Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1897)
and E a ta b lftih e d 1 8 9 5 , ¿ » b lU h e d 1 8 8 9 o I p s k I u i i i ì I CONSOLIDATED JONE 4, 1896. K o r bst G rovb T im b s . FO REST U IM IVE, O K B O O X . T H U R S D A Y , A P R I I , * » . 1X11?. C ard s. Report of Sruate Uoiumittee Assessments ami Taxation. QREER THE GROCER V oi. I l l , No. 5 , V ol. I X , No. 13 ou district, he shall not be again assessed .:ieuts on all improvements ou land the for such year. title of which is in the United States Sec. 16.—In all questions that may or in this state Thirty second: The from last week.J Made by Hon. S. Hughes during the arise under the act as to the proper place quantity and value of all gold dusta I\N AND 8UKGEON, H A S T H E L E A D IN Q to list personal property or when for any bullion, uncoined gold and silver, and “ Hold Up at Salem ." ice at h i s residence, the tools, implements and engines used A S S E S S O R , BOND A N D O ATH OK O K K IC K . cause the same cannot be listed as pro Section 9.—Real property shall be as vided in this act if between seveial places in working any mine. Thirty third: GROVE, - - OREGON. sessed and taxed in the county where the piecincts or districts in the same county, ! The value of saloons, licensed liquor n tor iieuiiious every We'luesday. same is situated. Personal property, ex the place for listing and assessing shall houses, and the fittings, fixtures, furni All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, cept shares, iucorprated banks, live be determined by the County Board of ture, stock in trade and effects in and Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop ■ Hock, merchandise, and property owned Equalization, and when between differ-, about the same. Thirty-fourth: The C. E . G E I G E R , and used in the county school and road ent counties by the State Board of value of ores mined and ready for reduc Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and W illow PA T H IC PH Y SIC IA N district where the owner resides; live Equalization which determination in tion or wholly or partially reduced. Ware of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. Also a large ,ND SURGEON Thirty-fifth: The amount of state, stock, merchandise and property used either case shall be final. jtdi uoe, Bowlby house, Hselfic eve., Sec. 17.—It shall be the duty o f the county and city warrauts and their value. lot of all kinds of Seeds I n B u l k . in manufacture in the county school ¡»t of Finest Grove hotel. and road district where the same may assessor to call at the office, residence or Thirty-sixth: Ferries with their appur ¿ST G R O V E , OREGON. TE A A N D C O F FE E A S P E C IA L T Y . lie on the first day of April of eich year. place of doing business of each and every tenances and their value. Thirty-seven; -nllou l« iil t» Medical and Surgical Sec. 1 0 — Real properly for the pur person required by this act to list prop The number of bee hives and their value. oiuen and Children and all chronic pose of taxation shall be listed in the erty and furnish every such person the Thirty-eighth: Tht number of priming following manner and the list must necessary blanks to enable sucli person to presses, cases, with type and fixtures show first: The name of the owner of comply with the provisions o f this act and their value. Thirty-ninth: The 'ON, said property. Second: A description and require such person to make a cor number of pounds of hides and wool of each tract or parcel of land to be rect statement and list of his taxable sheared from sheep prior to January drat D E N T IS T , taxed specif) ing under separate head property or such as he is required to list next preceeding the listing and their FO REST GRO VE the township, range anil section in under this act. And every person so re I value. Fortieth: The value of all other We do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible which the laud lies; or, if divided in lots quired shall enter a true and correct articles of ]>ersonal property not included p. m. OR EG O N . manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at and blocks, then the number of each lot statement of such property in the form tit the preceeding thirty-nine items. tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are |To to Contlm tcil.l and block; and, if u city, town or village, prescribed and the assessor shall cheaper than 1 ’ irtland prices. Your patronage will be assist him about the same if O- C. H A T T name of such city, town ot village and appreciated. ^ -o . E N T IS T . also the number of school and road dis required, which statement shall he veri -1 CrouP nn,i whooping cough are child- trict where situated, and any other de fied as in this act prescribed and then hood’s . terror*: l>ut like pneumonia, scription necessary to identify the same. delivered to the assessor who shall there* ! bronchitis, and other throat and lung Third: The number of acres or fractional upon ass-ss the value of such property \ troubles, can be quickly cured by using keu ' s B uilding on Main Street, up . parts of an acie as nearly as the same and enter the same upon such lists und One Minute Cough Cure. J . C. Clark, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. 271 ALDER STREET cau be ascertained unless the land be statement shall be as of the first day of ^ ruKKHrt. divided into lots and blocks. Fourth: April at the hour of twelve o’clock noon I PORTLAND, OR. OMAS H. TO NGUE, L o u rt H ouh * News, The actual cash value of each tract, lot, of the said day ill the year in which it shall he made and shall have reference J In re estate of John Forester, deceased; block or parcel of land taxed Fifth: R N E Y - A T - L A W , (ì. C. KIDKK, Prop. Tht aggregate cash value of all real pro to taxable condition of such personal bond of administratrix filed and ap- property at said hour. ! proved and Chas. Ashpole, John Winter perty taxed to such person Ro, W ahhimotoh C o u n t y , O b . Sec. 18.—It shall be the duty of the as- and Mike Forester appointed appraisers; See. 1 1 .—Personal property for the T H E O N L Y F i r s t - C l a s s a n d purpose of taxation shall be listed in the s i s - or to determine and fix the true and certain specified articles of personal IITH & BOWMAN, S t r i c t l y T e m p e r a n c e I t e s t a n - following manner: First: Every person full value of all items of personal prop property set off to widow, and adminia r a n t in t h e c i t y . of full age and sound mind being a resi erty included in such statement and en tratrix authorized to sell remainder o f E Y S-A T-LA W , dent of this state shall list all his money, ter the same opposite such items respec personal property for ca«h or on 8 month» credit, bonds or stocks, shares of stock, tively so that when complete such state credit at 8 per cent, interest. 1 Work and Conveyancing. of joint s ock or other companies (where ment shall truly and distinctly set forth. In re estate ot S. E . Patterson, de Morgan Blk. H IL L SB O R O , O r . the property of such company is not as First: The number of horses one year ceased; will admitted to probate and sessed in this state,) moneys leaned or old and over and the value thereof. Sec Amy L. Patterson appointed executrin V. M. LANGLEY, invested annuities, franchises, royalties ond: The number of stallions aud their without bonds. John W. Sewell, R . R. and other personal property. Second: value. Third: The number of mules Collins and Louis Manning appointed A ' AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Good Horses He shall also list separately and in the and asses one year old and upward and appraisers of said estate. • Prosecuting Attorney. The number name of his principal, all moueys and the value thereof. Fourth: , , . , In re estate of Thomas Bellinger, dec’d Collections a specialty. New Rigs other personal property invested, loaned o f cattle one year old and over .nd the | A c _ St Joh„ Prank Everett , nd H . Up-stairs, Woods A Caples or otherwise controlled by him as agent value thereof. Fifth: The number of ! E. Harmon appointed appraisers o f Building. Moderate or attorney on account of auy other per blooded bulls and the number of blooded , property of this estate in Washington. son or persons, company or corporation cows and their value. Sixth: The uum- Appraised value of said estate in Wash- Prices pc E ire Attd A c c id en t In su ra n c e whatsoever; and all moneys deposited ber ° f sheep and their value, Seventh: ingtou county, $5281.51. Peace Lo an s, C ollection s subject to his order, check, or draft, and The number of blooded sheep and their In re estate of Jacob A. Hanton, dec’d. the credits due from or owing by, any value. Eighth: The number of goats hearing of objections to disallowance d f Everything from a Saddle Horse to a Four-in-hand Carryall person, or persons, body corporate. at,d their value. Ninth: The number of claims of J . A. Rofaid. Same disallowed . I. KJMIGJHT J Third: The property of a minor child bogs and their value. Tenth: The num- and action dismissed. Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers shall b* Hated to his guardians by the ber of wagons, carriages, hacks, drays Marriages.—Morton L. Day and Ben- Fire Insurance person having such property in charge, and other vehicles of whatsoever kind Hunters and Fishermen | Fourth: The property of an idiot or and their value. Eleventh: The num- sie Schlup. W. A. McCarberjr sad . .and Loan Broker. Take Jones’ Bus to and from all trains lunatic by the person having charge of : her of feet of saw-logs, timber, cordwood Joanna Powl. Baggage and freight called for and delivered such property. Fifth: The property o » ¡a n d lumber, whether on land or afloat Thirty years is • long time to fight so O rkgon RO ---------------- - person for whose benefit it is held in and the value thereof. Twelfth: The painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob number of pianos, melodians, organs trust by the trustee. Sixth: The pro Mitchell, of Unionville, Pa., struggled H. O . Ö T S W A S T , perty of corporations whose property is and other musical instruments and their that long before he tried DeWitt’o Ass’t Cashier. value. Thirteenth: The value of all , in #ie hands of receivers by such rcceiv- Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly and ers. Seventh: The property of a body household furniture. Fourteenth: The permanently cured him. It is equally PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. politic or corporate by the president or value of office furniture. Fifteenth: The effective in eczema and all skin affections. f orest rove value of gold and silver plate and plated proper agent or officer thereof. Eighth: Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by The property of a firm or company by a ware. Sixteenth: The value of dia N P FANNER, Proprietor Toilet Articles, A Chance to See M ercury. an Experienced Pharmacist and from partner or agent thereof. Ninth: The monds, jewelry, watches and clocks. The planet Mercury is rarely i f ever GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Stationery, property of manufacturers and others in Seventeenth: The value of all agricul seen by the ordinary observer; it is never the Best and Freshest material. d telegraphic transfers sold on New News Depot. the hands of an agent, by such agent in tural tools and machinery. Eighteenth: farther from the sun than o and San Francisco. the name of his principal the same as The value and description of every fran degrees and is, most of the time, too L O N G DISTANCE TELEPHONE. ange payable at sight in London, i merchandise. Tenth: The property of chise, annuity, royalty and patent right. near the sun to be seen at all. The last Amsterdam. Brussels, Stockholm, -the-Maia as well as all other JVIAIN S T R E E T , JHILLSBO^O. the estate of a deceased person by the Nineteenth: The valbe of every steam es and centers o f trade throughout week in tbis month and the firat boat, sailing vessel, steamship, tug-bep.t, ingdom, Ireland and Continental Subscriptions Received for the W a sh in g to n C o u n ty H a t c h e t , executor or administrator. three or four days in May, constitute u Sec. 12.—All persons, companies or wharf-boat, borge, or any other boat or rare opportunity. On the 26th inat. T h e C ounty N E W S p a p e k . s taade at all accessible points, corporations in this state owning steam water craft whatever. Twentieth; The Mercury will be nearly 1 hour and ao hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. boats, sailing vessels, wharf boats, tugs, value of all goods, wares and merchan- minutes behind the sun, and in addition T E CORNELIUS MELKI JOHNSON barges or other water crafts shall be re- I disc which any person has on hand for to this it will be about 8)4 degrees farther quired to list the same for assessment sale, the value of materials, and wholly north of the ecliptic which will delay ita and taxation in the county, town or or partly made up materials and stock in setting about 33 minute». Tbua while district in which the same may belong trade and manufactured articles which j D EAL ER S IN the sun will set on that day at about 7:00 or be enrolled, registered or licensed; such person is required to list as nianu- | p. m., Mercury instead of setting at or kept when not enrolled, registered or facturer. Twenty-first: The value of 1 about 8:20 will not reach the true horizon licensed, provided, tnat when sea-going manufacturer’s tools, implements and | till about 8:53. Special Bargains in Twenty and Forty Acre vessels registered or enrolled in the state machinery, including engines, boilers On the 20th of August next, Mercury o f Oregon shall not be assessed at any j and other motive power and fixtures, i Tracts in Washington, Yam hill will be about 1 hour and 40 minutes bo- greater ratio than the same class of ves- Twenty-second: The amount of moneys hind the sun, but will also be 11)4 de and Tillamook counties. sets is assessed in the Port o f San Fran- of banks, other than whose capital is re- | grees farther south toward the ecliptic cisco, California, and the county court of presented by shares of stock, bankers, and this will ho accelerate the time of ral Implements, such as FOREST G R O V E ............................. O R E G O N . each county shall prescribe the ratio of brokers, or stock jobbers. Twenty- i ' its setting that it will come to the hori- such taxation. ! thrid: The amount ot credits of banks, Buggies, Plows, Harrows, | zon only about one hour later than the Sec. 13.— Persona! property of gas and other than those whose capital is rtpre- j sun. Near the equator and in tile south ools, Etc. Also Paints, water companies shall lie listed and as- sented by shares of stock, bankers, ern hemisphere August 20 will be a very sesseil in the county, city or town where brokers or stock jobbers. 1 wenty- favorable time for seeing Mercury. Plaster and Cement. thc principal works are located. Gas fou th: The amount of moneys, other On Decern her 20th Mercury will bu GROVE, OREGON. GALES C REEK. and water mains and pipes laid in roads, than banks, bankers, brokers or stock about t hour and 36 minutes behind tlw streets and alleys shall be held to be jobbers. Twenty-fifth; The amount of sun aud it will be hut a trifle fnthnr personal property. j credits other than a bank, bankers, bro- south, but its path will tie so low that Sec. 14.—The personal property o f ; kers or stock jobbers. Twenty-sixth: any thing like a high hill will hide it street railroad and ferry companies The amount and value of shares of bank scon after sunset. In general we may shall be listed or assessed in the county, ! stock, and the name and location of say that when Mercury is evening star hi «»y or town where such property may ! bank iaaning the same Twenty- ^ |prjng u , fa¥orabu ______ ! be and the track ahall lie deemed to be acventh: The amount and value of shares ^ being seen and vioe versa w h e a ltte of capital stock of companies and aaaoci-1 - _ , , , L o w P r ic e * , 1 . F . 7 . .. , , morning star in the autumn it la ila I a CHAS. H IA TT, ' Proprietor. o£ h e rty- Prompt Delivery, 5 p - r T owner of personal pro- at ion a not incorporated by the laws of gQod tQ Wew * I Sec. I 1 a.—The 0» ast place to get your Excellent Quality. perty moving from one county to another tbis state. Twenty-eighth: The value of (tw ill lx- about ' V hours ahead a f *ta until you reach Til- between the first day o f April and the atock. and furniture of mmple room. ^ „ * f a o rth > k w a -*• I can y a full line o f Bneklen’s Arnica Salve. firat of June shall be assessed in either and eating house», including billiard to- rfat abo(jt f w hoU^g earlier tba„ the „ ds and Groceries, The B e s t Salve i "j th® world for O t s county in which he is firat called upon blea, bagatelle tables, or any other table ^ j,a tb ^ a>(OUt ^ by the assessor. The owner of personal on which gam e, are played with balls and L j ter ' thaD it ^ ------ r . nt Medicines, Bntises. So«*- Tetter, ¿ happed Hands this ------- state ------- from ( cue». Twenty-ninth; The number o f 1 Fever Sores. Te 4^d ail Skin Erup- i property m o v in g into ---- ------ thus rendering it leas liable be shut Chilblains, Corns, Piles, or no another state between the first day of fire and burglar proof safes and vaults from view by any high object. Thirtieth: The April, and the first day of June, ahall and their value. ®c k le an d atl n e c e ssa ry On June 15th, Mercury will be 1 1 value of all elevators, ware ; list the property owned by him on the B . I « \ C a t o h i n i f , for a ca m p o u tfit. and 35 minutes a head of the m *5 cents per Tard 1 mil# XorthwaX of Forest «fo r# firat day a f April of each year, provided, houses, cleaners, scales and other im about 6 degrees farther north which Miller. ^«•■anieation between that if such person has been aaaeaaed and provements on land, the title of which make it rise about 2 boars before tha 1 Breve and Tillamook. can make it appear to the aaaeaaor that ia vested in any railroad company or but doubtleaa none will care to Ha he is held on the current year on the whether any railroad or other grant. 2:13 a. m. just to see a star. property in another state, county or Thirty-first: The valoe of all improve- argent J. E. W a l k « W. WARD, M. D. fCoutiuued GROCERY STORE Forest Grove Laundry ____and Dye House. mm W. S. BALDW IN, M anager. JO N E S ’ S T A B L E brock ’ s F D rug sto re . G JOHNSON & CORNELIUS REAL ESTATE agejm t , DWARE TOVES TIN W A RE lliT M irw T L T R O U T MILL. All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. Whoa! the . . . i hance Grocery. Brick for Sale! 160,000 Good Quality Cheap Cigars and Tobacco. S LES CREEK. , re 1 st« ine Xallouai, I