Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1897)
y y- ? ■ . .. a - Hatchet K a n d Ä ,#" l CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4, 1896. o r e s t G r o v e T i m FO R EST G R O V E . O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 6 . 18D7. ■mal Car«!». e s . V ol. I l l , No. « , V ol. I X , No. 1 4 Report of Senate i niiilllitlee mi soil to whom such debt is assigned or ception at Herrick lla ll in the evening. Asscssincnls and Taxation. transferred given; and in all cases such The literary societies have becu very [Comtimed from la.t week.J j debt and security shall be assessed and fortunate in securing Dr. Charles Edward [ARD, M. D. ---------------- --------- Made by Hon S. Hughes during the ’ ,axe(l to thc Person or persons w ho appear | Locke, of Portlaud, to deliver their com- [ n d si u g e o n , HAS T H E L E A D IN G “ Hold Un at Salem.” i on the record of such security to be owner mencement address. Dr. Locke is one |lij- roaiilrliCH. Sec. 1 9 —Every person required by or owners thereof. All mortgages, deeds j ofPortland’s most interesting anil instruc- this act to list property shall make out i of trust, contracts, or other obligations tive speakers. He is assured a large I'K, - - OU EGON. »nd deliver to the assessor, when re : hereafter executed, hereby and situated audience. I l l ': ' M • ' f r y ''!■ » S.t.iy, , . . , , . , • 1 in more than one county in this state is P. U. as a means of advciiUiug the qutred a statement verified by ht-oath , ___ ,___ . 7 All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, of all the ptrsonal property in his pos- j made security for the payment, of a debt, the town and school, will issue a Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop monthly sheet called ‘’The Pacific Uni- G E IG E R , session or under his control and which shall be void. Sec. 24.—For the purposes of assess- versity N ews.'' Copies will be distrib- Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, W ood and W illow by the provisions of this act he is re K iC PH YSIC IA N utent and taxation, no payment on any uted free of charge wherever they wtU quired to list for taxution, either as Ware of all kinds, Fishing Tackle, A lso a large debt seemed as hereinbefore mentioned do the most good. SURGEON owner or bolder thereof, or as guardian, 11 this act shall hereafter be taken into I l; . .s U>y !.. .<•>,•, I’aulrtr ave., lot of all kinds of Seeds I n B u l k . Several volumes of Congressional rec parent, trustee, executor, administrator, »rest Grove hotel. imsideralion by any assessor in this ords and government report surveys, etc. receiver, accoutring officer, partner, j IR O VE, O REGO N. TEA AND CO FFEE A SPECIALTY. agent, l.ul. I in oil» I w 1st; Out no pel Mitt j s ate w hen assessing such debt and seeu were received by the library this week. -mid til . ■■ni mu! stufricul ■ ril\ as In rein provided, unless swell pay These all go into the depository which is shall tie nqU'reu to include in his state Imi Ctiilrtr,.ii uailttU chr. iilc ment any si ;ti> ot I'd'tion I f tl'e > 14 ] ilal I 'tent is indorsed in writing on the mar in the north room of the third floor. s' el- •■ ••»> > i . •>!, r ir of the record ol sueb security by tht This depository is open to the general • ' er thereof, or his authorizeil agent, i public. •/ corporation which said company is re before the delivery by the county clerk The petrified stump which the class o f quired to list ■ return a his capital or 0 the assessor of the abstract ofsecur.t ’691ms placed on the campus is attracting property for taxation in this state. ÎNTIST, terciti provided for, and in all cases tli Sec. 20 — Said list shall be verified in I considerable attention. ssessor shill assess such debt and secu I FO R EST GRO VE the following form. We do all kinds of Laundry Work in tile best possible The Philos will listen to the following rtty for the lull amount of such debt that OREGON. manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at program Thursday afternoon; piano solo S T ..T E O F OREGON, ppears fioin the record of such security - SS. C o u n ty o f \ tended to. We guarantee nil our work. Our prices arc <> tie own g unless in the judgement ot ny Miss Yoder; recitation. Miss Fills I , --------------*----------- being (liny sworn cheaper than P irtland prices. Your patronage will be Garrison; News of the Week, MissGiaee be asse-sor the land or real property by C. H A T T sav that tii>- above and lV>regoing appreciated. s'w- »e, ^ which such debt is securttl is not worth Crosley; debate, “ Should the Referen I E N T I ST . contains amt is a full ami Hut list • ,r a I dum be established in the U. S.?” Aff. is many dollars as still appears ut.paid the real and personal property Misses llrown anti Garrison. Neg. >f such debt and then in that case In in the county o f ----------------- ami which S. Missess l.eiser anti Marsh. ball assess such debt and security ut 1 I am required to list t-ither ns owner m Ths Inter-State Oratoricul contest will whatever sum he thinks to be the re 1 I LiTUHNG * n Main Streut,up 1 holder there> f, or as guardian, parent be held in Portland May 15. The P, U. I Pours, í» a. m. to 4 p m. ash value. 271 ALDER STREET ' executor, administrator, reeeivtr a, miles <|iiartet will assist in the musical Sec. 25 — It is hereby made the duty ot counting officer, partner, ag> nt or f.ti*t<*r. part of the program. PORTLAND, OR. the several county ebrks in this state to [S H. TO N G U E, and that the deduction cslanned on acc’ i. ecortl in the margin ol the record o til Croup aud whooping cough are child- of indebtedness are an account of actual !•: Y - A T - L A W , c*RIDEK- P,°P- Mortgages on land and real properl' aood’s terrors; but like pneumonia, ixistii g bona fide debts due and owing eht'U requested so to t.e b the niortga ironchitis, and other throat and lung to crrdilois residing 111 ibis state on the ’ ashington county , or . ;ee or owners of the mortgage all assign troubles, can be quickly cured by using lirst day ol A ril last past ami that they T H E O N L Y First-C litss miri netiis thereof or of the note or other )ne Minute Cough Cure. J. C. Clark, were not contracted ir creat* il lor t 'e S t r ic t ly T e m p e r a n c e R estati* purpose or with the intent to deduct the vidence of debt thereby secured and Druggist. |; & BOWMAN, also all payments made thereon, or tin rant in t h e c i t y . Crops for Milage, same from my tax list and that the name (-A T-LA W , note or other evidence of debt secured P r o f . H. T. F r e n c h , Agriculturist, 1 and place of residence of saitl creditor thereby and copies thereof certified by O. A. C. are correctly and truly stated in the brk an d Conveyancing, -uch clerk shall be reccivt d in evident» Many inquiries have recently come to foregoing list; that I am, or the person, an Bik. H i l l s b o r o , O r . 111 all the courts of this state with like me asking for information regarding company, corporation for whom I act, 1 ffectasacertified copy of such mortgage crops for the silo. We are glad to note (us the case may be) is directly and liot And all persons who now have that there i.> a growing demand for such il. L A N G L E Y , contingently liable; that the same has mortgages recorded ill this state and information. The silo is an important not been deducted in any other county 1 I) COUNSKLOR AT LAW Upon which partial payments have been I facjor jn QI,y SyStem 0f modern dairying Good Horses or place in this state from my assessment l'isecuting Attorney, made are hereby allowed sixty days For the Willamette valley, for South for this year; and that I am not nor has tllections a specialty. after this act takes effect to cause to be ern Oregon and Ipf sonic parts of Piaster»» New Rigs ¡be person company or corporation, (as »stairs, Woods & Capíes recorded in the recorder’s office of the Oregon, corn should constitute the chief the case may be) conveyed removed or Building. M oderate property county such payments with tliq disposed of any property or effects for crop for silage. We have not failed td 1 rites thereof, the purpose of evading taxation, itt this Prices grow corn successfully, on the C'yUjSS Fire ami Accident Insurance Sec. 26.—The real estate t>{ incorptV stale. j Farid, hri l lie past seven years. Soma e Loans, Collections Sec. 21.—111 making up the amount ated companies liable to taxation shall» it will liiake a more satisfactory • <f property which any person is required be taxed within the county in which the .rowtli than others but nt no time lias Everything from a Saddle Horse to a Four-in-hand Carryall .0 list for himself or any other person, same shall lie, in the saute manner as there been anything like a failure. The KjMIGjHT lie real estate of individuals. company or '.orpora’.iou lie shell been yield of green corn, stalk and ear, has Special attention paid to Commer-ial Travelers Sec. 27 —The undivided estate of any titled to deduct ftoui the gross amount varied from eight to twelve tons per acre. ire Insurance ileceased person may be assessed to the Hunters and Fishermen thereof the amount of all bona fide in Karly maturing d'eut varieties are best debtedness of himself or any such person, inirs or devisees of such person, unless • dapted to this climate. and Loan Broker. T a k e J o n e s ’ Bus to a n d fro m a ll t r a in s company or corporation due or owing occupied by some other person to whom « Next to corn I would place cotniuol — ___ B aggage a n d f r e ig h t c a lle d f o r a n d d e liv e re d this state. Rut no obligation not fountlcd it may be assessed without designating red clover. This is a crop which thrives O r e g o n on actual consideration believed, when hem bv name until they shall have tn several of the coast counties; and received to have been adequate, and no riven notice to the assessor of the divi where it will grow, uud corn cannot be , H. D. S tewart , such obligation made for the purpose of sion of the estate and the names of the ependetl upon, on aceouiit of the cool Ass’t Cashier. being so deducted shall be considered a -evernl heirs or devisees; and each heir moist climate, I would reccomtuend nebt within the meaning of this section; and devisee shall be liable for the whole clover for lirst consideration. More care no deduction shall be allowed on account ot such tax and shall have a right to re- must be exetcised in [lacking clover in F o rest G rove PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. of any cot tingent liability as security, over of the other heirs «ltd devisees the silo than is necessary in putting in [PFANNliR, IToprictor Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by endorser, or guarantor, anti in case two their respective proportion thereof when orn. It will not settle quite as closely T o ile t A rtic le s , an Kxperienced Pharmacist and from or more parties, as principal debtors are ¡»aid by him. is corn without extra tramping. It fKNKEAL BANKING BUSINESS S ta tio n e ry , Section 10 of your bill reads: jcrntly or severally liable for the pay should be pul into the silo when quite the Best and Freshest material. N ew s D ep o t. ielegraphic tra n sfe rs sold on N ew Sec. 10.— “ All real estate anti all mort ment of such indebtedness neither of ru n, before the heads begin to turn md San Fran cisco . gages on land or rtal property situated LONG D IS TA N C E T E L E P H O N E . them shall be entitled to uny deduction brown. If wet, when put into the silo Jngc payaWt* at sig h t in Lond on , |in sten ian i, B ru ssels, Stockho lm , of any greater portion of it than the pro in more than one county in this state. -Main as w e ll as a ll oth er jVIAIN S T R E E T , jHILLSBO^O. portion each debtor bears to the whole “ The amount of thcj8th item shall be ail the better. It is better to run the la u d cen ters o f trad e th rou gh ou t clover through the feed cutter, but good f dora, Ire la n d an d C on tin en tal ileducted from the aggregate amount o Subscriptions Received for the W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y H a t c h e t , | number of debtors. re lulls may be obtained by placing it in Sec. 22.— All lands shall be assessed the first, second, third and fifth items' the silo just as it comes from the field. made at a ll ac cessib le points, T he C o u n t y N K W S p a p e r ! and taxed in the countv where the same aud the remainder, if any, shall be listed Yetches or tares are grown to some ex burs from 9 a. m . to 4 p . m. j shall lie and every person v.ho shall be as inoney. Under subdivision 22 of sec tent for silage. We have made very T E CORNELIUS M E L K I JOHNSON assessed in the county where he resides tion 17 oi this act, the amount of the 9th good silage from tilts material. It is not item shall be deducted front the amount j alien the assessment is made for all rtal ual to clover or corn, but will give of the 4th item and the remainder, if any, I and personal property then owned by very good results when property handled, d e a l e r s in him within such county; and unoccupied shall be listed as credits.” l.ike clover much care must be exercised I would suggest that the part begin i lard if the o «n tr is unknown may be 111 plucing it in the silo before it gets too | assessed as such without inserting the ning "The amount of the 8th item’ ’ Ire ripe. The material will not pack as changed to read,—“ That the total name of any owner, and a tnor gage, . . . . 4 , iuacly as corn ¡mil on this account it is Special Bargains in Tw enty and Forty Acre ! deed of trust, contract or other ohliga- amou,,t of ,he 8lh an'1 9 ,h sha11 U 1 good to tramp the material ss deducted from the ugngate amount ol ’ Tracts in Washington, Yam hill ! liou whereby land or real property situ- .irmly as possible, anti then use boards *the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, ! ated in no mote than one county in tins 1 ml weights on the lop to press the silage and Tillamook confides. sixth, seventh and tenth items aud the I state is made security for the payment down thereby excluding the air more O R EG O N . of a debt together with such debt shall >eniainder shall be listed . ' the total I completely. - - - - - htl Implements, such as FOREST GROVE , 1 to . the .1 owner ... o ,<•: property of the bank. ---------------------- I, be assessed 1 and , tuxed f ’ assessable ,, , 1 . * J m m r . .. 1 Several persons have asked if, My understanding is that the first, sec- r . . . .1 [uggies, Plows, Harrows, I such security and debt in the county, , . . .. . , jdts, peas, rye and wheat cun not be suc- ond, third, fourth, filth, sixth, seventh • ’ J , . , . ,,, , ! city or district in which the lantl or real " s l u t l y stored in this way. We have tols, Etc. Also Paints antl tenth items Include all property ot , property effected by such security is sit- attempted to silo rye several titties and the institution. Plaster anil Cement. ! uated. The taxes so assessed and levied nave nut succeeded to our own satisfao- •Yours very respe tfu llj, on such security and debt shall be a lien , ion. I believe it would be difficult to GROVE, OREGON. GALES CREEK. A. V iluail. j thereon and the debt together with the m a k e silage of green wheat. The straw To S e n a t o r H itch es . j security may be sold for the payment oi »ring hollow and not producing many State Capitol. | anv taxes due thereon in the same man leaves would dry out loo much. Oat* (C'oni'luded irota lart week-) j ner and with like effect that real prop are better, but the same difficult) would erty or land is sold for thé payment of Thirty years is a long time to fight s.r ne in the way to a large extent. Gree« j taxes. painlul a trouble as piles, but Ja>ob grass and peas might be ensilaged pro Sec. 23.—The owner of a mortgage, Mitchell, of U n ion ville, I’a , «(ruggini vided sufficient care is used in tramping ! deed ol trust, contract or oilier obliga- that long before lie tried DeWitt s the material and pressing it down firmly j Low Price», CHA8. HIATT, Proprietor. tion wher*by laa<1 or rcaI property si,u Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly ami enough to exclude the air. In filling tbc Prompt Delivery, ated in but one county in this state is j^ rmanenj|y cured him. It is equally ' silo with any of these crops it is a good st place to get yonr Excellent Q uality. is until you reach Til- made security Ibr the payment of a debt ejfective in ec/ema and all skin affections, plan to add water until the material ii ok. I can y a full line of ! and also the debt so secured shall for the thoroughly wet, ami will pack down t Bneklen ’ 8 Arale» Salve. {purpose of assessment and taxation be' A T T H E (JO L L K G E . closely. We have ruu as much as twenty |ods and Groceries, The Best Salve in the world f o r Cuts \ deemed to tie the person or person's to Mr. J. Adrian Merryman, a former barrels of water into our siloa when the .. Salt Rheum B r u !^ SoreV Ulcers. int Medicines, whom the security was given in the first1 student of T. A. but at present a drug- material was too dry to pack well. Tetter, Chapped Hamls 1 Fever Sores. ; instance unless it appears on the record ; o f Cottage Grove, visited his many After all that has been aaid of then« C<^ ^ i . . imips or Cigars and Tobacco. | Chilblains, c5 ?«^ ?rc«^ p;ru no p0 of the security that some other person is j inCIl<js [ast week. Mr. Merryman in- other materials, corn stands "head a n d tions. s - d P ^ ^ g u a r a n t e e d 'to give ;he owner; and all assignments or trans- j teu(j s entering an eastern medical shoulder.” above them all for silage pwt- fackle and all necessary 1 * , JK. C a t c h i n i r . fers of a debt secured as mentioned in school this fall. lies for a camp outfit. poaes. Yard 1 nil« XovtSwestof Poreittirore this act, shall for the purposes of asaeas- The Philos aud Gammas are arranging N ot ouly acute lung trouble#, whin* * oniinuniration between | Chao. Miller. _____________ “ ment and taxation be null and void un- to have a joint debate one week from nl>y pr0ve fatal in a few days, but Grove »nd Tillamook. less such transfer or assignment is made Friday. chronic coughs and throat troubles ■ ----- -, ».=*. r - j ---- - - - ------- ------- . - - « i- ------- in writing upon the margin oi Mie record The winner of the silver cup at the RceiVe immediate relief and be perm games next Saturday, will be giveu a re- entiv cured by One Minute Cough Ctt C i REER the grocer GROCERY STORE Forest Grove Laundry __ and Dye House. W. BALDWIN, Manager. >TA'\ J B ^ " W \k ( JO N E S ’ S T A B L E rroco & •WARE D rug . store . JOHNSON & CORNELIUS REAL ESTATE AGEjNTS, ITOVES TiN W A R E i TH E o l d Whoa! ; the . . . f lumce Grocery. w il t r o u t m il l . All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. Brick for Sale! 169,000 Good Quality Cheap - — HI S argent , ä » ; TVlna* :S CREEK. ISSTtn W anted-An Idea ™