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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1920)
G RAM'M BAHN DM LT tN«l KINK STiTEMI.NT of < x > xi « iito \ oi PËK52NÆL THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON 31. C. R. Fairman. of New Plymouth, Non Scliiiol Iloti*«*— \ now school building I* being .da . Is in the city today. Mr and Mrs. F. S. Bramwell are ere ted The Rand. In the \lmeda spending the day at Medford. district. Willard storage battery aerviuv station. 314 North Sixth Si I7ti 1 on < an't Iknigc G. W Winetrout went to Richard The Ford jitney servi« • ( two son Springs yesterda.x to spend two Fords). You can 'ford to call ÎÎ-J weeks. We go at your re- day or night, G F. Foster and Bert Kilkney, of quest, fast or slow Hyde. II ’ortiand. have been at the Grants I I. Sargeant. bass hotel for a couple of days. They I are here looking up land. Sunilay s, liool Risqwu Mr and Mrs. W. It Sherman ar I St. Luke's Sunday school i Eplaco- . ived last night ( xperting to remain | pall will reopen on Sunday. January a week, but Mr Sherman will be II. and It Is hoped that all children obliged to return to Marysville. A’Al . of the church attending other school» Mrs «Sherman while St. Luke» has been closed will tonight : on business will go > to Holland for a week. be present Mr. i and Mrs- E. E. Stannard rv- turned to Brownsville last night af- Chevrolet Agviu.v Ib'iimveil— ter spending three weeks with Mrs W. S Maxwell Al Co have moved Stannard's parents. Rev. and Mrs the Chevrolet and Nash agency to (Tine. Mr. Stannard will take up the corner of Sixth and II streets, op spy ial writing for the Albany Her* posite the Peerless, which they occupy until thiir new building Harrison Hunsaker, of Portland, ere ted See Maxwell for Chevrolet who formerly lived here until he en ears and trucks and Nash cars and listed' in the early part of 1917, was trucks. 65 visiting some of his many friends here yeeterdav He has been on duty Inspect* \tir»rr> Stock— at the army recruiting office in Port If. E Haefner, of the local forestry land since last March when voluntary office, is at the Page creek nursery enlistments were resumed. of' forest trees inspecting the stock now growing there This nursery I m Visits in Ashland— near Takilma, and Is in ch ante ef Miss Ella Myers of Grants Pa m H Rairger M M. Ta'wls. was an Ashland visitor yesterday ¡ MUs M lyers formerly lived in this You < an't \ Ford— ' r-!tv city. Ku but now is in the employ of the Two« To Dodge the Sooner Taxi telephone company in Grants Pass new Dodges at Ford price« Use Ashland Tidings. two Fords for those who prefer them. I t (i|Uta 1 Stock ........ S 50,O< »0.00 Surpl II* 25,<MMMH> dis. 6571.121.27 XN.IM2.iM) Other Bonds anil V\ arrant* Stock in Ecleral Reserve Rank Interest Collected, Not E.'irmxl IHv ideml* I ii|sii<l ( IrvuLitJon tiA.OPl- Iti 2,2*50.00 Bank. Building and Fixtures Other R««l Estate 10,710.00 Crt.*ti and Exchange N5,005.43 5,tM»l«.5l» 3.OOOIHI 12,500.00 Tit»!»XU.!Mi l»EI*tkS|TS ■J3.133.til« »N45.5NO.55 •NL5.5HU.55 of indi ulmii* nml firm tiring a helpful STOMACH TFiOUBLLS N ii-i 1TABLE, fault finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been permanently cured of stom ach troubles by Chamberlain’s Tablets after years of suffering. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally Try them. They only cost a quarter A VEW Tftnn A Phonograph of Wonderiui Beauty For the handsome home fur nished with thoughful care, there is a place set aside for the phonograph which is today as much of a necessity as the piano formerly was. Its grace ful lines, its clear, full, reso nant.* lovely tone will cause you to choose the THE INSTKl MENT OF QI AL1TY Sonora CLEAR AS A HELL plays all disc re ords per fectly without extra attach ments and it was the first phonograph to do so. STANTON ROWELL Music and Photo House 507 G Street Portland Man Vi*it*— Phil Bates, one of Portland’s dis tinguished citizens, was a visitor in Grants Pass last night. He had List come down from Salem where the committees of the house and senate of the state legislature were in ses sion trying to bring order out of the chaos that had resulted in fish and game matters through re ent de-(1- opments. He stated that the ses sion was a stormy one. and that the Rogue river question had Its ««snal place in the lline-llght. Garments for Cool Weather 11)11« LI ABILITIES Loans and count- 1 S. Rond» LOCAL SEE G. P JESTER for life Ins ur- SOtf ance—Penn Mutual Life WANTED TO RENT Modern house, furnished or unfurnished, in or near town, Address No. 31 care 62tf of Courier. FOR SAI.E i.aree lot and small house near high school for >20«) cash, or >250, >25 down and >5 per month. Airs. A. F. DeSautel. Gaston, Ore. 67 WANTED Position as housekeeper or work of any kind by thorou.:h- ly competent woman. Phone 612- 77 F-4. FOR 9ALE—Four 6-weeks old pigs, been weaned 2 weeks. «Address Box lb, Route 1, on Merlin road. 1 t la-ave Sunday for Salem— Representative and Mrs Sldler will leave Sunday morning for Salem, »here Mr.* Sidler will take uji his duties as a law maker a! the special session of the state legislature, which convenes Monday morning. “Nig” has gone to Altneda. where he will be a guest of the Macintosh h< iou«e- hold during the absence of the > rest of the family in the capitol city O«tr phone service Is as good as our ‘ T.ixl Service. When yon think of a Taxi look on the Inside of the front ! «•over of the phone directory. Sooner' Tax! for serv’ -e Phone 262-R. nev Luke Itakrr to Plead Monday Geo. Baker, against whom three indictments were returned by the grand Jury Tuesday, was arraigned this morning, and was given till i Monday morning at 9 o'clock to en ter his plea. The court appointed sheriff l.evvi* Sourche*»— Sheriff Geo. !>ewis returned laut Attorney E. S. VanDyke to represent There are night from Waldo, where he went to the interests of Baker execute a March warrant that had two indictments against Baker for been issued at the request of R P. larceny and one for the destruction George. The premises of a neigh of a mining and Irrigation dam bor of George's were searched in an effort to find trace of a dumber of Hao Two New Ikxlgcs— The Sooner Taxi Service, hogs that had disappeared about While the sheriff as their many patron* have been so Christmas time, states that about 300 pounds of pork pleased with the Dodge car rocen th was found that had been salted down ( added, that another has been pur about the time the Georg" hogs were chased. and will make their service missing, there was no definite evi the largest and best equipped one in «2 dence that would identify It as part the city. of the George swim Succr»««r to 'Ir- * lÛRIÎlTURÎ > ECONOMY « To Trade With Us w«< Rive you the beat service unii value« t>ut you getting whet you want and no more, In trading When you buy furniture It Is economy to see It placed as von will use It so that you can make your «( lection for utility and »er vice. We offer you that adv antigo. and we will take uny pain* to Insure that your every purchase made hero Is un appropriate, e o- nomical one. * WE TURN A HOUSE INTO A HOME w Rues. liNOlfUMs, R ahms . W au P aaia . fe^.'NG M temuti <s Hoosirafi H olmans F urniture S tore OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND P hons 605 G STREET, G rants PASS, O^ uon TAILORED CLOTHES a 15 «nd l<-** to N«I5 and iiiot'r GEO. S. CALHOUN Over Fifttwu Years lax-al Agent Overcoats» Suits Shoes; Furnishings BORN Peerless Clothing Co Cash Clothiers G. B. BERRY Harness and Saddlery Auto Tcp and ( anvas Work W. S. BUTLER OREGON With Grants Pass Hardware Co. Here From Roseburg To 111 < > w EXTRAORDI THE AMERICAN BEAUTY Judge It W. Marsters, of Ibcte- Inirg, Is in the city, and afier trans acting business In this city and. tiib- serblng some of the climate, he will go on to Klamath Falls before ro- turing to Ills home on the roipqua. Kathrine MacDonald IN The Beauty MarKet” Ktlll.M'Ollll TO THE PLAY— Fashionable society is to man a relaxation, to woman a profession, in which success means jMisition marriage, her heart’s desire. To Its glitter ing circle men bring wealth; women beauty; for the great exchange. All. tin- lieartadies and the hidden tears that sear the soul la-hind the smil ing face in fashion’s cold exchange, The Beauty Market. BRAY Pit TOORAPH NO HAISE IN PRICES BRIGGS COMEDY “SECRET SOCIETY" in Port laud was a visitor at the local ir-.iy re rultlng option Sunday. Col. Steven* I* a Went Point claasmato of Gon« ral Pershing's and Is In charge of the »eni-rnl’s parade and entertainment iu Portland the 1 Sth Inst. I'oiiml at Grunts Pans—a. except old roosters. Mrs. K. H. Jensen, who formerly resided in Portland, and who has been In Roseburg for the past two monlhs, left Iasi night for Grant* To Testify in I < <lcial Court Puss, where she expects to locate.— Mr. and 'Mrs. A. F. Van Deventer Roseburg Review. ire In the dty from Crescent City, Mr. VanDi ienter lining on hl* way to Portland where he Is called aa a wit Bank Deposits Increasing— ness In the federal court to give tes The statement of the First Nation timony In the prosecution of SI Mc al Bank published today on the call Kee, charged with fire trespass upon of th« comptroller of the currency as federal lands, Mr. Vnnl»ei/>ntnr of December 31, 1919, shows the states that there was 15 Inches of highest, mark yet reached in deposits, new snow on the Oregon mountain being 1750,000. Total resources of the bunk l>elng nearly |85O,OOO. At divide as they crossed, and that while I lie present rate of progress Grants It made a most beautiful view, It was I To was Pass may expert this to be a million not so good for traveling dollar Institution In the next few formerly In the employ of the Hobbs- Wall company nt Crescent City, but months. now contemplates faking up bls resi dence In Grants Pass on I i I h return Pershing's Classmate Here Hunday— from iporllnnd. Mrs. VanDevonlcr Colonel G. W. Stevens, who is In will remain here during bls nJtsencq «harre of the army recruiting office In the north. To Reside Why Always Blame the Woman 50 have a great deal to do with one's welfare. tiu<<ws«ful men wear them They coat no more in th* end Have your next suit tailored by Rogue Bridge Coinpldol— Highway Engineer Visit*— G. S. C:i*e left yesterday for hl" COLLINS- -To Mr and Mrs. Fred. K. E. Hod-r man. divisional «agi -tation in charge of the Gasquet dis Collins. Wednesday, January 7, a neer for tila stale highway depart - trict of the forest reserve, taking son. ment, catiie over from Medford yes with him over Oregon mountain the terday. and joined Jules E. Hanique, quartette of mule* and horses that of the California state highway de has been in use in the construction start i work at the Rogue river bridge partment. who came here Butler’s superb assortment of route low Callee. the location survoy for the Mr. Case arrived rare confections includes a va limi I''.rants Hass on the '«rd instant, to Cre ent City. Engin riety of special flavorings and la« is t'irning from hi.- annual vacation que will establish the par nut pastes, fruit and other com- to run the survey from t binations of surpassing deli- •*hl h had been spent in the north. ciousness. state line at the Elk creek He went to Almeda to get the koi Their luxurious contents are Crescent City. California has already •!rnm< nt unlnials .«nd return them to artistically displayed in a box appropriated >4 90.000 for the build Gasquet, whore they are used In of artistic beauty, richly em ing of its portion of this new hi.-h 'uaintainln ■ transimrtatlon into the bossed and forming one of the most acceptable sift« ever de way. forest depths The work on the signed. bridge over Rogue river ha» now Belgian Congo, which until i»een completed, and the struct uro is ly has been dejtending on In a most excellent condition for Merlin. Oregon countries for its rife, Is now travel 1>y foot pasM-ngers. saddle Prices ipon Application ing tens of thousands of tons. horses and pack trains. ■■ —— F o n î jr h t 11 <• ». I..■ f I