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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1920)
HAK KD K , M \ It« H 1:1. nrjti. G HA NT* PA.M4 DAILY < Gl Kil lt We Want to Help • LOCAL I PER52WL « This Iniiik desire* to be of personal aaslstance to you. We have usalsted other*. Will you give ua th« chance? We cannot aid you unie*« we know what you wunt. Come In und let'« talk It over. Aak our satisfied « u*- tomere and they will tell thut we have helped them. The thing that give* thia bank the right to live, to grow, to proaper, la the service It muderà the community. Don't besltute. Come right In and tel) ua how we can serve you. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HOITHKRN OREGON Plain Tumblers l>Mc | ht dozen Kiln Blown Tumblers, SI. 11* per do*. Star l'ut and Grape Pattern Tumbler», .«2 per dozen. bHE Ol It WIMktW Rogue River Hardware Co. I X MISTA h ÌHLK ' Alimony Order Filed— There huH been filed in the office of the county clerk an order Issued from (he circuit court in Multnomah county granting temisirary alimony to Mrs Mary Walker recently divorc ed front Marvin A. Walker. Tile temporary alimony gruntisl through ihe order was |2."> per month, with attorney’s fee* of |5<t. lloy Bu»li < t|H-ri<tcd On— Hoy S. Bush, former Granta Paa* resident conducting an elei trical bUHlneaa here, was operated on early In the week in a Portland hospital. Portion* of the bone <»f seven verte brae was removed owing to tubercu lar condition Before the operation *us performed it was though that Bone grafting would lie necessary, but It I h now lielicved Mr Bush will recover without n second operation Xo ninllrr uliHt iiiak«* of ir<<>r<l !» Iwin« pliiytxl 5ou ran l«*ll I lie 1*1 HIT IX it** drpill mid ri< hnrsH of lour mid » Iramrss of r\pi<‘n- *ioii. I iiHkr nil other 111114*111 lies In roiiMrurfIon mid lour, the I’ur- llmi Mmid«t hi ii « hi*"» npiirt. STANTON ROWELL Music and Plinto House 507 G Street T. -1. Beagle Dead— Mrs. T. .1. Beagle left for \shland thin morning to attend the funeral of her husband, who died there of the Influenza yesterday, at the home of hl» brother. James Beagle. Th« diM-easeil was .">3 years of age. and Is I survived by his wife, a brother. Jas. Beagle, of Ashland, a daughter. Mrs Grace Clothier, of Wenat hee, a son, Walter Beagle of this place, and two small children. Open House Big Success— I ruit Coming Out I ai t — Hundreds of customers and visi tors availed themnelve* of the City Market’s invitation to call and in spect their newly equipped refriger ating plant. Young girls showed the visitors through the plant and all were served with sandwiches, pick les and punch. The City Market , now has one of the best equipped I meat markets in the state. Douglas Wood is In tlie city today from Ills lower river fruit ranch. He states that lie Im.« an excellent pros- )ie l for both pears and tipples lhl*| season, though as a whole he thinks th« apple crop throughout the valley may be smaller than hist year Pears give promise of an equally lull crop The pears are now nearing the bios-1 Homing stage, with apples Just com Communities to Meet— County Agriculturist Miller has mencing to swell, the season being advanced Just about ns It was last announced that the organization meetings of the Farm Bureaus at year. Hugo and Winona will be held at the1 Grange hall on March 15 at 2 o'clock. : I.u.lsirers Are Arriving— A crew of about a dozen laborers Tlie Merlin meeting twill Ive held on | arrived last night from the Sacra-i the 17th at the Baptist church. inento valley to lie on hand ready to lake up work with the mule teams The Eliver of IJfe— That's what a Murphy dance is. that, will arrive tomorrow for the Shattuck-Edinger company, the con | Come, take a tiig dose Saturday, 19 tractors who are constructing the March 20. Grants Pass irrigation project. Oth er laborers will arrive in a day or Goes to Alin«’— I. F. Peck, local mining man. left two, those already here being team-| stars. The work of excavating fori today by auto for his mine on the | the ditches will commence in the vi-l Chetco river. Mr. Peck has had a cinity of Allen creek, where thei crew of men on the property during right-of-way is cleared and ready for the winter and is making the trip to see how the work Is progressing. the team work. The mine I h a gold and copper pro duce 14 PRESERVE YOI It EGGS WITH SILICATE OF SODA (Water Glass) Eggs are cheaper now than they have 'been for many a day. And right now is the time to lav In a stock of them. Sili cate of Soda covers them like glass and Is therefor t a sure preservative. Full and simple directions with each package. CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books TA « PAGE FIVE •T'*’”■ Easter Babbits at Horning's. 31 J. D. Hayes, who has been visiting ROMPERS AND CREEPERS Miss Elsie Powers, who I* leaching here with hl* brother, D. O. Hayes, al Three Pines, I h spending the week returned last night to Portland. W 4SH HATH .AND STKIW HATH end at her home in this city. Hot Point Irons al Cramer Bro*. You will find Dr. Ingram’* office Mia* Jean William* returned to over the Golden Huie Store. 34 her home at Iceland this morning Successor to Mrs. IM I*. Daily returned to Med after visiting here for a day with Mrs. E. Ilrfakopf ford this looming after visiting here Mis* l^eona Duncan. for a short time. Mazda lamp* at Cramer Bro«. 19 Hemstitching and pecotlng, 10c P. K. Gordon and son, John 8. Gor and 12c per yard. Nellie Nea*. Oltf don, who have been in Portland on - - Colin McIntosh and /Robert Prin bu*in«M, stopped off here Wednes gle returned from a short trip to day for a short visit with the W. S. “Continued from last, night" Medford last night. Dover family. They left for their THE ENORMol 8 PI R4HASING POWER Hee G. P. Jester for life Insurance home in San Francisco. l’«nn Mutal I.If« tttf Garden tools at Cramer Bros. 19 Mrs. Charles Duffey left Friday Mr*. George Swinney and children evening for Seattle for a visit of sev left last night for Fall City, Oregon, eral weeks or a month where they will make their home. Easter Eggs at Horning's Shack. their wonderful organization of highly skilled Mr. Swinney has been there for the C. D. Flee, local manager of the tailors anil t heir M lentifU system of operation- ' past month as an employe of the 1/1 us prove to you tlie real advantages we have Standard Dll corriimny. spent th« day I Southern Pacific company. to offer—there are reason* here a-plenty. In Wolf Creek on business l-awn seed at Cramer Bros. 19 “Genuine Aspirin.” Sabin has ft. ear* local dsalar. GEO. S. CALHOUN James Noble, who with his wife G. M. Ixiomis returned last night from Medford anil left today for and daughter spent the past eight that city, driving his Atterbury months In Grants Pass, loft last night for his home in New York. He truck. Full stock of Japalac In all colors | will spend a few days in Cleveland at Cramer Bro*. 19 Mrs Noble and daughter will remain Gust 4'oorin, of Jerome Prairie, I in Grants Pass for several weeks. left for Marshfield last night for n lawn fertilizer at Cramer Bros. 1ft business trip covering several Paul C. Howard, of Iceland, was months. in Grants Pass Thursday and Friday Heavy three coat blue and white and also si>ent some time in 'Med- enameled ware at Cramer Bro*. 19 | ford arranging for the sale of wood Mrs. O. H. Lvsdahl returned to her ■ in car load lots (Mr. Howard expects lu»me at Eugene this morning after to have a half dozen men cutting visiting here for a week at the home wood this season. He is equipped Cash Clothiers of E. Grout. I with a power saw. HOME OF HAHT’Ht-HAFFNER AND MARX CLOTHES Pattons Bunproof paint for the In I For expert assistance in prepiira side and outside of your house at jtion of income tax return* see H. W. Cramer Bros. 19 i Clarke. 217 North Sixth street. Fee Mr*. L. C. Turner left last night for preparing Individual return for for Seattle where she will spend the ¡Income und«r $’.000 i9tf next few months visiting with her iltiughter. Mrs W H Carter. O-Cedar moist at Cramer Bros. 19 Oregon Alan M'aves— Jack Benefield, who was here for' Mie* Vivian Isham, a student at Willamette university, la spending a day in the interest of the girls’ the week end at the home of her par glee club whi h is soon to appear here, left this morning for Ashland. ents. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Isham. Eaater candies at Horning’s Shack. Mr. Beni field states that the recep («th and G Streets) Mrs. W. T. Davenport left this tion given the girls where they have morning for lavbanon where ahe will appeared has been very goojl and It's worth your time to look our stock over before yon buy. There visit her mother. She lias been vis says that he is sure they will lx> are sp< . ials in dinner sets in the window today. iting here with her sisters, Mr*. S. liked here. The club will appqar at Sec tbe aP-<a»t, nil-porcelain range we are selling at the price oth- B. Stringer and Airs. J. W. Stringer Medford and Ashland. t’rs , i . r th - old style stove. Onion sets at Cramer Bros. 19 ------- v Mrs. Byington left for Sutherlin Recruiters Return— Y’ours for Good Furniture this morning. After a short time The army recruiters who made a there she will go to Portland where trip over to Crescent City and Brook she will Join her husband. They will ings returned Inst night and left this make their home in Portland. «05 G ST. morning for Medford. Lieutenant Garden seeds at Cramer Bros. 19 D T Nelson. Sergeant Wm Beattie, it E Miller win arrive to anil Corporal Edwin Jennings were night from Corvallis, where she line on th« trip and report ver little -ac been visiting her mother, to join her cess. Demeilia, who appeared in th« Sister of las al People Dies— , at a hospital at Halsted, Kan., this husband. County Agri ulturist .Mil smoker th« other night and Sergeant- Word w s received here today morning. Mrs. Vhl was a sister of ler. major Dearing will remain in the that .Mrs. Ad iber ’ . Vhl passed away D. J. and J. K. Manuel. Poultry supplies at Cramer Bros. city on duty. mrs. Hellie Deas Overcoats, Suits Shoes, Furnishings FOR MEN-AT Peerless Clothing Co. 1 he Little Furniture Store With the Big Stock ^Just Around the Corner HOLMAN’S FURNITURE STORE Sw® KT v Tomorrow Monday-Tuesdny . |- FVW' JT n L Î%J M * Matinee Tomorrow at 2:45 <HARRy GARSON ► -PRESENTS- - ¿r'- MMk < THE SCREEN'S MOST VITAL PERSONALITY tCLARA KIMBALLYo\iNG -IN *• HEP FIRST BIG PRAMATIC FEATURE 1 ◄ .1. LAST TIM PS , 1HHCOTHY PHILLIPS IN "PAID IN \DV AN< E" 7*» ’.'.I EYES»" YOtlTbF FROMI THE PLAY OF THE SAME NAME BY MAX MARCIN LAVISHLY STAGED-MAGNIFICENTLY SC.ENEU GORGEOUSLY GOWNED AND WITH A REMARKABLE SUPPORTING CAST INCLUOI/NG MARTIN SILLS GARETH HUGHES EDMUND LOWE PAULINE STARKE VOlUrlAM COURTLEiGH VINCENT SERRANO AND OTHC7 • LAST TLMES TONIGHT DOROTHY PHILLIPS IN •'PAID IX ADVANCE" THE VlSUztLIZAT.f N ibi FASCINATING ORAMATiC CONTINUITY Of AVOUNG GIRLS CXPCRitNCCS ON THE lHetbPOLD 0.’ LH'C Seniors Hold “Spring Day"— The senior class of the high school sprang a surprise on the rest of the school yesterday when they all ap peared in spring finery, the boys wearing white trousers and t>he girls appearing in their spring dresses. \ program was given by them during the assembly period and afterwards | they met at the ' Shack“ and had a ' feed. EYES or YOUTH is T he most remarkable dramatic filpxlver published AND WAS MADEATACOSI EXCEEDING $250,000 This Production Was Shown At 50c Admission in All Other Cities Holt Man Was Herl»— E. V Holden, road man for the Holt tra tor company, spent a few days in the city in’the Interests of bis company. He inspected tlie coun ty tractor and reports that it is In very good condition. 11« says that tihero are a large number of the tractors in th« county on the various' Children’s Styles HAROltD , I,<O D COMEDY OUR PRICES Adults 35c Children 15c Including War Tax HAROLD LOYD COMEDY