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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1920)
« roiverdiy ut Ore Librar Z ♦ I « I I >1 VOL. \ . Xo. I 17. GKANTH PAMH, JOMPHIXE < <»l X îty , oki . go . x , SEVEN GUILTY FIRE HAZES TOWN GERMAN CRISIS m BI LOSSES |$ ENDED WHEN 4 barge of Mlsliiuiillliig of Public Money IV ill Be linostigmi'd to Settle Can« ■»••ven Btisilu-«- Blink- IH-Mroyed by I i.- Uhl. Ii < o-i- Mdli' ii- io I tanuigo Thu gründ Ha le m, <ire , Mar. 15 jury was drawn and Instruitod by Judge Percy It Kelley today regard I Ing the churgen made of the mis handling of public funds. The Judga salii the Intent of the officials was not material If violation 1 of a lattiti- wax shown and the state In lured Two \< quilted of line < barge bul Held In .lull for Murder <>f McElfrrsh U HOU. XI MHElt 2»2O, **« PAUL'S ELECTRIC STORE TO BE OPENED APRIL I I KE <>F OLI» < OHE M ÌHE ATTACK OX FIHHT IOXVOY POSSIBLE HAÌS XI»MIK\L DEMOCRATS SUPPORT MEASURE MESSAGES WERE INTERCEPTED i Taft S«il»-ris'<T»ati<»ii I* Rejected as Posted Four I toy* Before Slii|m in Is Bi-I*art I miii < Xtiiferetice I'lccl Were l>ue to Arrive at Itaport Queelistow n LEADERS MEET Grand View, Texas, Mar. 15. The AGREEMENT REACHED BY KAPP town of Grand View is in ruins re AND MiSKK SAID TO ESTAB suiting'from a fire which destroyed LISH PEACE seven ’business blocks and 200 resi- denies. The loss is estimated at a million and a half or two million dollars. One thousand persons are homeless. There was no loss of life. ALLIES ANCIEN! MEXICAN CITY SCENEOF DEVELOPMENT Requeet of New Got eminent Was 'Ignorili By Allied Commissions in Germany MoiHesatiii. Mar ili Brut Smith. Washington, Mar. 15. Prelimin Uashingtun, 'Mar. 15.- -Rear Ad Pt^ris, Mar. 15.—>A Berlin dispatch O C Blund. Iluv Ilei ber. .lanini Me I ary to u final vote on the reservation miral Sims told the senate investi this evening *ays that an agreement llierney. John Liinib. Eug< lui Bar to article ten the senate rejected gating committee today that the Mexico City. .Mar 1 ■ The ruins has lM*en reached between Chancellor nett and Bori Blund were follili! It will Io* of interest to residents t Frellnghuysen’s hii I» h titute proposing Germans were enabled to attack the of Palenque in the state of Chiapas Kapp and Noeke and ■ the - crisis ‘ ~ * ended. guilty <>f murder In thè si<<ond de- of Grants Pass and the surrounding summary disavowal of all obliga- first convoy of American ships be- marking the site of a city whose ori A new government for Germany gren in thè \rinlsUce day caso b> a country to know that B. W. Paul, of lions cause the naval department used the gin and inhabitants are unknown, will lie constituted under the agree verdb t rendere'! late Salurday night Paul’S Ele< trie Store has purchased ; Tlie reservation worked out but old code which the Germans inter are to become the site of ¡»etroleum ment. Thev uro la'lng belìi In the Grays the stock and good will of the Har not agreed to by the bl-partlsan con- cepted and deciphered. The an development. General N’orberto Ro- llur*b<>r jnll iM-nding un applicai Ion per Ele'tric Store and will open up' ference was rejected, also the sub- nouncements of the sailings were chin having been given a cono -«Ion An unionfirmed report from Ber for u n»»w trini Elmer Smith mid u now »tore at 203 South Sixth street reservation drafted by Taft. printed In Berlin papers four days by the department of commerce and lin that revolutionists had reached . ___ _ .Mike Nheehun, alio were fourni not ubout April 1 A first-class stock of The new reservation drafted by before the vessels arrived at Queens labor to exploit the region an agreement with Ebert to avert a guilty, aere laken to Cent rulla to be olectrlc appliance« i will " be ■ arried republican leader» to deny the obli town The mins lie in the midst of a railroad strike, has been received. It urmated for thè murder <>f \rthur in the new store, the same lines be-I gations of article ten which was dense forest and were dlsiovered in is reported that the South German J MoElfrnsh, another Xmilstl e day lug handled as in the Modford store.1 substituted in the senate today wsh 1750 by a party of exploring Span-1 generalg and the Saxon troops ad- « iards. * xl « ' They i*. «S « indicate . 1 a AO ♦ A • the Vw A # former A W »A AVAV-- __ - - . « • - so- vietilo. Ixirelt R o I h TI h . a ho »as de The store will also do general con ailojiteil by a vote of 56 to 26, four ex- here Xoske. The independent clarrd Insane by thè jury. In held tract und liouse-w trlng work und ¡ teen deino rats supporting the mea*- istence of a largp and prosperous cialists and communists in Mann- .1 h mrh milk" a specialtv of motor installa u re. In jall bere for <Hapo«ltioti city. There is no history of what heirn have decided to proclaim a so- refuso to dincil«* thè lordici. <>f ............ all kinds Mr. Paul is at tions — people built there or where they vjet government according to advices. In Monteeano dlscu-slon is still present scourln g the coast in un ef-. have gone. For years the ruins ha’ e .one of the first acts of the new gov- It is fort to olitaln a suitable man to take rlfe rogarti Ina thè verdlct. been a source of curiosity to archeol-! ernment was a request for recognl- braadeil a* a coinprotnlae. a* II •op i barge of tile store und eX|H»cls to °Sists- tion from the allied commissions in botti to III" Muori all la'gloli and the have him here within the next ten Washington. Mar. 15.- -•Production Germany, which was ignored with World, i 'lays. I Industria) Workers of the > royalties ranging from thirty-three out reply. Prussia appears to be ths and there are w bo say that and a third to 12*A per cent on the stronghold of the revolution; strong ________________ tour must bave seried lis an act ti lease of government oil lands under opposition has developed elsewhere. iitlng motivo in thè return ef a ver- the claims of the relief section of Bavaria, Wurtemburg and Saxony an « dici m > utterlv at variance wll h i h«- The annua! election of officers of the land leasing 'Wil are prescribed nounce their loyalty to Ebert. Fatal «videnre. tho Innt ruet ions of the fighting between troops and work the ChanUwr of ’Commerce will be in <he regulations by the interior de court alni thè respective pieu* of partaient. men at Frankfort, in which many belìi Tuesday evening at the Cham- '<»1111 sol are reported to have been killed, has er of Commerce 'ommene rooms. It was first ounsvl for G'-orgi F Vani Fargo. N. D.. Mar. 15.—The first taken place. France will double her vriox E.XCOl RAGED ■ •neral siintl- thè 1 il W , vole intended to haie a bunquet but this Bl BIIAZILIAX <.<»V EHNMENT case under North Dakota's law en military forces on the Rhine the war <1 ’’il*t tile re mellt w heli he ;*» was found to be Impossible so light acted to esta-blish the legitimacy of office says. Wiisliin ;ton. Mar I Edwin T II» wnr not verdict, as re- turn ' refre liment* will tie served during Meredith ix-alv u , ointeil se ret.irv Rio de Janeiro. Mar. 15.— I*resi- children born out of wedlock has garibsl th«> sei Berlin. Mar. 14. Sunday.—The in- of agrlculi. re, .>e|jev»'s there should th«» meeting. dent Pessoa has signed a decree been completed in Cass county courts t«l not (mil that th» jur> la' active ontin i.ition of pri son opening a bredit of $500,000 for ex- 1 anil a child so born has received its dei>endent socialist party, with affili tedetul and late .»<>, . . tion in >:i -, I degree !>en«es in connection with the trans father's name and been declared his ated trades union and other organi guilty In tin n ctlti' state road sv stems with the port, reception and settlement of im legitimate heir. The law was passed zations. has proclaimed a general verdict, shoulil have declared gllllt I by the legislature in March. 1917. strike throughout Germany. sv-te'iiH of adjoining states in order migrants who are ‘expected to come in the first degree or acquittal, he Under provisions of this act. which The old German government has that the working out of an adequate Washington. Mar. 15.—William from Europe during the present year. asserted Singolari* enough, he is highway program for the whole Martin Williams, oí Alabama, suc Ono local newspaper estimates that is said to be the first of its kind in removed from Dresden to Stuttgart. The workmen in the electric-power supported In th opinion by opi o-n. United States limy proceed in an or ceeds Roper as commissioner of In German settlers will have ar the country, a child born out of wed lock is declared to be the child of stations have struck and the surface IL* also advocates ternal revenue. n t1 - derly manner < ounsel unii bi general public rived in Brazil by -August. its natural parents, as such is en cars and underground railways have thi1 continuance of work now going UM I titled to supi»ort, shelter and educa I been suspended. The water supply forward under the federal aid road tion equally with other children born has been cut off. It is exacted that la w. | in legal marriage and is entitled to everything will be at a complete "As 1921 is the last your covered ¡«hare in any estate jointly with all standstill tomorrow, The bread liv the law,” Air Meredith says, . "It ¡other legal heirs. shortage already is causing cowern. would be highly desirable, in my Sanguinary encounters between Suit to establish the natural par — . opinion, for congress to make pro entage of the child, the law provides, workmen and trooim have occurred vision as promptly ns possible for Washington. Mur. While still, the contin mtion of the work under ’ must l»e instituted within a year af- in Frankfort. technically under General Foch. thc| | ter birth, the facts in the case to be The police were compelled to the present system bv an appropria \inerlcali troops on the Rhino would | tion ci at least 1100,000,00(1 “Paving on tlie Pacific highway soon as the concrete has set suffi- I proved as in any other legal action, leave the town In consequence of for not participate In mi allied advance oil h of the four fiscal years logln- 'between Ashland and the Siskiyous cleI1(|v the overhead will be paved I This is construed as placing the bur the mob seizing an arm depot. into Germany without a special or- ni ng vvltli 1922 " | is soon to commence,” said K. E. ‘den of proof upon the plaintiff. Bavaria. Wurttemburg and Saxony * which completes the pavement to der from the presldent, It is an | Hodgman. division engineer of tlie have refused to acknowledge the new nounced here. • highwav department in the Medford Gold Hill. Berlin government. The troops of POPI LVI'IOX OF SCHLESWEIG xi w kirk <n:< hi sn; \ will "From Gohl Hill to the Josephine: I Sun. “Clifford Dunn, superinten Bavaria and Wurttemburg hawe de IX FAYOIt «EKMAX CONTROL nil i; i l nori: ix x vrioxs dent for Oskar Huber has erected a county line a distan e of 12 miles, clared their allegiance to their re a paving plant three mile« from Ash much of the grading has been com- Copenhagen. .Mar. 15—The Sehles- spective governments. London, Mar. 15. The New York land at the junction witli the Dead I pleted and about five miles of base According to private reports Kons weig plebiscite is unofficially report Symphoni orchestra will arrive here Indian road. I rock laid by Schell and Calvert, con ed to be almost four to one in favor tantin Fehrenbach. president of the in April to make a tour of the prin “With th»» plant on the top of the tra otors. They are now erecting a of German control. national assembly has arrived in cipal cities of England, France, Italy, Siskiyous this gives them two plants paving plant at Coots creek and will Stuttgart and has called a meeting — Belgium and Holland. It Is announc with which to finish the work this begin spreading hot stuff about May of the national assembly there for Placer Miner in <Tty— ed. Concerts also will be given In vetir from Ashland to the California 1st. Fred Anderson was in today from Tuesday. Monti' Carlo. George Engles of New | line. Five miles of paving was placed "Tlie paving from the .Josephine ¡the George Anderson placer mine on The fish and game commission York, manager of the orche.-trn. says i on the Siskiyou* last summer leaving county line to Grants Pass was com the Illinois river, above the mouth XEAV JEKSE1 WILL TEST THE 8. this will bo tile first time that an 1 15 miles to bo laid bv two plants tills expects to cooperate with the pleted last year. This fall, after the of Deer reek. He says that the re FEDEBAL PROHIBITION BILL bureau of fisheries in determining Vmeriian symphony or liestra has | year. IKiving now in progress in Jackson cent rains have made it possible to the rapidity with which the steel played in Europe and that the New “ \ double rock crusher has been county has been completed. there work the mines and the work tn his I heads migrate from the lower Rogue York orchestra Is coming over by of- installed on Emigrant Creek about a will be ono continuous stretch of placer has been progressing for river to the upper reach"« In .lose- f’clal Invitation of the gov eminent*. mile above Ashland and Is now In paving on the Pacific highway from about a week. Washington. Mar. 15.—The su plline and Jackson counties. State preme court today granted to New operation furnishing rock which is the California line to Grants l’ass. Gaum Warden Carl Shoemaker an- Welcome for Itetiiring Members— l 'Tersey Pennls«.ion to institute orig- being laid for base. It is tlie inten "In Josephine county the paving lAaminatioii for Carriers— nounccd Saturday through a Port- \ welcome home-coming was glv- tion to put a night crow on at the from Grave creek to Wolf creek was The U. S. civil service commission iinal insw to test the validity I’rofessor Willis en :-I tile close of the regular W. It. crusher and work two shifts in or- completed last week. From land newspaper. Wolf announces a clerk-carrier examina- of the Prohibition amendment, II. Rich of the bureau headquarters (’. meetlng Saturday afternoon witli Ider to expedite the delivery of rock creek to the Douglas county line, this tion on March 27. 1920. to establish j nt Berkeley, Cal., will mark the flsli ti duintlly prepared lunch in honor | for base, ns paving will begin as soon side of Glendale, tlie Warren Con an eligible register from which se by attaching a silver button to one i>:' I ii'.idiint Mina Stltiobniigh, Just ns a sufficient stretch of lmse rocks struction company are just finishing lections may be made to fill vacan-' of the fins. Tlie fish will be turned , i-.'liiruoti frolli a month's ir scuce In has ’been laid to keep the paving a macadam surface and this part of des as they may occur in the posi loo■ .mil efforts will bo made to lowa; Mrs. Ilurriet Patri I., who loft plant busy. the highway will be open in a few tions of clerk and carrier, postoffice i check up on the time of tile arrival noarly n ye;>r ago for un oxtended ‘ The plant on the top of the Sis-1 days. This will i^ivo Josephine roun- service, Grants Pass. Salary, $1000! of' the flsli around Grunts Pass and i lati thi'ough severa! middle west k Irons bein at an elevation of 5,000 jty a road passable nt any time of the per annum, plus bonus for the fis- , above. tnfes unii Mrs. Klhrlstimi Ooodnow. feet will probably hot begin opera year except over Sexton or Smith cal year ending June 30. 1920. Age This is lust a portion of the Infor ivho hns been visiting In Saeramcn- lions until about June. mountain, this side of Grave creek. limits. IS to 45 years on the date! mation t ho risii and game omini* I Io, Uni.. for tlie last six month* and ■'Between lAehland and Gold Hill a \ ,‘i per cent grade Is being cut along of the examination. Age limit« and Washington. Mar. 15.— The state sion will gel fogeiber, salii Shoemak-^ ! alt botigh absent, a membership distance of 2<’> miles, the paving is the side of this mountain and crews height and weight requirements do department is technically without a er. It will ■liso irccrttiln tliroiigh | i t rnnsfer from George Wright W. It. completed except for a short stret h have been working day and night in not apply to persons entitled to pref head today, I’rank L. Polk, tempor flshermen <’ of Portland to Gon. Isigan W. It. nt the overhead at Tolo. The dirt order to finish the grade in time to erence because of military or naval ary appointment having expired. Un nnglcrs and commercili 1 tlie time at which salmon and steel- (' tolMiv Mary C. Hildreth and Mrs. fills used as approaches Io the over permit macadam to lie laid thiM fall, servi e. Both men and women will der the Overman act the president headi appear In the Rogue al differ I ena Hildroth, former members head are completed. Vnderson A As the macadam through Cow creek be admitted to the examination. In- can assign another official to the ent points of the water stages, in | The long white table with its daintllv Co. Ixave much of the forms for the canyon will be finished this summer formation may be obtained by apply- secretaryship until the senate acts order that efforts may be made to prepared service of cake, cream and overhead in place and are now pour I It will permit the people of IRogue Ing to Donatd J. Culvert, locln secre on Colby's confirmation. No selec work out a solution of th»' Rogue coffee, was thoroughly enjoyed by ing concrete. This structure will be J river valley to go to Portland next tary, board of U. S. civil service ex tion has been announced. No pass all uresent. river controversy finished some time In April, then as winter on ‘high.’ ” aminers. ports are being issued today. ROYALTIES ON OIL LAND LEASE LARGE ELECTION ON TUESDAY MEREDITH SAYS HE IS ENTITLED TO NAME WILL BRAND ROGUE RIVER STEELHEADS IS WITHOUT HEAD V I