will spend the next week at the The Resolute sailed the last mile to ■outh end of the dam The pump the mark In fast time, gaining on Elks' convention. .letting Eire Protection — Chlcago, Joly 20. — The first grand ’ has been installed and Is now wafting One of the largest crowds that has the Shamrock and giving promise of H. E. Haefner and Fire Warden C. gathered in Riverside park for a to be connected with the power line. council for over a year of the execu a class' race. It became a race gainst A. Hoxie are spending the day in the tives. general chairmen and general As soon as this is done the actual long time wax priumut last night to the time limit for both yachts. beer the Whitney hoy« give their con construction of the south end can he- commlteemen of the 16 recognized Wlldervllle district getting ready for While the Shamrock and Resolute cert. The audience was more than gin About 250 feet of the dam can railroad brotherhoods opened here the forest fires when they start. They were running a close race toward the are getting tire fighters lined up so today to pas« upon the wage award pleased with the singing by the boys, be constructed without the necessity finish line on the last leg, a big hole The that they may be called when they The of the railway labor board. ■ome of whom had remarkable of building a diversion dam appeared in the Shamrock’s baloon are needed. There have been no fires board's decision. It has been an dining hall la to be open tonight at voice«. | jib. nounced, will be made public tomor in the forest this year that have been The concert consisted largely of the Savage Rapid« camp. serious. The steam shovel for the excara* row. vocal numbers. although Edward Randy Hook. July 20.—Ten mile« Carey gave a very good cornet solo. tlon of the South canal from Ravage Moscow. July 20.—Turkey has of the 30-mile triangular course was Leon Munday was encored several rapid* to bring the main stream turned to Soviet Russia "as the sole covered _ _ _ _ challenger Shatn- when the times when he sang and William down has arrived and will be put to* nation which accepts in fact the prin- rock rounded the first maik ahead of gether as soon as possible and the Thornton as a whistler was very ¡ iples asserted in theory at the close the American defender. Resolute pleasing The other numbers were dinning of the canal will soon begin. of the great war,” said Djemal Pasha, The shovel has a capacity of 1000 choruses by all the boys and these member of the Young Turkish party, wore especially well received, The cubic yarda every 24 hours. A night Sandy Hook, July 20.—Sir Thos. to the correspondent of the Associ and day shift will be worked. boys showed very good training, Upton's challenger. Shamrock IV, ated Press. IDjemel, formally Turk New York. July 20.—Hoffman lxindon. July 20.—.An attempt will A collection was taken up to de- ish minister of marine is on the al sailed over the starting line ahead of fray the expenses of the trip and it (1HIMHKH OF 1*444*1 TIE’S VOTES 'be made to form a communist party i Island, detention station of the New- lies' extradition list.) the defender Resolute in today’s race York quarantine service now has an wua gratifying to the people who (ONFlDKXtE IX OOVKRNMKNT In England August 1, at a national, for America's Cup. A few minutes af "We are facing a crisis which in convention of "left wing" socialist ' average transient population of more backed the concert that enough volves our national existence. It is ter the start the Resolute took the money was given to more than cover Paris, July 20. The chamber of and industrial organizations. Social- j than 1,000 a day due to the inbound a question of might against right, in lead. the guarantee. A total of $167.61 deputies voted conf'rtoncc In th' gov*- ¡1st bodies of the extreme left have rush of Italian Immigrants. In addition, the five doctors at- which we have been forced to a mo was taken. As the boys were taken ornnient today on the results of the been holding “unity conferences" in Into the homes for the night and giv conference at Spa between th« allied termittently for several months with tached to the station have given up mentous decision by the entente pow- Picnic Was Given__ all thoughts of vacation and are ers, as we were ln 1914," Djemal A picnic dinner was given in the en two meals their expense here was chiefs and represntatives of Germany. that end in view. The invitations to the convention working, one of the quarantine offl- said. park last night tor Envoy and Mrs. negligible. A count was taken on "After the conclusion of the ar Gray of the Salvation Army. About polnt out that three points are con- cials said, to the limits of human en- the automobiles as they left the park sidered cardinal by the promoters, durance in vaccinating, fumigating mistice the Young Turkish party was 20 of their friends were piicent. Af- and 175 were counted. Figuring four the dictatorship of the proletariat. ; and Inspecting prospective citizens discredited through British intrigues ter the dinner the party attended the to a car. It can be seen that over ■ [ and forced to turn over the govern- concert given by tha Whitney boy», the soviet system, and adhesion to i and their families, thousand were present and many * the Third Internationale i The reason for the unusual call for ment to Izzet Pasha. Plans' were be- walked over from town. The direct promoters of the con- the services of Hoffman Island is said gun for the dismemberment of Tur-! vention are the British socialist par- to be a misunderstanding on the part latent Issue«)— : ty, the anti-war majority section of of ’Italian officials and steamship C. A. (Mark, Inventor of the Clark which was once the social democratic companies respecting United States tire changer and lock, states that a Hong Kong. July 20.—Hong Kong party; the Workers' Socialist fedefa- public health regulations. Travelers vanishes as plans of the British and patent for his Invention was Issued has been stocked with rice bought ¡tlon, ■ composed of Miss Sylvia Bank J from districts where typhus and oth- French imperialists became clear and fl ||W I 111 11. A I 111N June 10. They are now being man i for export and held for a rise In hnrst’s followers: and the commun-'er transmittable diseases prevail are the Versailles treaty utterly répudi ufactured In Oakland. Cal., and a ! prices even during the rice shortage ât unity group of the socialist labor supposed to be "deloused." examined ated the principles asserted in Preai- «apply 1« expected here August 1. which has become serious in some aarty. The socialist labor party has and certified as "clean" by Ameri- dent Wilson’s 14 points. Anatolian Hies of southern China and other not signified Its intention to par- can public health officers before they Turks saw the inevitable outcome. Washington. July 20.—>A "myvie" ■ parts of the Orient. The manager of tlcipate in the convention. Sauer In I’hiladelphia— board the ship- and the consequence was the revolt machine in every public school to aid Florian Sauer, who enlisted a num a big commercial firm here estimat A great deal of dlacusslan has These regulations aTe not bein'-’ led by Mustapha Kemal, ending In ln the education of the children of ber of years ago In the marines Is ed that there was more than $10,- arisen over the attinde the powerful compiled with, officials here claim the establishment of the provisional ________ ’he country is the aim of the Visual now stationed In Philadelphia and, ‘ 000,000 worth of Saigon "long" rice labor party may take toward the con- and therefore the delousing and fum- government of Angora, supported by Education Association, which hM according to letters home, Is having ¡stored in Hongkong. Ventlon The ’CH« British n—olsK socialist .n.I.II.i party { ¡gating m H-- m ...i Ko Hnna Keto re the trav- O.» must be done before the trav- the Young «....¡.I.K Turkish party opened headquarters here. a' wonderful time. He tells of spend Recently the price fell rapidly and is affiliated with the labor party, but eler is landed, The expense of the "The decisions of the San Remo Charles F. Hunt, secretary of the ing the week ends .it Atlantic City, | dealers and exporters found them the Workers Socialist federation and . work here Is charged to the steam- conference and recent declarations of association, says congress will be Ocean City and other famous resorts selves loaded up with rice while the < the communist unity group have re- ship companies, President Wilson that the question of aaked to appropriate funds to cooper- ■of the oast coast. Sauer's term of ¡banks wer* pressing for the payment fused to be connected with It, and the During the last week more than the Dardanelles should be settled l,€ wlth the states In carrying out «nllstment will expire In October, of bills. Japan was not able to buy labor party Itself so far has made half a dozen ships have arrived from only when Russia Is able to partlcl- ’he program, the expense being borne when he expects to return here for n owing to the tightness of her money no official pronouncement concern ports where typhus carrying suspects pate in the deliberations plainly' equally by the federal and state gov- visit. I market and it was stated that Amer- ing the proposed convention. could be taken on board. All of these show that the entente anticipates the I ernments. " j lea, ordinarily one of the largest nvortfiial .«».v.a.ovu -- J.w _ par-' — — I While estimating the ultimate cost There is a difference of opinion ships have been detained ... In quaran-¡eventual restoration vi of the cadet iuv cauei par-. ! buyers of rice in this market, has among the political groups as to' tine while the steerage passengers llnve Picnic at Wolf Creek— p«<.«on*orU [ty. tv and support •»_ .„—---------- .I At $19.500,000. Mr. Smith antidpa*- the ji dismemberment A party composed of Mr. and Mrs cessed to purchase because she had whether the convention will suc I numbering from one to 2,000 on each policy. 1 ed that this sum would be needed by The ceed In forming a communist party ship, were taken off on barges landed O. M. T«ee, Mr. and Mrs. C H. I.ld- obtained a sufficient supply. '’Realising this last we have turn- Installments and he announced that dell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown and Dally Press stated that about 75 i>er with a following sufficiently large to at Hoffman Island and detained for ed to soviet Russia as the sole na- the association would ask for an im son, of this city spent Bunday with ■ent of the rice exported from Hong give It any considerable Influence, 24 to 48 hours. tion to soviet 'Russia as the sole na- mediate appropriation of $5,000,000 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis of Wolf Kong goea to Cuba but that Cuba's but It Is considered virtually certain Durlng the detention they are com pies asserted In theory at the close available for expenditures during the Creek. There were also present supply had been purchased dlroct that as a reeult of the convention polled to take a thorough bath from of the great war. next three years. Mrs. Ada .Brown of Roeoburg, Mrs. from, the producers Instead of the there will be a big readjustment and the tops of their heads to the soles "We are ruined by the war, our The association is incorporated In Anna Bacon and sone, Harold and Hong Kong middle man. re-grouping of socialist bodies to cor of their feet. Their clothing, bag country Is e-onomically backward. the state of Indiana Its organizers In Glenn. of Medford. Mr. Shelley of respond to Irreconcilable differences gage and effects are put through a Russia offers us reciprocal trade en cluding Charles A. Greathouse, for Rn'n Francisco. Air. and Mrs. W. Davis There «’ore food riots In Shanghai of policies. bath of live steam. From Hoffman gagements affording possibilities of mer Indiana state superintendent of In the latter part of June owing to of Centralia. Wash . and Mr. I Island, arrivals are taken to Ellis economic development without the nubile instruction; Dr J. N. Hurty, the high prices of rice there. On Mrs. Rice I>nvlB of Neuberg, Mrs. iAs IL. Gastron left for a day’s ( Island for examination by Immigra danger of commercial exploitation Indiana commissioner of health and All thoroughly enjoyed a lovely pic June 29 there was only a four day's visit with friends In Ashland this tion authorities as to their qualifica such as we would Inevitably stiffer at B R. Inman, manager of the Indiana supply of rice available In Shanghai. morning. nic lunch spread In the opon. tions. the hands of the western capitalists." Chamber of Commerce. '¿"»nx MOVIE jin MACHINES 10 111 rniiniTIA&l