Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1897)
I K a n d B SÏÏ".'.a..,'* "l CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4, « fegsiontil C a n U . ATHIC p h y s ic ia n GROCERY STORE ■ GRO VE, O R E G O N . or to D r. W a rd ,) residence in D octor W a rd ’s • on Pacific avenue. tention given to Diseases of Women. O rego n . ve, ON, dentist , FO R EST G R O V E p.m. OMAS H. T O N G U E , rney All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and W illow are of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. Also a large lot of all kinds of Seeds I n B u l k . __________TE A AND COFFEE A SPECIALTY. Forest Grove Laundry and Dye House. We do all kinds o f Laundry W ork in the best possible manner. Any work left w ith us w ill be prom ptly a t tended to. We guarantee all our work. O ur prices are cheaper than Portland prices. Y o u r patronage w ill be appreciated. ORKGON. - a t - l a w , , W ash in gto n C o c n t y , O r . ITH & BOWMAN, W. S. BALDWIN, Manager. JONES’ STABLE YS-AT-LAW, Work and C o n veyan cin g. Morgan Blk. H IL L S B O R O , O Good Horses . r New Rigs ff.M. LAN G LEY, Moderate jT AND C O U N SE LO R A T L A W Prosecuting Attorney. Collections a specialty. Cp-stairs, W oods & Caples Building. ■ . r. Prices \ "V ■' V T hese questions proposed by Judge 1 Martin are y ea rly becom ing more in te r esting, as the unique first organization o f society by A m ericans on the Pacific coast becom es m ore w idely know n. 1 have and can have no ob ject in adding iny m ite to the history o f the settlem ent o f O regon but to tell the facts as I know them . I knew Dr. W h itm an w ell, tra v elled w ith him from the South Platte river in w hat is now the state o f Ne- „ The Gold R e g io n s , en sells tickets to th e K oot- camps, in clu d in g R osslan d, Ison, A insw orth, Balfour, all points on th e G reat Railroad. E ith e r first or He is also residen t agent R. & N. Co. lie, cu re co n n iip a tio ii fo r e v e r ., d r u g g is ts re fu n d m on ey. 1 yK y yA Jin Forest G ro v e c o n s is ts o f im - troimproved lo ts, b u s in e s s a n d resi- P a rticu la r d e s c r ip tio n o f th e can be seen a t th e o ffic e o f th e C ounty H a t c h e t . F o r fu r t h e r ^ress the u n d e rs ig n e d lit A s to r ia , J . Q. A . B o w l b v . of the E s ta te o f W . B o w lb y , 1189- ■ 9-23 Notice of F in al S ettlem en t. % given that the undersigned, Estate of H. Bigliam, Insolvent, U>e Circuit court of the Rtate of w&shiogtou county, his final ac- C 8 t 4 te, and that paid final account •od passed upon by said Circuit Gwrt house, in Hillsboro, Oregon, ft« 23 rd day of November, 1897. ■»teboro. Oregon, this 29th day of J. N. GRABEL, e Estate «>f H. Bigham, insolvent. stances referred D rug AK M E N ns *»*fMnp|ete c1lre w ily . u 0 | 6 to stop his d ow nw ard course. * * bT mail, absolu tely free, in . e All-Powerful Dr. Ilo ftn a n ’s v* Tablets w *th a leeal guarantee ^re loss of Manhood, S elf abuse ~i>' Aricoceie, stop* forever u ie h t •N nni.atiiral d rain s. R eturns 'm a n d a te d organs "*** ° ° r red pe d ecep tion . If we . *ould not send ou r m ed icin e when satisfied . W rite na appear again . W* 8 TKR MKIHCINK CO., Kalamaaoo, II Ich LONG as the W a ld o co m pan y w as in T he C o u n ty N E W S p a p e r . We Do Not roman. Club with The Oregc Hatchet and San Francisco Weekly Examiner, $ 2 .0 0 P E R Y E A R . MELKI JOHNSON R E /e L E S T A T E A G E J N T , Special Bargains in Tw enty and F orty Acre Tracts in Washington, Y amhill and Tillamook counties. FOREST GROVE ........................... OREGON. THE OLD W ILTROUT M IL L CHAS. HIATT, Proprietor. • r r r ^ Y o u R B O W E L S S T R O N G ALL SUM M ER I | M artin, JVIAIN STREET, JHILLSBO^O. Subscriptions Received E x c e l l e n t Q u a l it y . in the Discovery. suffered for year-» w llh a his life ami m bs film of We w orth liv in g , if h»* can T o ile t A rtic le s , S ta tio n e ry , N e w s D epot. Low Prices, Prompt Delivery, 0l'NG AND OLD. to b y Judge store . All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. -T C - yea believe, about an yon e or any organ ized effort to save O regon to th e U nited States. Dr. W h itm an jo in e d th e party o f im m igrants o f 1843 ju st as Colonel N es m ith had p reviously jo in e d us, and PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. n either o f these w orth y men was a m em ber o f the party w hen it pulled up stakes Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by and struck out for Oregon from the ren- an Experienced Pharmacist and from dezvous on the w estern border o f M is souri. Dr. W h itm an fell in w ith the the Best and Freshest material. com pan y o f Jes-e A pp legate, on the DISTANCE TELEP H O N E. South Platte river, n early a month after we started on our jo u rn e y. H e had been tra vellin g w ith the W a ld o co m p an y for the W a s h in g t o n C o u n t y H a t c h e t , before that, but how lo n g I do not know, GALES CREEK. D IT FREE! tn e T a k e J o n e s ’ B us to a n d fro m a ll tr a in s there was no th ough t in the m inds o f Baggage a n d fre ig h t c a lle d f o r a n d d e liv e r e d anyone, so far as I kn ow , and as I fully ecutor’s Notice. the 4th d a y o f S e p te m b e r , 1897, I private sale th e fo llo w in g d e s c rib e d pircelsto su it, to w it; Ton county, O reg o n , lo t 3 b lo c k 4, in the city o f F o r e s t G r o v e . L o t s block 1, in N a y lo r ’s a d d it io n to th e Grove. L o ts 7 a n d 8 b l k 3, S o u th to Forest G ro v e . A ls o e a s t h a l f o f claim o f W . W . C a tc h in g a n d w ife s near s o u th w e st c o r n e r t h e r e o f Id by said C atch n g to S. S. L e n o x ; tio 1 land c la im o f W ils o n an d ; i-lso east h a l f o f so u th e a s t of 10 acres n o rth o f th e T u a la tin -rtheast o f n o rth e a st a n d lo t 1 ions 11 and 14 b e in g in t 1 n r 3 w eridian. In C la ts o p c o u n t y lo t 3 “ oria as laid o u t b y J o h n M c C lu re by Cyrus O ln y . T e r m s ; o n e h a l f in one or tw o y e a r s w ith 8 p e r cent- secured b y m o r tg a g e u p o n th e D ra sk a , to f o r t H a l l , in W ill run a stage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; $r.oo for the Dr. whitman a f t e r w a r d v i s i t e d m e at rouiK rip, 7 lours in the C l t } . Engage seats day before. m o m e e, , a and nd w ere I e t r e s id e , a n d m y y h hom w h here I y yet Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers stopped w ith m e and m y fam ily in the fall o f 1845. A t the tim e o f th e circu m Hunters and Fishermen b r o c k ’ s Tour llinvcls W ith Cunen rets. Ä A N D V CATHARTIC .-O b C O A C A fc CURtCOItSTIPATION «0* 25 * 50 * . ALL DRUGGISTS V o i. I l l , N o. Il), V o l. IX , No. 27 for that the O re g o n ia n ) G a s t o n , Or., J u ly 28.— (E d ito r Ore- g o n ian .)— I have received m an y iuquir- ies lik e the follow in g in Judge M artin's letter, and w ith yo u r perm ission, I w ill answ er them all throu gh T h e Oregon- >an: “ Pendleton, O r., July 20. 1897.— A lm oran H ill, E s q .— M y D ear F riend : Y o u r daugh ter, Mrs. C am p bell, was sp eakin g o f you to me in connection w ith Dr. Marcus W h itm an , and his com- ing across the p lain s w ith us in 1843. 1 (1 traveled w ith D. W ald o ). I wish to know w hat you rem em ber o f W h itm a n ’s o verta k in g us on the plains; w here he and his n ephew , Perrin W h itm an , cam e | to Mr. W a ld o ’s w agons first, and how long he travelled w ith us before he went in to M r. K a is e r’s mess; and w here he left our im m igration and went on his ! m ission, and w here we n ext saw him and his wife, and w hether or not you ever saw an y o f his circu lar letters, and if so. ! where did you see them first, u rgin g the settlem ent o f Oregon by A m ericans, and who piloted our im m igration from P'ort Hall to The D alles, and an y other thing that you m ay rem em ber about D r. W h it man, actin g as our guide, etc. Pleas, answ er soon. I d o n ’t w ant it for p u b li cation; but ju st fo r m y own satisfaction . W ith kind regards io vou and yours, I I rem ain as ever. Yours. “ W IL L IA M M A R T I N .’’ immigration. As to letters, Robert Shortess, who settled at Astoria, and D ick y W illiam s, who settled near j H illsboro, cam e out p rior to 1843, and sent back letters descrip tive o f the co u n [P ro m HAS THE LEADING ^-noe Bow lbv h o u se, l ’a e lflc « v e ., of Forest G ro ve h o te l. ARMSTRONG, M. D. im e s Who Saved Oregon? and s u r g e o n - -itoli esili to M ed ical a n d H u rg lc a l fomeu Slid C h ild re n a n d a l l c h r o n ic T r o v e f o r e s t G R O VE, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 5, 18»7. G R E E R T H E OROCRP c. E. G E IG E R , G o r e s t W anted-An Idea the W hitm an and his nephew did not have W h it m a n ’s nam e an d fam e in the h is much o f a tra v e llin g outfit— a sm all tory o f O regon is secure an d hon o rable, w agon and tw o horses, and had to be and the partisans o f a trum p ed-u p claim assisted w ith provision s before reach in g to som ething he never m en tioned •Fort H a ll. W h itm a n was a w elcom e ! lifetim e do him n o credit. j visitor at every mess party, an d in his A L M O R A N H I L L , 43. fre- | quetitly ate w ith us. K a iser w aso rig in a ’- I ly a m em ber o f the A p p leg ate com p an y, and travelled w ith it for tw o m onths or } m ore, but on acco u n t o f som e trouble, dropped back in to the W aldo com pany, ' and as to how lo n g W h itm an messed with K aiser, I do n ot kn ow . Dr. W hitm an left th e im m igration o f 1843 at F ort H all, and proceeded ahead o f us, in answ er to a special message I from Mr. E ells, sent forw ard to m eet us 1 hy Indian runners and for the purpose o f being in a 'ten d a n ce on Mrs. K ells, who S om e for ten, som e for tw en ty an d, Arl^,°n ” ‘ ln sec 9' 3 1 r J W....... Bohart et als tO Krank and Ollle Mllla lt Sand n 14 of ttil Bo permanently cured by using DeWitt’s hart, inh-divlslou 15 a ................. Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for Leonhart ßuehler and wf to Augiiata Crnger 113.40 a in t 2 a r z w (boud piles and all forms of skin diseases. J. for deed) .................................... C. Clark, druggist. Fred Knecht and wf to John Reichen tract lu Centeivllle...................... Court House News, H G Eltaworth Jr to John M l’ugh a % of u :14 of n w '4 of the a e % aec 4 t In re estate c f Orin N. Clark, ceased; bond of L. K. Adams, adminis- 1 _ 2 , „ a r 1 w ........................... ’ , , . . . Fred Hurat aud wf to Ksther A. Lewis trator dr firms »on, filed and approved; filed by by A Ada Wiltsie asking petition filed d a E. W ilts ie ask in g for distribution o f assets; ad m in i*trato r I m ily. ordered to file inventory b y Sept. I saw D r. W h itm a n next at his Real Estate Transfers. Adolph Grlese »ml wFe (by aherHT) to Henry Weluhard e >4 of n e 54 «nd 0 H o f s e )4 see. Sfit 3 m 3 « ...$ C B Raininell et »1 (by sheriff) to J. Thoiburn Hons 1 , 111.44 n of John L Hlcklin and w f d l c t l a r l w ____ David Goodsell to J Thorburn Iloaa d l c t l i r I w (quit claim).......... I Van B DeLaahmutt et .1 (by sheriff) to ! lit National Bank of IHUsboro 1M a of Albert Stewart and wí d 1 i t 1 i 2 w ........... ..................... | Cyro* E. Haskins and wf to o 4t C R R « 3 .', a, : 179 s I* 1 Ud 5000 4M 1 0) some for thirty years have suffered from piles an d then have been q u ic k ly and was an ticipatin g an addition to the K ells mission, w hen we reached that point on tm try. I w ell rem em ber how the letters o f Shortess were passed around from house to house, and it w as these letters w h ich ( really started the im m igration o f 1843 Men slug a elieerful ditty. Life has a newer charm. ¡from Missouri. D r. W h itm an knew There’s bustle in ihe city these men in th is co u n try p rior to h i s 1 Aud bustle on the farm. go in g E ast in the w in ter o f 1842, and he The good times mills all grinding knew o f their letters, and could reaso n A great abundant grist, Makes a good republican ab ly conclude th at th ey would produce ] Of every populist. au im m igration iu 1843, and, a c t in g ! 1 upon that conclusion, he m ade his great The farmer smiles with pleasure To see each golden field, [ trip in m idw inter in order to g et through ( And figures out the treasure w ith his business and return in the That harvest time will yield. sp rin g o f 1843 w ith any party w hich j Then t o h la w ife he whispers (Giving his beaid a twlsf) m igh t be on the tra il. In that wonder- I •sty dear y o u 'v e seen the last of ful m idw inter ride across the con tin en t A husband populist.” to Missouri Dr. W h itm an acted with — C orvallis Gazette. great discretion and ju d g em en t. H e ! W ho can 1 could not risk a lo n g absence from his o f to m e ri thing to p a fa m ily and m ission, and to w ait for the o rin g y o u w< Writ?’J^Hif WEbDERBl'Kif^ . P . a . te n t _ a CO.. good w eather o f 1843 he would be de layed so he could not return until 1844, and so the w inter trip o f 1842 was a ne The college catalogue, it is understood, cessity to save tim e. will l>e printed out of town again tUb* W e did not have any p articular pilot year. The hundreds of dollars which from F'ort H all to O regon, as it was not Portland printers have made hy fancy n ecessary. T here w as a great, broad charges in the past enable them to un trail w hich had been travelled fer ages derbid the local office by a slight amount, by the In dians from Eastern Oregon and it is gratifying to know that the sample, Idaho on their annual trips to the buf si own as the standard of exceHeisce falo coun try east o f the R ockies. A n d , which must lie reached, is a copy from besides th a t, the In d ian s gave us all the the edition gotten out hy this establish inform ation we needed. ment two years ago. The school is so lu m akin g these statem ents, I do not large a property owner now in Portland, wish to detract from the ju st and hon or having acquired it mainly by foreclosure able fam e o f D r. W h itm an . I am no of mortgage (for what was its income partisan in the discussion as to w hat is producing endowment has been largely due to the m artyr for his part in the s e t invested) there that it is interested in tlem ent o f the state. A ll the facts and building up the industries of thometro[k- circum stances o f the im m igration o f 1843 plis apart from the inclinations of tin* con lusively satisfy m e that n either Dr. majority of the finance committee who W hitm an nor a n y c n e in th at im m i are for the most part Portlanders. gration had the least idea o f g o in g to The True Remedy. Oregon to save it from the control o f the W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III., E n glish ; for, if such a question had been “ Chief,” says: “ We won’t keep house m entioned or th o u gh t of, its greatness without I)r. King’s New Discovery for and im portance would have m ade it the Consumption, Coughs and Colds. E x upperm ost th ough t in th e m inds o f all, perimented with many others, hut never but the subject was n ever m entioned. got the true remedy until we used Dr. We all believed it was U nited S ta tes ter King’s New Discovery. No other remedy ritory, w ithout a doubt. Dr. L in a and can take its place in our home, as in it other representatives in congress from we have a certain and sure cure for Missouri were m a k in g a fight for legisla Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coughs, etc.” tion w hich recognized th e co u n try as Lt is idle to experiment with other rem ours, and we all kn ew o f these discussions edies, even if they are urged on you os in c o n g r e s i Dr. W h itm an w ent E a st to just as good as Dr. King’s New Discovery. report to the m ission board, and had no They are not as good, because this rem th o u gh t of savin g O regon to our go v ern edy lias a record of cures and besides is m ent, but o f savin g it for the kingdom o f his L ord and M aster— Jesus o f N aza guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. reth. N obody in M issouri, so far as I Trial bottles free at the Millar phar macy. knew , even k n e w o f W h itm a n ’s return To Cure Constlputlon Forever* in the w inter o f 1842, and la m sure, if it Take Ciincarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or «5»'. had ■ een made p ublic by an y o f the now If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund mouev claim ed circular letters, the fame of such j rear | an exp lo it as crossing the continent in j o f th e entire p arty o f im m igran ts o f 1843, m idw in ter would have m ade him the hero ' and this f ic t show s th at W hitm sn did I at every M issouri fireside. W e could not not organize o r lead th at im m igration . ! have forgotten such a feat as that. D r. '• Where We Are At. There’s no excuse for wliiuing. Prosperity has awoke. The sun is sweetly shining Aud the air is free from smoke. 1 he sun o f peace aud’pleuty Has cleared away the mists, M a k in g (nawf republicans Of all the |»opullsta. 3 , 1897 . In re e s U te o f H e n ry G a rd n e r, final in ven tory ap proved de- our jo u rn e y b u t M rs. W h itm a n was not cease(j; then there, cot yet h a v in g returned from es, a te c)osed o f record, cash on h a n d , to- and [ The Dalles, where she had gone for safety in the absence of her husband in : the East. I saw Mrs. Whitman when she returned from The Dalles just as we were about starting in our boats down the Columbi and after we had been camped for thre^ weeks, making boats. I never heard of any circular letters purporting to have been prepared and circulated by Dr. Whitman to induce immigration to Oregon in 1843, until about 10 or 12 years after his death; and I don’t believe any such letter was ever circulated. Prior to coming to Oiegon I lived in S t Clair county, Mo., and in the region which furnished both the Waldo and Applegate companies com prising at least half ot the immigration of 1843, and was very int.mate with bo‘ h Daniel Waldo and Jease Applegate— lived with Applegate three years and lived within three miles of Waldo and I feci confident that if any such circular let ters had ever been issued by Whitmsn, Applegate or Waldo would have known of the fact, for they were two of the most intelligent and best informed men that ever came to Oregon, and they would have mentioned such letters in their efforts to gather their companies wit: $186.96 set over to widow for main tenance of minor rliildren. In re estate of Wilson Bowlby, de ceased; E. H. Tongue appointed guard ian ad litem for minor heirs; executor authorized to sell real estate sufficient to realize the sum of $5000; to sell at private sale for one-half cash, balance on one or more years’ time, at 8 per cent, interest, and mortgage on premises sold. In re estate of James Ramsay, de ceased; final account filed and set for Sept. 27, 1897, at 10 a. m. In re estate of S. L. McEldowney, de ceased; final account filed and set for hearing on Sept. 37. 1897, at 10 o ’clock a. m. Constipation, an exceedingly danger ous condition of the bowels, is nearly always the result ot carelessness and inattention to the calls of nature. To correct irregularities and restore healthy movements, the best aperient is Ayer's Pills. They are easy to take. Wanted-fci Idea SSr-S 31 a< ;1 au<11 blo(.k 1800 0(1 10 «I We>t Port. land Heights I’eter Halter to creaeuces Halter lta lu i w l l l i r l w ............................... I M cM innville Nation». Hank to K. E. Miller :I6.4K a o f a w (4 of a w >4 of a e r 3 tln r 4 w ....................... Geo T l.edford (by sheriff) to Million Bachman It« 4 5 and 8 blk S in Blmon’« aild to Hillsboro............. .. L C Walker aud wf to J C Woods l.S a of Elkanah Wa'ker and w f U n i t and 4 w. Also right o f way Matilda u ’dell and husb to Max loch Its 5 S and 'Jin Garden hom e......... lb# 4 » | (0 35 M M l (ij 3*2 0» SOU ■ Sick headache can be quickly *..d completely overcome by using those tu rnout little pills known as “ De Witt’s Little Early Risers.” J. C. Clark, drug gist. 0 1 (1 People. Old people who require medicine t« regulate tlje bowels and kidneya w ill find the true remedy in Electric Ritters. This medicine does not stimulate and con: ain* 110 whiskey norot her intoxicant, hut acts as a tonic and alterative, i t acta mildly on the stomach and hovel*, willing strength and giving ton* to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the perlorrnaneii of th<> functions. Electric Ritters is an excellent appetizer and aide digestion. Old people find it jnat exactly sh at they need. Pri<% fifty cent« and $1 .ik) per bottle at the Miller pharmacy. Tn C n r* (n n .llp a tln n fa u n a Talc* ria ra rc ts Cundv Cathartic. 10c or Ma, If C C. C. fall to rare, d ru g g lsw refund nmmtf.