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About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1907)
W ashington C ounty N ews I VOL. V )L. V CUIPO’S DARTS PIERCE MORE HEARTS j FOREST GROVE, WASHINGTON CO., ORE., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24. DUSKY DAMSELS LIKE OLD OREGON NO. 16 1907. A large number of relatives and the Sound cities. From there they friends witnessed the ceremony. The will return directly to San Francisco I house was tastefully decorated and un- and thence home. der a bower of ferns and roses the The Hawaiian girls have been en- couple stood as the words were pro ! joying one continual round of pleasure nounced by Rev. Dr. H. H. Pratt of ----------- since they landed on the mainland and Forbes Presbyterian church which _ . . . . considered their visit to this citv as Prominent Young People of This made them one. The bride is well Hawaiian Ladles Entertained by the one of the interesting and enjoyabie known in Portland having taught in the tirUV6 features of their itinerary. In fact Mrs. County Married Public schools for the past five years. Wetherred said that there had not Mr. Alexander is a former student of j been a single place where she had en P. U. He is now a prominent drug joyed herself so well. The committee composed of Mr. gist of Portland. Manv valuable wed and Mrs. Harcy Stewart, Wheelock ding gifts were received by the young couple. * j Marsh, Principal Bates, and Misses gifts so lavishly bestowed upon her by The letter of E. W. Haines to The Glad Wedding Bells Ring Out Frcm The groom has furnished a beautiful Are Touring the Coast and Will Spend ! Manche Langley and Bertha Williams nature have been brought to a high News last week, upon the light conrii- cottage for his bride at 594 Gantenbein met the dusky belles at the depot and degree 0f iustre by training. She is ! don in this city has called forth much Every Corner of the Several Months Here— Mrs. Avenue where they will make their saw that they were properly enter- entireiy free from ostentation and her discussion, from both electricians and County. Weatherred Chaperone. tained during the day. While in the characters are living creatures whose others, and the consensus of opinion home on returning from their honey city they made many friends especially introduction to the audience finds a seems to be that most of the points moon. Those present from Forest at the college reception, and a bunch hearty welcome.” Grove were the grooms two brothers, | that were brought up are trivial; that Baldwin— James. Mr. A. C. and Mr. John Alexander, The party of Hawaiian girls who are of fellows are planning to visit the Is Miss Pollock will be assisted by Miss 5hp root of the evil lies with the powe-. "M eet try wife, Mrs. Baldwin,” said Mrs. A. C. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. making a tour of the coast under the lands next summer in interest of— the Ethel Lytle, a popular vocalist of Port- ] ^or> arKue electricians, if the trouble Harvey Baldwin; Monday to his uncle J. J. Baxter and Miss Jeanie Baxter. chaperonage of Mrs. Edith Tozier girls, and a cordial welcome is extend land. Miss Lytle is a pupil’ of Mrs. does not lie with the power why is it and it was some moments until I. K. Weathered, visited Forest Grove and ed to their white brothers. Walter Reed and a member of h er1 that at times the lights are as good as Zilly— Imbrie. Baldwin could be persuaded that his "W ouldn’t you like to live in Ore Treble Clef Club, She has a beautiful might be expected, and at other times Pacific University Thursday. At the One of the most brilliant weddings nephew had been a victim of Cupid’s chapel services in the afternoon they gon? ’’questioned one of the fellows. contralto voice which contains great are so weak that it would require a of the season occuired at Hillsboro deadly darts. And the surprise of favored the students and faculty with a "Wee!, this is rather sudden,” lisped powpr and depth of feeling. She will lamp to read a volt meter by. his uncle was but a sample of the Saturday, when Miss Edna Imbrie be number of Hawaiian songs. After they the olive maiden with a pretty native The contract calls for just as good be accompanied by Miss Sheehy. town’s surprise. Miss Birdella James came the bride of F. M. Zilly, at the had visited the different college build accent, "but I rather think I should, service as the city had before, they Further notice will be given in next and Harvey Baldwin had been married beautiful home of the bride's parents ings the citizens of Forest Grove ten and Forest Grove wouldn’t be bad ei aver, and the citizens who lived here week’s paper and the place of the en at 11 o’clock in Portland Monday with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Imbrie, on Second dered to them a drive to David’s Hill ther.” Just then some other fellow while the municipality owned and op tertainment will then be stated. The nobody but a few people in the Court street. that they might get an idea of the butted in and the rest of the conversa sale of tickets will open next Monday erated its own plant, recall the excel There were 150 guests present, House and Earle Van Meter wise to surrounding country and also have a tion was not heard. lency of that system as compared with at "T he Bazaar.” the event. Judge Frazier tied the manv out of town friends of the con- chance to taste some of Oregon's best The maids were not unlike the sev the present conditions. Rev. Bel knot. Miss James had started for her | tract>DK parties attending Invents Flying Machine. enteen Oregon girls that went hack East grapes. That Mr. Haines took the contract home in Oxford, Nebraska, having al knap performed the ceremony. The with Phil Bales, in respect to souvenir Alexander Ots, who attended the at several hundred dollars less than it Thursday evening a reception in the ready bought her ticket and Mr. Bald bride was beautifully gowned in white Pennants, post cards and not academy here a few years ago, has in cost the city to operate its own plant . win went as far as Portland to wish her chiffon over white silk"and carried ! co!le*e chaPel was liven to the party I Retting vented a flying machine, according to does not enter into the question what white roses. Fred Vrooman sang and by the citizens of Forest Grove and ,he 3 feW nameS 7 “ " " ° n * ^ a “ bon voyage” and say farewell. _ 1 college. After all the company had envelopes and scraps of paper were The Telegram, which the inventor soever, as he was a willing party to that But— well to make the romance Miss Imbrie a cousin of the bride, pre had an opportunity of meeting the carried away by the Hawaiian damsels maintains will work without a doubt. contract. The question is: Does the short they took the car for the Court sided at the piano. Mr. Zilly is a young ladies, a short program was r e n - , and they made cross your heart And within lour months he intends to city receive service under the present House and there the hymeneal cere traveling man and the couple will dered. j promises that they would exchange make an experimental journey from regime as under the old management? make their home in Portland. mony was performed. San Francisco to Seattle via Portland Neither is it necessary for the city to It was opened by a well rendered w b en home again. Miss James came here about three Spiering— Vanderzanden. When the girls return home the and return again. Ots is in Portland keep a man employed all the time ! piano solo by Miss Leiser. President | weeks ago for a visit with Frank Em Miss Vanderzanden was united in | Ferrin followed with a short address of middle of November they will have in the interests of the scheme. He trimming limbs, soldering joints and erson, a relative, and while here she marriage to Chas. Spiering last Tues welcome in which he assured both Mrs. i spent two months and a half on the constructed the airship invented by J. putting in larger wires as electricians has won many friends as an entertainer day at the Verboot Catholic church, maintain that these are not the causes Weathered and the young ladies the coast and will have gained ideas and A. Morrel. and conversationalist. Rev. Father Verhaag officiating. The hearty greeting of both the citizens of ¡"formation that will be helpful to them Ots is a Russian and was formerly a for the present distress; that the sys Mr. Baldwin has lived in this city bride is the daughter of Martin Van Forest Grove and the college. After through life. And their visit here has sailor. He speaks many languages tem is in first class condition and it is s;nce his boyhood and has been one of derzanden of Centerville. Mr. and opened the eyes of many people who and attended school here for some not carrying as many lights as it could; a vocal solo by Miss Kathryne Shannon, the most successful men in town and Mrs! Speiring will reside at Cedar Can had an idea that the Islands were an time. that new transformers were put in at President Ferrin invited Mrs. Weath owns considerable property here. yon where the former conducts a saw ered, who at one time was a Pacific uninteresting place whose people were a the instigation of Mr Haines and the Fooling the Public. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin will stop at mill. system sub-divided to meet this re student, to tell something of the Ha very inferior grade of humanity. There Felix Verhoeven got more enjoy the Laughhn hotel until their cottage quirement. waiian Islands and the people. Before j are colleges there, and as brought out Godfrey— Shaw. ment out of yesterday than the major is completed. j by Mrs. Wetherred, the first printing I.ast week the city engaged two men speaking of the Islands, however, Mrs. Inez Shaw of this city was married ity of men get out of a lifetime, if to remove all the brush fiom the wires Weathered said she wanted to speak of j press ever used in Oregon came from Stewart-Mohr. to George Godfrey of Hillsboro yester laughter counts for anything, and a these islands. and( it was a very smail amount they A beautiful but quiet wedding was day afternoon by Rev. Belknap at the her interest in Forest Grove and Paci semicircular wire with a rubber band Following are the girls and their ad- had to remove. The entire system fic University; that she had brought her solemnized at the home of the bride’s county seat. Miss Shaw’s parents live dresse: Miss Emma Rose, Bernice stretched across to the ends a little was gone over and the amount of cur party out to visit the town and college paients Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mohr of at Thatcher. stick to twist the rubber, and a thick rent that was lost by grounds was triv because she considered it was one of Dwight, Hester Lemon, Callie Lucas East Hillsboro Sunday, Oct. 20, when piece of paper to contain the instru State Meeting of Churches. of Honolulu; Katie Sadler. Hakalay; the places in Oregon well worth see ial and would not effect the lights to Mr. Mohr gave his eldest daugh-1 Daisy Todd, Hilo, Hawaii; Hattie "Saf ment was the cause of it all—together any noticeable degree, assert the men. ter, Minnie E , in marriage to Arthur | Last Tuesday and Wednesday the ing. After thanking the people of the with a lot of human victims. Felix That the wires are large enough is W. Stewart of Portland, Rev. Belknap 815111331 state meeting of the Congrega town for the cordial reception _ given to fery, Honokoa, Hawaii; Lillian Mun- sent one out to K. N. Staehr, and proved by the simple fact that on oc of the Hillsboro Methodist church offi-!tional churches and ministers was held her party she gave a brief outline o f. °°n- Kayaa: Rose Aloray' Kayaa' when the land agent opened the lettei ciating. j at Valera, and a very successful con- her trip and a short description of the casions the lights are brilliant. Most Good Entertainments. the thing began to spit and buzz and of the cities have ceased to solder the Miss Mohr looked beautiful in a yention it was. Rev. J. A. Folsom of beauties of the Islands. She spoke of The National Stock Company which make such a hubbub that K. N. joints as there is so little loss of cur gdWn of cream and carried a shower itllls C5ty' tbe superintendent of home j the wonderful volcanoes, the beautiful I played here Monday, Tuesday and thought that his day had surely come. rent that it is not appreciable. bouquet of white carnations and aspar-! mlssl°ns for Oregon, spoke upon the j vegetation and the equability of the I Wednesday evenings, had a satisfying There was hardly a soul in town that Where then is the flaw in the system agus ferns. Her veil was caught at the j 5mpcrtance ol men s missionary socie-1 climate. In regard to the people, the 1 j potion each occasion for their audi was not handed the machine, among — the flaw that is responsible for the top with the same kind of fern. Her | ties. ties- People are always talking of the United States has no more loyal citi- ences, and was far above the average them Treasurer Corl, Chas. Roe, Ed. attended ncr, her, | women’s organizations of this sort, but | 2ens than those of the Islands. The half hearted and demoralized condition sister, Miss Edith, who wno aucuueu I show that comes to this town. Full Allen, Oliver Curtiss, of the business it is just as important for the men to people are intelligent and up to date, of the lights ol Forest Grove? Most was dressed in white and carried a houses greeted them on each occasion, men and doodles of women. The people and electricians will answer the bouquet the same as the bride. Wm. | enter the work. Different speakers interested in higher education and in beauty of the trick was tha» Felix were very laudatory of the work that a g0od public school system. To ver- and their tragedy and comedy was in question by the spelling of one word, Mohr, Jr., attended the groom. termingled just enough to leave a made such a keen application to every power. Aftei the ceremony the guests were Mr. Folsom has been doing in the ¡fy her last remarks she said she had pleasant taste in the mouth of the case. To the photographer he would For, they argue, why was the plant seated to a bountiful dinner, after which , slate- ; only to point to the young ladies of her • hand some proofs, to the newspaper all left for the 4:30 train when the The bought of the speakers seemed party who were good examples of the S 777". moved from Gales creek to Patton * Generally when a traveling bunch man. copy, to the druggist a prescrip young couple departed for their home t0 have turned*strongly on three points refinement and intelligence of the Ha- valley, and why was it necessary to plays here their jokes are so stale they tion, so every one bit with the gulla- in Portland, where Mr. Stewart is em- ~ lhe necessity of training the young waj,an people. The trip, she went on string wires to I.yda’s mill, if the pres wouldn’t stand the test of the pure bility of a Reuben at a game of chance. ployed in the telephone office. He ' Pe°b le t0 Rrow into the church activi- t0 sayi was not only one of pleasure food law, and they are so slushy with One party opened up the package of ent conditions were sufficient to carry will resume his his duties duties in in a few days. It5es’ tlle n« d of the laymen, particu- and education to the girls but also was their love making and pathetic scenes worms” and when the critter began the load? Only a few of the relatives and intimate larly the men, in organized work, and an education to the people of the coast that the hall tender is kept busy mop to rattle and make ominous noises the John Hogan and wife of Santa Cruz, in regard to the Islands and their peo friends were present and gave th e m : stronger union among the churehes. ping the morning after. But the Na party dropped the package and Cal., were visiting Henry Wirtz Sun Miss E. B. Penfield presented a ple. many beautiful presents. * tional’s jokes were new and provoked stomped the “ snakes” in fine frenzy. day. They have just returned from paper upon “ The Training of the When Mrs. Weathered had finished meritorious laughter. an extended trip to Massachusetts, Morrill— Templeton. Church for the Future.” It was an the young ladies sang a number of the Fitly Pound Cabbage. Ole Olson, while an old play, called Maine and other Eastern states. Mr. . Miss Clara Templeton, daughter of Endeavor Society paper, showing the native songs. Their soft, sweet voices jon^ If you have cabbages that weigh Hogan says that in Boston where the the usual large crowd. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. John Templeton of this strength of the C. E. Society and all came out well in native tongue, es- over 51 pounds and measure over 5 automobiles are compelled to run on city, was married to Charles E. Morril young people’s societies organized for I " '" l l V . n the' ^ T -h ic h ” , PJ*’ at the home of the grooms parents, 1 Christian work, as the hope of good . . . . . b ln ch. Little Willie Wagner acted feet 2 inches, just take a car load ol one side of the street, the streets ar.; is considered one of the most beautiful the part of little Philip. them around to Judge Langley, for hr almost ruined owing to the suction of Mr. and Mrs. A.. A Morril, at Hills- [citizenship in the world, which is the Hawaiian songs. The last number will take them all. The Judge ha» the machines. It has caused holes in boro last Sunday, Rev. Lindsey of the aim of all church training. Those they gave was a song in English which Literary Entertainment. one on exhibition in his office of the the cement streets making them very Evangelical church, officiating. present from here were: Rev. Boyd, they had composed since coming to The literary attraction of the leason dimension and weight but np to date rough. Mr. Hogan is an old Califor Mr. Morril is the son of A. A. Mor- Pres. F erin, Miss Penfield, Prof.Marsh the coast. The singing was greatly will be given on the evening of the all that have seen the mammoth veg nia stage driver and made his start ril who for several years was county and Rev. Folsom. enjoyed by all preseat and each num- 4th of November under the auspices etable claim that it is the biggest there. In Virginia City, he says, in surveyor and now is deputy surveyor, j Opening of Herrick Hall. bet was received with hearty applause. of the Kappa Delta Society of Pacific "fruit” they have ever seen. It was those times he walked the middle of Only relatives of the contracting par The new hall of residence for young At the close of the program the whole University when Miss May Pollock will raised bv Peter Evers who runs a ranch the streets as the holdup men were so ties were present. Mr. and Mrs. Mor women of Pacific University will be company joined with them in singing appear for the first time before a For in the Verboort settlement. Mr. thick on th«. sidewalks. After making ril will make their home in Hillsboro. est Grove audience. Miss Pollock has Evers sold several heads to John E a small stake on the stage he invested formally opiened on the evening of “ America.” - Alexander— Rivett. Mrs. Weathered and her party of been a student at Northwestern Uni- Bailey that weigh from 15 np to 40 his money in a big wheat ranch near Wednesday, October 30, from eight to eleven. There will be a short program nine young women left the Islands the versity and is a graduate of Columbia pounds but the one in possession ol Spokane pay;ng three dollars an acre A party of Forest Grove people went down Tuesday morning, to attend appropriate to the occasion, consisting 4th of September and since landing at School ol Expression in Chicago and Judge Langley is the largest on record for it, and recently he sold the place His nephew is the the wedding of Mr. A. E. Alexander of brief addresses, music, etc. San Francisco have been making a tour comes highly recommended as a It would make a Germans mouth water lor $60,000. and Miss Elizabeth Rivett which oc- The entire building will be opened of the coast. They have visited the speaker and impersonator. The Paci- and fill his eyes with tears to gaze "Happy” Hogan of the law Angeles upon "Miss the head curred at noon at the home of the to inspection. A cordial invitation is principal towns of California and Oregon fic Christian Advocate says: Pol- ahd think how much baseball team Mr Hogan is a broth er in-Uw of Henry Wirtz. and are now about to start for a visit to ( lock is a born impersonator and the good sour kraut it might have been brxle’s mother in Univers’ty Park. I extended to everybody. A LACKING OF POWER! Are Reasons, Assert Electricians, 1 Whv Eorest Grove’s Lights 1 y ¡¡Iti. fi 11 r \ B IS A VERY, VERY BUSY WEEK Are Insufficient. RECEPTION AT UNIVERSITY "r«^ell” ! ^ game ised at e Stream J j ’ening. / » in evi* regara* Enacted "d, were 7 the ÇU.*— build- J!?., *l . ~ * _ * I * ^atu re — that en-