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About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
•X S M A L L IS Washington County News IF S c h e d u le Issued Euch Week o f Sto p s M apped Out T r ip to the Pacific. fo r Washington, Oct. 15.— According to Wh FOREST GROVE........... OREGON a Condensed Form lor Our Busy Readers. B or a I Bac ney 'T * Dot i lei Pi m Tl cei Ne Sta L ta) eve tch Sei 1 4ib Bil Co Jui Ch Pr Vi' Yt c Il ( l \ OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST S t r ik in g T e le g ra p h e r s R t f j s e to C o n sid e r S u r r e n d e r . Chicago, Oct. 14.— The national ex- eutive hoard of the Commercial Teleg raphers’ union last night suspended President Small, the • r h r to take effect immediately. The ni fcification adds that the executive board will hereafter direct the strike, and that it w ill be “ run by men with red blood.” PLENTY Of EVIDENCE Lane Has Proof Resales Were Paid by Sou'hern Pacific. the itinerary, the special service squad M A K E S B IG R E D U C T IO N . ron will proceed direct to Trinidad, F R U i T L A N D IN D E M A N D . tt^p of four days will be made at that port, when the squadron will sail for M a n y S a le s o f R c g u e R iv e r Valley Blue M o u n ta in R e s e rv e to H a v e 7 P e C e n t L e s s Sh e e p . Rio Janeiro, where it is due November O rch a rd s. Pendleton— As a result of the delib 2. A stop of seven days will be made Ashland— Things have been doing in — in New York, Oct. 14.— Followed by a at the Brazilian capital, after which the Rogue river valley orchard lands re- erations of the sheepmen’ s advisory hoard with A. F. Potter, head of the storm of denunciation and hisses, Sam squadron will proceed to Montevideo, ently as never before and numerous grazing department of the forestry bu uel J. Small, national president of the where it is due on the 13th proximo. -ales have been made in every portion reau, he lias agreed to reduce the num Commercial Telegraphers’ union, was In te rsta te C o m m is s io n W ill Call on A R e s u m e o f the L e s s Im portant but .Seven days will also be spent at that B o n a p a rt e to P r o s e c u t e — Offense of Ihe valley at prices that a few years ber of siieeji allowed the eastern d ivi practically driven out of Clinton hall at 'port. The next stopping place will i*‘ N o t L e s s In terestin g E v e n ts sion of the Blue mountain reserve to a mass meeting of striking operators C o n t in u e b to September. ago would have been counted fabulous, at I’ unta Arenas, near the entrance to o f the P a st W eek. the extent of 28,000. This means a yesterday afternoon. Mr. Small at the Magellan Htruits. There the ves but which in reality are demonstrated reduction of over 7 per cent in the tempted to explain Iris action in send sels will remain three days l>efore pro to be only fair values when the returns number allowed last summer. No fur ing out notices tc all locals Saturday Washington, Oct. 15. — Interstate Mula . attg has gained stength in ceeding through the straits to Callao, from them and the possibilities of the ther cut will be uecesrary after next night asking them to vote on the ques Peru, where they are scheduled to ar future are taken into consideration. spring, as the range w ill he sufficient Morocco and raided Mazagan. tion of surrender, but before ho could Commerce Commissioner Lane, wh«j rive December 7. One week will be went to California in response to re. 1 9 A Pennsylvania preacher advocates spent at that port, in order to permit Hundreds of thousands of dollars of to maintain the 18,000 head allowed finish shouts of “ resign,” “ get out,” I» outside capital are being poured into next summer. Mr. Potter announced and other exclamations even less com 1» ” tH irn'" "s’ents Of the commission j ' anging for assailants of women. of visits to Lima, the Peruvian capital. the orchard industry in the Rogue river there would he no stockmen’s meeting, declaring that the Southern P a c iM plimentary drowled his voice. e The anti-swearers’ league at New The last leg of the cruise will be from valley, in the purchase of bearing orch as last year, but that instead all should Railway company was givj,1(? reImt« I a York paraded and 14,000 members Callao to Magdalena bay, where the ards, as well as in tiie planting of new file applications for range with Henry New York, Oct. 14.— Following the und that proof could Ire obtained, 1« f vesels will engage in target practice orchards. Inquiries for larger or small Ireland, supervisor of the division. tamed out. fi visit to tide city of Labor Commission returned to Washington. He says Ikg ' er tracts of the highly prized real estate n er Neil, President Small, of tiie Com the result exceeded Iris expectations. I There seems no chance for Seattle or and maneuvers. This cruise marks the beginning of of this valley are coming in from many Mr. Lane believes that flagrantvioh. mercial Telegraphers’ union, Saturday Denver to capture the Republican na T r a ils f o r R e se rv e . s< the extensive movement of warships states. Those who thought prices of afternoon took decisive steps to close tion of tiie law can l,e proved, and in tional convention. La Grande— Forester Schmitz, of the from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, fc Orchard lands had reached the top notch Blue mountain reserve, announces that the telegraphers’ strike. He H i n t the the present understanding that as tta Emperor Francis Joseph’s condition which movement will include a fleet of a year or two ago are still wondering it is the Intention of the forestry de following telegram to all the leading as tiie facts collected are suhriiittVw si is somewhat improved and the doctors 16 battleships commanded by Rear Ad the full commission, certificates ol ii* were it is going to stop, and pjople who partment to open 20 miles of trails cities in the country: hope for li is rtccovery. miral Evans, and a large flotilla of tor sold too soon are sorry. ill» gal operations ol the railway will is “ New York, Oct. 12, 1007.— Prom across the Blue mountains during the made to the department of justice, with Popular subscriptions are being tak pedo boats. A ll the veesels w ill follow inent New Yorkers appealed to me to fall and winter months. A b a result of a request foi immediate prosecution ol en in Sweden to raise funds to build a practically the course adopted for the B IG C O O S S A W M I L L S T A R T E D C the work good wagon trails w ill be call the strike off. A ll efforts at nego special service squadron. those responsible. The law, as it nos challenger for the America’s cup. used by the inhabitants of that distriet tiations are exhausted, and the com stands, provides two years’ imprison Nelson Morris, the packing house C o d y Plant Will C u t 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 Fe et o f instead of the rough and in many in pany's officials say they w ill fight to a ment for each offense. w AW AIT T A F T ’ S ARRIVAL. man, left a fortune of $29,000,900. All stances Impassable trails now being finish. The treasury is depleted and L u m b e r Daily. Whether Mr. Harriman can lie in- ' no more funds are available. Requests but $75,000 is given to his family. o; used. Tiie trails will lead to La Grande Bandon The new Cody m ill eawed for relief from all sides are heavy and dieted will depend upon whether his ' F irst Philippine C o n g r e s s All Ready and other p ints in the Grand Ronde ir Vincent St. John and other Federa responsibility for tiie alleged violations th first log of last month which marks valley. The government is offering urgent. The general assembly cannot to C o n v e n e . tion men under arrest for murder at ai an epoch in the history of the sawmill $2.25 per day for laborers on this work. meet them. The strike havir g been of tiie law can Ire demonstrated. Mem Goldfield, Nev., have been released for Manila, Oct. 15.— Great interest is ' ordered without the president’s sanc bers of the interstate Commerce com- ■ Ol business on the Coquille river. This lack of evidence. shown in the first Philippine congress, tion, I recommend that locals vote on mission believe it can. They say he is B e et H a r v e s t Is O n . S( plant is the largest in operation in Coos the president of the Southern Paeitio The telegraph companies claim that which will meet this week, and the ar La Grande— The La Grande Amalga the proposition.” h: company, and either knew, or should men are now flocking to them in great rival of Secretary Taft, whocomee at an county. Tiie daily capacity, at present, mated Sugar company has started for have known, what his subordinates nuhibers asking for their old places. is 100,000 feet, and two re-saws and a the fall run and w ill bv in ojieration C A R S S T IL L S C A R C E . were doing. In the West, however, [nearly every opportune time in the inauguration of pony hand saw will be added, which si during the winter months. The field the Philippine home rule. Already According to Mr. Lane, investiga union voted to stay out. will give a capacity of 150,000 feet per superintendent has had a crew of over Ol L a n e S a y s the T r a ffic G r o w s F a s t e r tions, however, rebates were being paid Australia has adopted a protective tfie contending political factions are day. 100 Jajis at work near here pulling T h a n the S u p p ly . as late as September 24 of this year. showing great activity and at the caucus 01 The plant is equipped with labor beets during the jiast few weeks. tariff against Great Britain. recently held the first brush occurred saving machinery and appliances, Nearly 100 Indians from the Umatilla Washington, Oct. 14.— Interstate The army will ask an appropriation over a motion to have the assembly ANOTHER IN S U L T . among which are live rolls everywhere reservation near Pendleton are also ut Commerce Commissioner Lane returned Ol from congress (or war balloons. proceedings opened with prayer. This the lumber has to be handled. The today from a trip to tiie Pacific coast, work in the fields. The crop is large di Emperor Francis Joseph is growing was defeated by one vote on the broad mill and grounds cover 35 acres and and at least six weeks’ work is expect thoroguhly convinced that the business Drunken Man Falls Into Japaness ground that church and stute should be nave log booms accommodating 15,- worse, his lungs being inhumed. of the Northwest is going to suffer hy Laundry at Frisco. ed. kept distinct. 000,000 feet of timber. Already there reason of the general ear shortage He An Italian chemist will turn several San Francisco, Oct. 15.— As a result y< The caucus was attended by 38 dele are 6,000,000 feet of timber readv for found throughout that section that, al of an attack upon a Japanese laundry animals to stone to show scientific men gates. The position of the assembly E x it W e lls - F a r g o E x p r e s s . in the mill and the various logging camps though the railroads are increasing their last night, tiie proprietor and one ol hiB what he can do. Astoria— W . E. Carpenter, traveling on questions relating to the political belonging to the company along the equipment, some very extensively, bus employes are in the emergency hospi P1 auditor of the Wells-Fargo Express John Philip Sousa recently celebrated future of the Philippines is expected river are placing more timber in the W company, has been engaged during the iness is growing twice as rapidly, and tal, many whites are nursing bruises the fifteenth anniversay of the organi to he determined largely by the opin river daily. past week in closing up the company’s in consequence the railroads are bound caused .by tire clubs of the police and St( ions expressed by Secretary Taft in his sation of his band. affairs at the express offices along the to fall farther and farther behind. the exterior of the laundry is a wreck. address opening the session. This is ar He did not discuss the question in de Free import duty on hops has almost M e d fo r d ’s N e w R e c o rd , The trouble was occasioned by Joseph line of the Astoria A Columbia river the view held by Filipinos as well as tail or indicate what action tiie Inter- killed out that industry in England ac yc Medford—The first carload of Benrre Rrailroad and turning the business . . n __ . . , ... , King, an intoxicated logger, who Americans. The latter are generally in cording to growers there. commiaarorr is likely to , rafi£e(1 into the window of the laundry YU I, , a i favor of a specific pronouncement in Bose pearms ever shipped to New York over to the Northern Pacific Express state Commerce A young Los Angeles woman has re Philippine policy. The course of legis from Oregon has sold there at auction, company, which will conduct the ex- tunic. tak8’ *or le . las not ye* n r IIU* - a" °PP°r* conducted by T. Umkekeubo, at 422 ceived five infernal machines through lative action w ill depend mainly on grossing $2,335, or an average on all press business on this line in the fu T 1 r T rk * n f Fell street. The proprietor and H. •I the mail. A negro is under arrest but the result of the light of tiie Gomez sizes of $4.10 per box. J. W . Perkins ture. r ™ ‘r r ^ re k r Omura rushed out and dragged King famine in the Northwest if there should • *. ...» denies his guilt. Radicals for continuance of tiie Nation is tiie grower. This is the record price ho B in„ „ h„,rt „ ¡ „ U . f , I into a rear room, where he was placed be a long hard winter. Increase of | j t f „ Jananese, for fruit of this variety. Nearly every Japanese, who B r ig h t P r o s p e c t s fo r W e sto n . Sir William Iorarier, premier of Can al party. manufactures and increased use of coal 1 . , “ ■ 3 , with a section of car shipped from Medford this year has The Nationalists, when united, exer Weston— Prospects for a good ecliool ada, says he has not yet formed an by railroads calls for more coal than ' 8tood guard armed broken existing records. A ll pear re opinion as to the best course to pursue cise controlling infiuence but their in cords at all varieties now held by Med year at the Weston normal were never the old markets have been accustomed gas-pipe, while tire other Japanese hur ternal divisions give the Progtessive ried to summon the police to arrest better than they are now, notwithstand in the[exclusion question. ford growers having been wrested away ing the crowded condition of the school to supply, and wood fuel cannot supply Independents the balance of power. King. from California within the past two rooms and living quarters. The regis the deficiency for domestic use, because During the first six months of 100' Three intoxicated companions ol years, up to which time California had tration in the normal department is of the high wages demanded by lumber King witnessed the incident and they dishonest employes embezzled $5,482 • WAR DANGER BLO/VS OVER. taken and held all pear records. Five now 155 students, with prospects of 200 men, making it unprofitable to place planned to rescue their friend. Other 687, according to figures given out by hundred acres of Benrre Bose pears by Christmas. In the training depart wood on the market in large quantities. whites were called on and there fol the bond companies of New York. H will come into hearing here next year, ment there are about 100 young pupils. If the winter is mild and short, the lowed a combined attack on the laun C o u n t O k u m a B e lie v e s Im m igration Harriman has ordered expenses cut Northwest may esccape without suffer ' Q u e stio n W ill Be Settled on all of his lines. dry. The street was scon filled by a ing, otherwise there will be hardship. T w j H u n d re d in Line. H large crowd, and a dozen Japanese on Y ie ld s B ig C lo v e r C r o p . Tokio, Oct. 15.— Count Okuma, who Rockefeller lias given $600,000 more Klamath Falls— Reports come from Ar the inside sought to repel the invaders. Am ity— E. E. Robbins, of this place, in tiie first stages of immigration Lakeview to the effect that 200 people to Chicago university. C H IN E S E V E R S U S J A P A N E S E . Policeman Thomas Collier was soon basir has threshed 1,089 pounds of No. 1 The condition of Emperor Francis troubles in America strongly disap are now in line at the Lakeview land clover seed from 2 1-5 acres on his on the scene and attacked tlie crowd Joseph is becoming more serious. proved of the government's pacific atti ofliee awaiting the date of filing, Oeto- farm, making 495 pounds, or 8J4 bush C a n a d a M a y T h r o w D o w n the B a r s single handed. A riot call which was Bt tier 28, on the lands recently opened to sounded brought reinforcements. The els, per acre. A t 22 cents a pound, oí G¡ Reporsts received at Washington in tude, now practically admits that the A g a in s t M o n g o ls . entry. County Treasurer Lewis and police charged the crowd with dicate that the Moorish rebellion is radical utterances of both sides were this makes a return of $107.80 per acre. Ottawa, Oct. 14.— At the approach D. G. Brown, of Fort Klamath, in their M and many were hit. nearing a collapse. In addition, the land furnished the largely prompted by polities. In an search for claims went to an out-of-the- ing session of the Dominion parliament, King was found asleep in the rear from The Russian council of ministers bus interview today Count Okuma said that way place, south of Silver creek, where best of green pasture during the spring which opens next month, it iB under room, innocent of the trouble. and early summer. appropriated $0,500,000 for coloniza Americans misunderstood the Japanese, they supposed no one would be, but stood that a move w ill be made to throw B< who are astounded at the utterances of found tiie woo Is full of people, and tion purposes in Siberia. down the barriers against Chinese im J U R O R . S T O T R Y F O R D A G A IN . calf American newspaper*. Reports of the PO RTLAND M ARKETS. migration into Canada by abolishing Coal mines in Montana have beer, possibility of war, he said have always came homo without trying to locate. the head tax on Chinese, which is M closed in order to give the railroads a emanated from the United States and The general helief is that everyone will S p e c ia l P a n e l in C o u r t fo r T rial of practically prohibitive. It is asserted secure at least a contest case. W heat— Club, 89090c; bluestem, chance to clear the blockaded tracks. B r ib e -G iv e rs . sick very naturally are copied by the news that this step would afford a solution 91@92c; valley, 89090c; red, 87®88c. While he believes The railroads of the country have de papers of Japan. San Francisco, Oct. 15.— The 300 V Oats— No. 1 white, $28; grav, $27. of the Oriental problem, which is now F re ig h t V ia W e ed and B ra y . cided to stand a strike rather than that the Americans are over sensitive Barley— Feed, $25.50 per ton; brew assuming an acute phase among the talesmen for the formation of the regu Klamath Falls— A petition is being ciili make more concessions to labor unions. on the subject of Japanese immigra people of Brilish Columbia, particular lar jury panel, from which shall he se ing, $26.50027; rolled, $26. circulated among Klamath Falls busi tion, lie holds the opinion that the day. lected the juries to try various of the ly in the coast cities. Commander John D. Btiggs, of the Corn— Whole, $31; cracked, $32. ness men addressed to Hie Southern Pa It is pointed out that, when the Chi public service corporation officials United States navy, is going insane. whole discussion is largely due to the cific company, asking tirat all freight Hay— Valley Timothy, No. 1, $17@ He was In command of the cruiser Bal fact that the United States is to have a and passenger business lie routed via 18 pcr ton, Eastern Oregon timothy, nese were allowed to enter tiie Domin rharged with bribery and under ar presidential campaign next year. It is wint timore when that vessel went ashore in 19020; clover, $11; cheat, $11; grain ion at a nominal tax rate, there was raignment in Judge I-awlor’s depart not likely that the immigration ques Weed and Bray over tiie California very little trouble with Japanese arriv ment of the Superior court, were noti the Philippines in 1904. hay, $ 1 1012-alfalfa. $12013. Northeastern. The petition cites the tion w ill 1* seriously discussed or ever Fruit«— Apples, $1@1.75 per box; als, and absolutely none from the Hin brought Into court yesterday by the The O. R. A N. company has started become an issue iti the coming session difficulties encountered on the Pokegama b dus. If the head tax were abolished or sheriff. Tiie next of the bribery graft proceedings to prevent the Washington " f the diet. The Japanese government route during the winter, especially cantaloupes, 75c @ $1.25 per crate; even reduced to a nominal am«unt, eases to be tried, that of Tirev L. Ford, s 1U peaches, 6Oc0$l per crate;'prunes, 50c with freight, and tire high rate for the railroad commission from enforieng believes that the entire question will there would follow a big inrush from general counsel for the United Rail Ssc the joint wheat rate between its lines tie solved by the present discourage hauling to this city. The company is per crate; watermelons, l@ l)$ c per China. The Chinese would work for roads, accused by the grand jury of pound; pears, $101.75 per box; grapes, aksed to route via the new road a t’ the and the Northern Pacific. ment of immigration and the strict ob b 35c0$1.5O per crate; casaba, $2.25 per such small wages that the people of bribing supervisors, is on the calendar earliest pcssible moment. The Arctic steamer Frlthjof baa sunk servance of the laws. vili dozen; quinces, $101.25 per box; British Columbia would be able to solve for commencement next Thursday. the Japanese immigration problem hy with the crew of lfi off the coast of huckleberries, 708c per pound; cran S h a r k ’s Tooth in Benton Fift giving Chinese labor the preference. Icelaad. Too M u c h B u sin e s s . L o s e s R ig h t to A p p e al. berries, $8@9 per barrel. Albany— J. G. Crawford, of this c'ty, Fait Lake City, Oct. 16.— Daniel San Francisco, Oct. 15.— According Vegetables— Turnips, $1.25 per sack; The trial of John R. Walsh, former while investigating the gravel beds on F o u n d e r s in S u p e r io r . to tlie district attorney** office, Eugene president of the Chicago National bank, Guggenheim, head of the American the Benton county side of the river, beets, $1.25 per sack; carrots, $1.26 sale Fault Ste. Marie, Oct. 14.— Bnui d E. Schmitz, ex-mayor of San Francisco, per sack; cabbage. 1 0 1 l4c p e r pound: Smelting A Refining company, arrived has been postponed until November 12. found a shark s tooth and considers it see cauliflower, 25c0$l per dozen; celery, down from the head of the lakes on the hut now a convict, has lost the right of in Fait Lake City yesterday. Mr I«ee* than 500 men were at work in Guggenheim is on a tour of inspection ns additional evidence that this was at 35c@$l per dozen; corn, $1(31.50 per second trip she had made since being appeal to a higher court through a 3 the places of the 10,000 cotton handlers of tiie plants of the West. He says one time an inland sea and the abode sack: cucumber«, 10015c per dozen; launched at Lorain, O., on August 17 blunder of his attorney, Charles H. shai Mr. Crawford is an and loaders whe are on strike at New that the recent cuitailment of copper of marine life. onions, 15020c per dozen; parsley, 20c last, the fine steel freighter Cypress, Fairal), and must go to the peniten exjiert geologist and student of all forms per dozen; peppers, 8010c per pound; 440 feet long, and owned hy the Ijicka- tiary forthwith. Moreover, the charge Orleans. ont output was a natural outgrowth of the of life and is gradually making a col pumpkins, 101 ‘4c per pound; radish waonna Transportation company, of is made that after Mr. Fairall discov Emperor Francis Joseph is seriously fact that the world is doing about 5 per J ill, but much improved. cent too much business for the money lection of evidences of prehistoric and es, 20e per dozen; spinach, 6c per Cleveland, foundered last night in Lake ered his mistake, he sought and pro ancient life of these lands. His col- pound; squash, 5Oc0$l per box; to Superior off Deer Park, taking down cured ft change in the record of the ( 1 (il it has. He says he does not anticipate Cassie Cha.lw ick, one of the most le tion is valued at a higa figure and matoes, 35050c per box. with her 22 members of thecrew. Sec transcript of appeal to cover his own serious hard times. He says their la highly interesting. notorious swindlers in American his ond Mate C. J. Pitt, washed ashore error. These changes in ink occur In Onions— $1 5001.65 per sack. plants throughout the West w ill soon tory, is dead at the Ohio penitentiary. Potatoes— 760*85c per hundred, de lashed to a life raft, is the only per the printed volume. increase their capacity. E ig h ty P e r C e n t S o ld . livered Portland; sweet potatoes, 2l4c son left alive cf the ship's people. He in| ‘ Awful famine on the coast of Labra Athena Eighty per cent of the per pound. was unconscious when found. B ig Slid e in C u le b ra . C u r b the H o u s e of L o r d s . dor has caused the natives to take to Wa wheat crop, which is estimatd to be Butter— Fancy creamery, 27 >g03oc Panama, Oct. 15.— The American cannibalism and eight people are London, Oct. 15— The Liberal cam 500,000 bushels tn the vicinity of T o o th a c h e M a k e s H ist o ry . ( per pound. , known to have bean eaten. engineers are haring trouble with the paign for restriction of the power of the Athena, Iras been sold. Bluestem has Berlin, Oct. 14.— A learned Egyptol Cuclmracha slide, at the south end of Veal— 75 to 125 pounds, 8S,09c per house of lords to alter or reject bills Ma The Austrian steamer Gnilia from proposed in tiie house of commons, been selhng at 75 cents and club from pound; 125 to 150 pounds, ' ( j c ; 150 ogist, who has studied Menephtoh’s the Culebra cut. This point of land, tojf Trifwte to New York, took fire during which was inaugurated by Premier Fir 60 to . 1 cents. The farmera are now to 200 pounds, 607c. mummy, declares that the pharaon, always a o irceof trouble to the French the passage and was only saved after Henry t «mphell-ltanneunan. is nos arranging to do their fall seeding, most Pork— Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 8 0 who ruled when the children of Israel when they tried to dig the canal, is heroic work. The vessel carried 763 in full swing. Mem I .era ot the cabinet of the land having already been pre 8 ^ 0 per pound; packers. 7 l a0 8 c . were delivered from Egyptian bondage, again in motion, and w ill prove a va pared. and they are only waiting for a passengers. Poultry— Average old hens, 12(9 suffered excruciatingly from toothache. hindrance ail during the wet season. are addressing meetings almowt .lailv little more moisture. ' Considerable Over $600,000 w rth of merchandise llie subject of their speeches being the w cat is lieing hauled to the ware 12),c per pound; mixed chickens, 11® The acute agony he endured so angered About half a million yards of dirt is in 12c; spring chickens, 11 « * @ 120; old pharaoh, so "hardened his heart,” as motion. A ll of this dirt must ulti has been stolen from the Burlington government's complaint of the treat houses daily. roosters 809c; dressed chickens, 130 the book of Exodus has it, that it was mately be removed, but the engineers railroad between Chicago and Denver ment of measures of first importance !,«• 14c; turkeys, live, old, 16; young, 18; necessary to inflict tiie plagues on his would rather get it slowly. during the past year and 3(H) Italian the upper house. P r e D ir e P e rm a n e n t Exhibit. geese, live, 8®9c; ducks. 12(%c: pig- reaim before he would consent to let laborers discharge! for pillaging tiie North Bend— The chamber of eom- ems, $101.50 per dozen; squabs, $203. Moae and the Israelite hosts go. C lo s e M e x ic a n Copper Mines English O fficer» Arrested. freight cars. menv of North Bend is preparing a Eggs— Fresh ranch, candled, 3 2 ^ 0 Saltillo, Mexico, Oct. 15. — The Berlin, Oct. 15.— A correspondent of Robert Bacon may become ambassa permanent exhibit of the various pro- 35c per dozen. Elevators and Coal Chutes Burn slump In copper has closed a large the Tageblatt, at Emden, telegraphs > note of the city and tiie surrounding dor at Beilin. tl( Hope— 1907, 9010c per pound; olds, number of mines, not only in the country. The exhibit w ill be arranged Madison, 111., Oct. 14.— The Clover that according to a dispatch received 4(« 5c. The chclera outbreak is growing tc southern portion of the republic but in Leaf grain elevator, containing 25,000 from Borktrm, a yacht with English attractively in one of the warehouses Wool— Eastern Oregon, average best, bushels of grain, was destroyed by file alarming proportions at Tokio, Japan. this section as well A number of on the wharf so that it may be inspect naval officers on board had been cap- be Several small cottages trued by two Willielmshaven torpedo Butte has been reminded of the old large mines have reduced their output ed by passengers on the boat* whioh 16022c per pound, according to shrink eartv today. age; valiev, 20022c. according to fine «ri near the elevator, together with the coal days by a saloon being held np fy xavtly one-half, while the smaller cnee stop hero. Th re w ill be sample« cf ness; mohair, choice, 29030 per chutes of the railroad company, were boats. The officers are suspected of have closed down entirely. mask.-1 men. having taken sounding« and made pho* many different kinds cf products. pound. aleo destroyed. L o b s , $00,000 • tographs in forbidden waters. NEWS OF THE WEEK H ing O U StE D . I T I N E R A R Y O F E V A N 'a F L E E T . ) IMPRISONMENT IS THE PENALTY