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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1917)
P4oa rocm iMitv jt.i; itivr.ii txniuui KltlUtY. KOtKMIU.ll iM. llf and Shoes when you luy the "HI PUKSSS' you pot footworn- T1IEY are marie like a (JOODUK'll tiiv out of tonsil, tiro tivml rublnT that has greater iv sisfamr to wt'ar than anything that can other wise Ik' pi-odua'd. THEV cannot jh'oI, leak, or come apart localise they a all one solid piece, ami welded together under just such high pressure as is the (JOOD lilfllTJIiK. (iOODUIt'H IIIPUKSS Itoots and shoes out wear all others two to one. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY Eubber loots 1 PERSSNffl. s LOOJL i i TJ II ertmry butter S5e. SolimliU'a Lifter tht Mitneymonn? COMING KVCXTB De. 1, Saturday Children' story hoar t public library; Helena Knlps, atoryteller. Per. I, Saturday Red Cross and V. M. C. A. day at t-adtes Auxiliary meeting". Deo. 8. Saturday Red Cross rum mage sale. Calling tarda at the Courier. I. W. W. to Join Navy .rcnie Kerreua, tne . w. W. ar rested here recently for treasonable statements. Is of a very channable disposition and Is causing consider able trouble to the officials. lie promised faithfully to enlist In tbe army If It were possible and when taken to the recruiting office be de clared that It was the navy in which he wished to enter, and will be ac commodated la this matter. A TJie Thanksgiving Dinner was Fine But you will want something in the way of choice, tender meats for other days and you can 1h well sat isfied at the Gty Market Y. O STKKKT I'HOXK .12 Samuel Malhls, of Kogue Ktvr. transacted business In the vlty to day, v Attorney K. I). llrlHas. of Aithlund, was In the city today on letul bus iness. Mrs. II. 1.. Wilson and sou, lt, are spending the week end at ttlen dale. i Mrs. A, Orr, of .Medford, relumed home loilay after a brief jrlslt with friends In the city. Mrs. M. J. l-h left for Son Pranclst'o yesterday Jo visit her dsiiKhter. Mrs. Kuhlman. Mrs. Jsmea Cornell, who has been I visiting friends In the rlty for a few days, returned today to her home at Central Point. Miss Mary Younublood left today for Oakland. Cat., where she will en ter the Sablola hospital for training as a professional nurse. Beginning J o'clock Saturday morning, hanaar and rooked food sale by the Lutheran ladies aid. at the Panama, across from the llljou theater. ?l Creamery butter 8."c. J. Pardee. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Hoyt. or Klamath rails, who have been visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rngle of this rlty, returned to their home to day. Creamery butter 5r. Rochdale. Miss Marie Edwards, who Is em ployed in the office of the Southern Pacific company at Medford. spent Thanksgiving with her parents., re turning to Medford today. Creamery butter SSc. Josephine Grocery Co. , Htt Miss Violet and AUade Moonejr and Mrs. 8. H. Rockhflt. the former of Diinsmulr, and the latter of Rid dle, are spending the week rnd with the Stlnebaugh family. ' Creamery butter .Sr. Schallhorn. Mrs. H. 9. Prescott returned this morning from a three weeks' visit! Itev. I.. Myron llotmer on Sunday evening will deliver the last of tbe series of Sunday evening sermons, the sulije-t being. "After the Honey. moon Waler.lYwf Your Six llet a 25-cenl can of Drl-Koot from the Kogue Klver Hardware and It will waier-pmof your shoes all win ter If properly applied. SI l-inUe Aiixlllitry to Meet There will he a regular meeting of the ladles Auxiliary at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon In the Chamber of Commerce rooms. The Red Cross- Y. M. C. A. dsy has been postponed Court House 0 wiilug Josephine county's new ruurl house will be opened on Moniiav. IVcember 3 at S:SO p. m., Itev. I Myron llooser will deliver the oh-h I ii K address. J J Prof. Miller tows Thiimyh I'rof. Miller, with the city scliool. hmt year, was a northbound passen kit this morning. He Is In the medi cal department of the V. it. N. anil has been cruising the I'ucKIc wa ters, being now on rurlough. He will return south on the 1 3th and will be happy to meet students at the morning train. KrieuiK Knjojr Thanksgiving An enjoyable ronihlnullon Thanks giving dinner was held yesterday af ternoon at B o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. lieo. C. Sabln on ltwnrldge. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Sum linker and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Intel and family, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cornell and family. Your Wife's Husband Is a nice fellow, hut whose umbrella did he take down town this morning t It's ten chances to one you won't see it again, as he'll leave it in the grocery store or some other place. We've a complete line of I'M HIlKl.liAS ranging in price from $1 to $5 Suppose you suggest that he buy one of his own... GRANTS f&& OREGON ARMY OF STUDENTS NVally printed stationery Courier office. at the with her son, tiers Id. and other relatives at Salem. She was acrom- jpanled by hnr sister, Mrs. R. D. Coo per, who will reside nt Talent. Karle Voorhles arrived this morn ing from the V. of O. to spend the week end at home. He went to Port land Thanksgiving day to play with the university band at the I'. of O. 0. A. C. football game. ArreMesl on Felony Chartfe John C. Hewitt was arrested this morning by Sheriff lieo. lwls and i rpnty Sheriff l.Mer nt the I'. 8. recruiting offli-e on a warrant Issued at Albany, charging felony. He hud j Just enlisted in the army when the' officers happened In nnd recognized 1 him from a description sent by thei Albany officials. Hewitt Is a mar-j riod man, his wife is stopping wish j relatives here. It Is believed that the 1 charge, which Is not a serious one, will be dropped. i Job work at ft Courier. A classified ad brings results. Joy Theatre HIIOW nml MATI'ltltAY World Film Curioriitlmi PreMMitM HUlll MrlVrOHH la "COL CARTER OF CARTERSV1LLE" With l.lly I nliill nml linUicr. luc I.kSmII,. I'ol. t arter of uHen lllo Is n ery plcnxlng plctuir, which MioiiIiI iIcIIkIiI all Inters of liigli-rliont romeily ilruiiuis. I'iiIvcvikhI iiitvnt Km-iiIh . Catnlryiiii-n riile modem sen Iioim1 device f:r sorely. Ku ttire fltflilcrs tr norlil's fri doiii nre In lump for tinlnlng. 10c ami 2c llorkeley. Cat.. Nov. 30. v More than Jt.UOO students In all pnrts of the world are on the roster of the I'nlverslt.v of Citllrornlu.. hero, ac cording to announcement made here today. The latest official tally show, ed that I0,3rti students were In residence. , The war lime bss sin.e reduced these numbers sllghlty. i.'xtDU.n classes which number out 4.000 students and correspondence courses which number over 20,000 have nut beea affected considerably. A town mini isvsaloually ran he his ImisIiicm Hist be may He down ; beside It ami take s nsk Hut a fsrm . er. after hi regular work Has been at fended to, always baa a well to dig. Topeka Capital. COMING! , Eijou S5 SOTO ocas oguSfficu jgi;)3sg) gaagfew Dec. 7 and 8 Reserved Seats on Sale at Rose's Tues. Dec. 4 PRICES: 35c-50c?75.c Seats now selling at Horning V We pay the war tax. ROBERT SHERMAN Presents THE GREATEST WHITE SLAVE PLAY EVER WRITTEN THE M A Moral and Fearless Plea for the bettermen of Young Girls who are without Par ents and Home. A complete scenic .production. Comedy Tears Pathos ... Laughs wiTieu A. Gripping Story With Tense Situations Kvery mother, wife, daughter. Mister, Mvi-4-t heart should see li lt t4lb4 the truth and teurhr u lesson .A strong, vital play A grent -Mst. a mm Not a Moving Picture .-a- -:-'-,... .ew j -: j. ' t .i- . i S w , ( ii M aaissiapa, Mothers and tu Daughters -See This Great Play IT WAS WRITTEN P0E YOUR BENEFIT '