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About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1897)
— much warmth The egg T r l, i , must get .,n" ,berB"* Chronic Rhenmatism. * * * * *V «<*» ot the air. UUJ the J'otmg chick i L IN C O L N M E M O R IA L C H U R C H . F in e s t S tr u c t u r e K v r r B u ilt f o r Uae o f DON’T TRU ST IT . Beca m e the weather is mild and the air the l o lo r td h ue.-. balmy we cannot coquet on being rid of fh a T a tl.n t Had S u tlV r m l fo r O vrl The finest church ever built for th« rheumatism or neuralgia. The very sud T h ir t y Y outh an d N o w K n jo y a use o f the colored race is soon to be den changes o f tern periture or exposure to through the shell'0 . * ,r U erected iu Spriugtlcld, 111., as a monu dr tvgjitsare bolli hkety to increase rather P e r fe c t H e a lth . «pproaches, them is le h,),,,h,UB ,lm« dllug the w ... K . danger of ad- ment to the great emancipator. It will j than diminish both complaints. For Miis From the Industrial News, Jackson, Mich. he kuowu as the Llucoln Memorial A f reason it la wise at this season to be well I h off some time V h ,he " eu I prepared for sudden attacks, and to have The Industrial News, ever on the rican M. 1» Church. The superstruc I ready what is known as the best remedy chick will ¡ J “ ’ WHr'ml‘ fri>m the «•old nnn the. egg from getting alert to bring its readers all items of in ture is to he built o f Bedford stone, • for all visitations of aches or pains. All C AND terest, learned of the entire cure of one and will be covered with a slate rpof. I well regulated households ought to have a with tenia * S,,rU*k" “ * »1»«* eggs of Jackson county's prominent oitisens, nook or < on té r fora bottle ot ht. Jacobs Oil sittln- ¡P 1» useful where the There will tie an auditorium which 'will There are other reasons also why this « “ ting is tmi persistent.- Mr. Lorenzo Neeley, of L ib erty town hold 700 people, a Sunday school room . Mhster-rure should be kept at hand ; rheu ship, who bad suffered with th e ‘twangs 1 — the unhappy and hopele.* coi which can he thrown into an auditor- | matism ami neuralgia are chronic,'acute or Itecorn final tinn. and pangs of rheumatism for over I dltlon of many a wife and mother I i turn, givin g the whole space a capacity in turn matory,but to whatever degree of suf fering they may cottfe, the old reliable cure I In the country home, all because I as • Ml if, r U UB"’ 1 iu lilrt>e amounts thirty years. o f ' 1 , 0 ( 10 ; a reading-room, n library, a ax a pickle that sal, mtur.L decay. is the best for treatment and the surest to | they have not tried a remedy that j In order to give authentic facts, an . is within their eusy reach. One ] ««d in small amounts on either ani- Industrial News representative inter gymnasium and a night school. A me give permanent relief. which has brought more health. <ir \ egetahle matter, with enough viewed Mr. N eeley and elicited the morial-room ami a museum w ill be I happlneu and .un.hlne Into life The w iM tribes of the Caucasus, « a le r to dissolve It, salt will always follow ing facts: provided which will contain relics o f | than any remedy ever known. Its | Bussia, touch their Children the use of hasten decomposition. For this reason I name Is Mr. Lorenzo N eeley is 56 year* of slavery, such as the auction block, the the dagger us soon us the youngsters are the it is an excellent plan to use It wher- age, and actively engaged in farming. slave chain, the manacles and able to walk. They are first taught to There,calso w ill be !*.!' r ' ,0 have manures act When 17 years old by an unfortunate whipping post. stab water without making a splash. otc <|Uickly. A little sprinkled over accident he hurt his shoulder, and a - Plan tin g K o rly 1’ otn‘ oe*. P H Y S IC IA N S W IS E IN T H K I K GEN- Ihe earliest planting o f potatoes » mutiure heap with water enough to few years after that he commenced to B R A T IO N . . llit always to I h - imieh almllower '« .is i t down will set It to fermenting. have rheumatic pains in his shoulders. I It never falls la w do tlie same wlien a tough »ml This would not always trouble him, but In late in the season. I f the seed is The »hove class of scientists recognise and has lieen plowed under whleh It is nee- BRIGHTS D IS C A Sr, on taking a slight oolil or the least lnted deep, with the freshly cut have repeatedly borne testimony, to the etll- essary to rot quickly. URINARY DISEASES, caov of Hostetlers Stomach Bitters as a remedy strain, or sometimes without any ap Vi's I ii contact with wet and cold and preventive of fever and ague, rheumatism, FEMALE COM PLAINTS. parent cause the trouble would start I,the potato w ill rot Instead o f grow* want of vigor, liver complaint, and some o.her P o u lt r y I o u s c K a V e . GENERAL DEBILITY, ai Intents and infirm conditions o f the system. again and he would suffer the most ex This can he preveued by cutting I he poultry quarters should have an d MALARIA. Experience and observation have taught them cruciating pains. seed a number o f days before its value. They but e lio the verdict long since <utt or five inches of loam or road dust It is a purely vegetable prepar j pronounced by the public and the press. Only For over thirty years he has thus luting, and leaving the cut pieces in ou the floor for the fowls to scratch in the benighted now are ignorant of Am erica’s ’ atlon, and numbers Its cures by suffered, and for the last decade has ■ i n where they w ill dry out rapid- and dust themselves in. but this soon touic aud alterative. thousands. Try It and walk In land also he warm. Under such con- becomes covered with feathers and suffered continually so that he was newness of life. The largest w olf ever killed in the unable to do any work. To this the lons the buds w ill start sUxvly and masses of droppings. A fine-toothed y- Large sized bottles or new style j northern part o f Montana was roped ■of dark-green color if the cut pieces rake Is serviceable In raking over the frequent occurreneosof dizzy spells was i smaller ones atyonr nearest store, j and dragged to death near Nashua, V a l lately added, making him almost a exposed to light, as they always pens, thus eollectlng all feathers, etc.. ley county, recently, and measured helpless invalid. Lulil he. The more thoroughly the seven feet from tip to tip. R e tried the best physicians but w ith Ices are dried out, tl*; better it will out getting any help, ami has tried sev I for early planting, provided the HUMIC r K l I l l U C T S A N D P I I K K F O O D . eral specific rheumatic cures, but all ns have not started so fa r as to be- without any appreciable relief. About | AH Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very I to wither from lack o f support. In one year and six months ago he read in light colored and ot Heavy body, is made from damp soil the cut potato absorbs | glucose. “ Tea Harden b rip »” is made from the Jackson Industrial News o f a case Sugar ('one and is strictly pure. It is for sale pic of the moisture. Th is not only by first-class grocers, iu cans only. Manufac- somewhat sim ilar to his which was LINCOLN MEMORIAL CHURCH. es the soil around It, but Increases | tured by the P acific C oast S yru p C o . A ll gen- cured by the use of Dr. W illia m s’ P in k i nine “ Tea Harden Iiritis“ have the manufac- warmth also, fo r ns the w ater is P ills for Pale People, and he concluded seeu the obverse o f the picture: that is, j turer’s name lithographed on every can. POULTRY HOUSR R A K E . led from the soil the surface air, to try this remedy. a collection o f books by uegro authors llch In spring Is alw ays warmer when they cun lie put Into barrels with A French statistician has calculated the character A fte r the first box he felt somewhat and other signs o f the «lressing. An ordinary rake, anil in the soil, cornea in to take its place. better, and after taking three boxes the growth o f the race since its emancipa that the eye travels about 6,000 feet in Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Litbonia, Ga.. I potato seed fo r early planting is even a garden rake are too coarse for pains entirely disappeared and the d izzi tion. Above the memorial-room w ill reading an ordinary-sized novel. N o lays that his daughter, Ida, inherited s Inaged In this w ay, the seed w ill not this purpose. The sketch shows a good ness left him, and he has now for over be a large triple ‘window containing wonder the eye tired. severe case of Eczema, which the usual mercury and potash remedies failed to I in the soil. Hesides, the crop will I homemade rake that answers well for a year been entirely free from all his life-size figures o f Lincoln, Frederick i S tatk of O hio , C it y of T oledo , | tills work. Wire nails, driven very relieve. Year by year she was treated I two weeks enrlier than from uupre- former trouble ad enjoys better health Douglass ami John Brown. Other or L ucas C o u n t y . i hS close together, form the teeth. A strip F rank J. C h eney makes oath that he is the with various medicinei, external appli ped seed.—Am erican Cultivator. than lie has had since his boyhood. namental windows w ill symbolize the j senior partner of the firm of F J. C h eney JhCo., cations and internal remedies, without of hard wood should be used for the Mr. N eeley is loud in his praises of history and progress o f the negro race I doing business fn the city of Toledo, County head, while an old hayrake handle Dr. W illiam s’ Pink P ills for Pale P eo in America. Tw enty-eight windows i and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay result. Her sufferings were intense, I nb- trrlirn tto -. aud her condition grew steadily worse. <*an be pressed into service for the han ple, asid w ill gladly corroborate the will he named In honor o f great abol | the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for each A ll the so-called blood remedies did not Bub-irrigation by means o f lines o f l and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured dle.—American Agriculturist. by the use of FI a l l ’ s C atarrh C ure . seem tc reach the dis. above statements. His postoffle« ad itionists. American and foreign, and o f ■ is too expensive. 1 And the cheap FRANK J. CHENEY. ease at all until S. dress is Lorenzo Neeley, Horton, Juck- a few prominent Illinoisans. The ma i Sworn to before me and subs *ribed in my way to sub-irrigate Is by using Pronine Currant Pushes. S.S. was given, when terial for the pulpit w ill be brought ! presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. lbgj. Idles filled with clean gravel with It is very hard to keep currant Bon comity, Michigan. an i m p r o v e m e n t ! S T G r i A. W. OI.KASON, Dr. W illia m s’ Pink P ills for Pale from Harper's Ferry, while the pulpit ■ rse stone on top o f the gravel. These bushes thrifty mid productive when was at once noticed. I t ) Notary Public. Id les nre made with a mold ditcher anywhere from six to ten or a dor.en People contain, in a condensed form, nil chairs w ill he made o f material from Tlie m edicintf waa Hull’. Catarrh Cure I* taken internally and Lincoln's old home at N ew Salem, 111. acts directly on the blood and mucous surface* continuecd with fav pstruoted for the purpose. A double sprouts are allowed to grow In each the elements necessary to give new life for testimonials, free. orable resnlta, and pper Is attached to the ditcher and hill. These conditions are just right and richness to the blood and restore The entire cost o f tlie church Is esti o. the system. F. Send .1. i 'll KNEY .V CO., Toledo, O. now she ia cured Soli! by Druggists, 75c. |>t full o f gravel and sand, which fills for the currant worm to do a good deal shattered nerves. They are "also a mated at $25,000. sound and well, hee H a ll’. Family Fills are the beat. ditches as the mnclilne advances. of injury before he can lie found and specific for troubles peculiar to females, skin is periectlp A H A N D Y DOG. Be ditches should have about three killed with hellebore. W e alw ays cut such as suppressions, irregularities and clear and pure end M. Levat informs the Academ ic des all forms o f weakness. They build up she has been aaved D r a w * a U r a n r e t i n « O u t f i t f o r a C o l o i Sciences that steel tempered in corn- the blood, and restore the glow of health from what threat» ra d o M in er. J mereial carbolic acid is much superior to pale and sallow cheeks. In men ened to blight her life forever. A novel prospecting outfit may be | to that tempered in water. they effect a radical cure in all cases S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable) cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rhea, arising from mental worry, overwork or seen once a week at Sawplt, n mining We will forfeit $1,000 if any o f our pub- f Co a. rae excesses of whatever nature. P in k camp in the San Juan country, Colo | lislied testimonials are proven to be not matism, or any other blood trouble. rado. E very Sunday a miner arrives It is a rea lb lo ed remedy and always S't'onft genuine. Tin: l’ i»o Co.. Warren, Pu. P ills are sold in boxes (never in loose cures even after all else fails. bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for from Deep Creek, where he has several I An electric underground railw ay un $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, claims that nre In process o f develop der the present one is the latest project ment. H arry W ilkes Is the name o f or direct by m ail from Dr. W illia m s’ suggested in London. It would be used M edicine Company,Schenectady, N. Y. the hermit, whose life seen.s Imuml np Take a blood remedy for a blood disease} In that o f his prospects aud his humble for express trains only. a tonic won't cure it. A ll Fools’ d a y -is 200 years old. four-footed companion, through whose To aid in filing saw teeth straight a Our books Brady’s Clavis calendaria, published services he is able to prosecute his _________________ I in 1812, mentions that more than a new fileholder has a frame w ith two on blood and S U B -IR B IO .A TIO N W ITHOUT TILE. work In the middle o f winter In n coun parallel guides, between which the file skin diseases blies o f fa ll to the 100 feet. A t the out all but three or four shoots. Though century previous the almanac desig try where the w hirr o f the snows’ ldes j is fastened to make it run true. i mailed free to nated the Hie>t o f A p ril as “ A ll Fools’ many advise training the bushes In passing down the ndjacent mountains jperendof th egraveld ltch place a six- any address. is the only music that enlivens the te f-h tile and keep it fu ll o f water dur- tree form, only one In a place, two, D ay.” Two cows, two pigs, eighteen hens, a Sw ift S p e c ific dium o f the long evenings. Deep greyhound pup and a bull were given Qo., A t l a n t a , tlie dry time. Also place a line o f three or even four shoots w ill bear Creek Is off the regular trails that lead ] to an agent by an Abilene (Kansas) Go. at the low er end o f the ditch to act enough more to pay for the extra trou to Sawplt, and thus is separated by an farmer for a cabinet organ. | a drain (luring w et weather. Place ble. area o f snow that would not stand the gravel ditches about six or twelve @ i? E G O N j jL O O D p U R IF IE R A Y e a r ’ « W ood A h e a d . W h ile chopping wood a farmer livin g weight o f an orillunry pony, especially bt apart and about tw o feet deep. On There is nothing more provoking during the warm hours o f the day, near Springfield, Ontario, Canada, was Gives Vigor, Health, Life and Strength. K u f Is m a il scale for gardening this plan than trying to cook with partially green to take and effective. Used and sold every whera. when the surface snow is soft. W ilkes struck in one eye by a chip and made 111 work very w ell.—J. B. H ill, in wood. So much more wood has to be I f your rriiggibt nr merchant hn* not <n stock | w h olly blind in both eyes. the genuine remedv, which naa and w ill cur« Is poor—too poor to lay In a winter's hurried to overcome the waste iu turn |auge Judd Farm er. 0 per cent, addreea Plunder'« < regon Blood supply o f grub, and only capable o f ing the moisture In green wood to A man who has tried it says that two »'urifter, Portland, *>r.. b «ending $1 for a b t le or for a half dozen botth a and we w ill buying ns he gets out a small quantity G ird H n e F ru it Tr^ee. steam that more heat Is given out thnn or three dandelion leaves chewed before prepay expre>a. There Is a common opinion that gir- is needed. It is the mark o f a good o f ore. H e thought him self o f a St. going to bed w ill always induce sleep, lug, or the rem oval o f a small ring of farmer to have a year’s wood cut and Bernard dog, which he had brought to no matter how nervous or worried a the cabin when the first snows o f the |rk Irom a lim b or the body o f the piled always in advance o f its use. man may be. w inter fell, and a fter n little applica w ill induce fru itin g the coming When this is once begun there is a real We carry the most complete line of G ym n a sia « tion managed to break him to harness. Bson, ns the sap coming linck from saving In labor, as less o f the dry and Athletic Good« on the Toast. Make money by mic - H aving accomplished this much W ilkes SUITS A * J UNIFORMS MADE TO OIIOE*. blossom is retarded anil blossom wood will be required. cesmul speculation in Send for Our Athletic Catalogue. Chicago. We buy and next built n rough sled anil now goes to Ids are formed fo r the next season, sell wheat there on mar- w il l a f in c k c o .. town every Sunday fo r his grub. The | gins. Fortunes have been made on a small ne common practice Is to remove a F a rm N o te * . dog makes good time, while his master | beginning by trailing in futures. Write for 8 1 8 - 8 2 0 Market St., Han Francisco, Cal* Protect the lambs against being jig o f the bark. Mr. Dart, however, j full particulars. Best of reference given. Sev accompanies him on snowshoes. The eral years’ experience on the Chicago Hoard of livses rem oving a spiral anil finds drenched by sudden showers. ith a better understanding o f tlie ! Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi : “ CHILDREN TEETH ING.** 1 fit this gives better satisfaction from transient nature o f tlie muny phys trip Is mnde with an average o f 20U ness. Downing, Hopkins A Co., Chicago Board w Cood money can he mnde In raising M rn . W inklow *« H«» othiko 8 * HUP should a lw s j* be R unotl fo r children teething. It soothes the c h ild ,«oft-S 1 fact that there is less danger of in- sheep for mutton as well as for wool. ical ills, which vanish before proper e f pounds o f tools and merchandise. The j of Trade Brokers. Offices iu Portland, Oregon, ► p CHS the (rums, nilnyH all pain, cures wind rolte.and teR forts—gentle e fforts—pleasant efforts— Intelligent animal trots off with the | Spokane and Seattle, Wash. * the I>ost remedv fo r dlArrhoea. Twenty fire cent* a J ■rtng the tree. T o make a barren tree Quality counts. r bottle. It lathe beat o f ail. _____ J righ tly directed. T h ere is com fort in U P T U R E an d P I L E S cured; no pay un E A s e A A A A A A a e e a e a a a a a a a a a a g pint, girdling should he done the last Crease or oil on sitting hens Is posi the knowledge, that so many form s o f til cured; send for book. D kh . M ansfield July or the first w eek In August, tively injurious, either on the hen’s sickness are not due to any actual dis ‘ ortkruklu , : ì 38 Market St., San Francisco. N .P .N .U . No. 701.— R F .N .U . N a 778 bout the only excuse fo r this jirac- feathers or body, as the least trace ease, but sim ply to a constipated condi tion o f the system, which tlie pleasant fo is when It is desired to Induce upon the eggs destroys the germs. fam ily laxative. Syrup o f Figs, prompt |rly fruiting, so ns to learn the value in growing ensilage corn do uoi use ly removes. T h a t is w h y it is tlie on ly a variety ns ooiiu soon « as II it I t tin a possible. nuoniuici Cut . j , ,i It one-fourth Inch o f bark around more than two «<’ quat * <> «< <' ° ( remedy with m illion sof families, and is 1« your b a c k w e a k ? H a v a y o u everyw here esteemed so highly by all line branch that w ill tie removed any- acre. In drills t iree ee p . - ItlicuinatlH in o r K i d n e y T r o u who value good health. Its beneficial stand until It begins to glaze some. It is b l e ? T r y ftai Mi en *« E l e c t r i c R a i l effects are due to the fact, that it is tlie I w in pruning. This has been prac- no trouble to get fifteen tons o f ensil one remedy which promotes internal ped by experimenters, but it iuvari- All o th er means have failed, b u t th e age to the acre. The Idea that good en cleanliness w ithout d eb ilitatin g the piy results in causing a dead spot thousands w h o have told of their cures B B IT K R T H A N A HORSF. silage will in any way taint or Injure organs on w hich it acts. I t is therefore b y Dr. N m d e n ’s Electric Kelt give evi plloult to hen! over when the branch milk is ridiculous. An expert cannot all important, in order to get its bene load at a gait that makes It warm for dence th at a fte r everything e)«e has finally removed. It is generally been tried w ith ou t results, tne famous detect ensilage-made milk if the ensil ficial effects, to note w hen you pur W ilkes to keep tip with, and ofteu ne |reed that the spiral system o f griud- chase, that you have the genuine arti D ell w ill cure i f a cure is possible It age is all right. cessitates a w ait on the part o f the dog cle, which is manufactured by tlie Cali has great e lectric pow er, is warranted is the most satisfactory. to last one year, and is applied b y a Po you receive the bulletins o f your fornia F ig Syrup Co. only and sold by fo r his ow ner to overtake him on some regu lar p racticin g physician. Those State experiment station? By applying all reputable druggists. F t ib s t ^ n t - a l F a r m G a te* o f the steep hillsides. w ho use it have the benent o f Dr. ban- I f in the enjoym ent o f gt>od health, The Illustration shows a farm gate to it on a postal for them these useful r den 's k n o w led ge free of charge. The New Y a n k e e Doodle. |nt cannot sag. cannot “ leave its moor- reports w ill he mailed you free. And and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. I f The children o f New York city nre the station Is usually glad to answer afflicted w ith any actual disease, one M E R E IS A L A T E CURE. C singing the follow ing lines to the tune „our questions on any points upon may be commended to the most skillfu l A fte r M itrering tortures from rh eum atism , lam e back and w eak k idn eys, I waa o f Yankee Doodle: in du ced to try y o u r nelt. and I w ou ld not g iv e it up n ow fo r $.V> i f l cou hl n o t get which you need help in your agricul physicians, but if in need o f a laxative, another. M v troubles had an n oyed nie tor years, and m y hack wras so weak I Do not *pit upon the street, tural work. That's one o f the things one should have the best, and w ith the cou ld n o t lift tw entw-nve pounds. T h e belt knocked the pain o u t in six weeks and In ears or public places; the station is for. Its officers are liber well-inform ed everyw here, Syrup o f th e rheum atism in m ree, and l have not fe lt a retu r i o f e ith e r since then. I Figs stands highest and is most largely This is far from being neat. ally paid to serve the farmers’ inter- v^ed ana gives most general satisfaction. laughed at th e id ea when a frien d o f m ine to ld m e y o u r b elt w ou ld cure ine, but I And leaves unwholesome traces am changed n ow , and am ta lk in g fo r m y s e lf.— E. J. B c r k k , b. F ., Cal., A p r il 'H. csts. It is your own fault if you don't W e h a v e T h o u s a n d s o f T e f l t l m e n i a l « l i k e t h e a b o v e a t o u r office*. make use o f it. Dread disease is spread about Successful management o f the calf B,v such selfish doing; O ATE TtTAT CANNOT 8AO. -It has been prepared by Dr. Banden, W e will try to put to rout and contain« valuable Information to lies at the foundation o f stock-raising, | >." anil gives, moreover, a sulistan- . __________ __ _____ the young and old oi both seztt, futly Smoking, spitting, chewing. •mil there must be no slack In attention illustrated, aud price-list and particular« about belt«. II and finished air to the surround- or watchfulness. Scouring, the bane A n y Old Thing. It is useless to make a gate that Every M AN who would know the GRAND SA N DEN E LECTRIC BELT CO., ’ I13 w , , t w « . i » i » n «o n *>.. P o r t u n a , o r. o fealf rearing, indicates indigestion, “ Has your husband given much T R U T H S , the Main Jill not sag. and then hang it to sup- and results from overfeeding, irregu FacU, the Old Secrets and thought to the political situation?" said ITAen writing to Advertiier please mention this paper. Irts that soon bend under the weight the New Discoveries o< lar feeding, giving food too cold, or per Medical Science as applied one woman. filling upon them, or lose their footiug mitting the young animal to get chilled to M a r r ie d L i f e , who “ Yes,” replied the other; “ I guess Id slide out o f place. The gate and would atone f< r past fol he'll take any that's offered him after lies and avoid future pit. “ w ay here figured are braced from or wet. _______ ______________ . fall«, should write for our the election.” W hat H obart Sacr deed. fery point, as can be seen, and so wonderful little b oo k , “ A n y what?” The official salary o f Vice President I'llM called “ Complete Man- lust alw ays remain firm ly in position. *':*)| hood and How to Attain "A n y political situation. H e says ho | takes more time and lumber to build Hobart is »10.500. Mr. Hobart, upon fo any n m ^ t man we will mail one capy needs the «a la ry .” —Washington Star. E n t ir e ly Free, in plain scaled cover. r'b a gate, but it Is tim e and lumber taking office, resigned positions and c on n ect ion s paying him five times the ofitably spent.—Farm and Home. N ot O n ilty. .mount o f this salary, ami he assumed State Your Wants and Write for Prices... Judge—G uilty or not guilty? Care o f S it t in g H ei$, «s-ial functions that w ill Increase bis Prisoner—Not guilty, boss. III the necessity fo r care Is not end- expenses about ten times. In a pecuni Judge—E ver arrested before? I w hen the ben Is dnly installed In her ary way the election bas been a heavy Prisoner—?fo. boss. A n ’ I nevsh done Iree weeks’ task, and Is sitting faifh- loss to him.________________ _ _ stole nuffin before, needer.—Harper’s 405-7 San some Street |“ y. The Asiatic breeds o f fowls, in- Whalea are never seen In the Gulf W eekly. ling such crosses as the Plymouth San Francisco, Cal... are so persistent In sitting that •treat*. z w m H ealth 3 M B ÍB j Eczema ¿11 Her Lile. A Real Blood Remedy* sss BASE BILL GOODS W » WHEAT G la d n e s s C o m e s W R Certain Cure THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE 7 Happy and Fruitful M arriage. fl BOOK. THREE GLISSES Of MEN.” FHEE Cheapest Power... ERIE MEDICAL CO H BCPFALoi* N.*v! Rebuilt Gas and ^..Gasoline Engines . Hercules Gas ....Engine W orks