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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1920)
PAGE TWO GRANTS l'.fc.s DAILY IGl KIER A GRANTS PASS MIL! COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. VOOR.HIK8. Pub. and Propr Entered at poatotfi-e, Granta Paas Ora., aa second claaa mall matter. ’ ADVERTISING RATE'S Display apace, per Inch.................. -MOc Local-personal column, per ltne..l0c; Readers, per line.................... ........... Sc, YY EDXEADAY . -lYNiYHY end visiting at Ferndale. They did not get home until utter school hours Monday. Silas Ltidwl. k has ordered a drag saw from l'ortlulid and is expo, ting it to be on the train some time this * eek. Tropic Clusters Seedless and Seeded Raisins Zante Currants We Wi.h You All The Season’s Greetings BARNES, The Jeweler DALLY COURIER By mall or carrier. per year $6.00 By mail or carrier, per month .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year........................... $2.00 WEDNESDAY’, JANI ARY 7, HMM. 7. 1IMM. Nest door Flrat National Haute rapector Fancy Head Lettuce Now San Francisco, Cal., Jan. ?. After having enjoyed his liberty on parole since \ugnst, 1915, »\ bra ham Ruef, ♦♦♦♦♦♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Quality and Service former political Imss of this city, OREGON WEATHER ♦ who was convicted of briery, was ♦ freed of all i>arole prohibitions today Fair tonight aud Thursday, ♦ which marked the completion ot also continued colder with Elk creek divide. Mr. Hanique stated the sea to about three hours ot legal Roof's 14 years term. ♦ northerly winds. that the making of this locatiou sur speed by auto, and less should the » ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦-»♦♦ vey would probably occupy a couple speed fiend want to get there sooner Cosmetics in History. NEW COAST HIGHWAY' IS NEAR i ot months time, though from the While the mnuufucture of cosmetics California is now taking up her began In antiquity. It is curious to 'preliminary surveys the general . THREE PINES end of the agreement for the con- note how the custom lias appeared 1 route has already been determined Mr. and Mrs. Garner and sons disappeared, nnd renppeared through atruction of a new highway to moved to Three Pines Sunday aiter- out the ages. Probably the practice, I upon. nect Crescent City on the coast like many others, began In chance; The survey upon the Oregon side noon. Miss Helena 1x>Roy. the teacher at some primitive man fell Into blue clay, Grants Pass in the inland, was made during the fall, under the Talent, spent New Years and the and when he emerged fancied that the wonder road that has long been the direction of Engineer Hodgtnan. who week end with Mrs G. M. Crawford. streaking* enhanced hl* virile charm*. dream of those who were interested is now cooperating with Engineer Miss Nola Pollock of Winona spent Perhaps some primitive woman smear- in the development of this portion ot ed her clowks accidentally with rvd Hanique in tying the two surveys to New Years with Miss Iva Wright. clay, or the Juice of some red flower the west has passed the period of dis Mrs. Will Vanderbilt, -Mrs. G. M gether. Work on the California end rubbed off on It. and she was so Crawford, and Miss I,eRoy attended pleased with the effect that she pro cussion. and will now become a real will commence at the Elk creek di- grange at Hugo. ity. duced It purposely thereafter. Other ; vide, and will progress down Smith Miss Iva Wright spent the week women admired envied, and Imitated; Representing the California state ■ river till it joins with the present end with Mrs. Geo. McCollum. , of nnd thus n fashion was set. highway department, Engineer Jules , highway at Gasquet. Mr. Hanique Winona. Edmond Hanique arrived in the city i stated that the new route would be James Price and mother were In 1795 It took loo duys to send yesterday, and has since been in con spending New Year« and the week mail from London to Bombay. much shorter than the present one, sultation with representatives of the and that it would eliminate much ot Oregon highway department He has the grade. The pass would be 600 now gone to the state line, where he feet lower, he said, than the route will organize the work of making the as now taken by way of Monumental. location survey to connect up with As the Oregon mountain grade is ob- the survey made by Oregon, at the vlated on the Oregon side oi the highway, it is evident that the new How Much He Gives in Service Compared [to ;VVhat He Grants Pass-Crescent City highway Receives in Return. will be a very different road than I KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Every Grants Pass Druggist Is Grossly Underpaid • • the New Year Buy-a Maxwell MOST MILER PER GAI.MIX OX G YM MORT Mil I s PER IMILLAR ON TIREN We lune m few Ilt'JO Touring Cara in Htoek. < All lU1«l / er They sell them selves. We also have In stork a few used car* at bargains. THE 1W2I1 CHALMERS IS A WONDER them Call nnd ms ' foy,yourself. If you want a six cylinder car the ( luvlmrrs is just wliat you're looking for. Medium priced, no lim it to power, a brag for comfort and looks, it's lasting qualities un ravelled and last but not least it is economical to operate. ALSO REMEMBER WK CARRY' \ COMPLETE LINE OF TIRES AX’D UM'EBHORIKB and OPERATE A MYCIIINE SHOP WITH THE RENT <>l ME< IIAN ItH IN CHARGE *7 UT?. 7 AGi HUDSON FOR. NTS MAXWELL Mg® CHALMERS ANO ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY © Accassomrs aho rbpairing . PHONE 317 5H H STREET, GRANTS PASS, ORE the old one. This new route from Grants Pass to the coast, branching from the Pa cific highway here, will be one of the scenic routes of the west. It will also open up to industry a great territory that has been retarded in its development by inadequate trans- portation facilities. Both Oregon an<’ California propose to build as per- I feet a highway as present-day Idea can construct, and it will be the next | best thing to completion of the rail road. The building of the rallroa«’ would in no manner, affect the nee I for the highway. The coast rout A NEW WONDER White Mazda Lamps Ysk for a demonstration Be «lire to «ee Iheve lights Rogue River Hdw I No professional man in Grants U reasons he knows Is because he In Pass serves the community better or sists that the preparations he sells ■more conscientiously than the drug shall measure up to the highest gist. , standards. To recommend an article, He accommodates you with post age stamps at cost, maintains a gen ’ druggist must of course, know w hat eral information bureau and free it contains and how it Is made, and waiting room, his store Is a first aid this was one reason for the forma- hospital conducted without reward, . lion of a cooperative national asso he gets up in the middle of the night ciation of druggists and physician* who prepare a complete line of to answer your emergency calls. Night and dav he is consulted of-1 ; household remedies and toilet goods tener than any other, anti he gives This association is the American hi« professional services without fee. , Druggist Syndicate. This is the largest enterprise of His only reward, and it is a small one 1 at that, comes when you make a its kind in the world. More than purchase from his stock of merchan 28.000 druggists and physicians own and operate It and guarantee Its dise. products. They know that A DS. i from Grants Pass will be one of sce You accept his recommendation Milk and Magnesia Is the best In l»e nic beauty and of industrial import- just as you accept that of your law world, they guarantee that A.Drf. , ance second to no highway of lik- yer, your doctor or your banker, be- Xsplrn meets the highest standards cause you know that his word is good length to be found anywhere. 1 of quality, they stand back of V.D.S. and that he knows best. He can't Peredlxo Tooth Paste the tooth will run through farm lands, minin afford to make mistakes and he Paste which whitens like Peroxide districts with giant hydraulic plant doesn't, He knows that his wnole because it is Incomparably the in operation aud cop, r and chrom success in his chosen profession de best. Anti the same druggists in the mines developed and producing, for trends on accuracy on skill on same way are squarely behind the keeping faith with his customers ' ests of pine and fir, and finali entire family of A D S. products. Ho "takes his reputation a hon It means everything to you to have land of grea through that wonder or d time a day with a hundred dif such a guarantee behind the reme It wil ferent >»s»om> rs but his judgment redwoods in pel No • • co dies you buy a guarantee based on ¡’ass t< is founded on knowledge and exper reduce the time from Grants i the scientific knowledge anti exper ience -the knowledge and experience ience of thousands of experts. When of the men of his profession handed toil buy an 1.0 3. product from an down through the aces through A D S. druggist, you may do so In schools, colleges and text book- — the onfident belief that you have and the knowledge and experience secured the finest possible produ< t which come in the day's work anti In at the lowest possible price. association and conference with Ask any A D S Druggist for A.U.S. others in his profession. products the next time you need any The druggist of today doo -i't ous hold remedy or toilet article guess he knows. And one of the sold in a drug store. NOTICE ! We vv i .h to tliank all our customers and patrons for their patience and assistance rendered us in our endeav ors to restore light, heat and power service to them. The storm and tempt rature conditions were, of course, unprecedented, aud to an extent we were unpre pared for it. However, vv had repair material available and have employed all the extr v competent help that could lie had; and by steady and hard work, under any thing hut favorable cireun lances, have restored service to the majority of our customers in every town and city In onr territory. The next four or five days will see aU service restored although but temporary repairs will still exist in a number of places. Week* will go by before permanent repairs can l.e completed, and the costs will run Into the thousands of dollar«. Nevertheless, we wIP continue to push the work to completion with tlie -ame vigor we have used to dale and do every thing possible to make it a real service. Telephone us if we have seemed to overlook you In this restoration work. It wiB a«sl*t us nnd it will have onr best attention. Again thanking you. we are Y'oitrs very truly. Ca lif ornia-Oregon Power Co 023 G Street Phone 108 J Grants Pass, Oregon When You ’t Sleep for Coughing % OU CAN GET RID OF the annoying, distressing cough that results from constant effort to clear a "tickling” throat—or even Y the deep, heavy, wrenching cough that sc- companies a bad cold;—you can relieve tpan- modic croup, whooping cough, lu grippe and bronchial cough* by taking The Wardrobe Cleaners ’s Honey and Tar 315 N- Sixth Street Phone 147 COMPOUND Do not accept a substitute. The curative influence of pine tar and the balmy, laxative effect of honey are wi.l known that there arc many Imitulior oi the genuine Folcv’i Honey and Tar ('< n- poiind on the market, but imitations lack th*2 scientific blending and other healing ingredi ent! found exclusively in Foley’a. The First Dose Gave Relief C. E. Summers. Holdredge, Neh., write*: “Some tin e ago I contracted a very «ever« cough end < old duo Io e xposure. My cough got no bed I could hardly tier n for two or three nights. A friend d mine reconmen-' <1 Foley’s Honey end Tar Compound, and J got «60c bottle.. The very first doae relieved me. I took a second do»* before going to bed end can truthfully any I did not cough once all night. By unrig as directed the npjtl two dsye my cough was entirely gone, and I give Foley’*» Hone / and Tar full credit fur my edy snd ,-n rmanent recovery.” , Prompt steps should be tnken to check co ugh ing at night. It not only weakens the sufferer, but it is troublAome to olh> r mem ber» of the family. Los» of sleep and nervous »train quickly wear out the afflicted ore, riri.l he or she toon is in no condi'ion to ward off Cittacl.a of mere dangerous sickness. SOLD EVEIIY YY HERE I Cleaning Pressing Repairing » We cali and deliver Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles