Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1897)
W ashingtoi F a n d .„.„KT. ■ JÑltablUkMl IHH» { CONSOUD4TED JONE 4,« County Hatchet o r e s t G r o v e : T i m e s . FOREST G R O V E , O R EG O N , T H U R S D A Y , A U G U ST 2 « , 1 8 » 7 . pn»IVNMÌuii»l C a r d s . G REER THE QROCFP SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. P. M. Corum. Jennie Beamish. Jenny M. Archibold. Amy Wells. Mrs. C. P. Blanchard. Emily Adams. V oi. I l l , No. Ü2, V ol. I X , No. oned for a term of not more than MR year, or both. “ Sec. 3. That in all cases arizing mm- Annual Teachers’ Institute for County U o P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N h a s t h e l e a d in q der this act, the fines collected shall km in Session Here. AND SURGEON paid into the public school fund of Wn L,„ i B,,w'by him«!, Pacific ave., county in which the lands where the o f The instructors and many of the j r ‘ ” we..t of »'«rest G rove h olel. SCHOOLS KNUAUKU. fense was committed are situated.’ ’* to tic 1 ers came to the Grove Monday I FOREST GROVE, OREGON. “ BINGER HERMANN. evening and many more on Tuesday I The following teachers have been em Jiileiiiioii paid to Medical and Surgical All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, morning’s train, so that when the insti-! ployed to teach in these schools of the “ Commissioner of General Land Offioe. tl,| vVnimti ami Children aud all chnndc “ Approved: tute ojiened at 10 o'clook a considerable county. lable and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop “ C. N. BLISS, Secretary of Interior.” Dilley; J. B. Beal, F'orest Grove. number were in attendance, which by sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and Willow’ Greenville; Geo. E. Madison, F'arm- night had reached sixty seven of those p. a h m s t u o n g , m . d . Nothing Like The Grove. Ware of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. Also a large who have authority to teach in the pub ington. (Successor to U r. W a rd ,) Marshfield Pa., August 18, 1899. Greenville; Wilkes district, L. Laugh- lic schools of this county. Yesterday lot of all kinds o f Seeds I n B u l k . ¡and residence in Doctor Ward’s | E d i t o r H a t c h k t : lin, F'orest Grove. morning the enrollment stood at the house oil Pacific avenue. It has been a long time since I left Columbia Academy; P. M. Corum, hundred mark with teachers still com till attenti'm given to Diseases of _________ T E A A N D C O F F E E A S P E C IA L T Y . ing your town Have often thought *• Hillsboro. in, which, as many of the men teach- Women. write you but have been so very busy j ers are in 1 arvest work and more than a Verboort; Lizzie Heiberger. Oregon. tGrovc, (ould not find the time. My stay in Verboort; Frances Heiberger. few of the ladies out of the county on Forest Grove wi 1 long remain fresh m F'orest Grove; D. H. Thomas. vacation trips, shows that Washington my memory. I have visited many to* , N ix o n , Forest Grove; Alice Porter. j county teachers are proud of their pro- and cities and failed to find one of tb»- I fession and anxious to improve them Forest Grove; Agnes E. Cronin. aj_8 size of your town that suited tny fam <y d e n tist , Gales Creek; J. T. Fletcher, selves in it. Yesterday afternoon broke as well, then the many warm friends a record for teachers’ schools, only three Creek. FOREST GROVE e <lo all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible lieing tardy out of the large attendance Farmington; Ward Swope, Farming- found there endears the place to me. 1 know of no place I would sooner locate manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at >• ">• OKKGON. and those ones who had previously ton. tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are mentioned tlrtit home duties would pre- Mountaindale; Jol n Hob man, Tigard - than at Forest Grove, Oregon. Times are beginning to look mote cheaper than P )rtland prices. Your patronage will be ville. j vent their coming on time. appreciated. -m. -m. -o, THOMAS H. TONGUE, cheerful and business prospects are im Pleasant Hill; Chester Wirtz, Moun Tiie sessions are being held in the two proving some. I think in all my ex large recitation rooms adjoining each taindale. I'D N K Y - A T - L A W , other in the southeast corner of Marsh Harrison school; Mrs. S . J. Rafferty, perietu-e I never saw times as close «* for the past two or three years. Crops Mountaindale. Memorial hall, which have lieen thrown w V > h i n o t o n C o u n t y , O k . in this country are good and prices ad | into one by rolling hack the large con- District 5 5 ; Jennie M. Archibold, vancing in almost every line. New jm »- ' necting doors. The day’s routine cor.- Hillsboro. SMITH & BOWMAN, District 9 1 ; Robert P. Wirtz F'orest ta,oes have been selling for $1.40 pir cists of ¡1 I alf hour ol music instruction I ushel hut now down to $1.00, applis by Prof. Heritage, then forty minutes Grove. InRN V.v-AT-LAW, Centerville; Emily M. Odell, Forest f 7 5 to ft 0 0 per bushel, butter 15 to Jo each of arithmetic and reading, respec cents, flour ( 5 25 per barrel, corn and tively, by Prin. Ackerman and Prin. Grove. Iwanal Work and Conveyancing. j (trout, after which comes a fifteen min District ( 54 ; Anna M. Sorenson, F'or oat feed 75 cents to f i , hay $7 to $8 per fijMor.ian Blk. HILLSBORO, O r . ton. Hay is abundant, and crop wage« Good Horses utes intermission. This recess is followed est Grove. We hare h; d an extremely Raedville; Hannah B. Anderson, good. ! by ten minutes of chorus singing and M. L A N G LE Y, New Rigs wet season forhaving, yet a comparatively Mr. Ackerman’s 1 istory (lass. After Beaverton. Kt \ II i OPN8KLOK AT LAW Blooming; Harry C. Baker, Cornelius. small amount of hay was hurt by the rain. the noon hour again comes a half spent Moderate The weather is now quite cool, the 1st | cmiiv I'nn-.i'iitiiig Attorney. Scholls; Raphael Skeels, Scholls. in teaching music and a like progrant to of July was very hot, I think the hottest i nllei'tions a specialty. District 5 ; Rose Cox, F'orest Grove. that of the morning except that the ft Prices Near Laurel; Mary Clark, F'orest weather I ever knew in this state. With I p— lairs, Woods ck Caplet- branches taught are geography, language best wishes to you and all inquiring Building. • | and spelling, with a question box for the Grove. friends and to the success of tl e F'armington; Alice Christian, F'orest Will run a tstage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; $1.00 for the j last quarter hour. H a t c h k t , 1 am as ever, For ilic Gold Regions. Grove. Prof. Dilworth, of Rose burg, gave an nrl triTA llAHrc* it, fb n U /vn rvn J 1 / round trip, 7 hours? in the city. Engage seats day before. Yours truly, > Win n m -II s tickets to the Koot- District 44 ; Agnes McMillan, Hay- interesting address on an unique table Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers J. D . S t r a i t . he lias, bv whcch examples for b u sy ' '(yard. i ime imps including Rowland, Hunters and Fishermen Cornelius ; Stella M. Miller. Conte- N O T IC E TO C O N T R A C T O R S . N' - ’i Ainsworth, Balfour, work in arithmetic can be multiplied in definitely without repeating the same lius. uni i ! points on the Great T a k e J o n e s ’ Bus to a n d f r o m a ll t r a i n s NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN THAT Conditions and yet the teacher will have len k : 'road. Either first or Baggage a n d f r e i g h t c a ll e d f o r a n d d e liv e r e d Certainly you don’ t want to suffer 1 reali-ii proposals are wanted for the f«’-- always at hand the correct answer. Mr. i i He is also resident agent lushing of the following material to U* Ntalilker, of Eugene, is also in atten with dyspepsia, constipation, sick head I" R : N. Co. used in the construction of a couhty jail dance upon the institute as a represen ache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. for Washington county, Oregon. You have never tried DeWitt’s Little BeTm ■ Pmvi-ls Will» C’n.cnri'ls, tative of the State Teacher’s Reading Brick; F'ifty thousand, or ull needed. . ■ ■ c o rc i Iporfmi ((".a cr. Early Risers for these complaints or you circle. i T ■ , (iri.aKisi.srctuml money. would have been cured. They are small Samples to accompany hid. HKOISTKH OK TEACH ERS. F'ine sand; Nix hundred bushels or :dl pills hut great regulators. J. C. Clark, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Forest Grove— Executor’s Notice. required. , druggist. Thirty-five barrels Roche Harlwr or fcrt after the dth d a y o f S e p te m b e r , 1897,1 T o ile t Articles, Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by J. B. Beal. fratprlv te s a le th e fo llo w in g d e s crib e d San Juan lime, or amount needed. Alice Porter. Sta tio n e ry, FORKSr F IR E WARNING. an Experienced Pharmacist and from 1 in ]> reels to s u it, to w it; - » Corrugated iron for ceiling. Lincoln Laughlin. fck-om»ti>n •• ••:nt v, Ort ltoi «, lo t 3 b lo c k ,;. News Depot. the Best and Freshest material. Gutters and gutter work. Persons Netting Them Carelessly Glady Nauffts. I '.r o v e . L o ts Best quality re-dipped tin for roofirg Will Be Prosecuted. Agnes K. Cronin. b ock 1, in N a y o r ’.s a d d itio n to th e LONG DISTANCE TE LE P H O N E . |Fo'?st G . L o ts 7 a n d 8 b ’ k 3, S o u th Sash and windows, etc. It. P. Wirt*. Copies of the following notice, printed pilition to For st G ro v e . A ls o e a s t h a l f o f JVIAIN S T R E E T , JH ILLSB O R O . Anna M. Sorenson. Lumber and timber for roofing. on muslin, have been received by Sur Bland claim o f W . W . C a tc h in g a n d w ife Cement for flooring and foundation. Emily M. Odell. veyor-General Habersham, and have W ashington C ounty H a t c h e t , | acres n ear s o u th w e s t c o r n e r th e r e o f Subscriptions Received for the l’ipes, plumbing and lalmr. Mrs. I). H. Thomas. Presold by said C a tch n g to S. S. L e n o x ; been forwarded by him to deputies in T he C ounty N EW S p a p e k . All lalxtr necessary. i donatio la n d c la im o f W ilso n an d I). H. Thomas. the field and others to he posted on r by; Iso e a s t h a l f o f so u th e a s t yK o f Plans and specifications may he semi Lucy L. Woodward. forest reserves, timber lands in the .except io a c re s n o r th o f th e T u a la tin at the Clerk’s office in Hillslioro on nod Mrs. Margaret Haines. domain and elsewhere: rom an . Club with The Oregc nn rtheast yA o f no* t h e a r t % a n d lo t 1 Rose Cox. “ Department of the Interior, General after Wednesday, Septemlter 8, 1 HV»<. 1 sections r 1 an d 14 b e in g in t 1 11 r 3 w Mary (lark. Mteineri iia n . In C la t s o p c o u n t y lo t 3 Land Office, Washington, D. C., July 28, and specifications will he mailed after I 1" Astoria a s la id o u t b y J o h n M c C lu re Alice Christian. 1897.— The attention of public is callad. said date u|>on request. Bids will I«* |ttnded by C y ru s O ltiy . T e r m s ; o n e h a lf Eugene— t > fact th jt immense areas of the public opened snd contracts awarded on Sejo. •anct in one o r tw o y e a r » w ith 8 p e r ce n t. Stuart B. Hanna, forests are annually destroyed by fire, 18 , 1897 , at 2 o’clock at the court’s room I ?nd secured b y m o r tg a g e u p o n th e (frchaned. i Laurel— originaiing, in many instances, through in Hillsboro. Commissioners’ court re *pcrty in F o re s t G r o v e c o n s is ts o f im - Faina Little. tlie carelessness of piospectors, campers, serve the right to reject any or all bids. iu n im proved lo ts , b u s in e s s a n d ;e si- Separate bids may he made 011 lalmr Scholls.— hunters, shetpherders, and o.hers; while hildings. P a r tic u la r d e s o i p t i o n o f th e and material. 8 2 . 0 0 P E R Y E A H . Ra|C tel Skeels. in some cases the fires are started with * can be seen a t th e o ffic e o f th e B. P. C orn kj . ich . Mountaindale.— malicious intent. ‘« ton C o u n t y H a t c h e t . F o r f u r t h e r County Judge. Misaddress th e u n d e r s ig n e d a t A s to r ia , Alice L. Scott. “ Warning is hereby given that the ori Dated August 24 , 1897 . 22 -'^ F'armington.— gin of all forest fires will be closely in J . Q. A . BOW LRY. Published by order of the commis George FT Madison. vestigated, aud, where the fire is ascer •rator o f th< E s t a t e o f W . B o w lb y , Galefe Creek.— tained to have originated through care sioners’ court of Washington county. MSftl. J. T. Fletcher. {•3.189: lessness or design, the persons implicat 19-23 Notice to Bridge Builders. Chester Fletcher. ed will l>e prosecuted to the full ezten» There will tie to let in the county court * s Notice of Final Settlement. Dilley.— Special Bargains in Twenty and Forty Acre of the law. room of Washington county, Oregtn.. T. C. Parsons. “ The public generally is requested to on Wednesday, Aug. 5. 1897, at ao’clou. p^herebv p’iven th at th e u u d ersign ed , Tracts in Washington, Yamhill of H. E igham , Insolven t, F'armington.— aid the officers of the government in its p. m., a contiact for buildiug a bridge 11 *n the too Estate Circuit court cf the state of Ward Swope. efforis to check the evil referred to, and near Garden Home in district No. 9 ami and Tillamook counties. I ”r Washington cou u tv. h is final ae- Centerville.— in the punishment of all offenders. also for a bridge in district No. 30 ax estate, and that -aid fiti 'l account. Nellie D. Marsh. ............................... OREGON. “ The act of congress, approved Feb Darling Smith’s, to be let to the lo«*e*i tnd passed upon by said C irc u it F O R E S T G R O V E Oakland.— ruary 24, 1897, entitled ‘An act to pre responsible bidder or bidders. Com r he ''onrt house, in H illsboro, O regon, -*Wd de v of N ovem ber, 1897 . vent forest fires on the public domain,’ missioners reserve the right to reject any I f T T T ! H. J. Wells. LW Hillsboro. Oregon, th is 29 th d ay of is as follows: Tigard ville. or all bids. Specifications may he seen John Hohtnan. “ ’ Be it enacted by the senate and at the county clerk's office on and after ■ f't I J. N. GRABBL, Mountaindale.— house of representatives of the United Monday, Aug. 2, 1897. r of‘he Estate of H. H igham , Insolvent. Chester Wirtz. States of America in congress assembled, GALES C R E E K . By order of the commissioners' coat Mrs. S. J. Rafferty. that any person who shall willfully or B. P. C o r n e l i u s , Cornelius.— maliciously set on fire, or cause to he act County Judge. Alida J. Aiton on fire, any timber, underbrush, or grata Mrs. Knimii C. Cornelius. “ me give you a pointer," said 31 . upon the the public domain, or ahall -T O - Mrs. M. Fi. Thompson. carelesaly or negligently leave or suffer P. Gregg, a popular conductor on th^- “ Do you Harvey C. Baker. , fire to burn unattended near any timber Missouri Pacific railroad. Mrs. Brasilia True . or other inflammable material, zhall be know that Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera Stella M. Miller. deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, and Diarrhoea Remedy cures yon whest Low Price». / CHAS. HIATT, Proprietor. Beaverton.— upon conviction thereof in «ny district you have the stomach ache? Well, it Prompt I>eli%'ery, y ° c h g a n d o l d . Lizzie Heiberger.» coart of the United States having juris- doeo.” And after giving this friendly Excellent Quality. Frances Heiberger. | diction of the same, shall be fined in a hit of advice, the jolly conductor paaamt us in the Discovery It is a fact that ! Helena Mahoney. I sum not more than fjooo or to be im- on down the aisle " m e e p y o u r b o w e l s s t r o n g A L L S U M M E R I D. F. Fleck. | prisoned for a term of not more than two thousaud* of railroad and traveling mew l!* * n suffered for year* wi h a | nevx-r take a trip without a bottle u< thw T. A. Fleck. I years, or both. relight* his life and rob* him o ' J nukes life worth living, if ho r»n Annie L. Dudley. . “ ‘Sec. a. That any person who shall Remedy, which is the beat core for bow« 1 °i a complete cure, why not pii**e*h Grace Fi. Dudley. . Imild a campfire, or other fire, in or near disorders in the world. Jj and 30 cent “Uge to stop his downward course. Hannah B. Anderson. any forest, timber, or other fnflamma- bottles for sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. * K mi by mall, absolutely free. I d (ilencoe.— 1 hie material upon the paklic domain, toe All-Powerful Dr. Hof man's The “ Bicyclist's Beat Friend” is a fa W. J. Whitlock shall, before breakiog camp or leaving ^•Tablets with a legal guaraotee ^re loss of Manhood. 8e1f abuse Progress — said fire, totally extinguish the same. miliar name for DeWiU’s Witch LUosf *• Ve.ricooale. stops forever idcht Jennie E. Stephens. 1 Any person failing to do to zhalt be Salve, alway* ready for emergoncine. ** **i uuiiataral drains. Returns Frank E. Ilite.* deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, W tile a specific for piles, it alae in '<*** cmanriated organs- Hayward.— upon conviction thereof in any district stantly relieves and cures cuts, bruise», nor recipe deception. If we 1 would not .eud our medicine Agnes McMillan. court of the United States having juris salt rheum, eczema and affo-tions of tV DRUGGISTS Clark, ilruji- P*y when satisfied Write tl.lnt.. r ...l.r M*T, .»lirai Hillsboro.— diction of »he same, « M l be C m M in a •kin. It never fails. J. 2 5 * SO * • i r r . I, ■ » ... ■ >, Srw T o ik . »S T not appear again. MMWL than fiorxr or be impris- ld»t. W. A. Tupper. sum not more ■*t8TERX MEDICINE CO., ■ ÌU. w »I»1* ^ - 1 . Ksknmoo, Mich. DR. c . E. G E IG E R , - ^ ^ G R O C E R Y ST O R E t orest Grove Laundry - - - - - - and Dye House. 0. BALDW IN, Manager JONES’ STABLE T * »«SÉ#! m n brock ’ s D rug s t o r e . We Do Not Hatchet and San Francisco Weekly Examiner, MELKI JOHNSON REjAL E S T A T E AGEJvIT, THE OLD WILTBOUT SEND IT FREE! :AK M E N ML 1 Li Li. All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. S H A N D Y CATHARTIC CURI COHSTI RATION L