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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1920)
M i l iti»IV, M ntt il 13, tina». GRANTS l’A88 DAILY (OlitiER PAGE REVEX — LITTLE CHANCE TO SIGNAL MARS SPECIAL THIS WEEK lland embruidvreil "'Ms-Too-Romper«," play uprona and embroider «d chlldren's dresses. A lovely lino of silk dresse» for «Irle from 10 tu Iti yeurs A n*w Un« of 4»»«d rooiu anta Includiti« bed aproad», dresser scarte, piti cuslilons and bolater covar». i New fudge aprona und sewlng uprona un display. Gigantic Searchlight Would Be Necessary. Lutile» invitisi AA’ is I iicm I iiv troni IO lo 12 and I lo 5 HOPE BLASTED BY SCIENCE The Handicraft Shop of Medford Lght Bright Enough to Be Dietin gui«h»d by a Martian Would Havo About 766 Trillion Candle Power- Il Martian* Have Big Enough Tele- •cope They Could See Light Wav** From Earth, I* Claim of Prominent Scientist. Classified Advertising poli NIEE KM 4L INSTItl (THIN PLUME LUMBER cut to order. Bor MRS .1 L. JOHNSON, former Chi cago contralto soloist and Instruc lumi Thomas Lumber Co. 9O5tf tor of voice, baa opened her studio LATH for sale Borland Thoma* In the Lundburg Bld«. Those de Lumber Co. 9O5tf siring something apodal In place ment, breathing. etc., should see FUEL WOOD, nil kinds J. J Weer- her, a» she ha» had particular In ilng Telephone 351 -J. 37 struction In these lines from Chi FOR HALE Buy horse, weight cago'» 'best Inetructor*. Studio hours, Tuesday und Saturday from about 1600, will work »Ingle or double. Very gentle. In fine con 1 to 5 D. m. 37 | dition, 9 year» old. Will sell or MISCELLANEOUS trail« for milk vow Address Wal I» E. L GALBRAITH ter S. Wade, ltd 1, Box 16. Insuraiu <«, an) kind ¡Rentals. Building and WOOD FOR HALE Fir wood, 13.50 Loan Plate Gias» Liability. 609*4 l»er tier delivered, (l’hone W. 8. G «treat. Phone 28. 84tf i Robinson, Wlldervllle 19tf WE WIIJ, 1’AY $14 per thousand All CORBETB Made to measure. for No I [due logs and $13 for material» used in Splrella corset* No. i fir logs delivered to our mill. uro thoroughly texted for strength Borland-Thomas Lupiber ('<> , suc cessor to Edgerton &*Adams. 96tf and durability. The Splrella stay Is unbreakable, Mrs. Dana. Cor- WATCH the illxpiay windows at Cur 19 setelre, phone 185-1 rier's Millinery for n complete line FOR St LE Black Minorca eggs, fl 916 North of Washing- for 15 19 ton Blvd., E A Blanchard LIGHT TEAM for Hale Wood chap- per* wanted. Williams W.....I 19 •Yurd. phone 137. FOR SALE Good slock ran h for xal<> by owner; no agents. lAddrn** No. 522, care CourleF 39 FOR SALE brood so week* ol< each. II F. D. 2. 10 lbs It. 1 'J FOR SALE Studebaker Four. 1919 model In good condition, liargnln If sold al onc<* For particulars call at 2<>2 *4 South Sixth street, or address P. (). Box 624, and deal with owners 21 KYAR SALE 12 abolita 560 care Courier. Address No 19 FOR SALE Five room house at st 6 N. 7th St Sleeping porch, well, barn, large lot. House at 832 N. 7th St., large lot, barn, et • Price of each, $1200. Inquire Mrs. W. H. Qualf, Rd. 4. 23 luit KENT FOR RENT ing rooms. Furnished housekeep 823 .) street. I-Itf FOR (RENT OR SALE The Hi ovlll property, I a re, 850 N. 7th St. Eight room house, bath, etc. Well, barn. Sale price $2400. Rent $10 per month, $25 for three months tn advance. Address Mrs. AV. H Qualf, Rd. 4. 22 WORK WANTED Man nnd wife, cooking, man handy at any kind of work, have carpenter tools. In quire Grants Paas Rooming house. I>. A. Piirtymun. 20 WANTED Married men for work. River Banka Farms. farm 20 of trimmed hats, shapes, frames, braids and trimmings of all kinds. 512 Routh Sixth street. 38 Briton* Eat La** Meat. Engllxliaien used to be considered the greatest incut eater« In the world. Now, declnrex the Society of Meat Im porter» (London), the average Eng lishman eat» 33 per cent less meat than he did before the war. Unit-«» he can be Induced to eat more of It the country will be faced with »ud> a glut of meat a* it bn* never hud before, u London dispatch xuvx. 'flic annual consumption of meat In the United Kingdom before the war wan about 1,800.000 ton», aav the Im porters. It Is now only 1,200.000 ton* Ami this, they contend, 1» due entirely to tiie high cost still maintained, En« llxhmen ami Englishwomen. too. are Just as fond of meat a* ever, but they cannot afford to «-at an much of It us they used to. Reciiarge» and Repairs Ntora«e Batterle» And remember—whenever you want your battery or electrical sye- tern tested be doe* it free of charge, We have the beet eqalpped tuto electrical shop in the city and every Job *e turn oat mean* * new customer for ui WHO’S NKXT. Your* for Service ADAMS’ ELECTRIC & BATTERY SHOP Phone M U»e for Helgoland. The Royal Society for the Protec- tlon of Birds In England and the Per- manent Wild Life Protective Fumi of the United State» Join In suggesting that Helgoland be made a reservation for the birds that mirrate tilling the coast of Europe, The Island la lesa than one fifth of a mile xqunre, but it Is directly In the path of migratory birds, and when Germany has re inoveil tiie fortifications am) other military establishments the birds will probably use It. FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS Any doting person who plan» to guide u weary wanderer from Marx by placing the poetic candle In the window bad better abandon the Idea. It cun't lie done. The little Martian would be lost tn tile deep and vasty void with not one twinkle to guide Ills airy footsteps. Thu» another flight of fancy 1» blasted by science, for It Is estimated that an earth light Just bright enough to |,e distinguished by the eye of a .Martian would have to have 700 tril Why Horeea Are Diminishing. lion candle power, And «lien une An authority attribute« the diminu talks In trillions It doesn't mean a tion In number of horeea to the Im thing. possibility of horse price* keeping Till* figure Is given by Dr. Clarence pace with the price* of wheat, corn, Errol Ferree, professor of experimen port, beef nml mutton, and therefore tal psychology at Bryn Mnwr college, tin- farmei neglect* borne breeding which Is now geeking a $2,000.000 en P.ur for something more profitable, dowment. Dr. Ferree I* the beat what are wo going to do for work known authority on light In Its rela stock live or ten year* from now? he tion to vision, lie reached ids con asks. clusion by laboratory experiments which confirm the deduction» made by the xearchllglit expert* of the Sper Pheasant* “Set” on Apple*. The “wise old owl" has little on the ry Gyroscope company, who believe that It Is possible to throw a beam ut Oregon pheasant. During a terrific light visible to Martian». cold spell, when orchard food was frozen and food scarce, orchardlsts What the Engineer» Find. Professor Ferree's figures check ni> i discovered the birds "setting" on nests remarkably with the estimate» made of apples, thawing them with their by the xeanldiglit engineers, who bodies as a hen would warm eggs, and pointed out that it was unusual that then milking their meal of the sof expvrlt: cuts based on actnnl exper tened fruit. Fill IT CROP on the Furquexon place In Fruitdale. 10 acres, for the care of the orchard. Address F. F. Byington, 865*4 Sandy Boulevard. Portland, Ore. 22 ■ i ience give the same result as careful PRICE THE PAINTER Painting, laboratory work under Ideal comil- ptiperhanghig and calcimlnlng. I Hoti«. The calculations made t>y Residence. 303 I street. 22 George B. (.'rouxe. dipartment engi neer. : lol I'. R B:i«sett, physicist of the Sperry company, «bowed that one Si»( >\ER 262-lt for candle power Is visible at .4(1 of a Jit toy Calls an- lull»', while Professor Ferree's esti swered tne. 86tf mate, based on tin- minimum candle |H>wer visible at three meters, «how« PALACE TAXI Phone 22 .1 ( ■<•<>. ii candle power to lie visible at ..KI of \. H)d« Ai Henry Sargeant. 2 5tf a mile. Tin- difference Is accounted TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors, 172-.J. for by iih-orptlon for winch Profe««or or 243 L for night Calls. Dav and Ferree may not have imide nllow atu e. Tiie engineers' figure« were n'«o night service. r.Gtr predicated on th« «uppo«itl>m that tiie iti: il ist vi i: Martlnlis have tvl> scopes with n li.lil E T. M c K instry 6«»3 g Htrfpt, gathering power of M.txsi. wldcli i noil'll less tlllltl phone 13-R. General real »•si a I« [lower of the business. The best of all kinds of earth. But I’r soils for fruit, hay or general Hie aid of accin farming. 2 Iff measuring light, termine the mliilnium amount of l:git < Il IL I XGINI.ER visible to the eye nt line., in, it - ."lid D aniel M c F arland Civil encl- ’lien curry this out by nuitI k - iiiii t n .al mer and surveyor, Registered ¡1« illation to show the light visit, • Res. 740 nt Marx when It Is .",.5.( hhi ixxi til A- professional engineer. North Tenth street. Phone 211-Y. away. Its iiviii'esl point of nppioiuli to the earth. III XI Is i s Can Work by Massed Searchlights. The enormous ciitidlv |>ower in* s- E (’ MACY. D. M D. First-class siiry to produce sm-li a beiiiu of lig'it dentistry. 109*4 H 6th St. Is ineoncelvable to the mind but i.ot impossible of production. It wui'd I I TERI X lit! SI ItGEOX DR. It .1 .BÊSTIL. Veterinarian. not tie necessary. Mr. Crouse mid Mr. B:i«s,«tl lielleve, to coiistriK't • i •• Residen« e x;is W ashington boule single reflector. The same result vard, phone 398-R. would lie attained by massing s,.. u li- light* of tremendous Inilix idiinl viind'e Pill s|< I \Xs power. Ami the difficulty would n t D., Practice [ L. O. CLEMENT. M be tin« |>ro>lii. i ion of sufficient cun ent limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose to light them but the great cost and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours construction. It Is not likely l 9-12, 2-5, or on a|x]iointment. I there tire enough searchlights In the »’hones, office 62; residence 359-J. world to produce anywhere near S. 1,01 CIIRIDGE, M. D. Physician enough light to be seen by the naked eye of the MnrtlnSis, nml surgeon. City or country calls Tiie largest xearchllglit made attended day or night. Phones. • the Sperry firm produces 1.2x11 iiooixmi Ros. 369: Office. 182; 6th and H.l candle power, but It would take CitHl. DR W T TOMPKINS. S. T. Rooms 250 of these to produce 7(W trillion c. n So unless Hie Mart inns I and 2 Bi'hmidt Bldg. Treats alii die [tower. diseases. Hours 9-12; 1-5. Phone have some kind of lelesi opex, It is not likely that they will have the oppor 304-R. tunity right away to catch a Hash E J ltll.I.IUK, Al D I’liy-iciati from the earth. and surgeon; office Schallhorn block, phone 54-.I; residence, 1004 l-awnridge, phone 54-L. CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIK 1HAMONP BRAND. A Uli RALPH AV. STEARNS physician -Z'WipK I. b SI m I Aak yxsr lb"<«!■« Ir AN <hl-cbe*-<xr X IMamonjBmxd/^yX • iMahu ----- and aurgeon, offices formerly oc Ziirt^A Chl-rbra-trr In Ke4 and lh»ld WANTED Couple with no children I h . i K, sealed with Blue .............. Ribbon. VZ cupied by Dr. Stricker, (Masonic Ix» of »f joar irar v V _ Take no other Buy modern want to rent furnished l»ra<e«ot. fx ClH-CliKK-TF-R • Temple. iPhone, office 21-J, resi DIAMOND II KAMI Pl LI-A,Aw M house, In desirable part of town. years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable dence, 21-L. Hours: 10-12, 2-4. 21 Address P. O. Box 118. SOLD BY DRliGGISIS EVERYWHERE W F. R I'Tl I kit Ft »RD Manual the- WANTED Young man lti to 18 raptit les. It gets your ailment. years to work In ¡Hardware store. DRAYAGE INI» TRANSFER Office over Barnes' Jewelry store. Apply in person to Cramer Bros. Office hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. 17tf Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone ITTORNEIS MEN AND TEAMS WANTED At 397-R. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. Moon & Company's road camp 11. Practices In all State and .Federal F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. near Port Orford, Wages $10 for Safes, pianos and furniture Courts. First National Hank iBIdg. teams, 8 hours; mon $5 for 8 moved, packed, shipped and stored. hours. Furnish California hay at G. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law. Office phone 124-Y. $34 per ton; rolled barley or oats Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. at $72 per ton. Board $1.10 per E. 8. V AN DYKE, Attorney. Pra tices day or you can camp If you like. in all courts. .First -National Bank Bost of working conditions. Moon Building. & Company. 43 TIME CARD O. S. Il I J \ NUI IA R D, \ttorney-al law WAITRESS WANTED nt the Grants Effe live Nov. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Pass hotel. Call between 4 nnd 6 or after 8 In tiie evening. 20 ('. \. SIDI.ER. Attorni') -at-law. Ma Trains will run iMojtday*. W edlics- days and Fridays. sonic Temple, Grants I'ass, Ore. I.eave Grants Pass P.M. 1 G ED. II. DURHAM, Atlorney-nt l.iw. \rrive Waters (’reek 2 P If. WHITE LEGHORN hatching eggs 2:30 P.M. refere,« In bankrupt y, Masonic I,eave Waters Creek from heavy winter layers, JI.50 i \rrhe Grants Pass.. . P.M. ..... 4 . Temple Phone 135 .1. per 15, $7 a hundred. Baby chick s For information regarding freight all sold. K. Hnmmerliacher, phone .1 \MES ’I’. ('IIINNOCK. I.awnr 'and passenger rates call at th«« office ‘of the company. Lundburg building. L’X 606-F-23, R F. D. No. 2. First National Bank Building I or • >1eph ut« 131. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company Adams ik Jotmston, Props. IMMl Booth Sixth Street n EKVIOE AND 8AT INF ACT ION Ol K MOTTO We carry a full line of Tires and Accessories at the beet prices on the market- w- Now lx the time to make your spring repairs. We make a Specialty of all kinds of Lube and Machine work and general repairs. Also all kinds of cast steel and aluminum welding. Bring in your mechanical Trouble*. We can help you. e C. F. BURKE and E. KNOX, Props I .........