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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1897)
¡SärÄ.’*” CONSOLIDATED JUNE 1, 1896 .ffggioiiul C a rd s . r c. E. PATHIC p h y s i c i a n AN'D s u r g e o n ave., Si GROVE, OREGON. ...„ton paid to Medical and Survival «omen and Children and a ll chronic ARMSTRONG, M. D. l&Ktessor to Dr. W ard,) residence in Doctor Ward’s use on Pacific avenue. ittention given to Diseases of Women. . - - Oregon. ore, aaasaE : LXON, FOREST GROVE OREGON. "OMAS H. TONGUE, RNEY-AT-LAW, jo no, , ¡al Work and Conveyancing. H IL L S B O R O , O r . W. M. L A N G L E Y , KEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW jtjr Prosecuting Attorney. Collections a specialty. ¡-Up-stairs, Woods & Caples Building. or The Gold Regions. Yenen sells tickets to the Koot- ng camps, including Rossland, Nelson, Ainsworth, Balfour, sod all points on the Great Railroad. Either first or lass. He is also resident agent R. & N\ Co. '«Tour R o w e l s W i t h C a « c n r e t * . Cithnrtle, c u re c o n s tip a tio n fo re v e r . 11C. C. C. f a il, d r u g g is t s re fu n d m on ey. Executor’s N o tic e . after the 4th d a y o f S e p te m b e r , 1897,1 at private s a le th e fo llo w in g d e scrib e d a in parcels to s u it, to w it; Kington co u n ty, O re g o n , lo t 3 b lo c k 4, L in th e c ity o f F o r e s t G r o v e . L o t s in block 1, in F fa y lo r ’s a d d itio n to th e 4 Grove. L o ts 7 a n d 8 b l k 3, S o u th 5 to F o rest G ro v e . AI90 e a s t h a l f o f land claim o f W . W . C a tc h in g a n d w ife P acres n ear s o u th w e s t c o r n e r th e r e o f ¿soldby said C a tc h in g to S. S. L e n o x ; donatioM la n d c la im o f W ils o n and lby; also e a s t h a l f o f so u th e a s t yK o f 1. except 10 a c re s n o r th o f th e T u a la tin northeast yK o f n o r t h e a s t yK a n d lo t 1 lections 11 an d 14 b e in g in 1 1 n r 3 * Temeridian. In C la t s o p c o u n t y lo t 3 in Astoria as la id o u t b y J o h n M c C lu re Jed by C y ru s O ln y . T e r m s ; o n e h a l f c in one o r tw o y e a r s w ith 8 p e r cent- >nd secured b y m o r tg a g e u p o n th e based. riy in F o re s t G r o v e c o n s is ts o f im - d unim proved lo ts , b u s in e s s an d resi- -ddings. P a r tic u la r d e s c r ip tio n o f th e can be se e n a t t h e o f f i c e o f th e 3 ton C o u n t y H a t c h e t . F o r fu r t h e r * address th e u n d e r s ig n e d at A s to r ia , axtor o f J . Q. A . B o w l b y . th e E s t a t e o f W . B o w lb y . :• 3,1897. Forest Grove Laundry JONES’ STABLE SMITH & BOWMAN, 7Morgan B lk . GROCERY STORE W. S. BALDWIN, Manager. W ashington C o u n t y , O r . neys - a t - l a w School Apportionment. to discontinue light in sheriff’s office and is quite probable that it will be profit- An apportionment of public school that lights in offices be burned only able to work over all the rejected mater- ial which was thrown away by the men funds for Washington county will be when necessary. Schmelizer, Skeels and Groner bridges who covered that great gold field, and made upon the third Monday of this HAS THE LEADING month, the i6th, about $15500 being received, having been examined by Com. produce from it by this cyanide p ocesa great quantities of gold. This is not un distributed. Of this $6819.28 was re- Reasoner. Petition filed by C. Christiansen and likely to be the case further south, in : ceived from the state irreducible fund. The basis is $2.50 to each child reported, 40 others ior location and survey of road. Mexico, Central America, and Pern, making the total per capita lor the year Bond filed and approved, and Surveyor where such quantities of gold were All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, $3 50 against $3.45 in ’95 and $3.30 in ’96. Wilkes and A. W. Smith, John Caldwell mined many years ago. Add to this the Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop A considerable amount is now delinquent and K. Messentiue appointed viewers of gold developments of South Africa, Aus Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and W illow but will probably come in during the fall road to meet at commencing point on tralia and North America, and prospec tive Siberia, and it is not surprising that and be added to the amount distributed Monday, Aug. 30, at 10 a. m. Ware of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. Also a large Court believing that the present jail the gold productions of the world are next April. The district, clerk and lot of all kinds of Seeds I n B u l k . building is in dilapidated condition and more than keeping pace with the growth amount apportioned are here given: of business. As everybody knows the i Frank Imbrie........... -.-■ $ 147 50 TEA AND COFFEE A SPEC IALTY. 2 J C Buchanan J r ,....... gold productions of the world have make repairs on said steadily increased during the past few 3 E C Mulloy.................. is used as a prison or years, those of last year having bee« 4 John Marsh................. . . . . 157 50 ig that auy expense put greater than any in the known history of 5 H F Gordon................ • 97 50 firs the world, while all indications now 6 Wesley K y le................ ---- 34 ° 00 be- point to a still greater increased produi 7 Peter Boscow................ of the re- tion for 1897.” 100 00 8 J B Hanley................... veral years Mr. Baker's remark that the gold pro 9 Jos Connell................. •• 137 50 ide to this duction of the world has increased with 10 E S Gaylord............... ---- 34 ° 00 We do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible ts and tax- such rapid strides suggests some inquiry n j t A M Porter.................. . . . . 270 00 manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at eving that j upon this subject. That inquiry shows 12 JohtiBoekerJr............ tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are should be that the gold of the world today is nearlv 13 L S W ilkes.................. . . . . 150 00 cheaper than Portland prices. Your patronage will be not abroad, this or quite three times as much as 50 years 14 D B Lnaby.................... appreciated. ^ ^ ^ ago. Mulhall, who has been widely 15 F T K ane............ ........ in the papers of the United States in the 16 G H Temple.............. . . . . 157 So past few weeks, indicates in his latest 17 Calvin Jack S r ........... dictionary of statistics that the amount 18 Robert Stephens......... . . . . 220 00 is to build a j of gold in the world, coined and un 19 C T Shattuck............. . . . . 130 00 ■ , coined, fifty years ago amounted to less 85 00 2ojtA W W right.............. . . . . irick and iion and in every than two and a half billion dollars. 21 S A D Meek................. . . . . 180 00 istructed that same will be Taking his figures for 1890 and adding 22 S N Poole................... . . . . 280 00 building. Ordered that this the production since that time it would 23jtC F Tigard................ 374 25 matter be continued until Thursday, appear that the gold of the world toda-, 26jtJ U Henry.................. Aug. 13. coined and uncoined, is over seven b i l 27 W W W olcott ................... Good Horses lions of Collars, being nearly or quite 28 J S Miller ............................ Some for ten, some for twenty and, three times as much as it was fifty year« New Rigs 235 00 29 J B Im lay ........................... ame for thirty years have suffered from 30 R P L illy ...................... . . . . 237 50 piles and then have been quickly and ago. Had there been no increase in tire Moderate 32 M T Bates.................. . . . . 75 00 permanently cured by using DeWitt’s population meantime, there would be 33 J Asbahr....................... . . . . 137 So Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for | thus three times as much gold for each Prices 35jtJ O Gustin ........................... . . . . 95 00 piles and all forms of skin diseases. J. person now as there was half a century j ago. But the population of the wor M 39 A B Flint ............................ . . . . 162 50 C. Clark, druggist. has increased about fifty per cent, 40 G A Plieth ......................... About Gold. in that time so that the amount of Will run a stage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; $1.00 for the 41 A C W irtz .......................... . . . . 187 50 gold for each individual is therefore round trip, 7 hours in the city. Engage seats day before. 42 J T Gardner ..................... . . . . 127 50 Special Correspondence. W a s h i n g t o n , August 7, 1897. about twice what it was at that time. 43 Wm McDonald ............. . . . . 152 5 ° Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers The excitement and interest caused by This, however, relates to the gold in 44 B Phillips ............................ . . . . 102 50 Hunters and Fishermen 160 00 the recent finds of gold in the Klondike bulk, and not gold money. A further 45 A C H all ............................... . . . region are still further stimulated by a study of Mulhall and other sta tistica l T a k e Jones’ Bus to and from all trains 4ôjtC M McCormick .. report coming from London to the effect ( shows that the increase in the propo - — ___ Baggage and freight ca lle d for and delivered 47 F Kruger ............................ 48 S A K lin k .......................... . . . . 470 OO that the Peninsula of Kamchatka, di tion of the gold which is coined into 87 50 rectly across from Alaska, on the Asiatic money has been as great as the increase 49 J E Pugh ............................ . . . . 50 E C Miller .......................... . . . . I70 OO side, is likely to prove as rich in the in the production of the metal itself. precious metal as our fields. These Fifty years ago only 33 per cent, of the 51 S Burns ..................... 52 Carl Pfahl.................. . . . . 127 50 statements create a good deal of interest gold of the world was coined; now 66 hqre, especially among those who are per cent, is coined. So it appears that .PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. 53 G E Mooberry........... ....... 147 50 following closely the enormous gold de while the amount of gold for each indi 54 E J K uratli................ . . . . 372 50 velopments of the world which have re vidual in the world has been doubled iu Toilet Articles, ^ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by 55 A Guerber......... ........ cently occurred. An examination of the fifty years, the proportion of that gold 57 M S Barnes................. ....... 175 00 Stationery, an Experienced Pharmacist and from map of North America will show at a which has been turned into coin has 58 J M iller....................... News Depot. the Best and Freshest material. 59 Mrs A Coburn............ ....... 120 OO glance that the great gold field of Alaska also been doubled, thus making the gold 60 00 which is now being developed is a part money of the world four times as much LONG DISTANCE TELEP H O N E. 60 Geo’Taylor................. ....... of the same general line of mountains for each individual as it was fifty years 61 C A Brinkman........... JVIAIN S TR E E T, JHILLSBOf^O. 62jtJ E Sm ith.................. ....... * 1*7 5 ° which supplied the enormous gold pro ago. ____ duction of California, indeed of the same 63 J I Northrup............... ....... 135 «> Subscriptions Received for the W ashington C ounty H atchet , general line which produced the gold of 64 W K N ewell.............. T he C ounty NEWS paper . Peru, of Central America, of the United ------------------------- s j » a ------------- 65 J F A llen .................... and now of Alaska. Take your 66 F M M cLeod............. ....... 9 » 50 States, of two hamdrwi'UTO map of the world and follow this moun .......... I70 OO 67 jt J A Johnson............... nan. Club with The Oregoni Notice to Bridge Builders. tain range, and you will find that it 68 W H W ier.................. seems to cross from the North American There will be to let in the county court 69 C Bateman.................. continent to Asia at the Behring Straits, room of Washington county, Oregon, 70 Mrs Laura J Nichols . ........ 55 00 and that the extension of this general on Wednesday, Aug. 5. 1897. at 2 o'clock 71 N J B aker .......................... range across into Asia covers the very p. tn., a contract for building a bridge 72 J H R in ck ......................... country into which the Russian govern near Garden Home in district No. 9 and 73 I C Clutter ........................ ment is now pressing gold developments also for a bridge in district No. 50 at 74 S Graf ..................... .......... 25O OO ........... 90 OO and the general search for gold. The Darliug Smith’s, to be let to the lowest 75 N C Shipley 75 00 dispatch referred to above states that a responsible bidder or bidders. Com $ 2 .0 0 P E R Y E A R ._______________ 76 A H Wolford............. Russian expedition has discovered twelve missioners reserve the right to reject any 77 L Bailey...................... gold regions in the vicinity of the sea of or all bids. Specifications may be set-11 78 A H Schofield........... Okhotsk, and it believes that the west at the county clerk’s office on and after 79 J Palmateer................ ern peirfnsnla of the Peninsula of Kam Monday, Aug. 2, 1897. 80 GJ Saunders.............. chatka will develop gold fields which By order of the commissioners' court. 81 P Grossen Jr......... , * ........... 177 50 will, as the dispatch puts it, when opened, B. P. C o r n e l iu s , 82 S A Durham ............... 4 . ........... 127 50 County Judge. 3 * 50 “ be a second California.” 83 A Thomas .......................... "Whether the prediction of the Rus Special Bargains in Tw enty and Forty Acre 84 jt R H Whitehead........ 87 So Annual Teacher's Institute. sians that they are to develop gold fields 86 N Bothman ....................... Notice is hereby given that the annnal in Kamchatka which will rival the early Tracts in Washington, Y amhill 87 jt J P Lund ............................ history of our California gold fields is to teachers’ institute for Washington 88 A Campbell ...................... ........... 337 50 and Tillamook counties. be realized or not,” said Mr. Marcus ; county, Oregon, will be held at Forest 89 G N Hale beginning on Tuesday, Ang. 24, O R EG ON . 90 J W McRobert ................ ........... 130 °° Baker, of the Geological Survey, Ulking Grove, 1897, at 10 a. tn. and continuing for four fo r est grove 70 00 91 W N Lewis ....................... ........... days. Those holding certificates froas 93 J N Hoffman ................... this connty are required to attend at 47 50 enormously increased and is uo«f in least three da;s. ns are holders of state creasing wonderfully. There are two 97 SO distinct gold fields today which are pro papers employed in this county. Direc 95 G O Bailey ........................ 96 T B McAdams ............. tors of schools in session at this thre 207 50 ducing gold in very great quantities— must grant» two days time of actu*l 97 G Sohler.................. gales c r e e k . South Africa and North America. The 98 C A Peterson............. ....... 5 * 50 Alaska fields are, of course, a part of the school service to their teachers to at.end 99 A J Raymond ......... ....... 107 50 general line of mountains which the institute during which said time pay 100 jt Mrs Lois R Wright. ....... 5 00 same developed such wonderful gold deposits of teacher ahall continue. Attention i 1 lot jt J L Kruse................ called to snbdiviaion 23 of section 25, IO OO in our own territory less than half a cen Title III, and to section *>, Tittle II, 102j t T W Grant............... ....... 30 00 tury ago, and whether the mountains of I03jt W F Young Kamchatka and Siberia are a part of the j Oregon School Law, for the authority 104 jt D W Prince............. same general system or not it would n o t' for holding the above institute and the L o w P ric e s, be surprising if these reports of large penalty for non-attendance. CHAS. HIATT, Proprietor. P ro m p t D e liv e ry , COMMISSION KBS’ COURT Dated this 29th day of July, 1897. gold deposits there should also be con E x c e l l e n t Q u a lity. A u s t i n C r a ig . August Term. firmed. The fact is a greater incentive Recorder McCormick received $123.10 to the production of gold to-day than Connty School Superintendent of Wash ington County, Oregon. • - 'Fp YOUR b o w e l s s t r o n g a l l SUMMER I fees daring month of July, Clerk Imbrie ever before. There are two or three and Dye House. d e n t is t , pm - V oi. I l l , No. 2 0 , V ol. I X , No. 2 8 G R E E R THE fiPO C FP G E IG E R , H.nce Bowlby house, P acific Tot Forest Grove hotel. FOREST G R O V E , O REG O N, T H U R S D A Y , A U G U ST 12, 1 8 0 7 . ip-23 Notice of Final Settlement. - i* hereby g iv e n th a t th e u n d e rs ig n e d , 'J>fthe E state o f H. B ig h a ra , I n s o lv e n t, in the C ir c u it c o u r t o f th e sta te of ^or Washington c o u n t y , h is fin a l ac- - Mid estate, a n d t h a t ► aid fin a l a c c o u n t and p a ssed u p o n b y s a id C ir c u it court h o u se, in H ills b o r o , O re g o n , -I- the 23rd d a y o f N o v e m b e r, 1897. Hillsboro. O reg o n , th is 29t h d a y o f J. N. G R A B E L , Estate o f H . B ig h a m , in s o lv e n t. b r o c k ’ s D rug store . Wanted-An Idea £ ~ 3 £ We Do Not Hatchet and San Francisco Weekly Examiner, MELKI JO H N SO N RE/cL EST/cTE AGEJsIT, t h e old w il t r o u t m i l l 1 SEND IT FREE! All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. EAK M E N y oung a n d o l d . ♦ with ns in the Discovery. " » » n h u « for yea r, with a - tint Might* hi* life and rob« him of m»ke, ufe worth Urine. If hr can f of a complete onre, why not po*«e*» " ’araee to «top hi* downward conr*e. * !>d yon by m ail, absolutely free, in '*•«* the All-Powerful Dr. Holman'* ^ * ot»Iive Tablets with a leeal guarantee -if cure loaaof Manhood, Self abuse. ^Sh**e. Varicocele, «tope forever nieht 7 all unnatural rtruin«. t etnrna ranee, emanciated organ* , h- fraud nor recipe deception. If we - we would not aeiid ottr medicine and pay „ h e n aatiafled. Write ■■amay not appear again. W n rrC B H « D I C I N '* C O , , Mefc. ÿ)ANDY CATHARTIC c k - a k CURtCOnSTIMTION w* . V * 2 5 * » S SO •II f _ . Aisrrhfps (JyyrBtefJ.kJI ^ DRUGGISTS w r complaint*, <**»»*í«ír¿*«y.nAtw — — « o n t o s i , t an , o r îft» * Tort.. $202.20. Bid* on McKay Creek bridge; J, W. Goodin $75^0. T. C. Johnson $84.00. Contract awarded to J. W. Goodin. Proposition of attorney for St. Mary's Home for rebate of ’92 taxes not ac- cepted. County clerk ordered to place a war rant with sheriff to make levy and sale, as by law provided, for collection of de linquent taxes on rolls from 1877 to 1896. Sheriff ordered to instruct janitor to mow and clean courthouse square; also reasons for this: first, that silver is to Rheumatism, which is caused by a« cheap that there is less incentive for its acid in the blood, is cured by the nseof pI0daction and the people who had for- Ayer’s S rsaparilla. External treatment merly given their attention to the min- j, nf no avaj| Until the blood is thor- ¡Dg of silver are now looking for new ou^ ,jy cleansed of sll impurities, it is use- goldfields; second, the gold mining and ]CM to expect the cure of aoy disease, gold production becomes easier every I Has cored others, will care you. year as new methods develop and new For Constipation take Karl’s Clover discover es are made. Take the great gold fields of California, which were Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier- supposed to be worked out years ago; Cures Headache, Nei vouaneis, Eruptions the cyanide process now gives promise on the Face, and makes the head j of making them again productive, a*d it j • i ‘ belt. Sold by J. A.