Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1920)
RATI lU»AV. -MARCH 13. 1020. FRIDAY. MA IU'11 12. 11*20. «.RAM'S PASS DAILY «N»l iUEIl PX»lt HALE Thoroughbred I »u rot will Ue probably two or three months. N'KW TODAY I boar. I year old, 4 pigs 5 months This equipment promises to be of old. Phone 601-F-ll. 24 great aid in carrying out the large 3BK G. P. JESTER for life Insur ance -Peun Mutual Ufe 59tf road building program for 1920. I JO-NQ1IIJS 25 cents per doren at 19 207 West C et reel. WANTED Roots of »tardy holly hock plants, variety of colors de sired. Aildress 555 care t'ourler.19 FORTY IOEAL AGE FOR WOMEN It will need the cooperation of all thoee who love to sing to make the chorua society a success The time of the concert is only about a month away and tfie rehearsals from now- on should be faithfully attended. We London. Mar. 13. The flotilla of should have the hearty support of I six destroyers presented by the ad all the choir singers and in addition miralty as a free gift to the \us- all who can take part in chorus tralian navy has just been taken singing. The rehearsals are set for over formally ■by the Australian high Monday evenings at S o’clock at the commissioner. Andrew Fisher, and is Baptist church. Help yourself and timed to arrive in Sydney on liuftc your community by doing your part day. April 25. They are the Tattoo. to make the Grants Pass chorus an Success, Taenftnia. Stalwart. Vnx*c unqualified success. and Swortleman. COMMITTEE. Mr ’Fishor states that these new vessels all of which have left the slips since the armistice, differ so greatly in design, armament, man- I oeuvering speed, and range from the (destroyers already belonging to the Australian navy that if pitted against ' them not one of the earlier vessels 1 could live for more than a minute or I two. Washington. Mar. 13.—-Approxi mately 24,000 motor vehicles intend ed for war purposes have been turn- J Million Asked to Fight Cattle Disease. Tuberculosis among cattle can be ed over to the department of agri-' culture by the war department for ■ eradicated In many states within the natt ten years through continued fed distribution among the state high-1 eral co-operation, John R. Mohler, way commissioners for use in road chief of the bureau of animal indus building, allotments being based on try. told the nouse agricultural com the «.mount of federal aid for roads ; mittee. Owners of 3110,000 cattle have which the states receive. Already I asked the bureau to test their stock, 12,000 have been delivered to states 1 but funds are lacking, lie said. An and the remainder will he distribut- i appropriation of $1.500,000 is asked. ed as fast as railway cars can be se cured for their transportation, which* Calling cards at Courier office. TAKES OVER FLOTILLA WANTED Couple of setting hens, or likely to set soon. Of large breed. Addresa P. <>. Box 69P. 19 Inaur- inaur- tf bVR SALE liens of good lay I Ing Phone ■ I3-J strain. $1.50 each, or call at 716 N. sth St W. C. I 9 Bears». FOR SALE Two gentle cows, one giving 3 gallons, the other to freshen In April Address E. E. Cargill. Gohlen Drift Dam. Grants PMi 19 FOl'.XD Horses' halter, and bunch of keys. Owners call at Courier office and identify property. 20 IXk-T Email memorandum book, containing pictures and money. Kinder please leave at Western hotel, and receive reward. 20 best FOR SALE -- Few hundred strain Everbearing strawberry plants. 2c per plant. Phone 601- F-24. or address Box 36. Rd. 4. 20 forbidden, where the result la to lit Butt«. Mont., Mar. 13. Mayor W. tor the afreets. T. SIO<I<I<MI of llntt«, I iuh m I um I the city coun<'ll Cor an ordinance con ilitminermlll Bond In all colors at trolling aerial distribution of adter- tho t’ourler office. U h I iik matter. There Is no law t'ourler for commercial printing. Enclish Artlt Sweep» Away Time- Honored Idea» Havinq to Do With Spinsterhood. FOR SALK Barred Rock and White There is a flrrr.v among English Wiandotte eggs. 11 per setting. spinsters A prominent urtisi Ims Call after 4 p. m. at 1301 East A come I» the conclusion that a girl of street. Mrs A. Meier. 18 forty should be limn'» ideal. lie JOS. MOSS AGENCY Fire ance. pfate glass liability ance. 204 V» Sixth at reel toitohlna the matter ut praaent. but MONTANA MAN ISKS AERIAL IDVERTISING HE l*ROIIIIUTEI* to distribute p*|H<r on the street« la snceps away all the time honored rub blsh about spinster'«, at tin- age of forty being mostly interi -ted In.cuts and eamirles. Here Is what he Ims to say about the new ohi girl. "The Ideal age for a woman from the view point of the mail «dio studies the sex ns mi artist Is forty y<-iirs. The uomini of forti Is nt the perfei- tlon of her beanti ami Ims attained a settled mentality which she did lint possess ni a girl In her teens, or a» I a young woman In thirties. At forty s’ panion. pleasantly matured, tolerant «»lily the Ig'io- and understanding, minuses In life find |oy In the aoelety undeveloped of young girls or women." I >uring Uie war timi since many Utili women of the so-cnllisl forty” agi' got married. il eolislder- Thls able number of them widows, lias led tn frequent lamentations by younger women Unit, with the huge number of unmarried beiiiltles about. It Is unpatriotic for Cupid to show such favoritism for widows amt spin ster- Courier classified ails bring re FOR SALE Gentle, young saddle sults Try a classified. l>ony. or will drive single or double. 140. A. L. Edgerton. 44 Calling cards at Courier office. Service Did It! — ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ »a — -■-■ - - . i ■■■ . , . Rogue River Orchard Co. Ol' MEItl.lN Buys Second Fordson after tn lug one it year THE RESI LTS OF FJ MONTHS WORK ll is PROOF THE FORDSON ll IS O. R. I II 4 I F. M. Stason OF llol.F < REEK TO TIKE < IRI <»l' HIS FINE PE I It « UK II I RD Buys a Fordson Tractor C. A. Wmetrout AGENT EASTER TOGGERY FOR MEN Now is the time to select that new suit, hat, shoes and furnishings for Easter, We have just received seventy- e New Spring Suits along with other “Trimmings.” SUIT PRICES $30, $35, $40 and up to $75 Our Haberdashery We have chosen our Furnishings from the productions of the Best Makers of Men’s Toggery. Handsome New Shirts in a variety of high grade fabrics $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and up to $10.00 Beautiful Neckwear in exclusive silks, new spring shades 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and up to $4.50 Splendid Hosiery in new colorings 25c to $1.50 per pair HATS— The correct blocks of soft and stiff hats in spring colorings $2.50 to $7 The man who cares will be very enthusiastic about our handsome Easter Haberdashery and will make his selection early. We will deem it a pleasure to show you this splendid array of Men’s Suits, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings and then you can decide for yourself. PEERLESS CLOTHING CO. “Cash Clothiers’’ Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes