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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1920)
• RANTS PAAR DAILY (AM RIMI PAGE FOLK Published Daily Except Sunday A. R. VOOR.HJES. Pub and Propr. I itered at postoffice. Grants Paas. Ore . M second class mall matter [ ADVERTISING RATES Ptoplav space, per inch ........... 30c j L«e*l-perBonal column, per line 10c Kaadera, per line.......... -......... -..... 5c I DALLY OOVRIDR By mall or carrier, per year...... >6.00 t By mail or carrier, per month.. .50 TEAS AND «X1FFEES An> the Rest AVE Ail 1RANTKE THEM KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY “that we are facing a situation that is little short of calamitous. If our children are to grow in knowledge and are Io be fltte<l to discharge their duties as cltlxens of tomorrow, they must have the best that Is pos sible tn the school room. Ihirlng school hours, the teacher take« the place of the ¡»urent and the future of th»» child Is therefore dependent up on the instructions there given." The press, the pulpit, cltgtm and other social and educational organ! nations ar»> ashed to aid in the ob servance. NATI IlDAY, 'Mil'll 13. Ill-’l». BARNES, The Jeweler Vincent Serrani», while Pattila« Stark«. recently appearing with Nor WEEKLY COVRI DR ► i Br mall, par year.............................11.00 I man Kerry In "Soldiers of Fortuno." l' playa the role of Hit»» Ashling, Gina's i Washington. «Mar. 13 In an effort HUMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS younger sister Sum Sotiiern, Ralph to reunite the républicain». Senntor The Associated Press is exclusively Isiwla and Milton Sills have th« other laidge introdueed an amendment to «■titled to the use for republication featured charifciera of the produc the aub-article ton at the suggestion <»f •f all news dispatches credited to it body of men that would retard or meeting and aid in outlining tion. and there are fully 20 or more ■r all otherwise credited in this Henator Horah. The change would program for the year's work, Your One of th»’ most IntercNling casts paper and also the local news pub- jeopardize the success of the project insert the words “including all con- secured this season surrounds Clara hits and small character parts tul»«« The welfare of the entire district is help Is needed. Mahed herein. trov ersies relating to territorial in Kimball Young in her big pro»lu< care of. "-Eyes of Youth" will be AU rights of republication of spe shown at the Oregon on Sunilay, tegrity or pol I tica I independence." tlon, “Eyaw of Youth." cial dispatches herein are also re encompassed within the development Monday anil Tuesday. »»»MIX». FX»R HOMESTKAKS of the lands, and irrigation is the served. Miss Young Is playing th« role of i only way in which the lands can be Courier for commercial printing. Gina .Ashling, which was created In The op»»ning of further tracts In SATl’RDAY, MARCH 13. ÍP2»». brought into development. It is the the forfeited O. ai C. land grunt to the New York production, one of I ho m»»»»t sensational aucceaaea of the ♦ ♦ ♦ people's problem, and the people are homestead settlement is attracting ♦ ¡solving it in a most commendable the attention of the land hungry of season, by Marjorie Rauibeuu. OREGON WEATHER ♦ ♦ One of the really big parts of th« the nation, and thousands will b<> ♦ manner. Weather for the Week ♦ play is that of Paolo Salvo, the Ital attracted to Oregon to InveMigated Pacific Coast States: Gener ♦ j ♦ ian impresario, who Inveigles Gina ♦ ally fair except in Washington ♦ THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE the lands Not all who come will into accompany Ing him to Europe settle on these tracts, hut many who ♦ and Oregon and extreme north ♦ for an operatic career. The distin lxinditn, Mar 13 One »»f tlm most The annual meeting of the Chain- ♦ western California where occa guished actor, William »'ourtlelgh, picture«que finiture« of tho «arieti do not find fortune in that direction Washington. Mar 13. The extent ♦ sional rains are probable; pos- 4-' ber of Commerce is announced for will become interested in other lands, was secured for this role, while Ga outflt of the la’iidon policctnuu, tha to which motor vehicles are sup ♦_slble snow over interior dis ♦ next Tuesday evening when officers reth Hughes ¡»lays the role of Ken- oldfashlon»‘>l oli duri» lanteni. la to and there will be a great stimulation planting the horse on farms Is prob ♦ tricts; nearly normal tempera ♦ for the coming twelve months will ueth .Ashling, the brother, und Ed glve place to the electrl»- flashllgtet. These visitors lematical. de|»artmen! of agricultural mund Ixxwe, a favorite of both the ♦ ture. ♦ i be elected. There was never r. ' u ( in land movement. The London ' bollii; " liaa b»-en *o ♦ from the east are not going to return experts »l«»clare. »»fter a recent »ur- stage and the screen In New York ■ u sto uhm ! w hen durkness fell to llgkt ♦ . when then «as : nater need tar .1. vey, which disclosed that at least Tonight and Sunday rain, ♦ ♦ and throughout tho country, is play bis lauti» and aitaci» II lo bis Poli at from the w««st once they have seen ♦ with moderate southerly gale 4 ¡active commercial organiza'lit in the advantages offered for home .'»0.000 farmers in the country own j ing th« part of Peter, the successful Ilio back sllghtly on thè righi aida. m»»tor trucks which they use on their I ♦ 'Grants Pass than right now, and the 4- along the coast. suitor The mysterious and partic In generate»! too mudi h»<ul. wm building here. farms. Passenger cars and trailers ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ¡Chamber of Commerce will find ularly colorful character of the Ilin cutnbersome and when a i«»ll<riua» The government is offering the I were excluded. In many cases the du Yogi that weave« Itself through «ngnged In <» acuffle wltli a criminal much to demand its attention and IRRIGATION A MIMMI’NIT Y ex-service men a preferential right 1 introduction of a truck on a farm In-1 the play, giving an air of the mys bis clothlng »un generouatv nprink- the energy of its officers and mem i dicates provision for increased haul I PROJECT teries of the Orient is created by led wlth keros»-ue. bers during the coming season The in making filings upon these lands, Ing rather than an actual reduction An irrigation district organized! present officers have given valiant and many of the boys throughout the in the number of horse« used. Horses under the laws of the state of Ore- I i service, and a great deal of time and nation are arranging to take ad on farms reached their maximum in I gon is a public institution in which vantage of the offer. From Wash- 1913. am! since then ha»»* been grad effort has been put forth for the there is no profit for individuals ex igtou city there come« to the local ually decreasing. Their number on public weal. January 1 this year was 21,199.000, cept such profit as comes from the commercial oriranization a letter that a decrease of 3 73.000 head from Jan The greatest need for the organi- shows to what extent this sentiment nary 1 last year. The horse market use of water from the completed zation is some plan whereby the bus- is crystallizing in parts of the east, is regarded as unsettli'd and the fu project. Its promoters are the land I iness men of the community can be The letter in question states that ture equally uncertain. The best de-1 owners. The benefit is to the com [ brought together in weekly meetings the writer is heading a party of from tuand during the last year has been I munity as a whole, and therefore as it is through these meetings that / in the south. 40 to 90 former service men who are every man who puts obstacles in the ia greater cooperation is established. coming to Oregon with the expecta- way of such a project is defeating Without them, the burden of the tion of filing upon O & C. home- the people, and is keeping his neigh- I work naturally falls upon the few. [steads. The following is quoted from bor out of benefits to which he is and usually that few is the officers the letter: entitled, The supplying of right-of- and directors and such others as can way for the canals and ditches of a "I am verv much interested In the I be dratted into the work. The week district irrigation project is a differ Oregon and California railway land ly luncheon was the best method of grant which is to bo opened for set ent mater than the procuring of inducing attendance at these meet tlement with a preference to ex-ser- right-of-way for a railroad or other I ings, and through them the bus- vice men on May 10, 1920. enterprise for which profit-making' iness men became better acquainted “I expect to have between forty for stockholders is the prime incen with one another, and community and ninety men in my party and will tive. The irrigation ditches must t enterprises were backed by a more reach your city some time prior to follow a definite course. Changes in r unanimous spirit and a more gener- I I I Sonili Sitili SI- the course are more difficult than oils cooperation. A further need for the last above mentioned date changes in the course of a railroad, the organization is tho employment will appreciate the forwarding such data as you have for free distri for water must follow its natural of a full-time and adequately ¡»aid flow. This sometimes makes the lo secretary and manager. There is bution relative to the country sur cation of ditches a matter over which too much detail in most of the work rounding Grants Pass and which you there is no choice, and the people are for business men who have their own would consider of Importance to us. occasionally disappointed be ause of affairs to look after, and this detail “In this connection I exj»ect to the manner in which their property should be left to one whose whole spend from ten days to two weeks EvaiigvIiM U . I . IhMiiinu is traversed. But the value from the I duty lies in the direction of com looking over .the land which will be coming of the water is so much munity upbuilding subject to homestead and will appre Who will conduct evangelistic through the greater than the possible damage Chamber of Commerce activities. ciate very much your recommenda services at Church of Christ Rugs and Yard Goods that can result from the course of tion of a reputable locator and have There should be an attendance at the ditches rhat the land »wners .ire, him communicate with me direct.” the annual meeting that will in lude with a single one or two exceptions, The boys who took up arms fori every citizen who has the welfare of offering no protest. The spirit of the I ’ ncle Sam are entitled to first claim the community at hpart. Whether people is excellent. There would be upon the lands to be opened, but It | you are now a member of the organ- instant condomnation for any man or should not be considered in any ization or not you should attend the Primary El«*<tion May 21, lt>2<» sense as balancing the obligation I due. It,should not stand in lieu of ARTHUR S. COUTANT other contemplated action by con "The Home of Good T’lirnitiiro” Republican Candidate for but should be additional gress, to, Nominee for such action, and the west will wel-1 COUNTY JUDGE who I come this class of homesteaders Josephine County will come and aid in the develop ment of our country, And for those F. L. COON < AH LO.ll> o| who do not find what they want in Republican Candidate for the homestead line, a welcome Nominee for - ■ awaits just the sanio. There are 5 Tx1 COUNTY CLERK _L— other lines of endeavor 1 open to them Present Deputy County Clerk KS and we want them for citizens. I Quality and Service IXMtGE Wt»l LI» <X»MFOKE REI *1’111.1» AX DIFFERES« ES NUMBER ON THE FARM The Battery Shop 401 N. 6th Hazelton & Disbrow, Proprietors Timmons & Higgins Kolorfast Matting Political Cards Paid advertisements D. 0. HAYES Republican (iaiiflidate for Nominee for HELMER’S Woven Wire Fencing ASSESSOR Present Deputy Assessor ECLUS POLLOCK Helena, Mont., Mar. 13. March , 1 5 to 21 has ¡been designated by ■ Governor Sant V. Stewart of Mon- 1 tana, in formal proclamation as teachers’ week. Th»; people are urg- e»l to consider the conditions which, it is declared, seriously tnena-e the future of the schools of the state. Salaries paid teachers are so low that it Is becoming more and more difficult to procure instructors and ‘ mahy of the rural schools of ( he state did not open last fall, for lack of teachers, the governor Oth- j er schools were hampered quate forces. "It 'becomes apparent,’ says <Jov- ernor Stewart In his pro' lamatlon, Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY JUDGE H. H. ALLYN Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Economy—Effi» icn» y—Service j. s. mcfadden Republican < 'aiuli'lalc lor Nominee for COUNTY COMMISSIONER Pr<—■■til ('»»mmlssioncr Grants Pass Hardware 9