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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1920)
I!nlver»ity of or“ " IT’S THE CLIMATE tante VOL. X., No. 1*1 • • • • WE’RE TELLING THE WORLD ♦ • • • • Library (X)ME AND ENJOY IT” Oailn Courier GRANTH FAHR, JDHEI’HIXE < OUNTY, OREGON, WHOLE Xl'MBMR IMli*. THI ICHDAY» JAM AKY H, IMO. it N«»w Line liu«ugura(<-«l lt<-lH<-«-n the Two (Ilice Today, loo Pounds In First Cargo I 4'hica.go, Jan. 8. Aerial mall ser MANY IMI*OKTANT CANM ARE vice between t'lil« ago and Omaha was ON THE DOCKET FOR HEAR. I nuu an rut cd today when Pilot Waler ING AT HENNION J. Smith left Grant Park carrying ion pounds of mull and a pa> kage of meat will« *1 Is to be served at the banquet for General Pershing at 'Imiiha tonight. Indian l.HMl.all Cott« li pleada Guilty to Falsifying in His Questlonalre —Get* 30 Days in Jail Spokane, Jan. 8.—•William H R COMMITTEE FIXEM (Ix>ne Star) Dietz, former coach of INFANT CITY FOR (ONA ENTION the Washington State college foot NEXT JUNE ball team pleaded guilty in United States district court here today to a charge of falsifying his draft ques tionnaire. He was sentenced to 30 days in the county Jail and begins his senten«e today, it was s'ated NATIONAL R. TURNER, >U*X‘FJV'ER OF LAND OFFICB, SURPRISES AUDI TORN Remarks Were Keceived in Nilence at Transitori IU-d*> Gross 14 von I m Into 27 Votes Here < «st Before Selection .More Alfalfa Is Shipped— a ItenwMTati«- Conferete Held of Convention City Was Finally Soviet ItUMsin I m Believed to He The l^eonard estate is making fur l»eei<le<I in Rose City the Plan ther shipments of alfalfa hay to the t Willamette valley. The price for this I hay at the present time is $28 per Tbe Jury term of the circuit court Washington, Jan. 8. The Soviet Washington, Jan. 8.- -San Franck-* ton free on board the cars here. Al Portland, Jan. i.—'Addressing a wilt open next Monday morning with ark (Buford, with its cargo of radical co was selected today by the demo falfa is not grown successfully democratic conference here today, Washington, Jan. 8. American aliens, is about to enter Kiel canal, cratic national committee, in session enough in the Willamette to supply JI. R. Turner, receiver of the Rose ••taral important civil cases coming the Shipping according to official dispathes re- here, as the place for the party's the needs for that f-»ed there, and burg land office, assailed the repub up for hearing. Eight cases, six of •.hipa furnished by tli«*m civil cares and two criminal, Board will I«« used to reimt riale I celved here today. While still re 1M0 national convention. After 27 the needs of the dairymen must be lican party for attempting to "Can Czecho-Hlaval., Polish and Ilouman- fusing to divulge the destination of votes had been cast, Kansas City and met from the south. The I «eonard onize” the late Theodore Roosevelt. are upon the «locket. The first case set for hearing Is Ian troops now in Siberia, it was an the ship, officials said a very good other cities withdrew and the vote company is also making shipments He charged that the ex-preaident that of Wilson vs. Donnelly, an ac nounced by the state department. guess might be ventured since pass for San Francisco was unanimous. at this time to Coos county, This had boasted in his memories of hav tion for money alleged due. The Th«* f‘n»t vessels, the President Grant age through the canal has become Monday, June 28, was fixed as the company has now sent out 11 car ing shot a Spanish captain in the loads of this hay, all of the first back during the battle of San Juan plaintiff Is represented by Attorney and the America, will leave New York known, it was believed the Buford convention date. quality. O H Brown. The defendant has no soon for Vladivostok, where they are would go to Riga and discharge her hill In Cuba. He also charged Roose due about February 10. attorney of record.* Washington, Jan. 8.—Resolutions velt before the European war with passengers for transportation aerosi! The case of Smith vs. Sherman Is indorsing the treaty of Versailles, having boasted of being of German Livonia into soviet Russia an action brought by Robert G. Smith and denouncing as unpatriotic the at parentage. •gainst W. B. Sherman, In which titude of senators who would defeat Turner’s speech was received as a Binlth is attempting to recover Judg It directly or by nullification through surprise, his remarks going unap ment for utt«irney fees to th«* amount ! reservations, were unanimously plauded. of 11447. which he alleges to be due adopted today by the democratic na hl tn front Sherman Smith represents tional committee In session here. PROCEEDINGS COMMENCE himself as attorney, and O S. Blan- IN HEARING OF “REDS” ‘‘Arrogant republican" leadership rhar«l Is looking after th«» Interests Mexico City, Jan. 8.—The estimat New York, Jan. 7.-—Hearings in San Francisco, Jan. 7.- The “spit of the senate was denounced as hav Berlin. Jan. 8. A union of the big ed casualties attending the earth the cases of over 500 alleged "RM«," of Mr. Sherman ball" has been barred from the Pa ing earned the "contempt of the Schults vs Veatch and Elder Is an bunkers and private bankers of Ber world" by throttling the treaty tor quake of last Saturday in the west held at Ellis Island on deportation action for damages claimed hv Mrs lin has drafted and forwarded to the cific Coast Baseball league, Charles 'seven months and, the senate was ern part of Vera Cruz still stand at proceedings were begun today. Mae Schults for lnjurli*s which she national assembly a m«»tnorial in Graham, manager of the San Fran-j called upon to "Quit playing politics 2,0<M), or more. eh»rg«'s she suffered through a fall which the financiers make a renew cisco club, announced today. • with the question of ratification.” ujutn th«» porch at th«» Elder store at ed' protest against the adoption of PEACE RATIFICATION Waldo She complains that the porch th«* nat|onnl emergency levy propos- SEEMS CERTAIN ON IOTH broke down with her. Injuring her I'•<! by Mathias Erzberger, minister of about th«* head and the body. ami finance. Paris. Jan. 8.—Exchange of ratl- The «Itankers say the levy will de- also Internally She asks for Judg I flcations of the peace treaty with ment In the amount of 110,000, and ! prive the nation of capital needed to I Germany will take place January 10, alao for $183.30 for loss of time, carry on production, seriously im it now seems certain. The supreme physician's fees, et '.Mrs. Schultz pair the individual credits needed to Buenos Aires. Jan. 8.—'Represen council today fixed this date for the was mull carrier between Waldo and conduct legitimate enterprises and tatives of a group of American in ceremony. Takilma at th«* time of the accident Ithn* there is danger that Germany's surance companies dealing chiefly in Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Rowell state The grand Jury «ompleted Its work Mrs. Veatch, owner of the building, enemies may seize th«* proceeds »of ; yesterday, and after making its final that they owe some one a bill, and fire and marine underwriting have is mad«* a co-«lefendant with Geo W 11he levy. Just completed the opening of an I report to the Judge of the circuit j that if the proper party will present Elder, lit«» owner of th«* store In the agency here. It will offer Argentina I court, was discharged. \ new grand himself the bill will be gladly llqtii- action (’ M. Idleman of Portland. the first opportunity to insure with white ! Jury will be selected from the list of dated. The Rowells had a an«l F. 1* Farrell of Medford, repre I [American concerns, Heretofore the ' petit Jurors recently drawn, and Wyandotte hen that got the gout or aent Mrs. Schult*. uu«l the defpnd i business of insurance has been chief- ¡which will report for the Jury term some other ailment from its high ants are represent«*«! bv It D Nor ly in the hands of British and French of th«* court to open M««nday morn living while maintained at the Row ton of Grants Pass, and II. J. Klr.nn companies. The group is known as ing. The final report of the grand ell establishment, and though every of Cottage Grove. the American Foreign Isurance as ¡Jury reads as follows: effort was made to save its life, it The case of Boswell vs the Grand "We, your grand Jury, duly em was about ready to “croak” when Washington, Jan. 8.—Thirty-five sociation and is said to include 20 Prize Hydraulic Mines. Is an action paneled and sworn as such at the some party broke in and carried it million tree seeds, making the most of the foremost concerns in the Unit to recover on .» bond H. ’> Norton; , Berlin. Jan. 8. Ten million marks September, 1’919, term of this court, away, thus saving Stanton the unique New Year’s gift one nation ed States. Is attorney for the plaintiff, and A. ! worth of charity gift pa kages, con now meeting in adjourned session, trouble and expense of taking it to eveh made another, are on the way E. Reames for th«* defendant. taining food and clothing, reached , beg to submit the following report: the chicken cemetery. Reasonable c> Europe, the American Forestry l*avls vs. Faitvre Is the title to the , 1 Germany from the United States, "We have diligently Inquired into funeral expenses for one Wyandotte A.tsoclatlon announced today. They «luring the three imonths ending No i .ill cases wh«*rein persons have been hen will be* paid upon proper certifi are intended for reforesting the bat-| (Continued on page 2.) vember 15. | charged with crime, whether brought cation of the bill. There is a foot tie areas of -France and Belgium and Among the contents was 100.000 to our attention by acts of commit print of the midnight marauder In the deplete«! forests and woodlands I pounds of flour, an equal amount ting magistrates or by those volun the mud back of the Rowell hen of • Great Britain. The seeds were of bacon and IJiOO.oOo cans of milk. tarily accusing others of the commis house, an«i if the party who made it I purchased by funds raised by mem The shipments nre usually con sion of crime, as well as all cases will show tip and identify himself bers 1 of the association. They in Portland. Ore. Jan. 8.—Questions signed to President Ebert, in order presented to us by our prosecuting by exhibiting the foot that made the clude Douglas Fir. Western Larch. affecting Irrigation legislation in to prevent their deliveries being de officer. track, the expense for burial of the White Fir, Engelman Spruce, Red Oregon were to be discussed at the layed by tlie official customs control "We have returned into court, as hen will be paid him even If he has Oak. Sugar Maple, White Ash and meeting of the Oregon Irrigation Tlte consignments received up jo true bills, four indictments, and one, already eaten the hen. Tideland Spruce. More seeds are to congress, to be held at the rooms of New A ork, Jan. 8. I* or the pur- date |lnye been allotted to industrial not true bill, besides we have inves be sent when funds are available. the Portland Chamber of Commerce pose of creating nation-wide interest sections where the need Is greatest tigated other matters but did not today. The meeting originally was in the development of the American slllh lls sn0B|a. the Ruhr dis- find sufficient evidence to Indict. scheduh'd to be held December 29, merchant marine, a series of demon « trict, Saxony and Thueringta. The "We have examined the county 30 and 31. last year, but the date strations showing marine resources ltovnrnn)(>nt |M simplifying th«* Inipor jail, and recommend that the saint | was placed ahead in order to hold of th«* country, will begin here April tation of the parcels and large con be heated with steam from the h«*nt- 12 ami last one week. . it waK an' slgnments. by removing the customs ing plant in the courthouse. Marseilles. Jan. 8.—Twenty per the session at a date as close as pos nonneed today by the National Ma restrictions. sons lost their lives when the tug sible to that of the special session I “We have examined the county rine League. Ijepluvier sank with all on board, of the state legislature, which con home and find that in a fair condi According to P. H. W. Ross, pre«-! between Toulon and Marseilles, ac venes in Salem January 12. tion. We have, however, recom Many important topics to be dis blent of the league, the demonstra-l cording to advices received here to mended to the county court some cussed at the meeting of the Irriga Hons will consist of parades; din- | day. painting and calclmlning and some tors. which will last for three days, ners, at which prominent marint* au j John A. Harvey, resident of Grants minor repairs on the buildings. including today, will be taken up at thorlties will Is* speakers; expos! I "Having completed all the work Pass until three years ago, when he the special legislative session, it was tlons of sh ip models and exhibits of [ before this time We make this our went to the O<ld Fellows home In said. All of the members of the leg s*argo handling and shipping devices final report.” Portland, died at the home Saturday. islature have been invited to attend John Barton Payne, chairman of the I January 3. and was buried at Rock the sessions of the irrigators. Unite«! States Shipping Board; sec- Berlin, Jan. 8. A new telephone Among the siwakers invited to at Point January 6. He was born in rotary of «Commerce J. W. Alexander, line has Just been o pened from Ber- tend the congress are Secretary of and other men prominent In Ameri lln to Stockholm. The distance Is Petaluma. Cal . .May 12. 1 854, and the Interior Franklin K. I«ane, and ca’s «'ommerclal development will lie (¡25 miles of which SO miles are of was married March 24. 1880, to Ma Elwood Mead, chairman of the land In attendance. While centering in cable, said here to be one of the tilda Morris, to which union seien Pittsburg. Jan 8.—The employ settlement board of California, and New York, the demonstration longest telephon«* cables in the children were born: Mrs. Florence ment bureau of the University of an authority on irrigation matters. be nation-wide In scope, It world. Piennlng. I.os Angeles. Cal.: Airs. Pittsburg reports that about 1800 The program is in charge of O. C. added. The lowering of the electric Pierre. So. llak., Jan. 8. Presi Edith Cryst, Minnia. Ariz.; M rs. undergraduates of the institution l/elter. Portland, chairman: Fred N. The league, according to Its ofTi- pulse In passing through the cable dent Wilson was today challenged, Blanche Merriman. Porterville. Cal.: earn all or part of their expenses. Wallace, Tumalo: Frank Spinning, cere, now has more than 9,000 mem is In part overcome by special con under the Richards Primary law. to Mrs. Maude Breeding. Grants Pass : The bureau has placed 1021 women Echo: Harry W. Gard. Madras; Por bers Including not only prominent struction of that »art of the line and onte to South Dakota and debate «Mrs. Myrtle Miller. Mrs. Nora Ever- students In positions where they ter J. Neff. Medford; C. W. Eberlein. steamship men. hut executive h«*’tt by strengthening th«* telephone up- the Issues of the coming campaign ton and Frank Harvey, all of Port- work outside of school hours. More Klamath .Falls: W. W. Caviness, of ninny of the largest manufactur paratus. At both cable landing sta with James O. Monroe, of Chico o. land. than SOO of them worked in stores, Vale and J. N. "Williamson, Prine ing, banking and general business tions tile sounds ar«» raised to their who recently filed as an independent Mr Harvey was a member of the offces or other business houses dur- ville. Jay H. Upton, of Prineville, is firms In every state of the union. original strength. candidate at the March primary. Gold Hill I. O. O. F. lodge ing their Christmas vacation. president of the congress. < Itange of Venue Ask«sl in Oar Trial IlcwauM, of Altapcd Community Prejudice WERE MORE THAN 2000 AMERICAN FOREST TREE SEEDS SENT TO EUROPE