Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1897)
Dr. R. H. Hovey, dentiit. C hal' s 0 t 7 , ’ owner ° f the water system, Mr C h. ’ 80 t5I Sa,0On -d Mr. Chapman, a canvasser for school ap- J . paratus, were passengers from Tillamook . C ü flS K . . . F o re st G rove, O regon, on Saturday’s stage. Carries the largest assortment of Perfumes of every de scription, Toilet Soap, Combs, Sponges. Also the largest stock of Patent Medicines in Washington county. All will be sold as cheap as they can be obtained elsewhere. Be fore purchasing, drop in and consult K arl’s Clover Root Tea, for Conatipa- t.on; It «the ben and if after,,sing it von don t say so, return the package and get our money. Sold by j . A. Brisbin“ s Drug Store, Forest Grove. Mr, Philip Beal brought into the H a T lhk T office Monday a sample of Forest Grove peaches, of large size, beautiful color and exquisite flavor! ungios c U. C. C i i f l R K , Froest Grove’s Live Druggist. Foragood quality of castor machine | Bread and all kinds of pastry at Wil- The fruit could hardly he excelled in the most favored peach regions oil and black machine oil call at A. T. son’s. Abbott & Roe sell Horse Shoe | tobacco at 55 cents per pound. The building of a wood addition on the rear of the Ingles * Pope brick has |cr!'« «rent leaveuiug strength and increased insurance 15 percent, on prop Assures the food against alum erty adjacent, by a new rating made , of adulteration common to the August 8. ,5olutely Pure. j j, ROYAL BAKING POWDER S. Hughes & Son have just received a supply of binder twine and anv one wanting the same should give them a call. ORK- b o u t t o w n . oils ami glass at Abbot & Roe’s A very nice Holstein bull, two and one „•id Keene and family expect to half years old, for sale cheap hv I). Mc Millan, Hayward, Oregon. on to Corvallis. Personal— The gentleman who an i to loan in aunts to suit. Rooms noyed the congregation last Sunday by Shute Buildiflg. Hillsboro, Or. continually coughing will find instan Bates will preach in the Congre- relief by using One Minute Com;h Cure, church next Sunday. a speedy and harmless remedy for throat lust will lie received on subscrip- and lung troui:!?*. laggets are aa good its cash with Born. To the wife of Mr. Frank Yan- i domelen, of Verboort, on Tuesday, the 17 th, inst., a son. Boos’. Assessor Wilcox is working on his huge task of preparing the assessments for the equalization board which wiH probably meet about Sept. 20. It is in teresting to note that of the names of taxpayers in this county the initials of surnames rank in order of number first S., then B.. H., M., W „ C., L., R. Pro- rably the numerous family of Smiths give S its prominence but it is queer that the Jones tribe does not make a better showing for J and give it at least place among the first eight. Before you start to school go go to to the the City Drug Store and buy vour s c I m i o I books, tablets, pencils and everything else in that line. Shaving 10 cents hair, cutting 25 cents at the Diamond Shaving Parlor, one door north of Hayden & Buxton’s meat market. Good work and courteous attention.— Allen & Sears, Proprietors. Strayed.— From the Bond premises, iu I _ r „ Forest Grove, two small spotted pigs. F'inder w ill be suitably rewarded by ad- dressing, F'red Witt, F'orest Grove, Oregon. " I d o n ’t b e l i e v e t h e r e e v e r w a s ao g o o d a p i l l m a d e a s A y e r ’s C a t h a r t i c P ills. T h e y w ill do a ll you recom m e n d t h e m fo r a n d e v e n m e r e . W h e n I h a v e a c o l d an d a c h e f om h e ad to h eels, a d o se o r tw o of th rs c p i l l s i s a l l t h e m e d i c i n e n e e d e - i to s e t m e rig h t again . Fot h e a d a c h e ,? j P H I C lo th e s . » T h e g o o d p ill h a s a g o o d J coat. T h a p ill c o a t s e r v e s ► tw o p u rp o ses; it p ro te cts v » v * v * . . . . v » v * * v v * w » . i th e p ill, a n d d is g u is e s i t t o th e s e n s it iv e p a la te . S o m e c o a ts a re t o o h e a v y ; th e y w o n ’t d is s o lv e , a n d th e p ills t h e y c o v e r p a s s t h r o u g h th e s y s te m , h a r m le s s a s a b re a d p e lle t. O th e r c o a t s a re to o lig h t, a n d p e r m it th e s p e e d y d e te r io r a tio n o f th e p ill. A f t e r 3 0 y e a r s e x p o su re , A y e r ’s S u g a r C o a te d P ills h a v e b een fo u n d a s e ff e c t iv e a s if ju s t fr e s h fro m th e la b o r a t o r y . It’s a g o o d p ill, with n g o o d c o a t. A s k y o u r druggist fo r » Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. # This* t e s t i m o n i a l w i l l h e f o u n d i n f u l l in A y e r ’ s **C u r e b o o k , ” w i t h a h u n d r e d o t h e r s . F r e e . A d d r e s s : J. C. A y e r Co., L o w e l l , M a s s. Mr. ami Mrs Ed. Boos returned liom r Genuine Singer sewing machines are Blank notes for sale at the H att I ikt handled in this and Yamhill counties yesterday from .1 two weeks uu'ing vrt Printerv. only by Geo. C. Kasterl;., McMinnville. the mount.oils Unclaimed letters are advertised at Write him. Don’t thin your Mood with sassafras M the F'orest Grove postoffice, as follows: P o s t m a s t e r M a r s h F e s r e c e i v e d G ie ■ i-oil I! w i t ’ (»til m a s .; I ■ ■ 1 r n i l « , * : Mrs. Eavia Bemum, Mrs. Chas. Burns i u.ti>>; J J c W tu 's 1..U I .-.a ilv i - . m - í v . (2), Mrs. Alice Hodes, Mrs. M. Trobock, follow log'co mmioic t’.tou, mill 1 (Lite of Mrs. Rebecca Webster, Mrs. Wm. Wells, j August lt, hum U . S>. Shalleuberger, | the famous little pills lor constipan»«* Alee Blackburn, David May, Quong second assistant postmaster general: “ I biliousness, and stomach and livsrw Hop. " have to acknowledge the receipt of peti- troubles. They are purely vegetahSt. I tion t l U l i signed o l g U C t l by U y citizens L l l l a v U S of U I Forest A U l Vo t VT I U V vT, _ • Grove, j . c . C U A , druggist. Doors, windows and mouldings at ¡ Uregon, asking for improved mail facili- . . . . . , ,, , .,,, Heat was so intense yesterday than j Portland prices. Abbott & Roe. ties in the territory of Alaska. The pe- I J 1 around town struck work d u r A gentleman who recently returned to titioners do not designate to what point i workmen . ing the afternoon. his I>ortland home after a week’s stay at these imp oved facilities are desiied, S°da SPrl,1Ks has <luite a" interesting hut the question of better mail service ! W. B. Johnson, Newark, Ohio, saya., h,story- His name is Mr. Payne and he in Alaska is one that the department is “ One Minute Cough Cure saved my onijy ,sa nephew ofPresideut Tyler. A native devoting much attention to at present. ; child from dying by croup.” It bam of V,r8,nla- he to California in the On account of Ihe climate, the condi saved thousands of others suffering frena days of ’49 and to Oregon a year later. tion of the roads and the great distance croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and otherr Surely he is a model husband for in 47 of many of the points to be bsnefitted serious throat and lung troubles. J. C . years for the short period often weeks from any base of supply, much difficulty Clark. only has he failed to answer roll call at is experit perienced in the operation of mail Misses Nellie Vosper, Nora Smith an«f his own fireside each evening and always | routes in this section. It is the inten- Lena Boos, and Master George Boos lcSs in proper season. I tion of the department, however, to af- this afternoon for a two weeks stay att Mrs. General Thorp went to Portland Saturday and Monday started over the Don’t neglect a cough because the l nion Pacific for Buffalo, New York, ire the very best line of oils and weather is pleasant; before the next where meets the convention of the the market. Also glass and storm rolls around it may develop into Woman’s Relief Corps to which she is A. T. Boos. | a serious difficulty beyond repair. One j the national delegate from this state. Abbott & Roe sell Horse Shoe to ford as frequent mail service as the busi Soda Springs. Garrison is visiting this Minute Cough Cure is easy to take and The G. A. R. national encampment is ness of the section will warrant, consider bacco at 35 cents per pound. Catterpillars are becoming thick iaa nds in Portland and Ore- will do what its name implies. J. C. also to he in session there. She will also ing the great cost o f operation.” Clark, druggist. attend while there a reunion of the F'irst The increase in popularity of Pacific , the trees and now is the time to destrwv Mr. C. L. Hasbrouck, a druggist at them An effective method is to sat» Married.— Sunday at Gales Creek N. Y. Dragoons which General Thorp Coast fruit is shown by the fact that the rour fruit dried in Jones’ evapo- Mendon, Mich., says all of the good rate a brick, wired to a pole, in kerso»«- i commanded, and a regiment of whose single city of Omaha, Neb., has this church in the presence of a large gather tostimoniala that have been published and hold it li(?hted under the nests. j * , ing of friends Rev! Mr. Snyder, of Port gallant record the state of New York is year already tripled its use over last lustin Rice lias accepted the call land, united in marriage Miss Nina Bate , justly proud. Great preparations have year, fifty three carloads having been by the manufacturers of Chamberlain’s this way they can be easily and coma_ I Congregational church he re and man of Gales Creek and Mr. P. W. Iler lieen made for the event and more than sold there against eighteen last year, and Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy pieleiy burned out. _____________ py the pulpit on the second of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Her at once 250 members from all over the Union the best of the season is vet t o com«, could be duplicated in town. For sale 1 by J. C. Clark, druggist. j The following earnest appeal for hi» I will tie there. Bartlett years bring $1.75 to $2 00, and in September. cam e to the Grove and took possession presence at a reunion of his regiment at prunes from $1.25 t o ft ¿5 if packed well. Southern Pacific railroad coni- ! City Drug S'tore is headquarters for i wishing to talk with Mrs. of the home that Mr. Iler had prepared. This ought to net people here from 75 to pany holds its charter from Kentucky Buffalo, N. Y. .General Thorpe found IX j school supplies. about the famous home remedy, (« * Go to Hinman’s for machine oil. 80 cents a box for pears and 2 '/i cents a and now that state has decided to tax all I , , . . . , ,, , II find her at home on Satur- . . . . , each of his soldiers a beautiful engravioae Will furnish sulphur, burlap and funds pound for prunes. Careful packing will such corporations 52 !2 cents 011 <100 of . . . ,, , , , , , __ sil orders promptly attended . . . . , ,' . , , , . of himself, as he appeared at the heart a>f» Another social dance occurred in Verts to care for the coming hop crpp. For he found profitable as fruit reaches mar their capital stock whether they do busi-1 , . , . , his dragoons tn many a gallant clmria»- j tall Friday night. The music by the ! terms call on Edward L. Naylor, our ket in enough better condition to com ness in the state or not. This will have . .. , . . , . . on the battlefields of the late Civil wax. Wirt* orchestra is excellen t and as a nice local agent, at his office at Forest Grove, mand better prices and well repay the to , be paid for five years back, involving ¡P. R. Burnett, of Eugene, will Forest Grove may will be proud to re ; class of people attend, the dances are Or., or the J. M. Russell Co. Portland, extra labor involved. a large amount of money. (the Christian church on Sun- member among her citizens one with spit » very pleasant affairs. Many hope they Or. pa. m. and H p. m. Mrs. Lizzie Schultz, manager of Wash C. L. Large M. D ., answers calls night glorious a war record as the general har.. will continue as they afford a delightful t Miss Marion Contris was seven years ington county for the Viavi company, is and day. Office Large block Fir St. i P. Ry. is the oldest railroad, diversion needed when everything else August 9th, 1897 d bed, safest, and most accomo- socially is at a stand still on account of old last Thursday and in response to in located in the Dr. Large cottage east of Call at the H a t c h e t office and get T.J. T h ope , lot any railroad on the Pacific the warm season, and the cool evenings vitations from her mother, Mrs. Dr. the Christian church. your hops insured. Forest Grove, Oregon, Contris of Salem, and aunt, Mrs. Dr. a ticket at Hatchet office, are very inviting for recreation. People with hair that is continually M y D e a r C o l o n e l : Hovey, about thirty young friends as Any one desiring gun repairing done kterson, agent. falling out, or those that are bald, can I wa» heart broken on receiving yous should call on Dempsey & Kane. Say, do you know that you car. buy sisted her iu celebrating the anniver stop the falling, and get a good growth letter today and learning that you coaDtl wn Kirts, of LaFayette, uncle of second hand furniture at Smith’s Store? sary by a picnic party in the Naylor One and half bushels of wheat will not he with us at this Flncampment andS putter, was in town Saturday He is in the market to buy and sells very grove. The day was happily passed in i of hair by using Hall’s Heir Renewer. bring you the H a t c h e t for one year. Reunion. I have received responses* py to his big farm near (ireen- low. An invoice of new goods in today. amusements and refreshments of which Yukon Eyeprotections— The largest Here’s a chance to have “ dollar” wheat. from 250 of the bo\s that they will isk after harvesting. If you want anything in his line call and latter delicious ice cream was the chief \ line of optical goods in the county at Summer Discount Sale— In Ladies’ here. This is' the largest gathering til' attraction. Charming little photographs Barnes’. All kinds of colored glasses, Inthern Pacific offers a round buy cheap. Oxfords in all styles and colors, from the regiment that we have had since ih t- of the diminutive hostess, of four varie- eyeprotectors, goggles etc. pt to Yaquina for $ 5 .( 55 , half rate $1.00 and upwards. See Gregg’s show war, and the only thing to mar o u r Mrs. Doidge who used to live tere is ties and representing her in as many ! You will find a box of Ayer’s Pills an pleasure will be your absence. We have- window before making your purchase. again inviting notoriety by her efforts to \ attitudes, all natural and characteristic, looked forward to this and talked it ovei- Ui. Holmes and daughter and secure the pardon of the man Stephens made appropriate souvenirs of a day c<Ativeness in g e stio n , sick headache, The gold reserve today is $141,869,608. for a year, and now to have all our liopt •#. Holmes, of Portland, have whom she claims as her long-lost hus which was full of so ma,1-y Ple^ u^ s that ' and nausea, they are prompt, safe, and Silver is 51.3 cents or 40.13 cents in a dashed to the ground; your absence wWk [ting at the home of Mr. S. G. band but whose true wife proved for it will long dwell in sweet recollection in efficacious. Taken in season, they may standard dollar. be the only thing lacking to make it a* Sunday the hosts and guests him an alibi to the satisfaction of a the minds of the favored ones who were prevent serious illness and vexatious de Cure that Cough with Shiloh’s Cure. success. oda Springs, court. present. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Ctoup lay and disappointment. I have secured a church next door t«w ! promptly. One million bottles sold last my residence, t wo vacant stores acrosr. r.A large brass door key. Owner 1 “ Last summer one of our giand-chil- Ice cream at the Home Bakery. A “ hop-pickers’ trust” was formed at | 4o dofes fm cU fay } A isame by calling at Naylor’s dren was sick with a severe bowel the street and a new double house that: A hopeful sign is the re-appearance of trouble,” says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of a meeting held in Thatcher school house j g rjsbjne M paying for the advertising. I have just completed, in which to ei* real estate advertisements in Oregon - F'rederickstown, Mo. “ Our doctor’s Tuesday evening by people from that tertain the regiment. 1 have secured. » An original pension was yesterday ptuin Boille, of Tiganlville, was newspapers. The dealers have been vicinity. Twenty-cne signed their competent caterer, a man to decor.*«*- taken to the asylum by Hon. economizing for sometime but now with remedy had failed, then we tried Cham names to a resolution which pledges granted to Moses Johnston of Gaston. the rooms aud all the accessories t » (nd. The patient is 19 years old a prospect for sales instead of trades the berlain’s Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea them not to pick for les; than 75 cents Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant, , , Remedy, which gave very speedy re eves in feeble in mind since birth. city papers again show the large display ,h,nE " success and the a hundred, and they are wil'ing to ask laxative. Regulates the bowels; purifies 1 n’ a* e lief.” For sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. of my life. more if other localities think the present the blood, Clears the complexion pgoing East or South should get advertisements which used to lie so Change your mind and come with yow> City Drug Store for School Books. price of liopM will justify it. This action Easy to make and pleasant to take. Mr the S. P. Ry. I. W. Patter- familiar. good wife and you will never regret F - was taken because of the combination of 25CU. Sold by J. A. Brisbiue. At McMinnville wheat has been 7 « mid ! I will secure a nice room for Mrs. Thotps.- Persons wanting machine oil should the hop growefs of this county and state The thermometer at the college regis near my I unit, and she shall be m y at Gaston 79 while 78 here. nrce. of San Francisco, who not forget that Dempsey & Kane carry a to form a tvust for the purpose of putting tered 107 yesterday as top mark. guest. If you will come with her ymt- I'liitiiig Mrs. Geo. Smith for a good line. Keep cool at Wilson’s parlors. down the price of picking and their dec ptnmed home Saturday. Ed Crang who went to Baker City, re- ! shall both have the best room in ui\. Candy, Soda water, lee cream at Wil laration that they cannot pay over 65 Prof. R. A. Heritage, dean of the col- cents per hundred weight for picking, cently, has employment in a gold mine house. •iy acute lung troubles, which lege of music of TV illamette 1 niversity, son’s. I received a nice letter from Mir. The resolution further called attention | near there tunnelling. (fatal in a few days, but old will have charge of the instruction in Scott the other day in which she ask* Yamhill county hop-pickers arc going ■ 1 1 . i „ . „ 1 with 111 to l(5cen‘ s to the price of hopi being high enough The past week was very favorale for me to have a vacant chair for the Majiv» nghs and throat troubles may vocal music in the annual teachers insti ' ' ' to justify better compensation fw the farm work; harvesting is progressing •mediate relief and be perman- tute, which is held here Aug. 24 — 27 . to pick iv i l at the table and to talk and act as if ha ^JL 1 on ti,P picker, and denounced the growers for nicely and in another week will be 1 by O e Minute Cough Cure. He had charge of the music at the a hundred as 1 1P P U were present. This I shall, of conr»«- growi r 1. p.i> mi. a ^ ^, charging practjCally over. In Clackamas county i carry out. Mrs. Geo. Smith went to Gladstone Park Chautqua and is now prni 11 is o reien . - them with strangling competition and tbe yields of wheat run from 18 to 20 Mrs. Thorpe shall be well looked aft*™ ‘ Monday for a fortnight’s visit at the Newport Summer school. Prof. Heritage has probably the liest voice of paid 75 cents 1 ibuMMlm, andlf^hcgoods undertaking to keep dow. the price of bushe,s per acre, and oat, from 27 to .30 while she is here, and all you ask, nmf (there. picking when without this organization bushels. In Washington county the more too, will be done for her comfort any man in the state and his splendid sell for 10 cents the lalior will receive on the part of (lie growers naturally a yjejds Qf grain have been excellent, Jlbbott & Roe and rent a Cres- and happiness. solos will he an attraction at the evening $ 1 . 00 , which is about 50 cents a Ixix. A fair rate would be paid. Ati appeal is Sprjng grain promises good yields. Hop tand never waik home. I have secured a band, a bugler an«l like rule will govern prices between. meetings. made to the people of countv and state jjee are numerous in nearly all yards and the man who best the first long roll at |C. Capíes was up the road on to consider the justice of this movement are dojng much damage. Berries and Lunches at all hours at Wilson’s. When the spring time comes, ’ 'gentle our First Camp at Suffolk, but what is a ^trip last week and spent Sun- and to join in demanding for the pickers prujj are abundant. There is a very Annie,” like all other sensible persons, Reunion of the regiment without Col- Lrvallis. A little child of Wilson Davidson, who large crop of potatoes maturing. ! wj)l cleanse the liver and renovate the live* northwest of Greenville, died yester a portion of what the- earn. ouel Thorpe. *walk is replacing the old 1 system with DeV.''s Little Early Hundreds of thousands have been in -, Mr. Geo. Boeker Sr., of Greenville, I will see that your magnificent letter day of cholera infantum, aged nine I the east side of the gynina- Risers, famous little pills for the liver is read to the regiment and every mat» duced to try Cltaimberlain’s Cough wbo went to California some time since months. . , HI on College Way. ' and stomach all the year round. R e m ed y by reading for others, and hav- after his severe sickness is greatly itn- has a copy of it. You must have heel» Crescent Mills will clean and store teited its merits for themselves are proTed jn health and expects to return inspired whtn you wrote it; it remind» •P'iy & Kane for hardware. Persons who would be willing to board your wheat free of charge. We also fur- today ¡ts warmest friends. For sale by home before long, me of your ringing and patriotic talk» F®ctt Q uick’s family spent a teachers dnriug the four days of the in nish sacks to haul wheat to the mill, j c CUrk druggis,. . „ v ... _ to us during our first days of soldering- |°f last week at Tillamook, go- stitute, which begins next Tuesday, You can either get these sacks at the - - The remains of Mrs. Nellte Cardiff Telegraph me that you will be h eir [0n Thursday’ s stage and re- i should leave their names and particulars or at 0ur store -H ain es & Bailey. Notice to Contractors. Redmond were brought from Portland and my cup of happiness will be full. “urday. as to price, etc., at the H atch et office. ,, r There will Fe let to the lowest bidder., .he Monday and buried in the Congrega- Yours most sincerely, A sixteen months old child of ot Otto Utto coun(y ,,01|rt room in the ,.ourt h.nine at Ilill» tional cemetery. Mrs. Redmond was a No influence will be used to direct any D. W. H ar rin g to n . ('nrtsl. A clear hea<l and Wismer, living about two miles south- lX)r0t wantiinrtou county, Oregon, on Sat- granddaughter of Mrs. C. G. Wagner. one to any particulnr place nor ,s any ••cured with Shiloh’s Ca- assurance given that the offer will be ac w e s t o f here fell off the porch yesterday arday, Auxnst-it, 1 S» 7 , at «o'clock t>. m.,acon- A numbei of Fipworth League friends H,|y. sold on a guarantee. tract fo, for ts.f tsilldio*a bridge road d.artct <1.—. No. .11 14 , brides in row! Mrs K rletler’s- cepted, for it is impossible to tell how and received quite a cut in the forehead, tree, in said county Bids to be sealed. OomiiW of Mrs. Flora Hinman, surprised her at rhee Sold by J. A. Bris- large the attendance will tie, but this in Dr. Crang dressed the wound. Bread, Pies and Cakes Neat and tasty »loners reserve the right to reject any or all her home Monday evening on the eve of P*>t<>r.., Forest Grove. bids. Specification« may be »?eu on said day si formation will be brought to the atten her departure for Portland where she imetry. Cheaper to buy than linke Stop That Cough ! Take warning It clerk's olfice Cole attended the bi- tion of those iaquring for accommoda- • will pass the winter with her sister, Mrs. n P. (’oastaui s, may lead to Consumption. A 25 rent Ro;i of the hoard of pensión lions. Connty Judge. Esther Kaue. In music and social chat Save Your G rain. I*!tt 1 e of Shiloh’s Cure may save vour P**‘hllsix>ro Wednesday. Hr. the two hours visit quickly passed and life. Solti bv . 1 . A. Brishine’s Ihug Few realize that each squirrel destroy»» P * M’ood are the other mem- it was a merry company. b e d s e a l is I HOECAKE SO Ah’ Store Forest <»rovt*. $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wake- Wheat today it 79 cents here which lee’s Squirrel and Gopher Exterminate« Pure Granulated Potash HAS NO EQUAL *^ior cows and dogs may 1»’ with the preaeiit purchasing power of is the most effective and economical paa- Contains no salt or other adulterant, s o a p FOAM i s Made under U. S. Patent it must nec holders of the city money is equivalent to w'.tst $1.13 would son known. Price reduced to 30 restk. o. l will make more and better soap toan 'Mia marshal. Queen ui Kitchen andLauudr^ essarily be different from all others. have been at the last time we had J. C. Smock, Agent, Sherwood. For aafc either solid or crushed lye. Bei .g Contains no starch, free alkali or worth by J. C. Clark, druggist “ dollar” wheat. Pure White, wi” not makes the clothes Bo» c l , W it h packed in sifting top cans it ts more less filling. 1 on stipotion forever y e l l o w nor the finest ai*. economical and convenient. ilv by the name of Cole from have rented the Keene house. i ‘ « '.d r u g g is ts refund monev