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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1920)
«r ore. U'.i-e VOL, A-, No. US. g ~~ . ................. ORANTM I’AMM, JOMKPHI.NE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 12, I (»20 WHOLE XI MBEK 21» 1*4. i I Former H| h > iisc of Prizt* Fluider WHI Testify of Allege«! Allrmpt Io Evade the Orafi lx» Angele«, ‘Mar. 12 — Maxine RE tit AMMIRAI, SIMM HAYH DE Wayne, the former wife of Jack PARTMENT PLAN PROVED TO Dempsey wua brought back from HE (OSTIA More Information Gained Which Will He ( wed « barging Murder of McElfresh IN THE SENATE Montesano,‘Mar. 12.- ft Is exjiect- OPI*OHITION DEVEDOPH TO SEN ed that Judge Wilson wlll instruct ATOR l/»IK,E’S MODIFK'ATION 'the jury this afternoon in the Grimm TO KEbERVATlON ' murder case. He was not ready to J go to the jury this morning. The court derided that arguments should be limited to three hours for each side. New information charging the same defendants with the murder of No One Satisfies! A*qi«rently With t'/su'lio-Hiovakia Also Keo-hing a 1HOO Mhisils I'I omm I on February 13 Arthur MoElfresh, another Armistice New Attempt at l oui ¡immise slmre of th«* Tlioiutand» of Emi IU msum * of (he Lack of day victim, was filed in Centralia at I for Peace grante From America Inxtru ctors noon today. Tin J nun«. (Mexico, >by federal offi cers who «aid ah«* ‘had related a startling story and will rep«*at it to tb<> grand jury. Rhe told newspaper mon that she was now- willing to tell everything almul Dvni|isey*s alleged si tempts to evade the draft and to Navy llratl Advocated Armisi Guards also explain her retractions. a Plan That llad liciti Found Im- pracUtal l>y the Allies llywater in Tucson Hank— According to a ¡taper received from Tucson, Ari«., Dr. Ed. N. By Ad Oarlock Here«— Washington, Mar. 12.— The navy water, who 1s 'well known here, hav Washington. Mer 13.—A substi New York. Mar. 12 Prohibition Ad Oarlock, manager and trainer Washington, Mar. 12—The bureau department's disregard of Rear Ad ing left only « few years ago, has <ausing many foreign boni to!«»f education reports a serious short of the physical training nchool at tute for the republican article ten miral Rims’ recommendations re become Interested in the Security leave the United States, according to **** °r <«®chers due lo inadequate Portland, was down for the fight* I reservation to the ¡»eace treaty waa garding the convoy system is des- Bank * Trust Company, of Tucson. Congressinan Isaac Hiegel, a member salaries. Conditions are Improving at <he opera house last night, Mr introduced today by Senator Lodge. crllied by the admiral as Infinitely The ¡taper state« that Dr. Bywater slightly. Eighteen thousand two Gariot k has trained a large number In general it follows the draft agreed more serious in Its bearing on th«* has been made a director of the In of the house imnAfcration commit hundred and eighty schools were ’ of the fighters in the Mate and Roc war than other cases of alleged In stitution. He lived here for a num tee Ellis Island records show 54,- upon in the bi-partisan compromise. i closed on February 13 liecausf of co and Carmen were both under his efficiency. He said he urgently re ber of years. Ixdng one of the most Republicans declared that almost instruction. While here Mr. Oarlock v..v arrivals and 61,000 departures 'the lack of teacher* and 42,v are commended the convoy plan on May active boosters. enough votes were assured to ratify extended an invitation to visit his 1 being taught by teachers who are since January 1st. Most of the lat 1st. th’crvtary Daniels replied on school to anyone desiring to sec ft. | below the standard. Six hundred and the treaty on this basis but a final ter have gone to Poland and Czecho June 2<*th that he considered armml Trw Taken Out— six dollars is the average salary for He stated that Roseburg is attempt agreement was not reached. slovakia to stay It is estimated guards safer. On July 1 st Daniels The old oak tree standing at the elementary teachers In 1918: 11,031 ing Ito secure a boxing commission Apparently the republican leaders outlined a |>lan which she allies had corner of Rixth and E was removed that 36.000 will leave and 24,000 ■ for the high school teachers. , and if this can be done he said that will arrive in March. abandoned as Impractical On July this afternoon "'Much Interest has had failed to line up their col . no doubt many interesting boots 22nd the department finally accept- been shown In the oak which has leagues. Freleinghuysen, of New 'could be arranged. «««! the convoy plan for troop ships grown up with the cUv. The Jersey, said that the modification and later for aupply veweels. August moval was made necessary by the Married in Portland— had a weakening effect and that he 10th (Admiral HI ms received mes- const ruction of the theater ’ which R. E. Ixmg was married In Port > would not support anything abort of eagos from the department asking will occupy the .ground on ithe cor land a short time ago to Miss Gladys that the convoy system lie explained ner. Mr. Edgerton stated that be Totman. of Seattle. (Mr. I King is the original. He also said that the by him. desired Io leave the tree but it was night wire chief at the local Western irreconcilable« indicated an opposi liii|>osRtl>le as It would set the build I'nion station and he and Mrs. Ix»ng ; tion and also that the democrat com- -F llrroim From the Hit— ing latck too far. I ■ promise advocates predicted about will make their home here. ixindon. Mar. 13. Ixindon is over E. W. Blanchard is again at his Ixmdon. 'Mar. 12.—Lord Montagu, ! an equal number of them would crowded with studrata from all of Beaulieu, predicts that within a office after havin ’ been wrtstllng M*- ■ support the new reservation. I' .ghie*Lea, <•— Many 4'altie Shipped— | ¡tarts of the world, and their accom for the ¡test three w«*eks with un at ¡Cormick, Af Illinois, said the xir+rstl- [few years rhe eongewtton of traffic Th- fighters who appeared in th« modation Is causing much racking of Seven carloads of cattle, compris- tack of the flu Ho ctuten ihut U<t I in central London will compel the 1 ing 249 bead, were shipgied to Eu- 1 tute was an equivalent to a republi Is still a little wobbly on Ills ; !ns. boots Inst nlalit have tor the most | (trains in responsible quarters. can capitulation. I .enroot, of Wis but feels so much better than he did part left, Webb. Rocco. (Airmen and 1 In the 60 colleges attached to the buildityt of overhead railways and of ’ gene last night for distribution in consin. said there had been no sur Cedsratrom leiving this morning. I niversity of Ixtndon, are some 20,- higher buildings. Neither streets, the Willamette valley. The cattle render. Knox, an irreconcilable, said when the dismiss ¡««tivrh on Lo .ltd* that be feels like a real man None of them appeared the worse 1000 r«>sldent students, and besides railways nor tubes, as they exist to . were from the Pat Swain ranch on the new draft would leave •a moral again Paul Blanchard, who 1a now for wear, even coming out on the 'there are between 40,000 and 50,- day. he says, will be adequate to con . the Applegate. obligation on the part of A meric* T located in Chicago also has Just re i street last night after the fight and I 000 «lay sriiclars. vey the daily traffic. to preserve the territorial integrity dlscusdn., the bouts. The foreign element has increased covered from an attack of the flu. The skyscrapers of New York, he of other league members, Brande- enormously since the war. particular adds, are magnificent and strikingly .ALASKAN INDIANS DESERT having had a after once get gee. a republican of Connecticut, as ly for rhe engineering and scientific beautiful. The atmosphere above ting on his feet. VILLAGES ON ACC4MNT FL!' ! serted the senate was making a pit HR AZIL Iti I I SI'S TO .IE ROI'EI* iqujrfaula. Hundreds of fresh appll- the streets is far purer than lower iable exhibition of itself. INTO El'HOPMAN POLITI! S cations are turned away every down, and the more or less perma- Ketchikan. «Alaska, Mar. 11.— I I inonthsM A speri*l committee has nent smoVly layer over London is been appointed by the university to seldom higher than 150 feet in nor Southeastern Alaska native villages* Rio de Janeiro. Mar. 12.—Brazil's investigate the question of hostels, mal weather. were almost depopulated by an exo-1 refusal of the supreme council's re- du« of inhabitants during the recent ci-ut off« r i rc >res<>ntstlou on the influenxa epidemic, according to re-. H ir Valley «otnmisklon under the I ¡torts brought to Ketchikan by hunt-, league ot nations Is understood to ers and fishermen. According to the reports, natives Washington. Mar. 12. The enor I m - ¡»art of the Brazilian government's told hunters they had taken^to their mous value of corn, the nremier crop |w»Mcy of keeling al«*of from purely I boats on account of the ¡irevalenee of Mexico City. Mar. 12.—‘With the I of the nation, ha« made it necessary European affaim. the disease. presidential election lees than six for the government to take all pos I ' months away, the political situation sible precaution to prevent further MM TH AFRICA HENItH TO *-4 . 9> ' If ‘ ~~9 * | in Mexico is so obscure that it is im Infestation from the European "corn a ' - ‘Roy Cedarstrom. the Roseburg that the fight should have been de WILHON WOULD (VMl'ARK IRELAND FOR ITS LI4INS j possible to state definitely whether , borer" which is supposed to hav«< en bope, was knocked out in the second clared a draw, but there is much CX).AI j STRIKE RRBVLTR there are three or six candidates. tered the country in shipments of --------- President Carranza has been em- Dublin. Mar. IS. Dublin I k now round last night by Garmen, of opinion that iRocco was much more broom corn and has obtained a limit eximrtlng lion* lo South Africa. The . Portland, in the smoker given under aggressive and had Webb bested in Washington. Mar. 12—An effort phatic in his statements that he in ed foothold in the eastern part of the Dublin Zoo has «'famous lion house , the auspice« of the American Legion. to compose the differences between tends to retire when his term of of- country. Bat (Ritchey of this ¡dace, took the the earlier part of the fight, although the majority and minority reports of « ^ce expires next Deemoer. He has iairge sums are being spent In an where the animals have been suc ■effort to control it and a ruling soon cessful ly 'bred, It has been able to , count in third round of the sched- Webb put up a strong defense in the the bituminous coal strike commis- declared for honest elections and a . uled four, round bout. DemelHa latter ¡>art Both were evenly sion will be made by the president. peaceful transfer/if ¡lower, is expected from the federal horti supply lions on demand to other showing up strong. Rocco was given matched and the exchange of blows it was announced at the White House A recent conference of seventeen zoos in the I'nlted Kingdom, but cultural board as to whether a quar i i Mexican governors held in the na was about even. today. antine shall .be >lmi*o«ed against all thia is the first time an order has the decision over Frankie 'Webii. of Eugene, in an eight round iiout. The Demellia .proved himself to be a tional capital took cognisance of Tondgn countries to prevent further been received from Africa. fly weight match between Bud Smith very clever boxer, handling himself their chief's attitude by issuing a entrance of stalk« «nd ears of In and Freddie Dodge was declar««! a with ease. His training at Camp j manifesto to the people in which dian com, broom corn or other draw. Grant showed and in the first two they pledged their support to the le plants that may bring the borers. Tt In the main go between Cedar- rounds did not push the fight very • I gally elected president. The gover ■would not apply to shelled corn or to strorn and Carmen, 'both 'boys waded hard. 'He worked slowly but always nor’s conference was «declared by the the thrashed seeds of the other right In for blood and from the first carried the fight. Ritchey attempt local press to have deep political sig plants. It. could tie seen that the fighters ed to land his knockout punch but nificance inasmuch as elaborate would not bo content with a derision. was up against too much experience. plane were made by the executive* Mra. W. iH. Jordan left last night Cedarstrom managed to laipl a few In the third round Demellia floored i for holding elections, each governor for Carson, Wash., where she will but a blow from Carmen floored him his man for a few counts and later Rio de Janeiro. Mar. 12.—'Devel J to exercise complete control over the spend several weeks visiting rela- Ixindon. i.Mar. 12.—'‘America’s in near the end of the first round. He ¡>ut him into the corner for the full opment of the iron and steel indus ' voting in his state. tivos and friends. dustrial troubles are only begin never fully recovered from the effect count. Referee ’Ernie (Fry gave the try in Brazil was 'brought a step One significant part of their pro ning.” said fW. T. Griffiths, of the of that punch and was groggv when decision to Demellia in the first nearer realization this week when gram was the elimination of the James F. Hunt arrived hero the Iron and steel trades confederation, he got to his feet. lie mamaged to round because of a foul (by Ritchey — 1» . (hn «v»x«l /imv* x the *• w «rviiniclr«' m i lliklli rxf v of x ivoVu '« x* xk MUM V xz * m *11 it XX r* «« i * _ I federal army from politics. -ministry ways and comtnuni- This latter part of the week from Port .who has just returned from n trip to cover up and last till the end of the but the Camp Grant fighter wished 'cations approved among Its estimates ' was in accord 'with a recent order land for a visit of a month or more America, to a news agency inter round. Both men rushed in at the to go on with the fight. It is hoped for the current year a provision ex front the war department, made at with his father, T. M. Hunt, of the viewer, tai* of the gong and Carmen took the that .Demellia may ‘be seen here empting from taxation and granting the direction of President Carranza, local forestry office. ‘‘I have been most impressed with fight to his man. Cedarstrom put again. certain rights and concessions to a to the effect that army men must the dire lack of machinery In Amer up a ¡^anio defense and had one of The fly weight match lietween Rud ‘syndicate headed by Percival Far- not meddle in ¡»olitics. ica for i tiling industrial disputes, his haymakers landed, he would Smith and Freddie Dodge proved a quaihar. of New York. Generals Obregon and Gonzales especially in the iron and steel have had more of a chance to re source of amusement. By the terms of. the contract with are conducting vigorous campaigns The lads trade," he went on. “In that respe- t cover. About the middle of tile have met before and .are beginning to ■the government, the syndicate under- each being aided Iby an official news wo ¡ire years ahead of America." round, Carmen «truck out with Ills desire a decision as every fight has ; takes to develop mines, build fur- paper. Ignacio Ponillas is an avow Mr. Griffiths added thnt he found right and hit Ci-darstrom on the chin, been a draw. LA shower of silver net J naces for steel-making, factories for ed candidate although as yet he has general chaos In every industry. 'lifting him clear of the floor. Ce- ted them a neat sum for the evening. i the manufacture of metal sheeting, ' not forsaken his ambassadorial du- Fear of (American competition, he dnrstroin then took' the count and A good crowd was present, to wit ■and construct two lines of railways ties in Washington. continued, was more fictitious than was rushed to his corn« r. Carmen ness the bouts apd p number of from porta in the State of Espirito If the present administration fa- VVashington, Mar. 1". The so.'ond rail, and he was thoroughly convinc broke his thumb when ho landed iris ladies were in evidence. (A large Shnto to connect with the VI"torla- vors one of the three announced can request of the state department to ed thnt England had a wonderful op first hard blow. The result ofj’i's number of Roseburg and Medford Minas railway which now reached in didates—Obregon, Gonzales or Bo •permit American oil companies • to portunity for re overIng Its former fight ciine ns a surprise to the local fight fans inn de the Journey to see to the \ast Iron ore fields of the nillas- It has kept the fact carefully use airplanes between Tampico and »jnlttnn in the foreign markets. and Ilosob'irg fans who would h ive the scrap. The .Legion about broke States of (Minas Geraes. concealed. Obregon and President th« tr plants to transport the payroll "In one thing America excels," offered odds on Cedarstrom, how even on the evening as a result of a The contract specifically declares Carranza appeal* to have broken af money was refused by. the Moxlcun4 VIr. 'Griffiths concluded. "The out "ver. (lie fans are loud In tlioir praise voluntary collection, stiggeried by I that the concession Is granted wlth- ter a friendship of year's standing government ...I.U.*. olana I.. »uloKlKi. let oT their steel mills would lie al of Carmen's fighting ability. I •■"«•Is t'lri?k "of Jacksonville. The | out subvention. without guarantee of and El Monitor Republloano. the O1>- the service most incredible lo the average ‘Brit- The RocriiAVebb fight was a good I (Vie for th? next smoker has not I Interest and without new charges regon organ, is vehement in its at« ish Iron and steel worker." and operated pianos. lean exhibition. Many thoniht yet bet*n set. <f. I for the national treasury. tacks upon the president MEM MUI