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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1917)
' ''"I-, '"''in DAILY EDITION Vol till., So, ill. GRANT! f AM, JOSKPHIXC (OUMTT, OKEOON, WEINKHIA V. NOV. . 1017 WHOI.K ftl'MBKH icn: II f I I 1 A n 1X1 VLttffl I hi -RUSSIANS me masm .HI I II ! 1111 M I . P. ... II. . I TEUTONS T F MHUItU XoltWAV THIUilGII lKMAHH TO HI HMIT TO Ki ll. MtltlXK ATIMNTTKM mm growing lints llfrenl Milking llrinil hhthu tin Nror, I In I Hniiuix .nrr With ThrriU on Itrmnari Copenhagen, Nov. The four that German wig maka Rood her threat to U a baae In licniuark 1 DANES If Norway allow the alllea to obtain j Meager offlclul report of the pro a buM la her territory. I thought (rrti of the drive on Cuwbral ludl lo be behind t h conference of thejrt clearly that tleneral llyng's three Scandinavian klna at ChrlMl-1 forces ara aiming at a great enclrcl anla today. Inn movement. With a wide wedge The A.irlatd Pre lcrn from driven Into the Cnmbrnl front, the responsible onri'e thaf the con-1 nrltlrth commander apparently' 1 ferenre, wa arranged after n lntl ( working hi way 'behind the Herman matlon from' Germany that i b line on hi left flank. If tie suc growth of antl-Oerninn eentlinent In reed In penetrating deeply In that Norway, particularly after the sink- jdlrectlon, many officer here believe Inn of Jhe convoy In the North eaihe will force a retirement by the by German cruiser, la being follow- 'oerman on wide fornt. ed with concern by (lermny. , l'(on the receipt of thla Informa-j lion at Couenhageu, word wa hur-1 riislly arm to King tluntate of rtwe-l daa. ajid Itemaurk' inuM jm-uiuIrviiI citizen,' President Andersen of 'the Itnnlfh Kast Asiatic compuuy. who I. hiKb In the confldiine of Merlin, n umM hi 1 4111. Inn. illNiiut.-h.'d to Merlin to verlf, IHr report, and. If, Washington. Nov. M.-Kwelnry possible o chanse the (Senium at.!-!'" """" ln M ""' r"""" . . .of ar condition. Umii'd todiiy. t'uif ; . .Mr. Aniteraen conferred with Iir.,"10- - ..'n Kuehltnonn. ..crot..rv for Mr- "H I evident that the en y took ..Kn fflr. at Merlin, and he ion- offi-Balv In Italy, hoping there firmed Ihe report. a.ldlnK that In y to extrl,te hlm.elf from ;he m- . .. ... oraimlnirlv rilltirlllt liflHltlnll In which '(iii.iinciicc of in Italian aim mi-; lnn developineiil. the inllltnry and pan-German element were ami In In ihn .n,l,ll In Cernmnv ami eiertlnit t.M,.nc. u.aln.t which the forelun 1 office, with It more moderate vlev... found It most difficult to contend. THIRTY THOUSAND: week's mm london. Nov. JK. Mrltlsh casual tie ofttclally reported for the week ending today nggrexuted U0.3M. Notwithstanding the heavy fight ing during last wek in the Cam brul district the llrltlah casunltles are less than in the previous week, when they totalled 32,277. Two week back they were 26,657.' HI.VTY THIUCK MKN AUK HTll.l. MISHIXG , VashlnKton. Nov, 28.-r8lit.y-. three men are missing In three boat from the American ateamer iA.cteaon which was recently torpedoed, Twenty survivors have been landed. SEATTLE AFTER DOPE Camp 1wls, Nov. 28. Privates Prince and Cheotnm wero the first to he arrested for going to Seattle contrary to the orders of General Greene. One lmd Bpackuge of mor phine Inside hls'shlrt und the other had morphine in a wallet. It Is be lieved they nre connected with a "dope ring." They will he court -martluled. IVE WILL COIITiriUE Ar.iH.unml That Winter Will Hull 0NMtloiiM. Il)im Tryli'K l Hire Gmeral llrtlrvnirul Irfiintun, Nov. H 'A bloody bat (I In raging about Contain Notre (me. Th Ilrltlsh are reported to 'have forced their way through the village lull fresh Get man troop forced them back tu the oiilaklrtM gsln. Wellington. Nov. 28. Th Brlt lh drive on Carahral will be fol luwcd up relentlessly by similar of fenslve at other point along the western front. In the opinion of otlt cer familiar with what In In prop ped In France. Authoritative an- nou nipiurnt already ha been made abroad that thla winter would no halt in operation. BAKER SAYS TEUTONS 7 ARE --- III force find thomxehQ in tb west. The German hlsher cmimnnd were confident that, In ord.'r to V '"'' UHlon. .1..' I ll.l Portant. contlnl of H.UIh'i sn.l French troop would be detached from (he western front a lo render arty further allied offensive In this I theater Impossible. Thouiih the (French and nrHlsh have both dl (patched large contingent to Italy, thl ha In no way hampered the 'continued thrust, which must event jually result In the softening of his I line In the west. . Fi FOR UNITED STATES Washington, ') Nov..' 27. A super war council for United State wa formed today to unify and coordin ate the government branches In the prosecution of the war. ' ' The council is composed of the secretaries of war, navy, treasury, , ,nler,or BK,.t.tre, commerce and t , . d F o , AdnilnlHtralor Hoo ver, Fuel Administrator Garfield, Chulrman Hurley and the shipping board and Chairman Wlllard of the war Industries board. ni'.IU'K AKTIM.KItY FIGHT IX IMMKJItlOSS llerllu. Nov. 8. Artillery right itig of the greatest violence Is prtv greasing near Piisscliendaele, ptMiTi.AND sti:im:i:s ark. UI.TI ItMXG TO POSITIONS Portland. Nov. 28. Striding tele phone, operators nre being gradual' ly taken buck Into their former posi tions. ' ' , BRITISH m AGREEMENT IS APPARENTLY IDE Belsiteviki OScers Hare Entered Gemaa lizts Fcr Cca ferecce Witi f.!i!ilary Actualities Rejpedirj Tkree M::th Arcistice J'etrocnwt, Nov. UN.II U i.ltl.J wily niUMiiH'ml at lloUhetlM hnui- qiuirtnni lliat rereMaUllvra of Ku- Ikk kiylmko, lloUbwikl romnuiii der la i' hie, luive onward Ui ltu llw bhui l(lt and have entered luu aw K bit Jon with the (Imniui military MultioHtliK win have ttrt-Ured that (iernmny luw ufllcially cuaeented to Immediate aeRutlatlona for aa ar mlHtlrx oa all froaU. 1-ondon, Nov. 28. ToniaH ha been established between the llol hevlkt leader and German military autborltle and neKotlatlon for an armUtlce are in full awing behind the German line. Whatever the ultimate result may lie. It leem dear that the prenent Ruslan negotlatora represent only fraction of Kuia. General Krylenko hn been unuble to take over the command of more than a fraction of the armle. montly thoe on the northern front, rommiinlration be tween the north and aouth of RueMa It rut off and General Dukhnntn, de facto commander of all he ' other forre. ha refued to treat with the German. Washlngtnn, Nov. ?8. Official TO CRESCENT CITY STAGE A probable attempt to wreck the Crescent City automobile stage was fruslrnted on Tuesday by the' timely dlscovory of a lare hole which had been , blasted In the road at a dan georoiis curve not far from Patrick creek. William Wlmr. driver of the stage nw the hole In time to stop the machine and thereby pre vent a wreck, which would have probubly ended fatally. After fill ing the hole as best he. could he pro ceeded on his way to this city. The place wan well chosen for the purpose uf wrecking the stage, It be ing at a curve on the mountain side where. If the. atuge bad struck the hole it would have overturned ami plunged down , the mountain for many feet. Into the bottom of the ra vine. , , . The matter wa at once reported to the sheriff's; office in this city and the machinery of the law was set in motion to capture the guilty parties. CONTRACT LET ON Y Another'bud point on' the Pacific highway la to go. The stute high way commission yesterday awarded the contract for rebuilding the high way from Myrtle Creek to Dillard, In Douglas county, which includes the dangerous Roberts mountain voa.l, to Cttlvert & Wnllcer. Their hid of $I2i,7.'i was the lowest of seven bids for the Job. The other bids were: AmerirHii fcxplor- utlou & Const ruction company, $149,C.r.O; Cnituil ' Contracting company. JUS, 7115. 30; Jiimes T. Lo gan, 813l.ri-l9.fiu";' A. .1. Illldeburn. 13,97n; Warren Construction company, 8I5H.17S.RO: K. T. .Toliu- Ison, $134.301. BO. The stretch to be regarded is nine tulles long. confirmation of the new from Lon don that German ataff offlcer are In I'etrotrrad acting a tullltary advl er of the Inlue faction probably will follow promptly by action on the part of the United State and the alllea definitely to place the Hot- ibftvlkl reKltue In the 111 of Ger-j many' allle. Sdcb a development would be fol-j lowed by Immediate cancellation of ! all order for auppliea for Rula. both In the I'nlted State and Japan. With German openly advlulng lpnlne and hla government. It i a Riimed that effort will be made to carry Russia Into the poult Ion of an active ally of the central power. Thla might produce a most serious Hltuatlon ,by making available 1 to Germany the vast store of food, oil and cotton of Russia, and ven though the Teuton found It 1mpo aible to convert the dtsor'ganlxed country Into an active military ally. the million or more German. Aus trian and Tnrklxh prisoners held In Russia, would be freed for aervlce with the ffwntotrle 'altit. Petrograd. Nov. 28. The Ger man have set December i aa the date for the conference for negotla- tlon of an armistice. ' t ON ALBANIAN FRONT ' Rome, Nov. 2S. Austrian troops made another attack ou Italian lines ln Albania on Suuduy. in which they' scored an luitlaft success. th,e war office announced today. ' Regu lars caiuo to the assistance of the, Albanian bands tbat . have been driven back in the region southeast of Berut and the Austrian were forced to retreat with heavy casual ties. . J Couer d'Alene, Ida.. Nov. 28 The dead bodies of Michael Kelly, his wife Verna 'and their three ' little children were today found with their throats cut, in their home at Rose Lake. , , . ' ' A butcher knife and rasor were round covered with blood. The house had not been broken in to, according to the neighbors who made the discovery. Mrs. Kelly and the children were on beds and Kelly was on the sitting room floor. He was 21.' Washington, .Nov. 28. The pro test of dinners against the govern ment's commandeering of tiu reveal ed the fact that the navy depart ment has commandeered all the tin In New York warehouses. WIFE Inniniirn nnni E on ithly is run ernutna Are Mawtlnc Mmmf IHvt ion for Huprrme KIT.irt t Break Thnmht ItaJiaa limru Waihlngton, Nov. 28. Great ac tivity among the German division along the Italian eoaat i reported from Home. Thla la declared to forecast a still greater offenalve ln the northern aector with elaborate preparation for a mighty effort to break through. Rome, Nov. 28. The German continue to hurl freah troop ngalnat the defender of the Italian line. The fluctuatlona of the great bat tie have now developed to a stage where the restating power of the Italian army ha been demonatrated to be sufficient to retard, If not to prevent, any sudden ruth through the paae leading to the Venetian plain. This wa regarded a a ser ious menace six day ago. but a each, day ha hown the Italian line holding olid against repeated at tack and their defender ready even to take the aggressive against heavy odd, the feeling of gravity that then prevailed la changing to one of restored confidence and unwavering determination, coupled with a spirit of buoyancy which prevades all rank of the army and. civilian life. IN TOH CLASH Tomorrow' football game be tween the Grants Pass high and the Eugene high, promise to be one of the most exciting as well as hard fought local fans have ever bad an opportunity to see. Kngene has de feated all the teams In the Willam ette valley and Grants Pass has a clean record in her contests with the teams of this section of the state. So tbat the game tomorrow will deter mine the championship or western Oregon. The following telegram wa re ceived this morning: ' "The Eugene high school football team will leave Eugene Wednesday morning, arrive at Grants Pass 2:30 p. m. We are coming prepared to put up the game of our lives, and may the best team' win." FRED CHESS, manager. .BAWL MFUKEN. coach. is il Kitchener. Ont.. Nov. 28. Kitch ener -formerly Berlin stand by It howling of Premier Borden when ho tried to speak here Sunday night. A resolution presented ln the city council that an apology be tendered the premier 'was defeated by a vote of .7 to 5. .- - ALLIED CONFERENCE Paris, Nov. 28. Representatives of the allied powers, are in Paris for a conference upon which the future course of war activities probably de pends. The I'nlted States. Kngtand, France and Italy are represented. The future policy toward Russia will probably be one -of the import ant subjects of : consultation and possible determination. ' nu tutu univ COT CANADIAN PLOT OF REDS llffi) n MANY JAILED HOtWIMP IN WASHINGTON 09 HTSDKKD MKMHKKS 8I0OKET AMARtWNT . BfXIKTT PULXXED BLQQaY FK'ZI Krdml OnVera Relieved) Wktovprwad Effort to Kill and IXwIroy Art Moral la FVairtrated Seattle. Nov. 28. More arraata of northwestern Italian alleged to be long to an anarchistic society, I et- pected ooa. , No formal eharga baa been lodged against the mora than 70 already ar rested. Of the 105 that the potto wanted, all but IS were taken la Waihlngton. The other wera la and around Portland. - According to federal officer, the suspect, in cooperation with anar chistic societies throughout tha country and Europe, have been plot ting to ruin the morale of tha Ital ian armle and Injure the eauae -of the allle by the circulation of litera ture branding the war one waged for capitalistic profit ' They are believed to be member of the Clrcola 8tud Social!.- a aaeret anarchistic society, said to bar a membership of 200.000 la the Unit ed States. They are said to bar plotted the assassination of the king of Italy and bloody disturbances fa thts country as part of the world wide propaganda for Teutonic vic tory In the war. - WARNED : CHRiSTMASFir.ES Salem, Nov. 28. State Kir Mar shal Harvey Wells has sent out a warning to the merchants of ' . the state asking that they take particu lar pains, in the display of Christ mas ware, and in decorations, Christ mas trees, etc.. to avoid. fire haz ards. , . ; : . - . . . - "Statistics show us' . said . Mr. Wells, "that many fires , originate through defective wiring and plac ing of electric bulbs too close to pa per or other inflammable ' decora tions. Candles or open lights or any sort should never bet used near Christmas decorations, and trash and rubbish should never be allowed i to accumulated In the basement or la ! the rear of the .stores.. If you In I tend to make an electrical display, do not permit amateurs to tinker with your electrical wiring. While It may be a little more expensive, it j will pay to have an expert make your electrical changes." . TEIiK PHONE STRIKERS NOT TO IXK4K REKVK'K RATING San Francisco, Nov. 8 Telephone strikers will not lose their service standings because of the strike. It was today announced. CANADA: ONE DEAD St. Hyacinths, Quebec, Nov. 28. The Hotel Diett hospital has been destroyed by tire. All of the 1.000 inmates were removed to ' safety. Chief of Police Foisy lost his life In assisting others to escape.