Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
PATRONS CELEBRATE! FAULT LIES WITH CITY the clairvoyant and palmist, who read ent of publifc instruction. Salem; Dr. the hands of the take-off Freshmen Clarence True Wilson, pastor of Grace furnished much fun for the audience. M. E. church, Portland; D. H. D. His Sophomore patients did some neat Sheldon, instructor in state university, Eugene; Prof. L. R. Traver, principal I impersonating and clever skits. But the big event was the take-off of training department, Monmouth by the Juniors on the “ Bridge of the Normal; Prof. L. R. Alderman, super- ] SO j | Gods” as dramatized and produced by intendent of Eugene city schools, Eu-1 the Senior class last year. Vergil gene; Miss Cornelia Marvin, secretary j Waterman took Sam Lawrence’s part of library commission, Salem; Mrs. L. j as chief of the Willamettes and ex V. Sweesy, instructor of music, Berke tracted a bunch of loud giggles by his ley, California; Robert C. Yenney, M. | address to his tribe with the conclu- D., secretary ot the state board of .-•A | sion: “ My words are ended. Sambo health, Portland; Hon. W. J. Kerr, In the ne'ghborhood of 1200 dairy-1 pet. Mr. Farber further urged the Forest Grove, Ore., Oct. IS, 1907. of it in the city, then the people would has spoken.” His head gear—just a president of O. A. C., Corvallis. On November 1, a meeting of the men from all over Washington countv dairymen to read and become intelli- MR. EDITOR: —In your issue of the know who was at fault in case of feather duster poked down into his 10th inst., your criticism seemed a trouble. If anything goes wrong the nether garments, was neat Miss Helen school officers of Washington county i met at the Korest Grove Condenser gent in farming, saying that the intelli- will be held in connection with the in Saturday last for the second Annual gent farmer can raise twice the amount little severe, at least so far as it ap general public will not know whether Chandler as Minnie Heidel was ex stitute. This is the first meeting of Patrons’ Day Celebration, and the I per acre as his uninformed brethren. plied to the undersigned. the fault lies in the furnishing of the tremely good in her love making with school officers called in this county and whole crowd went home after the pro Increase your dairy herd with the best Herbie Witham— Herbert Arnston im About seven years ago as most of current or in distributing it.” This, tt promises to result in much good gram was over praising the event as | breed. The company has imported personated—and his death was a side your readers in this city know, a con Mr. Editor, was well said, and nothing toward promoting the interests of our the best and most successful meeting i two car loads of registered Holstein tract was let for furnishing electric has ever happened to cause any trouble splitter. ___ the dairymen ol this county has ever i bulls from the east and intends to sell Miss Bertha Homes—a la Miss schools. current to the city of Forest Grove. with the lights in any part of the city them out to the patrons of the con George Claxsom, a jolly sort of a held. This did not include the ditribution of that a large number of people have not Esther Silverman the seer—had a neat densers on easy terms, with part cash People began to arrive by ten o’clock i the electric current to the citizens, felt that the fault was with us. Some prophecy of the fall of the Seniors and fellow who had been with the circula but provided for bringing it on the city times it was, but many times we had the succession by the Juniors. The tion department of the Journal for sev and watched the demonstration of the payment and the remainder deducted from the milk check. “ Do not lear lines, and there the responsibility of nothing whatever to do with it and had bridge fell and all crouching around in eral years and who had made this town milk machine and exchanged ideas as ; overproduction for the demand is lar the party contracting ceased. Pre no authority to do the work that would a circle with their Indian make-up on often and was an especial friend of the to the different phases of the dairy farm they gave the death wail, and all was LaCourse family, committed suicide by from their standpoint, and took pleas greater than the supply and is increas vious to this contract the city of For remedy it. hanging himself in Portland a few days ure in viewing the twenty fine regis ing at a rapid rate. Carnation Crea.u est Grove employed a man whose duty If the city of Forest Grove will pay over. since. He had been in Eastern Ore tered Holstein bulls which were on is shipped to Russia, Australia and a it was at all times to see that light and me a sufficient amount of money to Herbert Arnston presided at the ex consignment has been sent to the Fiji gon working on the special edition of exhibition. ) water was furnished to the citizens as employ a good competent man to look ercises and the following representa- The condenser was thrown open to Islands. The dairy business insures they required; to see that the lines after the lights and water in the city ' tives spoke besides the above program: the Journal that was recently got out | were always kept in proper condition for one year, I believe they would not S. B. Lawrence, The Index; Miss and when he returned home he found everybody and there was hardly a soul the farmer against any panic in this country as the foreign prices will pre ' and, in short, to see that every citizen see fit to change it thereafter. There ■ Gladys Hartley, Kappa Delta; Robert his wife and daughter seriously ill there but what wore the badge of the serve a market. We will buy all the Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Com with typhoid fc.ver. He had just received full value for what he paid. is not another city of this size, I be Imlay, Gamma Sigma; H. L. Bates, milk you can produce and our sales pany. Many had not seen the ma In basing the rate of the electric lieve. in the state of Oregon that does Social Union; Miss Jessie Hoge, Philos; bought a couple of lots and put up a man will boost and advertise Forest current in that contract, the actual cost not have a man who practically puts in W. E. Gwynn, Alpha Zeta; Miss Esther new house and got to brooding over chinery in operation and for these there Grove and Washington county.” was much interest to see the labelels the possibility of losing all he had was ascertained, that is, the exact his entire time looking after the lights Silverman, Y. W. C. A.; Ralph Abra- J. W. Bailey, state food commis amount that it cost the city to furnish andj water of the city. Someone, per ham, Y. M. C. A. and Veinon Gould, which is assigned as the reason for his in operstion, the rapidity of the solder sioner, gave a capital address and said ing girls and the precision and unity rash deed. haps, will say that the city cannot af its own electric current, and the con Tualatin Academy. that in traveling the world over one of the whole factory. tract was let for several hundred dol ford it, but the records will show that On entering a badge was pinned on could always tell the minute he strikes lars less. No part of the salary of the when the city run its own electric plant each guest from the office and as they a dairying community by the thrift and man who had charge of the lines was they ran behind and did not pay ex- J passed on into the next rooms a big prosperity of its people. The houses counted, as it was assumed that this penses, ^nd under the present arrange barrel of cider served to lay the dust ] and buildings of the farms are always man would still be required to look af ment the'eity is receiving for light and better and they are a happy people. and slack the patrons’ thirst. ter the lights and water as before. water more than twice the amount they He urged the farmers to increase their Near the throng of folks — payout for them each year. In fact,sev However, soon after the contract was herds with better cows “ as there is no William Lyda’s sawmill located four j Ruel M. Bisbee, whose right arm crowded their way up the stairway and entered into the man taking that place eral years during this contract, the city I danger of over production. There was let out and no man has ever been has received more net revenue from was completely severed at the elbow miles north of here and valued at into the large storage room, priming never has been a time when the state $12,000 was completely destroyed by | themselves for the feed. And Harry and whose left arm was badly mangled employed to fill this position from that this source than from its entire tax; was producing more nor a time when day to this, save and except at a salary and I believe it would be money in | from the shoulder down last Saturday fire Sunday night about eleven o’clock. H. Stewart mounted the platform at there was a greater demand.” There was but $3,0(X) insurance on the dot of time and gave the signal for by being hurled upon a woodsaw, died of from $10 to $15 per month, some the treasury of the city to make such | C. A Malboef, general freight agent at his home two miles west of here the institution. This is the third time lunch, prepared bv Mr. Villigher of the parties have been employed to do some arrangement. of the Southern Pacific, gave some in that Mr. Lyda has had his sawmill Colonial Hotel. The guests ate, drank Sunday morning from the effects of the of the work along those lines. It has been intimated that the city burned to the ground and the second and were merry for almost two hours teresting figures on the effect of the . . . The fact is that part of the time dur could do better by furnishing its own injuries. time on the very same location and when cigars and ice cream were dis dairy on the freights on their line. The lights and water. If they feel this is Mr- Blsbee had bee" ,ln thls « ‘F ing this term the city lines have been F two milk condensers in Washington kept in fairly good order and part of the case, they can secure the return Saturday afternoon and left for his foundation. Both other times there tributed, and then came the speech county, one at Forest Grove, the other was no insurance and the loss was fest. home about 4 o clock. As soon as he the time little care has been given of their contract at any time. H. H. Stewart called the meeting at Hillsboro, furnish more cars of milk them. I make this statement simply to arrived he began work with another complete. There is no explainable theory as to to order and introduced Senator Ed to ship in a year than there are cars of man with a steam woodsaw and it was The general public hold the under show that I do not feel that I am . to but a few moments thereafter as he how the fire caught only that some ward Wright Haines who gave the wheat shipped along their entire West signed responsible when anything goes blame for the conditions existing, and turned from the saw that he stepped one has it in for Mr. Lyda and has de add ess of welcome. Mr. Haines ex Side line from Portland to Corvallis. In In wrong with the lights, as they do not I do not wish to blame anyone. on a rolling stick which threw him termined to burn the mill as often as tended the glad hand from the rostrum 1900 their freight receipts from Wash know who else they should blame. fact, the matter has been allowed to headlong toward the saw. He threw it is rebuilt, for the fire in the fire-box to all present, and then spoke of the ington county were $1 75,000, this year Since the rains came this fall the lights go without proper attention and care. out his right arm for protection and it was completely out when Frank Rals power the condensers have had in they will be $1,000,000. No other in Forest Grove have been very poor, If they should not wish me to furnish came in contact with the buzzing saw, ton, the engineer, left for his home building up this city until now there county in the state ha.-, shown such an in fact, in parts of the city, especially this man, for the good of the city and being completely severed at the elbow. last Saturday night. When an employe are in the neighborhood of 3000 peo increase in business as Washington so, and there is no wonder the citizens the service, I hope they will select I His left side was badly bruised which passed through the buidling at ten pie living here. And while the town county, and it is today the greatest someone who will go over the entire complained. bave causeJ a hem°r; o’clock Sunday night, there was not a has grown rapidly the condenser has producing section of the state, judging If you, Mr. Editor, would spend an system and place it in proper condi-1 « th° uKbt by the freight furnished the Southern tion and put in his time in keeping ^ba? e, a”d bls e 1 arm was manff'e(i sign of a fire, and the mill was in grown still more rapidly. Mr. Haines hour with me, I can show you or any frightfully. Doctors Hines, Via and ashes by eleven. The work was that had formerly been in the mercantile Pacific road. | it so. Yours Truly, citizen of Forest Grove, where a large Large were summoned and dressed of a firebug evidently. business in this city and said that he (Signed) E. W. HAINES. part of the trouble lies. In south and the wounds and it was thought that he NEW DEMOCRATIC PAPER Two years ago Monday morning, was in a position to know the financial southeast Forest Grove on almost every would easily recover but Sunday morn April 10, 1905, at about half past two condition of the old line farmer and circuit, both primary and secondary FUN ON FOUNDERS’ DAY ing he passed away, the immediate the Lyda mill was burned to the ground the dairy farmer. The old liner har Washington County Democrats. Want wires are in the trees and against the cause of his death being due to a without a bit of insurance and that vested once a year and got his pay limbs, and when the trees are wet, P. U. Students Celebrate Beginning of htmorrhage in the chest which was burned last Sunday was built on the Representation. check annually. He paid his bills at instead of the current going to the caused by the fall. old foundation. When the fire was the end of the year and in many cases the Institution. Rumor was current in Hillsboro consumer it goes to the trees and Ruel Bisbee was born in Clarinda, discovered Sunday night at 10:45 two- left them over for the next year. But ground. Not only is this true, but ia Many a moon has waned and fulled Iowa, and was 39 years of age. He thirds of the whole building was envel the dairyman gets his check every Monday that Washington county was a part of the city the wires are so over since the equal of the Founders’ Day ! came here with his parents, Mr. and oped in flames and had it not been for month and meets his bills every month. to have a democratic newspaper. In lo ad ed that the loss is very great. Exercises of yesterday at Pacific Uni Mrs Martin Bisbee, in the eighties. a change in the wind from the west to He not only has enough to square all as much as the Hillsboro Argus, since it passed into the hands of Mr. Guild, During the last five years in this city versity. There was not a slow number He graduated from Pacific University the southeast all of the lumber would accounts but is loaning money to his has been made into a republican paper, I have never known of a copper wire on the program and the riotous laugh with the class of ’96 since when he have been burned despite the desper neighbors. While Washington is now it is understood that it is for this rea being taken down because it was too ter that followed the production of each had been running his father’s farm on the banner dairying county of Oregon, ate fighting'of the men. son that the democratic element feel small and a larger one replacing it number^jy the different classes caused Gales Creek. He leaves a wife, his The only accident was suffered by the industry is yet in its infancy. the need of an organ that will exp'oit Now, we all know that the amount of I the audience of college folks and towns- parents and a brother, Del Bisbee of Ray Northrup of Glencoe, who was re President Ferrin began his talk in a its side in this county. It could not light consumed is very much more i people to laugh until their sides were Portland. turning from the Grove and stopped to humorous strain saying that all were than twice what it was at that time, so sore indeed. The yells of the four The funeral services were held Tues- fight the fire. In jumping from a slab patrons for when the milk of the cow be learned where the paper was to be i . . . r, located but it is thought that Hillsboro if the wires were none too large then, academy classes and tnose of the col- day under the direction of the Knights conveyer 20 feet high he wrenched gets thin we always take down the Car- ... . . . .. . .. . they are certainly very much too small lege vied with one another for suprem of Pythias of this city at the Naylor his back badly and strained the ten nation .._____ . -u-i. ____ _ I | wriU be selected as the place as that can «____.u from the shelf. i_r___ He stated would be the center of the political now. acy until the whole auditorium was a cemetery. dons of his ankles. the economic law that wealth comes # field. It is said that a conference was The city of Forest Grove has never veritable bedlam. Founders’ Day The output of the mill was 30,000 from the producers, the miners, the (B y T h a tc h e r C o rresp o n d en t.) owned a portable volt meter to test its jjjg day for the students, in fact the He held last Monday in the latter city We are called upon to chronicle the feet per day and there were 33 men lumbermen and the farmers. among the prominent democrats both lines and circuits when citizens com biggest of the year and in ye olden employed by the institution— 18 in | quoted statistics showing that the far death of our friend and neighbor, Ruel from here and Hillsboro and all the plained to find out where the trouble times cane rushes and class scraps were M. Bisbee, who was injured by being the mill and 13 in the camp on the mers had produced $7,000,000,000 the arrangements were perfected to launch was and some people have had just not at all out of the ordinary. Killin place near Banks. Many orders j past year, more than the entire wealth thrown across the woodsaw which sev cause for such complaint. This day is celebrated in honor of were in to be filled, not only from the of the nation fifty years ago He urged the new paper. Rumors have been We have gone over our lines from the founding of Pacific which was in ered the right arm below the elbow local trade but some big bills from the the farmers to send their boys and girls | j current here and at Hillsboro for some power house to city twice a year and 1848—the local institution is the old and mangled the left arm. The shock east. This has been a banner year for to public schools, high schools and time to this effect but it was not until Monday that any tangible evidence of have cut every branch that touched est college in the northwest and the of the accident proved too much for the Lyda sawmill and the demand has college. the fact presented itself. vAnd it was the wires. We have soldered every second oldest west of the Rocky Moun his system and he died Sunday morn been better than ever before. The Byror. Hunter of the government ing, Oct. 13, about 6 o’clock. His hinted, too, that one of the present joint to prevent loss, but the branches tains. wife was in Portland at the time of the loss will not only be a severe blow to eaperiment station at Corvallis, gave a have not been trimmed from the city The three big features of the day accident, but on receiving a phone its owner but will be a serious loss to splendid talk on “ Winter Feeds” rec- coun? Pa‘,fM Dro^ to swilch over lines this year at least, and not a joist were, the take off of the Sophomore very ommending kale as the most whole-1 u*t0 ,he democratic column. the community as well, as it is a on the copper wire has been soldered class by the Freshmen; the work of the message secured a livery and accom difficult thing to get lumber. some of winter feeds. But a few years ! Died. so far as I have learned since Joe Sophomores themselves;and the"Bridge panied by a brother arrived home in Mr. Lyda will not rebuild as he says ago only a farmer here and there giew time to be recognized by her husband Bailey left the service seven years ago. of the Gods” by the Juniors which was there is a hoodoo hanging over his head Richard M. Taylor, the 2 year < Id kale but now there are many of the We have a Standard Volt Meter in in fact the best bit of work that has before he breathed his last. and it seem as though he cannot shake agriculturists raising it for their cattle. ! son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Taylor of He was a man of whom it can be the central station here that any per ever been gotten off at the varsity as said “ He had not an enemy ” He it off. He has been in the sawmill Richard Scott of Milwaukee, has been the Waggner Addition, died yesten.ay son can see at any time and read, and a laugh provoker. was a kind neighbor, always ready to business all his life and his father was | growing kale for the past 29 years. By after an illness of about twenty day*. if the same fails to show 104 volts at About twenty freshmen marched on the pioneer sawmill man of Washing j forcing its growth by means of a hot j The funeral will be held tomorrow. anv time, then we are at fault and are to the platform sucking their bottles grant a favor if in his power and will ton County. \ bed early in the spring it will be ready be greatly missed. not furnishing the proper toltage; but, and sticks of striped candy and all took New Laundry.'. for feed by August and will last until • instead of this, on account of the loss, their seats in a long row while Fred Teachers' Institute. April. He urged the farmers to make Hawaiian Damsels Our Guests James T. Newberry of Seattle, and we never think of carrying less than Knight called the role of the “ fake” Annual Teachers’ Institute will be use of the bulletins prepared by the former ForeifY Grove .hoy, will start a There will be an informal recep 110 to 112 volts, and this can be seen Sophomores. Each responded with a held in the court house at Hillsboro, government, for, said he, it is that man new laundry here. He was in the city tion this Thursday evening in Marsh at the car barn at any time. This loss little original jingle which made some October 30, 31 and Nov. 1. that can cut down his hours and make today and made all arrangements to Hall, to enable the citizens and stu and trouble from trees and branches clever hits. Dick Abraham sang a par Supl. M. C. Gase has been planning a success of his business. Three clas start in abou. a month. He will put not only affects the system in Forest ody and the whole bunch joined in on for some time to give the teachers of dents to meet the Company of ses of bulletins should be had by the in new machinery and conduct a I rst Grove, but makes it impossible to fur the chorus. The climax of their work, Washington county one of the best in young Hawaiian ladies whom Mrs. farmer: The one on Milk Fever. An j class laundry. nish outside of the city. however, was the presentation of stitutes ever held here and from the Edith Tozier Wetherred is conduct 1 Example of a Modern Farm, and Dis j When the aforesaid contract was en “ Maud’s” kind to the “ Softy mores.” able corps of instructors engaged such ing through the state. Mrs. McCuue and her »on O m ar eases of Horses and Cattle. There will be music bv the visit tered into, the late Hon. David Smith, The donk was exceedingly real as she is insured. Among the instructors and When H H. Stewart introduced H McCone and bride were visiting their former mayor of thiy city, remarked, was led upon the stage and hurled lecturers employed appear the names ors and others and all are invited to E. Farber vice president of the con friends Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman “ That contract is ill right but the away srith her hind foot when one got of the following prominent leaders in come and welcome our Hawaiian denser*, he said that all families have last week, and have returned to t. eir guests. Eight to ten Thursday pets and that of the five factories of tne home in Nebraska Mr. McCune just perty furnishing the current should be familiar with her hands. education: evening. paid for looking after the distribution company the one »here is Mr. Farber s got his brulc in ¿cattle. Leo Amzi, alias C. Franklin Koch, Hon. J. H. Ackerman, superintend- Second Annual Meeting at Conden ser Big Success-Good Program. •Communication to The News Places the Blame, But Of fers a Remedy. LYDA’S SAW MILL MET DEATH BY STEAM WOOD SAW BURNS THIRD TIM E 4 he a tin >i fie fie .e le le to :f It s s e 3 I h n 4 I 4 « 4 4 4