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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1920)
The Battery Shop al or the tile <-l;l| t,> lard or putiMi * deluged l>iit liny nr«« » nr«« m 314 North 6th Street, across from the Court House, is the WILLARD SERVICE STATION. Service Batteries for all cars. OF LOCAL INTEREST I’hone 127 A. V. Hazelton, Prop. Successor to C. A. Li neh » Classified Advertising K1CAJ. »»TATE Hilt HAI.Il !. T. McKLNSTRY 603 G street, phono 13-R. General real estate buslnesa. The beat of all kinds of tolls for fruit, hay or general farming. 21tf Ft Mt KAUE Wood, dry ouk *1 a Her and fir >3.50, delivered Phone Dlcklnaon * Daws, Wildervilla. 62 FOR KMX Combined land leveler and ditcher Sr* Hain NeiiH 64 FOR SALE Ford touring car, mo- 1<-l 1916. Price «350. Just being •ELECTRIC WIKI NG and general electrical work, repairing, house overhauled at Adam's garage. wiring C. C. Harper, IOS South Owner W. !. Power«, West B Sixth street, phone 47 street. Phone 394-J. 66 S< o.t- People Wc know, and We Will Profit l>y H ruling About Tbetn This is u purely local event. be It took place in Grants Pass. I Not in »onw faraway place. You are asked to investigate it. Asked to believe a citizen's word; Novel V/ay to Gatch Fish. To confirm a citizen’s statement. The Edinburgh Kcotaiuan says the Any article that is endorsed ut Otlnt-se bnve u t.o.i I way of propugnt* homo Big flab. Tlie spawn Is cari. .1 !y col- Is more worthy of confidence Than one you know nothing about, h-cled from the surface of tile water, Endorsed by unknown people. utid when ii sufll'-ieiit quantity has | W. A. Trefren. 731 Highland Ave., l>e<-li obtiiliii-il they hike a hiiinbiT of I suffered for a helis’ egg*, tlie cviiileilts of which have 'Grants Pass, says: long time from my back anti kidneys been elireflllly emptied throng’ll II «limit and never found anything that aperture, limi refill the shells with would give no- much relief until I spumi. The holts uri- staled up ami began using Doan’s Kidney Pills. the eggs put limici- Hu- broody liens. They strengthened iny back and eas The liens ure nlfii-.<il to Incubate th- ed th*- d-tll ,tains that had Mettled egg* for a certain number of dn.vas across my kidneys." Three A ear* I mt er, Mr. Trefren • w bell the eggs nre agalli broken ntnl "I ata still a strong iiooxter . I heir ■■oittims put Imo water that Im» said for Doan’s Kidney Pills, for I don’t been previo' know of anything t er eq.: lame back and k!dn--y trouble. Th a'wa-s do ni“ -t wonderful lot good when I have to take them.” 60". at all dealers. Foster-Mil burn Co.. Mfgrs. Buffalo, Car Bargains < IIEVHOLET ................................................................... IIHC CHEVROLET ................................................. .................... no i FORD, GOOD SHAPE .......... ........... ....................... mi i I ord. NEW TIRES..................... ................................ .. i ti i «> OVERLAND WITH STARTER ...................... Ef’OVD 1IAXD CARS L. Hobart Company ANNOUNCEMENT! After December 10th, I will again tvke in general overhauling work for the winter, but will discontinue It after March 30th, 1920. If you wish to have me do your work bring it in early. Batteries, Generators and .Magnetoes overhauled and repaired I Handle the RACINE TIRE'S E. A. ADAMS, Auto Electrician I i> --n-«-«l Auto Electrician and Phone nn Battery' Repairman 505 South Sixth Street Nl ltt.MIV Ft Ml RENT Six room house. 3 lots, for »8. Phone 295-J. 6» DR. R. J. BESTIE, Veterinarian Resideuce 838 Washington boule »•»mu vard, phone 398-R. WANTEL» To contract for Pine and Fir Ioga f, o. b. cars Southern Pa cific track Big Pines Lumber , Compnny. Medford. Oregon. 41 if L O. CLEMENT. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eve ear nose and throat. Glasses fitted Office hours 9-12, 2-6, or on ap- pointment. Phones, office 62; re«t- donee 359-J. 8. LOUGHRIDGE. M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night Phones, JOB WANTED by Al unto and ianl- residence, 369; office, 182 Sixth tlon morbini«*, 9 vear* experience. and H streets. Address Box 7 €, Washougal, Washington. 62 DR W. T TOMPKINS, Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldg WANTED A copper plate, five or Treats all diseases. Hours 9-1! «I* feet long. Must be in good a. tn.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R condition Aildruas J. A. Rusk, Granta Pass. Ore . Rd. 2, Box 73. E. J BILL1CK, M. D , Physician 6 2 and surgeon ; office Schallhorn block. phone 6 4-J; residence WANTED Men to cut cord wotd, 100 4 Lawnridge. phone 64-1 a 12.50 per cord. Write or inquire Granta Pass. of A. E. Miller, Wonder. Ore. 63 t LOST LOHT A suitcase between Holland and Grunts Pass. Finder please leave at Kerby P. O. for Pete 63 ('aid. DR XYAGE AMI TRANSFER rilE WORLD MOVES; so COOKER TAXI Phone 2 Ì2-H for Bunch Bros Transfer Co. Phone Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an -, 197-R 8«tf| swered anywhere, anytime G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer Geo. i PALACE TAXI--Phone 22 -J. Safes, pianos and furniture 25tf A. Hyde. moved, packi d. shipped and stor TAXI at Owl Billiard Parlors, 1 F2-J.I ed. Office pAone 124-Y Resi or 243-L for night calls. Day anti dence phone I 24-R. 561 f night service. « ATTORNEYS To KXCHANGK HOI HE and lot on North Sth street to exchange for truck or team, wagon and harness. Address .1. E. Moore. K<1. 2, box 64. •- i MWELLANEIH h * H. D NORTON, Attorney-at-law Practices in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. (5. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law. Grant« Paas Banking Co. Bldg Granta Pass. Oregon. E. L. GALBRAITH Insurance, an» Building and E 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac kind. Rentals. tices In all courts. First National Loan. Plate Glass Liability. 609% sur Bank Bldg. . G street. Phone 28. Most O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. OX ()- A (!ET YI dt>N E welding, experienced hand In town, Also Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. all kinds of lathe and auto work. Grants 1‘ase, Oregon. Phone 19, or call at 1236 M St. «5 C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma LADIES ATTENTION All hals nt sonic Temple, Granta Pass. Ore. one-half former prl e nt Mrs. Lil lian Citrrler’s, Corner Sixth and E| GEO H DURHAM, Attorney-at-law, reteree in bankruptcy. Masonic streets. Opposite Josephine Ho tel. S 1 I Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. Phone 135-J. IRON WORKS. gears, shafting Journals, stump puller «heaves JAMES T. CHINNOCK, lawyer, general foundry work. .1. W. Ga.v- First National Bank Bldg., Grants atty. Third and I streets. 65 : Paas. Oregon f ESTHAY NOTICE 'amo to the C. (). B'gelow ninth on or No vember 15th: I light' red. three ye.:r-o1<l steer, brand A two or 76 on right hii> and brand 40 on left hip. mark crop off of right ear. un der dope In left ear. Owner nn han- s-itne hv p-ving for advertis ing and fet'd. Newcomb ami Kra de). 66 FOfumofT DR. RALPH W STEARNS physician and strgeon, offices formerly oc cupied by Dr. Stricker. Masonic Temple. Phone, office 21-J, tlence,- 21-L. Hours: 10-12, TAXI The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Compal"’ TIME CARI» Effective Nov. 24. 1919. Traina will run .Mondays, Wednes- duy» and Fridays Leav e Grants Pass .... i P.M. Arrive Waters Creek....... „2 P..M. Leave Waters ('reek 2 30 P.M Arrive Grants Pnss ... 1 P..M. For information regarding rn»i2’it DANIEL McFARLAND, civil engi und passenger nites call at the offici' neer and surveyor. Residence of the company. Lundberg bnildin 7 1'1 Tenth street, phone 211-Y. or telephone 131. Good Flour Good Recipes Good Cooks are the three elements of good baking. You may rely upon Flour, the first element for fragrant bulging, spongy loaves of bread, light flaky biscuits, and cakes of velvety texture that make fame for good cooks. Every cupful of j L Flour is the same. Your good recipe is reliable because your flour is reliable. For uniformity (EETKIJnS Flour is "foremost in the field. Simply »ay OLYMPIC to vour nearest grocer when you order Hout ana ask him to serxf you the de luxe OLYMPIC Tested Recipe Cards each month and the pradical OLYMPIC Household Reminder. These helps to cooks are tree. «■150.00 «lOO.'H* BOI'GHT ANI» SOLI» DENTISTS FOR SALE or exchange tor stock or property 1 Ford touring cars and E C. MACY. D ,M D First-class 1 Overland bug. Inquire Roy Hig dentistry. 109% South Sixth gins. Rod Front Harn. 66 Street, Grants Paas. Oregon O» KKNT VETEIIIN AltY «175.00 «450.00 *850.00 A »<