Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1897)
COUNTY NOTICES that the government of the United by tariff bills of which they have States undertakes, as she surely prior knowledge as to the certainty B Y A U T H O R IT Y «red at the pont-offlce at Foreet Grove, Or. aa will, the construction of this inter- of their enactment into laws. In Second-claas mail matter. oceanic highway, capital will flow deed if the citizens of this state are Commissioners’ Court. TKKMS TO fil'BWC'KlBEHK. into this state like a river, to be to recover their rights of self-gov- Claims allowed and warrants drawn at WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE C° ^ RP ° U* J <J> GHT TO m Fuatage Free. engaged in opening all of our water eminent, independent of the cor-1 the August term 1897. EXCLUSIVE USE o f THE WORD C A S T O R I A ,” AND (year ...................................................... t> 5° ways, extending our railroads to rupt influences of bribery, it is be A s s e s s ir g and Collecting— “ P I T C H E R ’S C A S T O R I A ,” AS OL R trade mark . . $ 8l 00 18 00 ¡ facilitate the manufacture of lum- cause they will sift the ranks of pointer* / DR SAMUEL PITCHER, o f Hijannis, Massac, her and timber for all of the mar- politicians and send to the rear all Bridges and Roads— was the originator o f “ PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the *atabli»hed for the diaaemination of Washing kets Df tjie Atlantic seaboard, thus whose moral impotence is liable to C w Hermans A A t .M l.r n a t n a t the i r a «-1 t m n o of f h humanity l l t n a n i l v a and n d 4 W n i . t i t a l n r l o l a Lumber T to n county news, elevation . . Mouutaindale Co. that has borne and does now ^ w reducing the cost of transportation be overcome with the importunity c waiter tfco money we can make Item * o f general interest gratefully received. b more than fifty per Cent, aild of gold dealt out with the plethoric Tigardville Lumbering Co bear the fa csim ile signature o f Wr Editor’s hobbles and opinions on this page, all ; J . r J T Young This is the original “ PITCHERS CASTO RiA, 1 which ha» furnishing If the T C Johnson......... t b v rr*t facta—impartial and uncolored. _ a hem i market for our hand of a national bank. Editor 1»at home m his sanctum, H atchet surpius prod ucts to feed and clothe lestoration of this state to the c Trur used in the homes o f the Mothers o f Am erica f o r oier ■ tiding, Forest Grove, from 6 a. m. to :o p. m. I r r M S D a iley... a* h week day and al way a glad to talk and tile armies of laborers who are HOW ranks of Statehood III the Union, M S Dailey years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see thai ' b« talked to. seeking in vain to find constant clothed with the dignity and power M * Uailey 6 I , r M S D a iley............ the kind you have always bought 0r employment. belonging to the character of our M s Dailey IJ0UKD EVERY W EEK IN THE YEAR ON a n d ha s the s i g n a t u r e o f w The construction of this canal people, is to be accomplished it is County Court— THURSDAY FROM THE HATCHET Geo R Bagiev. per. No one has authority from me to use my name | will forever set at rest the fluctua- j liecause each citizen will scorn the PRIN TERY. T G Todd 10 00 - tion in prices of the products of the condonation of the crimes of the D d B b Reason....................................... Reasoner. cept The Centaur Company o f which Chas. H. Fletcher 4 T G Todd If you tail to receiv e y o u r p a p e r it will cific coast. Its constructions ! briber because he is rich as well as D B Reasoner................ 7 00 THE H ATCH ET. an open To MOTHERS. mb baa fa v o r if you will n o tify us a t o n ce. AUSTIN CRAIG E ditor an d J A Imbrie P r o pr ie to r . C o u n t y O f f ic ia i , P a p e r . ThEADABLE W ¡'LIABLE X llE P U B LIC A N County Clerk and Deputies— . E ight . P ages . W eekly ..................... __ 2SO OO President. March 8 ,1 8 9 7 . __ So oo and emancipate our people from County School Superintendent and As- sistants— | the thralldom of railroad extortion mansion, in our legislature and in ..•• 44 70 Do not endanger the life of your child by accept a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer y (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the gredients of which e v e n h e does not know. Austin C r a ig ... ......... all time to come. The con- our congressional and senatorial Court House and Jail — .. 4 oo I struotion of this canal will bring delegation. Redmond and Sappington.................. T G Todd ...................................... permanent and enduring prosperity 4 oo D B Reasoner.......................... • • ■ I to the Pacific coast, a prosperity OREGON AN 1 ) THE MARITIME 30 00 , ...... 1 which was the legacy of the great inquisitive to know what honor or N A Barrett.............. CANAL. 16 30 Hillsboro Light and Water Co. lumber states because they were profit has come to this common- Paupers and Prisoners— The Egyptians and Assyrians adj acent to the great lakes and wealth from those elected to office Mrs D E Reuter........................ T h e r e Andrew Olsen strove not only to excel each other r j v e r wbich ]ead out to the mar- at the last state election Resa Frost................. ............ in wealth and luxury, in the gor- ^eta of the Atlantic seaboard, are some whose record will be Julia IT Rainey .................... geous splendor o f their temples, Tjmt prosperity, the result of their found to be unblemished. What John Northrop high built, of granite and ot marble, ¡ncreased facilities for shipping consideration has our chief magis- x c"uny & S°" ....... i so with wide-opening bronze, leading commercei which has given Micbi- trate had for the expressed will of w 1-: Brock to spacious compartments within, gan and Wisconsin places in the of our people in the exercise of any t g to < iu ' ' 400 overlaid with pure gold, blit they front rank s of the states of the of his executive functions? What R E Bryan & son 310 also strove to excel all other 11a- Union, will by the construction of interest of this state has received eyances aIul UepUt^ 00 tions in commercial power and our great canal give to our state any attention in congress? What is l M cCormick........ .......... 12500 greatness. Their wealth no less commercial power, wealth and blind fool, running upon embattled , Stationery— Hatchet than their greatness and power greatness unrivalled by any of our armies clad in iron, could have Irwin Hodson C o ........ was founded upon their system of | allied commonwealths. fallen to the abject pitch of folly Geo D Barnard & Co Glass & Prudhomme canals which developed th eir, Oregon is the only state on the witnessed by the ignominious rout E L McCormick........ natural resources as no system of pacjfjc si0pe that has ever given of the last legislature, a rout con- Hillsboro Publishing Co. railroads which has ever been pro- j this national enterprise any sub- fronted and enjoined by constitu- ^ ¡ e" jected or constructed in modern . stantial strength in the United tional duties, a rout which w a s A r g u s times could have accomplished. ^ y tates senate . It was Oregon that without the redeeming feature of a The Netherlands owes its present battered down all opposition in the single protest from the chief magis Sheriff and Deputies— W I) Bradford commercial prosperity largely to senate and secured the passage of trate of this state? E B Sappington her facilities afforded by her ship the bill to construct this canal, by a State Cases and Witnesses— canals which connect all of her decisive majority of ten during the THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. D B Roe R B aglcy.................................. cities with Amsterdam. last two years, This victory in the Lung Trounles and Consumption Can be Geo H T Baglcy % In modern times the love of con- senate was lost by a failure in the .! P Hicks ........ Cured. K A Sappington quest prompted Napoleon the First hou8e for want of time to carry our An Eminent New York Chemist ami John Kirkwood to give his attention to the subject conquest to a successful termina- Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our i A K Tamiesie \V D S m ith . of a canal across the Isthmus of tjon before congress adjourned, and Readers. j F J Williams. of Suez. During his invasion of hence the great battle must be The distinguished New York chemist, T S Weatherred. .. Egypt Napoleon ordered a survey fought again as did France after T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his discov- *' * lcr. , .... . . . .. 1 0 Gardner from Mediterranean to the Red Sea, England and Austria had utterly ery of a reliable and absolute cure for I Frank Doughty. nor was his survey the conclusion failed and she finally triumphed, Consumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis) n a Barrett R A Greer of the agitation of that great com- ' and so shall we if we move forward and all bronchial, throat lung and chest U G Hanna...................................... diseases, stubborn coughs, catarral affec ■ ercial highway. In 1847 France, in a compact body of citizens, all tions, general decline and weakness, loss Ben Dennis .................................... D E Colestock...................... ........ England and Austria surveyed determined to give no political of flesh, and all conditions of wasting C W Redmond ............................ a route which was followed by quarter to thoae who have opposed away, will send THRKB FR E E BOT Rebate on Taxes— »rants from the Viceroy of direct,y or indirectly the efforts TLES (all different) of his New Discov T G Meacham.......................... Bounty— Egypt to DeLesseps who that have shown progreSs in the eries to any afflicted reader of the H a t - John Brugger ........... 7 50 c h k t writing for them. His “ New Sci organized a company eleven years rigbt direction Indigent— entific Treatment” has cured thousands Io 80 later with exclusive right of con-1 If the of this state would permanently by its timely use, and he J B Matthews Post, No. 6 G . A. R. Insane and Inquest— structing a ship canal to Suez win their greatest victory over raji- considers it a simple professional duty to C F Tigard 5 00 along the old line of canals con- road extortion they must stand to. suffering humanity to donate a trial of Dr S T Linklater....................................... 5 00 1 atructed by the Pharaohs many gether as one man.determined that his infalliable cure. You may hunt the world over and you Science daily develops new wonders, centuries before. This canal, one no politician shall be honored with and this great chemist, patiently experi will not find another medicine equal to hundred miles in length, was com- trust who fails to show the capac. menting for years, has produced results Chamberlain’» Colie, Cholera and Diar pitted in 1869 and the revenues ity, honesty and fortitude requisite as beneficial to humanity as can be rhoea Remedy for bowel complaint». It from it are several millions of dol for the solution of this greatest of claimed by any modern genius. His as is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by J.. C. Clark. lars per annum. This canal is to all commercial problems of the age sertion that lung troubles and consump tion are curable in any climate is proven Stands at the Head. day the great commercial highway in which we live. by “ heartfelt letters of gratitude,” filed from Europe to Asia and India, Aug. J. Hogel, the leading druggist of The construction of the maritime in his American and European laborato and as a result of its construction canal will lie made the paramount ries in thousands from those cured in all Shreveport, La., says: “ I)r. King’s New Discovery is the only thing that cures the values of products, and indeed issue in the coming campaign and parts of the world. Medical experts concede that bronchial, co,18*1> and R *8 the best seller I of all classes of property, have must be favorably settled or indefi chest and lung troubles lead to Con- have ” J \ F - Campbell, merchant of ( »ore than doubled in India while nitely postponed by the action of sumption, which, uninterrupted, means Safford, Ar**,> "rites. Dr. Kings Sen her commerce with Europe has in- the people of this state at the next speedy and certain death. Discovery is all that is claimed for i t ; it Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C„ never fails, and is a sure cine for Con- ctease .1 four fold. What system of election. lt is to 0regon raore railroads could have accomplished than to any other state that P rcii_ 98 Pine street, New York; giving post- sumption, t oughs and Colds. I cannot office and express address, and the free sa>' enou8h f5r its »»fit».” Dr. King’s w ch a revolution in commerce^ as dent McKinley looks for aid in the medicine will be promptly sent. Suffer- New D**«>very for Consumption, Coughs the Suez canal through the differ United States senate for the sup ers should take instant advantage of his Co1'*8 18 not an experiment. It has W e entiation of European trade in port of his well known determina generous proposition. hwn tried for a Qnarter of a century, and Please tell the doctor that you saw his stands at the head. It never dis- India and Asia? tion to bring this great national 1 for * 3 --- 3 -, Do Not Be Deceived. County Treasurer— A B C a d y ............................ ^ “The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. EW Y O R K CIT Y. T H C C C N T AU R C O M P A N Y . 77 M UR Hatchet and Weekly Chicago Inter Ocean, fi, V 9 0 «<rt*0 ? I C ;C O O 9 0 » O U « « « « « f V V « « f f V V V f « t « « « M « M | | « $ 1 .0 0 W - t h e - $ 1 .0 0 ; IN t e ij e e k l y O c e a N . j The Greatest Republican Paper of th e W est. * is the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub-1 I T lished today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest re-J ports of all political affairs. 1 j The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News j and the Best of Current Literature. It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. 1 J < Its Literary Columns are equal to those of the best magazines. Its S outh's D e p a rtm e n t Is th e fin e s t o f its k i n d . ...................... It brings to the family the News o f the E n tire W o rld and gives the best «vnd ablest discussions of all questions of the day. T h e Inter Ocean gives tw e lv e paces of reading m atter each week and being published in C h icago is better adapted to the needs of the people west of the Alleghany Mountains tnan any other paper. $1.00 j < < I J $1 o o i The Daily and Sunday Edi tions of The Inter Ocean are the best of their ki nd. . . . , Price of Dally by mail..................... $4.00 per year® i Price of Sunday by mail............................. $2.00 per year® i Daily and Sunday by mail...............$6.00 per year J I A d ilr e » » T H E I N T E R O C E A N . C h i c a g o . J Hatchet and Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean $1.5: M L - Buy a Farm, Buy a Lot. Buy a House and Lot. o n e y to O r A n y O t h e r K in d o f r appoints. Pills. e They are easy to take. a + E S T A T E l • • OF THE $ $ F orest G rove L and C o . have many bargains and now is the time to invest. Write for Price L ist. Free trial bottles at the Mil The government of the United question to a final and successful I offer in the H atciikt . ler pharmacy. States has caused several routes to issue in congress, The New Tariff Law. R IP A N S be surveyed, including the Nica if Oregon ever needed a great Which has just been signed by the rauguau route which is regarded as atld good man for govenor she president, mav be appropriately consid- entirely feasible, which can he con needs him now. if this state ever! ( ered an Industrial Declaration of Inde T h e modern stand strueted and owned by the govern needed a legislature composed of pendence. An official text of the law ard Family Medi has just been published by the American jnent of the United States for one men of more than ordinary capac- Protective Tariff League, and should be hundred millions of dollars. The ity and ability .she needs them cine : C u r e s the carefully examined by every citizen. construction of this canal can only now. If we are to secure the co- Protectionists ought to have a few copies common cvery-day be delayed by a reckless disregard operation of other states we must ot this law for distribution. Five copies ills of humanity. of our own state interests and the be prepared to show that ,ve have will be sent to any address for ten cents. Ask for document No. 30 and address joint interests of all the states in in the service of our state sober, W. F. Wakeman, Gen’l Sec’y, 135 West the 1 nion. The Nicarauguan honest and capable citizens who 23d Street, New York. canal may exceed the cost and have a record above the suspicion E v e r t b o d y S a y s So. length of the Suez by a few miles 0f bribery in our executive depart- Cascarets ( ami v Cathartic, the most won and a few millions of dollars but ment and in congress we should derful medical discovery of the age. pleas Sick headache can be quickly and ant and refreshing »0 the taste, act gently what the Suez canal has accom- should have representatives whose completely overcome by using those fa and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, plished for Fhiropc, India and Asia election is a clear, constitutional mous little pills known as “ I)e Witt's cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, linbitual constipation oar maritime canal will double for expression as well as a popular Little Early Risers." J. C. Clark, drug- and biliousness. Please buy and try n box of C. C. C to-d ay; IP. 25. 50 cents. Belli and the Pacific coast, will more than choice beyond any question of gist. guaranteed to cure by all drm.gists double the commercial value of all reasonable doubt, \\ e shoulil TKaaiBLK A ccident .— It is a terrible , „ ^ danger- __ j p Constipation, an exceedingly productive lands in Oregon outside have senators who have distill- accident to be burned or scalded; but ous condition of the bowels, is nearly of her forests, rich and magnifi guished themselves for achieve- ' the pain and agony and the frightful dis- always the result ot carelessness and t ill their primeval grandeur, ments above the baseness of peeu- fiRurement» can be quickly overcome inattention to the calls of nature. To rregularities and restore healthy ¡ch will increased in lation lation through in ateel steel nails nails w**l,out leaving a scar by using DeWitt’a correct irregnl which will be be increased ten ten fold fold in through deals «leal* in Witch Hazel Salve J. C. Clark, drug- movements, the best aperient is Ayer’s Nor is this all. the instant and other products to be affected gist. oa ________ F O R E S T G R O V E , OREGON T o C o re C on stlp stion F o r e v s t. I , r e r T w tS , 'andy Catha. : ic 10r o r -Ke It C. G. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money YyAVrED-gKVKRAI. F.UTim- . MRS OR , " o m e n to tr a v e l lo r re s p o n s iv e estab- lish fld h o u se in O regon S alarv t“ *) ,, Study Law AT v e lo p e . l h , . N atio n al, s ta r B n ild iii« . c t d e a e o To the persons ttho make the greatest number of word* out of the phrase. "Patent Attorney Wedderburn.” For particulars address the National lie, or der. Washington , p>, (’ _ ,T “ r " re C o n s t lp s t io n • F o rever Instruction by mail, adapted to Methods approved b7 lead- in k ed ucatere. Ex perienced^ and competent instruct- r or*. Takes spar# time only. 1 Three coareee—Preparato- (j An op portunity to better your con-J dition and proepecta. Stu dents and graduate« everywhere. Seven year« ~>t ¿uccem. Full articular« free. _ . Home { T.Lpko.. SvIMIvf. SSTSOIT. SO Y*AI»r ■ XPCRIENCE. P atents *<* money orae v- Nv.-» rciunu C A S T O R IA For Infants and Children. trai d esig n s . OO PYM OM TS Apr/—1- *-Tilling s .k e tc h and deecrlptbm fre e , w h eth er an Inventi"« “ ÏS S ü ,T..pî*«nt«w«- Commanlcstlona ^rlctb- In T m ?, *1 "'dent agency fortecortn* . We hare s Waahlmrtçn J*ken th rou gh Mono A Co. recalts zP-v'al notion In th e SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, ha S w o s 'o J ’ n h*- Specim en coplea and its » » o n P a t k h t s aent fre e . Addreaa munn a c o .,