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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1917)
HAILT ROOri RIVER COCRIKS KKIHAV, KOVr-MIIKIl HO. IMT AGt TOO DAILY ME IER COURIER j Published Dally Except Saturday . A. R VOORBIX8, Pub. and Propr. BBNJ. a SHELDON. Mltor RMerod at the Poetomce, OruU Pace, , Or., aa second claae mall matter. 1 ADVERTISING RATES Display apaea, 9t lich lc Local orpersiaalcoluma. per lint ad era, per Una.. ... le DAILY COURIER y mall or carrier, per year... $1.00 By mall or carrier, per month.... .10 ' WEEKLY COURIER y mall, per yar $1.60 MEMBER , State Editorial Association. Creioa Dally Newpapr Pub. A 1. FRIDAY, XOVKMRKK itt, tttlT 1 Oats and Rye 5-Pound Sack Steel Cut Oats ; 9-Pound Sack Rye Flour . 50c 65c FRESH STOCK BOULLION CUBES KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QUALITY riRST 44 OREGON' WEATHER 4 . 4 Weather unsettled, probably 4 4 rain, southerly winds. 4 444444444 44 44 MAN POWER Germany must count on her boySj ,'and old men to maintain her armyj p to Its present quota. . While the allies are adding men to the flght- ' tag line rapidly, Germany'! army Is lot growing. ' The flower of her young manhood, aggregating about 5,750.000 men. were called to the colors In 1(14. : Since then ahe has called out about 1.000,000 more, mostly of the younger citizens. According to the j German government's own lists, then have been 1,158.000 killed. THANKSGIVING TURK IS A THING OF THE PAST Ami now you will want a good SUNDAY DINNER We are right here to hand you a choice roast of beef, lHrk, veal or muttou. Temple Martlet Phone 134 I.I,000 wounded and 710.000 Isalng. This Is a total of 4.791,-. 00. Since these figures were pub-, llshed there have been many more; casualties, probably bringing the to tal up to 6,000.000. Making allowance for the wound-, d that have returned to the front i and for the calling out of the rlasses of llandl920, a total of 700,000, xperU figure that Germany's pres-' ent man power Is about 6,800.000 1 of whom 5.500,000 are vailable for! service at the front The real prime manhood of Ger-; many's army has either been killed off or become wearied by the long ' drawn out war and the unfulfilled promises of an early and victorious peace. All men between the ages of 18 and 45 were called and there are few more upon whom the govern ment can make draft. The recent modification of the military rule so as to Include men up to 47 years of age has squeezed about 1 50,000 i more into service. While all these facts are known to ' the allies, no one who is well in-, formed of all the conditions, looks' for a break In the Teutonic fight-j lng machine for another year at the; earliest. The Russian fiasco ' and j the successful Invasion of Italy have j revived the morale of the German i Vople and, with the feefing that; has been instilled in them that they j are fighting a defensive war for the!. j, reservation of tbelr government and civilization, which has become; almost a religion with them, Prus- , Maoism can be counted upon to hold its wonderfully efficient ma chine in fighting- trim for at leant another year and possibly longer. : Her ability' to mass huge bodies of. trained troops on a single section -of one front for a tremendous effort' at that place, and then the advant age with the defensive In holding what is onre fairly In their posses-; sion, is enabling Germany to j,oc ip ( a front of successful military abil ity that means many months more of bitter war. It is not the parf of wisdom, as': Uiany newspapers of the country j have been doing, to predict an early fall of the German machine. The sooner It comes the better, but the harder and quicker that m fi eri tnes Is pounded Into ' lesnnexs. the sooner will real and lasting peace come. PROBLEM PLAY JELLS OF PITFALLS GALORE There are thins hui;enlng every day right before our very eye, and we don't even stop to give them nn consideration. If we were to do o, the system that has control of the workings of the underworld, would be In an entirely different channel, than they are at present. Picture to yourself a young girl arriving here In our city direct from a foreign country. Ignorant of the ways and them to the head of department, that Is affltluted with the leaders of the white slave traffic. Well such Is the story of that problem play "The Girl Without a Chance," which opens an engagement at the opera house one night, Tuesday, Decem ber 4. 21 Cards at the Courier office. Thursday G December U Opera House Rowland . Clifford . Gatts (Inc.)' Presents The Most Popular American Play Ever Written A THRILLING, PICTURESQUE AND ROMANTIC STORY OF KEN TUCKY LIFE v . "htm .... ffcf yuMrinii im iaisaiii kiaiix fur amy iiaai n aha.atai V T . 1 v f . ntaaiiauuiBLHraiMMuaiaaaaixnu.nw(njwwiniiiM.MM-.A - i ft "IN OLD KENTUCKY Written by C. T. Daiey ; The Strongest and Most Expensive Cast the Play Has Ever Had The Spirited and Exciting Horse Race The Famous Kentucky Thoroughbred, Queen Bess The Rollicking Fun of the Inimitable Pickaninnies COMPLETE NEW PRODUCTION 3 KENTUCKY THOROUGHBRED HORSES-3 THE FAMOUS PICKANINNY BRASS BAND BIG NEW STREET PARADE DAILY Prices 50c, 7 and $1 ' Seats at Horning's Company pays government tax worklnga of the underworld and who Is at once approached by one of the thousands of agents that are employ ed by our government, that are sup posed to direct girls to reliable In stitutions, but Instead of directing them as they 'should, they direct LESLIE SALT flavors tbfood cvcdIv rfs a. wonderful feidtocoolu Uge H mi there bought biaaiwlf a 2ml bund "Acrordion" the other day and lie In loarnlng to play the plcre railed "Maivhlng Thro' tiwirulu" on It. The Aooi dli m fnll to Miund at all on tl "III ItllAH" "HI KHAH'' riMf lnn, but imiIhUIc of lluit. It I lii.v tlii pint' nil riilit. Viih' If Mgr. hiul boiiKht on of our I'lmnournph hi eimld play the ralli-p pfcTr aud ppi j Nlj mll enjoy It. It (Itirin't ot jrnu a cent U 1h at oar I'liomiraphK. Then you will nit bo aorry after it U too lute. MAZOLA (or the httt rctulti ia deep fry-inf, taute vat, shortenin and salad drcsiinfa. L7 MAZOLA it the pure, delicious oil produced from American corn which enable the houie . , wife to terve the best of food and at the tame time save the court's butter, lard, suet, in accordance with the plan of Food Administrator Hoover. Mazola reaches cooking heat lone before it smokes, prevents fried foods from becoming greasy, makes them more digestible and is mtri ictntm'util than the old cooking mediums. Mazola does not transmit taite or odor from one food ti another can be uied over and over again. It comes in pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon tins for greatest economy buy in the large sizes. Atk your grocer for a copy of the free Mazola Book of Recipes or write ut direct. Your money refunded if Miioli. V con not give tmin utuiaction. Vg7 Corn Products Refining Co. 17 Battery Place, New York The Musk & Pboto House PLAY TELLS STORY G Melodrama of the early nineties, telling of feuds and love makings in the blue grass regions, of horse racing and vlllluniet, all uncommon ly well put together and still cap able of holding the Interest of those who are not too sonhictlrated, f.'ap Ifa!ly r. ted by n ;-ompar.y of ft'iinnitt uniform excellence, and adorned with the Antics of the numerous "Wanxdoodle" pickaninnies of maoy and varied ai'comntinhmcDt. 8u'ch a play Is "In Old Kentucky" which will be seen at the opera house December t. , 21 1 " - L m m 1 s'l 1 I 3 Stliat IttraoliSm Johnson, Lieber Company Ftrtlud, Ortfta 7W l wf (lx ) I V 4 Tines u 'TT I V lol at Others, jvl Get a Can Today ONE ADVEHTI8EMJENT WIL1 NOT MAKE . YOTJ A FORTTJITB, BUT, IT WILL SERVE A8 A 8 TONE IW THE FOUNDATION OF BUSINESS 8UCCE88 :: XKW TODtY ,- - - -,r t CLASSIFIED AD RATES. XJ aords. two Imumi, 25c; ail Issues, 50c: ont month, II. 5, when paid In advance. When not raid In advance, bf per line per Issue.) PrBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mrs. K. 8. Bush. 109 North Sixth, phone Ml-lt. tf FOR CRYSTAL Si'Ri.NGS 'water, de livered In S-gRllon bottle call C. R. Pifleld. Telephone 282-R. 23 Save Your Cash and Your Health CASCARARpUININE HWtBktwtl Cotta lt, svs S4 TMMa tm IS. AlAayDratatOTw , On .Oe. ember 1 the price of gravvd card allh plate will bv rreAurd e per 100. Order now pave money. Courier office. KintUplhe-Pe.-io Teur Sforaft Battery Maai dvt right kind of in fxctioa al ttfiiUr ialtrvsls hf who are npern. Bria your bitltry lo at for "'nit al Irart oik a amrth. Doa'l wtil wiiil trouble oVwIop, It will cost yoa aooSia to tad out your bol , airy' toadilioa ad will iav you auiy a repair hill. Start lh habit tudty. IIATTEHi slinr . . V. A. LYX5 II MI N. Hlxih Street Skid Chains WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES C. L. HOBART CO. Oldsmobile Light Six It! HfUlSKPOWKH WKK.IIT (M,Y 'J.ilOO ,IIN, I'liicE i,;n (.hants ivtss Ak .for 'dernonxlratlon- Kxperieiicei tlio ent of riding, kibooIIi' nefs irf motor, nnd freedom from vibration. 4' J. H. Denison OIilNmciblle and iNxIg'o Motor Cars en- In and IS 4 .9