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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1917)
IHIDH. MtH MIlKIC ilit.'llll7 DAILY HOOVE RIVEll COCKIER PAGE .Diisppi sum It's an honor to be a good nickel cigar. M. A. CUNST BRANCH MIHAk ClOAH 0 , INC. . "' f '' - ' odd A I I TAEILMA 1at Mt. mi 1 1 sir. Hoy riwrK riMUincu ; home from Crevcnt i 1 ty .Wednes day. ' Mr. and Sir. John Breeding iient Saturday and Sunday la Grant !'. SKILLED MEN WANTED! Immediate Active Service The War Department is rceruiting a lattallioii ..itf.thcTvsfUtietlhKnjriuvei-s. for forestry work in Franco. ". ' s Kolort A. Johiisifn, of Klainatli Kalis, lias tVcn appointed Major of Ibis, battallionr They want all kinds of sawmill men ami all kinds ofloggers, inoadaxe ineiCgood tc.aiusters. sta tionary engineers, firemen, blacksmiths, harness makers, in fart, every kind of skilled men who would . be handy around a sawmill or huffing operation. ', " Good nu n arc scarce at home but you owe it to your country to go, if jiossible. ' ' Report' to luutrestJiWuitiug ofiiee, or any Post Office, whore detailed information can be obtained and your iipplica.tion, received. ..'.-. Cadifonna-Oregoa Otld" lines and editions. your choice SEE OUR Books Demaray's staSie MASONIC TKMPLB, G HA NTS PASS Flour $2. Spot Cash J. PARDEE uo m a u 3 Ilnn.lmi Ilrlol w (a nulla nlfU (hU writing. Mm. Karl finger awl daughter l,.ma TiimiIvv ffstf etttAflti -" -i Inn the niiiiimiir In California ..Mr, Oo., Fife spent Friday urn) Rjiurdy In tlrsnts Pa. Mrs. Guy Urevlln npent a few Power Cczpwy AH prices- to close -out, for 25 i cents. WINDOW per Sack Free Delivery Phone 281 Books 60 !) In Takllm vlaltlng at tha homi of Mr. Chat. White. Mr. Illlderbrant and son, Will, of K'lliy were visiting at the home or Mr. and Mr. Hairy Menir Sim- div. Mr. Ehorn left Tuqday fur Wolf Cieek. where ha will atay for some j uiiir. Tho Ideal Fancy Work club m. t ... . ,, , . . , Ht tha home uf Mra. Roy ( lurk about two and one-half mile from Taklliim ... . . ,. . , . i ffar proven ii nii-riui a niiaii irnwr- Thiimday. All that were preneiit r- fu, ut'llt, m1 ,,,,, buil.l-r to the nm.iy ported a good time. IIhmhiiiimN who have t-cu rolurnnJ Ui g'xl liitalth tiy It ime. . j cii-ur ilio cimuil UiiiKii. tt rid of MlltltIKO linmglitly kin iriuitilx. ii thi r-miU- . ' . ,, abl roinwly rW your Nuly ol tlm lm- HTONK-IIOKN At tlif Nrwuian M. ,,rll ( thn .,-l. 1. 1 It li.iw and K. nronK, Wrdnday. Novum- trenidlK-n y.m. Hofu n cun-a thn l'ngr-l-r 2H. at :30 o'clm-k, !. T. i f,r .i,.r, g ( i Muli i lilwrvory Hloii" of Mfdfnrd and U na H. .1 alwolnu-Iy :. tU. in inuu hIioIm.I ,. . .. ,. . , in f ut ilanai'iroii li.iiilt - fnrm hnj urugn. All Horn of I'rwolt, U,. Molvlll T. :iriitt. IJuuld or, Wlr- offli'lHtlim. j i'imri.Axii.Oi.K.i.--Ipr(alhlyrsnr. Mr. and Mr. Htono will miiho nmiri'iid Ihx iur ricr.r' (.nlm u .M.ijn al their home at Medford. ltlHI'I.K-lI MMIM--At Oram I'a Tliiimdny, Novpiiilwr 29, Krnent H Itlddli- ulid IjiiirH II. i'nmmlll, i Hv. U Myron Hooit nfllrlatlnar. Th crcniony wa performed at 4 o'rloik it the (Iforgn K. IUddli. lininii on Orchard avenue, which ha' been the tirldv' home for the pant 14 vonra In Ilia hrMn'a nf Ahnr i,i i ii , ... . ... .,, Kiddle, father of the groom. Mr. and Mr, into liOKkdon, Mr, tj. I.. Ilranl.i I i-ammt h-hk UxifilKhlvof Dr. 1'lrrre'a Mlaaea lllanrhe and Helena Ulddle. . g'JJT, .V " l'm;" '"'" all of Riddle. Ore.. Mr. and Mra. J. j ,.,T,.,i,0iiK0.--Kor MlbiM and A. Wharlon of till city and the tiro. torpid liver ami to ruulai the UiweU, in, mi- r.miiv (i..f ih eerRinfinv 1 there I nothlnr tht ran Miial IoeUir Hl.ldle family. After me lewmoiiy,,, I'ksani. pellet.. 1 have ued a ThankaKlvIng wedding dinner wa . tltin over twenty year anl ilwaya enjoyed . The young couple left Inj''"'"'? J. "' W Uvun"aty., the evening for their future home at I, Riddle, where the Broom I v. prominent cltlieen. owner of tht,K"'Jd In amh work.- All the county water work, a garaae and a prune o do ii pay for the material orchard. , and labor. ' ' DIKD 8WANflOX-At the family borne on! v ....... ,ki. ..i ., .. ,K , r .lirri tin. f a i . ,, w...... Swanon, ased 49 year. . . u j . The funeral will he lie d Sunday afternoon at 2 chapel. o'clock at Hall' UNCLE SAM HELPING 0 San KranclMd, . Nov. 29. The I'nlted1 State Kovernroent I direct ing tho K'n.OOO.Oijrt worth of road work '.u'lim doua In California (his year 'to a la rue extent. The old sys tem whereby road are being built to NiUlxfy certain political clientele rather than tha people at larse are disappearing under tbe directing Kenlua of the I'nlted States office of public mads and ri'tal enulneerlng. Th- $20,(100.000 is dlxtinct . from the mate's recent bond issue of (15, 000.1100 for new road. At present the government is ad- Ivlnlng nil board of supervisors that Its road building services are at tbe service of the various counties without any cost whatsoever. Tle office of publla roads will send to any county requesting snch aid a corps ' of ?lvll engineers and all other necessary experts and. will pay their board, lodgings and all other expenses while they are en- $44-50 To 053 Stopovers Going Limit April You can stop at San Francisco, Del Monte, Monterey, Paso , Ro bles, Santa Barbara and many other delightful- outing j placed Four Trains Daily from Portland to San Francisco ( connecting with trains for these resorts. Ask.your agent for hoolilots John M. Scott, ficncral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES AT WAR WITH YCl'-SFl HELP NATURE TO DEFEAT THE f witfEASE IN YOUR BODY. Keep ii p tlm furliti du not give un. nauira I try iiitf hmno you in coimiimt- '". J th"t ""-V. .n Miud. vim, roiiruKc vitality, all iMim lacking'. .o wonaur you are orv ,0m "d JIrtirg.Mj. Why nut rail Ui your aid a trong, ) dotmiHiatjIn allyt Dr. I'Nree' Ooll-ii M.llil Discovery liu for warty lift liiH'cju-ry. 1 bad Hvit trouljln iwil Ulllt I JlKl 1 r'fi3 yellow ami bail In- -.-X dllteMluli, ton. Aimi liud K oiiian imiiliie. ami I wa weak and nervuii'. derided to trr Ir. Ili-rce' (nilileii M.-dliul IHruvery and hi 'I'uvorlut Hrecrlptlon.' I Uxik ix Imttli- of earn and wa a well woman. trouble with hi lung. Ilewa vwy weak. him 'IHwover' and ItrurAj him. My niiKband had Soii trief Epitaph. , The rollowlng are aiming the brief anu Clinoil epiiupn aeen ill r.nnien ,'ll Jtl Vt;''1uiift tha , . . , , ' , . 'ln i envied over a Ui'iiartl uoi tPiueer i . 1 Iii-r1uel with a RliiKle word, "(lone.' In SiiMHex the Initial and dute of the ' Ieath of the deceaiie are followed by ; two wonl, "He wax.'' On tbv bmiou nieiit of ("bar If the tinut of Uermany : the brief linKTlptiou U "rait'lo Mawno." The niuMt reiiihi kul.le la at Cane Hill i. cemetery, Heirani. wnere me inTi I tlou naya, -Left till called for." CHICHESTER S PILLS . THK ItlAMUVU ItltANb. A U14t Al.VMfMra.,1.1 arlaA. A.k Urn II l.t n k h.'TaT yauikk lit liri.irst AIrT KelM.'i SOtD BY DRLGGISTS EVIBYWHtRS The .California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TUOC CARD EffectWe June 1, 1117. Daily except Sunday. Train 1 It. Grants Paa . 1:00 p. m. Train 2 It. Wattra Crek 1:00 p. m. All train leave Grant Paaa from tbe corner of Q and ElghUt streata, opposite the Southern Pacific depot - For all Information regarding freight and paasesger service call at the office of the company, ininnc Service building, or phone 131 for same. Los Angeles And Back and Returning 30, 1918 i jna" "a -rnr I Classified Advertising XK S ALE (). k C. GRANT 1ANDS Blue print Plata showing landa Id Josephine county, 1. 1.0. tAddresa A. E. Voorbie. UranU Paaa. tf KOH SALiU Two horaea. One geld ing, one mare $40. Each In good condition and weigh about 1175 lbs. A. N. Parsooa. 9tf FOH SAUK Spiuenberg and New ton apples. Price according to quality. R. K. Ross, phone (04-F-2. 05tf M)R RAL.K Oman. $)S. Ad ilre 09tf 2201 care of Courier. TOR SAJ.K ICO acre ranch, 14 mile south of firanta Pans on the Applegate. 20 acres cleared with 300 rod of woven aire fence. Call Mr. I. T. Desmond at Provolt. 21 IIOX FACTORY CUiSKD. 1 now have good winter wood. Send In your ordera. Le heavy wood to save your blocks.' A. N. Parson. '22 FOR SAIK I .ease or exchange. several finely bred registered ' Jer sey bulls, can spare a few fe males. Foundation stock. K. D. Sanford, Helman St., Aabland, Oregon. . it FOR SALE One . ranch team, weiKht, 1.200 lbs. each, good con dition. See E. H. Richard, Ma sonic Temple building. 22 FOR SALK Electrle washing ma chine, electrle Iron, two book cases, library table with banquet table top, two couches, rocking . chairs, aet chairs, desk, typewriter desk, library table, two small tables, and other things too num erous to mention. Dr. Kd. - By- water. 21 FOR SAL-f? Household furniture, ,, Including atand-table, .. book . case .. two rockers,, aide board,., chairs, heater, ranee, tables, cupboard. bicycle and other things too nu merous to mention. Call at 109 West D street. 21 DB.VLKRS In horses, mule, cattle wagons, hacks, buggies, harness and saddles. We hate a variety of all kinds at alt times. If you have anything to sell or exchange. or If yon want to buy, come and see ns. We will treat yon right. .AH our lfventoi'k is put out under guarantee. Red Front Feed and Sale Stable, Corner Sixth and K streets. Tlmmon A digging, Proprs. Phone S33-J. IStf TO RK.VT TREMONT ROOMS - Now under managment of Mrs. V. C. Arm' atrong; 28 clean rooms at 35c and 50c; special rates by week or month; also light housekeep ing room a. Would like yonr pat ronage. 40tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Also barn to be. used as garage. Mrs. F. A. Coe, 804 Washington Blvd. Phone 164-JT. 68tf FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and ronviently located. 411 C street. Ktf FOR RENT The Alex Watts placer mine on 'William creek, or would consider taking in partner on same. For particular addres B. S. Watts, llurphy, Ore. 22 TO EXCHANGE WHAT HAVE YOU to . trade for $2,500 equity in 369 acres, red soli land, about 100 acres cleared, gentle . slope. Price $22.50 per acre, balanre payments very' easy, ' six per cent. A, N. Parsons. 22 FOR-EX C H A NOE La rce residence . property ' close In" ' for- : Irrigated ranch. 1 Address Courier ) No. 2277. ' j9tf WANTED WANTED A. two or threet stamp mill, s's or eight hundred pound stamps. Must be cheap. State particulars. Address No. 2284 care of Courier. "' . 21 WANTED 15 men for quarry work. Also need a few men for contract work. , Beaver Portland Cement Co., Gold Hill, Ore, 25 CALL FOR BIDS . Staled pioposals will be received by the board of directors of the 1 Grants Pass Irrigation District at their office in the court house of Jo sephine county in Grants Pass, Ore-j gon, for the purchase of $15,000.00' par value of tends of the district! till 10 a. m.. December 24, 1917. ' For detailed information regard ing this Issue, address. Clerk of Board. "Grants Pass Irrigation Dis trict, Grants Pass, Oregon. 13tf PHYSldASS U O. CIEMENT. M. D. Practlee limited to diseases of the eye. ear, none and throat. Olasaee fitted. Office hours l it, t-5, or on ap pointment. Office phone, II; resi dence phone X59-J. , 8. UM'CHKIDGK, M. D.. Physician and surgeon. City or country rails attended day or tight Residence phone :'; office phone HI. Sixth and H. Tuff Building. DR. ED. RYWATER Specialist on disease of the eye, ear. nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office Hou-o 9 to 12 a. ni.. 2 to 5 p. m. Phonee Residence 260-L.; office 20-J; Masonic Temple, Grants Paa, Or. A. A. WITH AM, M. D., Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., eorner Sixth and I street. Phonee: Of fice, 111; residence, 2SS-J. Hoars, 9 a. m. to 4 p, m. DR. J. O. MBLET Pbysldan and surgeon! ' Lundburg Building. S ii neon I'tah-Idaho Sugar Co. Health Officer. OfTleer hours, 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to S p. m. Phone 310-J. litf DENTISTS . E. C. MACT, D. M. D. Plrat-daM dentistry. 10 1 South Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. .ITTOKYEYS H. D. Norton. Attorner-at-law. Practice In all 8tate and Federal - Courts. First National Bank Side COLVIO A WILXJAM8 Attoraey- at-Law OranU Peaa Banking Co. Bldg. Granta Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practle) In all courts. First National Bank Building. DURHAM A RICHARD, Attomeys-at-Law. Office' Masonic Temple. Grants Past Oregon. W. T. MILLER, Attorneyit-Uw County attorney for Joaepfeia County. Office: Schallbom Bldg. O. S. BLANCHARD.Attorney-at-Lav . Grants Paaa Banking Co. Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Paaa, Oregoa V. A. CLEMENTS Attorney-at-Law Practice In state and federal .courts.'. Booma J, and J. over Golden Rule Store., BRANCH A RD A BLANCHARD. At torneys, Albert block, phone Practice in all courts; land board . attorneya. " VFTKKJNARY .Sl'RGEO! Z DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veteriaarlaav Office In Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 113-J. Realdenee Phone 305-R. ' DKYAGB ASV TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER 00. All kinds of drayage and' transfer work carefully and promptly don. Phone 181-J. 8tand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F. G. ISHAM. drayage and traasfw. Safes, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phono Clark and Hoi man, No. 59. Resi dence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do . Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 397-R..,, ' , ., .. . .HVSICAx. INSTRUCTION J. 3. V ACHURRAY, teacher of Yoke culture and stngjng. Lessons given at home of pupil It requested. Ad dresa 716 Lee St 851U j , TAXIgEBVlCT ! ARE "YOU GOING or not going, that is the' question.! Call Jitney Luke at the Spa or phone 262-R. Always at your service for city or country calls. 90tf PHOTO STVDIO THE PICTURE MILL open daily 19 a. m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday sit tings call Mill 2S3-R or residence i 140-J. ..s 78tf AS8AYERS E. R. CROUCH Assayer. chemist metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Hall Building, Grants Pass. 29 PLUMBING FOR EXPERT .WORK In plumbing, heating, tin or sheet metal work, see W. R. Raimie. 512 II street. Phone 36. 1 ' ' ' ' 27 ABSTRACTS JOSEHINE COUNTY ABSTRACT company secured the contracts for making abstracts for the Williams creek, Josephine county and Illi nois valley farm loan as sociations. There was a reason. , Let ius make your abstracts. , 24 A classified ad will give results.