Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
UkANJH »‘.D m » IM1L1 U EDM ADIY, JI l.v kl, l»2H, Classified Advertising BAUR TM KM» — m , 1 < Everybody Equip Your Small Car With Goodyear Tires i]» CIVIL ENGINEER -Oso. M. Anh 4 ford. l«and, mine, drainage and Fili HALE Choice baled alfalfa Irrigation surveys. Address 61« hay. |28 per ton. f. o. b. Grants, 60 North Sixth. Phone 146-J. KNOWS AHOI T THE Pass Riverbanks Farms 85tf MINING Will do contracting of " ! 1 1 ■ \. • . . ilry 1 tunnel, abaft and annual assess green 12 60 per tier Cash on de ment work anywhere In Southern livery W J. Teal, phone 395-R. Oregon or .Northern California | 86tf Goo. 8. Burton, Grants Paas, Ore FOR BALE— 2 and 3 tnonthi old The muller without u fault Phono 615. P. O. Box 64«. 8« cockerqjs, 15c and 26c ekch Cou 30 Rhaefers, II. F. D. 2. ALBANY NURSERIES, Inc.—"The 4 Goodyear Tires in the 30x3-, 30x3V2* and FOR SALE CHEAP Second I band old reliable." Trees of quality. Al piano In good condition. Address bany Oregon. F. E. Jordan, spe I HON E I h Ft »It DEMON 31x4-inch sizes are manufactured with char 1 e' 37 No. 1600 care of Courier. cial agent. Grants i'aas, Ore. 37tf STRATION acteristic Goodyear care to build high relative I FOR SALE Ford car 102 A NOTICE Is hereby given that the value into every carcass and tread. Tjl at root. ' 31 Clark Tire Carrier A Changer / FOR SALE A band of Angora goats company has been Reorganized and Last year more cars taking these sizes were near Ashland. Oregon. Will nell that Mr. B. M. Collins, of this city, or rent irrigated stock ranch. Easy has severed hie connections with factory-equipped with Goodyear Tires than terms. Writs W A. Holt. Box 1570 ■aid company and has no further with any other kind. Tatijm'i, Wash. 47 Interest therein. The bu’lnese of ay:i s. « th PHONE 47 said company will be henceforth Foil SALE Team. I light wagon, 1 In order to make these tires widely available carried on under the same t ime heavy wagon. I buggy. Price »ISO. as heretofore. Clark Tire Carrier to users of such cars, we are operating the 28 Chas. Owen, Takilma. Ore. A Changer Co. July 17. 1920. 31 LIMITING world’s largest tire factory devoted to these FOIl HALE -9 dairy cows. 1 fresh, I LOADS more fresh soon Also i brood PAVED sizes. sows, 5 shouts, 14 pigs. Four miles E COIN- McIntyre ESTRAYED FROM my place, a » eat of Merlin at the If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell place Can best see tho cows of brown Jersey cow, dehorned, large » rt of St t - of or other car requiring one of these sizes, go an evening at the barn. R. W. hpll, halter on. Finder* please no In the Count' < Oregon lor Josephine County 75 Hinkle, Merlin. Ore tify Mrs. Jeeale Davis and receive ■ NOW at thia time comes on for now to the nearest Goodyear Service Station I reward. Grants Pass, care Wil consideration the above entitled mat wood 17 PH< Dealer for Goodyear Tires and Goodyear liams stage. 28 ter, and It appearing to thé Court it lasts I. F Host. a that owing to heavy loaded trucks, tl 24tf Heavy Tourist Tubes. STRAy There came to my place 'the paved highways In Josqphlne FOR SALE 2 good cows, giving I bay horse branded with bar county. Oregon, are being damaged milk, 2 and 5 years old Dw Ros heart on right shoulder with hal l>y such loads; And it further appearing that the so teller. Murphy. Or<> * ter on. Owner can have at imal by the 1 paying for ad and pasture. Ben State Highway Commission of FOR SAJ-E Gig. n slab w<»od In fi State of Oregon, and the County II Jess, .Murphy, Ore 29 Court of Josephine County, Oregon, ller lots or more, for the next 20 having heretofore entered I nto a con- day», «2.25 per Iler > ash on de tract whereby the Pacific highway TAX. livery. Al Tea), phone 395-R. 26tf and other improved roads in Jose- ___ CHEVROLET car. second hand, for 40ONWR TAXI Phone 362-11 for phlne county. Oregon, are to be main sale cheap If taken at once, Ad Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no 30 _ a _ Goodyear ____ , Jitney Luke or Cutler, Calls an tained on a 50-50 basis; And It further appearing that7 tho | Double-Cure Fabric, $23âP il dress No. 1636 care Courier. more than the pric^ you are asked to pay swered anywhere, anytime. 8«tf State Highway Commission has de All-Weather Tread for tubes of less merit — why risk costly — manded that the loads on paved WANTED ALACK TAXI Phone 22-J. Tom roads in Josephine County. Oregon, casings w hen such sure protec 30 X 3*A Gixxlycar WANTED Men for woods and mill. Wind 03tfi be limited in order to protect the pav tion is available ? 30 x 3'/i size $450 Single-Cure Fabric, $2150 Inquire Borland-Thomas Lumber ing. which has already lieen laid, and in luattrpnof bag______ Anri-Skid Tread which may hereafter he laid on the KERRY-GJIANTS PAS8 JITNEY Co., Grants Pass State Highway In Josephine County, I-eaves Kerby 9 and 1 dally; leaves WANTED TO RENT Small "modern Grants Paas 9:30 end 4 dally; Oregon ; » house furnished or unfurnished. And It further appearing to the through and way passengers. Ever Court that"It Is to the best Interest of Smith. Oxford No chlldreu. O. C. I ett Hogue and Pete Beagle. 61 the County that an Order be made 30 hotel. limiting the loads on all paved high ways within Josephine County, Ore IRONERH wanted at the Grants Paas PIANI) Tl NINO gon, in order that the State Highway 1 Steam laundry. 21 tf GEO. W. CROSS a tuner with 17 Commission may be required to pay WANTED Heavy harness for a their portion for the maintenance of yoars practical experience. Includ said highways in Josephine County. team. State price In first letter. ing 9 years factory training. Head Oregon, as agreed to and as herein No. 1615 Courier. 29 quarters Josephine hotel. Your before mentioned; and the Court be SERVICE STATION" DEALER | —Woman to cook for mill satisfaction Is my success. 82tf ing fully advised in the premises; SERVICE STATION DEALER IT TS THF7REFY>RE ORDERED. camp. See Goetx at Josephine That the maximum capacity load for C. A. WINETROUT PIANO INSTRKTION SWOPE AUTO CO hotel. 2«tf any vehicle passing over any paved THE TRACTOR MAN 310 N. «Ill highway within Josephine County. WANTED A young Jersey cow. MRS JAMBS M POWERS, instruc 402-404 20. «TH I Oregon, exclusive of the weight of fresh. Phone 60Í-F-12. 28 i I tor on piano; studio over Barnes' said vehicle, be. and the same Is here Jewelry; open 9 to 6 dally, except by fixed at 10.000 pounds; MISCELLANEO! H NOTICE Tuesday and Wednesday. Phone IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that1 I no loads shall pass over any paved ' 266-J. BANKERS LIFE COMPANY, Dee The queer acting battery is VTTW ¡highway in Josephine County, Ore-j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Moines. Iowa. District agent. My the one we like to see—for we gon, wherein the weight on any the County Court will consider bids quickly correct the trouble at ron C. Gaston, Grants Pass. Ore. wheel shall exceed 600 pounds "to I for the grading and graveling of I its source at the minimum ex Over 27.500,000 In force in Ore MRS GUY KNAPP—Voice and pinao. the inch width of Ure on any ve-1 three miles of road down Rogue pense and send you on your hide ¡river. 1 river, known Known as me the lower tower River reiver Road Koaa gon 95tf Accredited teaober for high school way an advertisement for THIS IT IS FI’RTHWR ORDERED. That | between the city limits of Grants Pass STATION. work. Phone 224. Residence the Sheriff of Josephine County. Ore-land the Elsmanrf ran-h. according to KNIGHTS OE PYTHIAS Th«r Skilled service and modest 4 20 A street. 38tf gon, be and he is hereby authorised {specifications on file with the County mopylae lodge No. 50, meets every charges make this the POPU and directed to employ such assist-¡Clerk, second and fourth Tuesday even MRS. J. L. JOHNSON Instructor of anee and equipment as may be neces LAR BATTERY STATION. There is approximately 2.688 cubic | % ing. Visitors Invited 09tf voice. Rooms above Moore's Ba sary for him to assist the public in yards in the first mile. 2,632 cubic I ADAMS ELECTRIC and ascertaining the weight and capacity yards in the.second mile, and 1.862 THE PICTURE MILL copies photo kery. hours from 1 to 5 on Tues of their respective vehicle. BATTERY SHOP cubic yards In the third mile, of ex graphs and valuable Instrumenta— days and Saturdays. 67tf Exide Service Station, Dated this 3rd day of June. 1920. cavation. 50« South Sixth Street C. G GILT,ETTE. makes beautiful sepia enlarge- There is approximately 44,641 cu DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER Judge. bic yards of rock and granite binder. ments-tlnta portraits and views in . W F. McCABE. All bids must be tiled on or before I oil or water oolor—-does all kinds THE WORI j D MOVES, so do ws. Commissioner 10 o'clock a. m. on the Sth day of | of viewing and commercial work J 8. MeFWDEN. August, 1920. and a' certified check j Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone Commissioner anywhere at any time—call or of 5 per cent of the amount of the I 141. At teat: E. L. OORUTtN. bld must accompany the same, made phone mill 288-R or residence County Clerk. payable to E. L. Cobum. County i 140-J. 34 F. 0. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Clerk. Safes. pianos and furniture DON’T BUY SACKS FOB YOUR The Court reserves the right to re-: Ceurfer classified ads bring re- OADILIzAC AUTO STAGE—Leaves moved, packed, shipped and stored. Ject any or all of the blds, or award > ’tilts Try a cl assi Ned WHEAT, BARLEY OR OATS every morning for Crescent City Office phone 124-T. the contract according to the best in-! at 1:10. Passengers only. Head terest of the county. quarters Pash I on Garage. Orlan ATTORNEY8 By order of the County Court of J RHAL ESTATE We will furnish you sacks and twine for your grain Josephine County, Oregon. do Hiller. l»tf and pay you cash on delivery. H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. E L COBURN, E. T. McKINSTRT, «03 O 8t.. phone County Clerk. MIST Practices In all State and Federal 13-R; general real estate business Bring a sample when you thresh Courts. Firsi National Bank Bldg. IXiST -2 pairs lady's shoes and oth Beet of soils for fruit, hay or gen er sm^ll articles belonging to Mrs. eral farming. O. W. OOLVIG, Attorney-at-law. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Walker. Finder call 249-R or Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. PHYSICIANS leave at Courier office. 28 Corner Third and G Street ’ Phone 123 L. O. OIJSMENT, M. D.„ Practice E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices Many Grants Pass People Fail to Res In all courts. First National Bank MICKIE SAYS limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose lise tile Seriousness Building. f^F BVtNBObN COUtO «E« A and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours FOR HALE Thor i AUL S Electric Store I I 1 CONSULTAIS So Deceptive »10*4 hAANN PAFt«.« » FtEO \ into T his Bio wksi .' n T hen \ REAUZB THAT eu’RN PAVEO. / lOOII INTO AO ì FFEBB n T HOHE VIHERt »Ti RE AO BN ALL "THE ' ME4ABBR6 OF THE FALMLN , 'M HN «ANI » CrUESS "THE AO- NEttfiS««» *IOULO ALL BE (STANO I o’ IN LINS »WITH THEIR (CORN SNVAEN t OPEbl UP IN I THE FAORHI»*', i BETCHER». 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. O. 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. Phones, office 62; residence 359-J Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. S. LOUGHR1DGE, M. D. Physician C. A. S’DIJiR, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic i 'm Me, Grants Pass. Ore. and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phones, GDO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law Rea. 369; Office, 182; 6th and H. referee in bankruptcy^ Masonic Temple. Phone 136-J. E. J. B ILLIOK, M. D Physician and surgeon, office Schallhorn JAMES T. OHINNOCK. lawyer block, phone 54-J; residence, 1004 First National Bank Building. _____ _____________ • • luiwnrldge, phone 54-L. A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg. W. F. RUTHERFORD- Manus' *he- Practice In all courts. : raputlcs. It gets your atrment. Office over Barne«' Jewelry store Office hours 9.30-12; 1:80-4. The California and Oregon RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- stclan and surgeon, X-ray nnnlp- ment, dental X-ray. Office, Me sonic Temple Bldg. Phones- Of floe 21-J; residence 21-L. DENTIHTR E, C. MACY. D." M. D. First-class dentistry. 109% 8. 6th St. VETERINARY SURGEON UR. It. J BEsTl'L, Veterinarian. Residence 83 6 Washington boule vard. phss* 398-R. Backache is so deceptive, It comes and goes—keeps you guessing. I ¿earn the cause—then cure It. Possibly it’s weak kidneys. That’s why Doan's Kidney Pills are so effective. They're especially for weak or dis ordered kidneys. Ask your neighbor! Here's a Grants Pass case. 'Mrs. Véronique Ba'uFr, 621 S .4th St., says: "1 am glad to say a good word for Doan's Kidney Pills for I | know they will do what is claimed : for them. My kidneys were out of or der and 1 had dull backaches and I became run down and languid. Myl kidneys didn't act right, either. I : read of Doan's Kidney Pills and used j Coast Railroad Company them as directed. They were just | TIME CARD what 1 needed and soon relieved all , signs of the trouble.” j Price 60c. V all dealers. Don't! Effective Uov. 21, Ì919 simply ask for a kidney remedy get I Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Trains* will run Mondays, Wednes- Mrs. Bauer had. Foster-MJlburn Co., days and Fridays Mfrs., Bnffato. N. Y. Leave Grants Pass..... ...1 , P.M Arrive Waters Creek .... 2 P.M. HARE KI TH GETS ANOTHER T eave Waters Creek .... 2: 30 P.M. HOME RUN HIT TOD IV Arrive Granta Pass. 4 P.M. For Information regarding freight New York. July 20.—'Babe Ruth | and passenger rates call at the office of the company. Lundburg building, knocked out his 32nd horn« run of J or telc’'hone 131 the season today. NOTICE! • THE WARDROBE CLEANERS HAVE" MOVED INTO THEIR NEW IAM'ATION AT 507 E STREET, OPPO SITE THE COLONIAL. The Wardrobe Cleaners Cleaning — Pressing — Repairing .v>7 E ST. PHONE 147 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER